Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 1004: Task space


After weighing the pros and cons, Chen Lin decided to complete the title mission immediately.

There are three reasons.

The first is that the Demon Realm is very important to him, because the Demon Realm and Luo are mortal enemies, and it is also a world that Luo cannot enter. If he encounters Luo's attack in the real world, hiding in the Demon Realm is the best choice, and this channel cannot be lost.

Then there is the thousand-year catastrophe, which may be less than a thousand years now.

It is unknown what kind of disaster it is, but it must be the increase in energy that causes the virtualization of the original domain. If it cannot leave, it will be completely virtualized, with no possibility of turning virtual into real and becoming a 'real' existence.

If you have no ambition for immortality, then whether it is imaginary or real, there is actually no difference.

A virtual person does not know that he is virtual, which is the same as being real. After all, there is no obvious difference between virtuality and reality. They all experience birth, old age, sickness and death, and have the same seven emotions and six desires.

But he was not willing to give up. He wanted to see the outside world and he had higher aspirations.

So the title must be obtained.

With a title, one can have a higher survival rate in the demon world, and perhaps be able to enter more advanced demon world scenes, thus transferring to a more advanced interface.

The last point is the opportunity to escape promised by the Food Guardian.

The title mission is bound to be extremely difficult. Once something goes wrong in the Demon Realm after this incident, and the Food Guardian cannot fulfill his promise, the possibility of him completing the mission will be greatly reduced. "

Since this task has to be done sooner or later, it is better to do it sooner rather than later. If you delay, you will suffer the consequences.

After making the decision, Chen Lin gathered everyone on the island and downgraded Ruyi Island by two levels.

If he is not on the island, Xiaocao and the blind girl will be taken away, so it is not safe to stay on this level.

Even if he could descend one level, there was no guarantee, because he would also take the divine snail shell with him.

The divine snail shell is obtained through the Food Island and can be manifested in the demon world scene. Moreover, this object can be stimulated by innate power and can also be used by the projected body.

Going down two levels, with Zhou Shiwu, a realm-level Divine Incarnation cultivator, and a powerful island protection formation, there will be no problem.

After all, he was just going to complete a mission. Regardless of success or failure, the results would be out in a year or two, so it wouldn't take too long.

Everything was ready. Chen Lin took out the mission invitation and initiated it decisively.

The invitation letter burst into a ball of light, enveloping him, and then the whole person disappeared.

The grass beside was a little worried, waiting quietly to be summoned into the demon world.

But after waiting for a long time without any response, she immediately left the secret room and saw that the blind girl was still guarding outside and had not been called away. She was immediately confused.

Chen Lin's figure flashed and landed in an empty and desolate area.

He quickly looked around and found that there were huge pillars reaching into the sky in the distance. There was no pattern to them and he didn't know how many there were.

This situation made him understand immediately that the tasks of the title were different from those of Zhang Zitong's official position, at least there would be no such thing as assessment theory.

Seeing no danger for the time being, Chen Lin checked himself.

Then he was surprised to find that it was the real person who came in!

This was totally beyond his expectations.

According to Zhang Zitong, when the other party accepted the official mission, he entered through projection, so all his preparations were made according to the projection.

After some experiments, Chen Lin discovered that it was indeed his real body that entered. His magic power could be freely circulated and various treasures could be used, but they would be suppressed to a certain extent, just like his real body entering the demon world.

This is very beneficial for him, as his real body is definitely stronger than the projection.

The Green Ivy Shield activated his body protection, and he used the Soul Armor Technique. Chen Lin then set his eyes on the invitation letter in his hand.

This object did not disappear, and it even emitted a faint fluorescence, as if expressing something.

After opening it, Chen Lin raised his eyebrows immediately.

I saw that the original huge "male" character had disappeared, and instead, there was an arrow. As his body swayed, the arrow kept changing its direction.

The meaning is obvious, he needs to go in the direction of the arrow.

In addition, an hourglass pattern appeared in the originally blank space next to it, and the golden sand inside was falling down little by little.

This is easy to understand, indicating that the task still has a time limit.

In addition to these two things, there was a pattern of five stars at the bottom of the invitation, which made Chen Lin a little confused.

After studying for a while without any result, and with time limit, Chen Lin did not dare to delay, so he stopped thinking about it and immediately started to test the situation here.

The first thing to do is to spread out the Soul Wing Technique and fly into the air to see if there is any no-fly barrier.

He flew to a very high altitude without encountering any obstacles, and then he landed on the ground in surprise.

There is no height limit, which has never been seen in the demon world scenes. All the scenes he entered have very strict height restrictions.

Not only are there no restrictions here, but there are no road barriers at all, as if it is not in the demon world.

However, Chen Lin did not think too much about it. After all, it was a mission space, so it was normal to have some special features.

The hourglass on the invitation letter had already leaked a lot, so he didn't delay any longer and flew low in the direction of the arrow.

A quarter of an hour later, Chen Lin stopped and looked towards the bottom of a giant pillar not far away. He saw a sturdy man holding a black dagger looking at him coldly.

He also looked at the other person.

When he saw the dagger in the other person's hand, his eyes suddenly narrowed and he retreated quickly.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of black light fell at the place where he had just stopped, carrying with it a captivating sharp aura.

Feeling this aura, Chen Lin became more and more convinced that what he had expected was right. This muscular man was actually a follower of Tianluo!

Whether it was the shape of the black dagger, the performance without any energy fluctuation like an ordinary person, or the swift and fierce attack, they were all exactly the same as the Tianluo believers encountered in the ice and snow interface.

And they are elites!

Chen Lin instantly understood the content of the title mission, which was merit!

Since ancient times, there has been no knighthood without military merit, and the best way to gain military merit is to kill foreign enemies. Given the deep hatred between Tianluo and the demon world, it is reasonable to kill Tianluo believers to gain merit.

I just don’t know whether this space is a simulated illusion or it really exists!

It was impossible for Chen Lin to be distracted during the battle. All his thoughts just flashed through his mind, and at the same time, he pointed his finger and hit exactly where the sturdy man appeared.

He had fought with Tianluo believers more than once or twice, so he had rich experience and could hit his targets accurately without any mistakes!

The sturdy man didn't seem to expect that Chen Lin could not only predict his attack, but also calculate his landing point. After being hit, he was still surprised and puzzled, but was immediately corroded by the energy of the Soul-Destroying Finger, and his life was quickly cut off!

In an instant, he died!

Chen Lin was not careless, and he used his Soul-Destroying Finger again. Only after he saw the opponent's body turned into ashes did he feel relieved.

They are indeed Tianluo followers, even their state after death is the same.

After taking a look at the crystal in the ashes, Chen Lin took out a puppet and controlled it to pick it up. After seeing nothing unusual, he picked up the dagger as well.

Chen Lin took the thing, checked it again, and took out a special box to put it away.

Then we came under the giant pillar.

The giant pillar was very thick, requiring at least a hundred people to hug it, but there was no special energy or pattern on it, it was just pitch black.

Chen Lin flew around the giant pillar and couldn't help frowning.

It doesn’t matter whether the pillar is special or not, but how do you redeem the merits after killing the Tianluo believers

He came here to complete the mission of becoming a noble, not to gain experience in killing people. No matter how many Tianluo believers he killed, it would be useless if he failed to complete the mission, and he couldn't even leave.

He has just tried it, and the real body cannot be repelled. The teleportation token of Food Island has also lost its effect. He estimates that the forced crossing scroll is useless because that thing mainly targets projections and may not be useful for the real body.

While thinking, Chen Lin opened the invitation letter.

The scissors on top were still shaking, and the hourglass was leaking a lot, but the other parts of the leaves remained unchanged.

Seeing that the golden sand in the hourglass was leaking more and more and had already exceeded half, Chen Lin did not dare to delay. He immediately spread his soul wings and continued to shoot in the direction of the arrow.

Not long after he flew out, his body suddenly twisted and avoided a huge scarlet claw that suddenly appeared from the void, and then a huge one-eyed monster appeared.

As soon as this thing appeared, the entire space was filled with a strong evil aura, especially where the opponent's one eye was looking, waves of scarlet mist rolled.

Evil beast!

Chen Lin was shocked.

The aura this monster exudes is the same as that of the evil beasts influenced by Shura, but even more intense.

Not only that, the other party's single eye is exactly the same as Shura's eyeball, but it is countless times smaller.

"hold head high!"

The monster missed its attack and let out a roar. Its figure disappeared instantly. The next moment, it appeared above Chen Lin's head. Several huge claws grabbed him from different directions, blocking all the space for him to hide.

But Chen Lin was not panicked.

He had also dealt with Shura before. The main ability of this thing was to alienate people. Its actual attack power was not as good as that of Tianluo believers. As long as he could resist the evil power of rules released by the other party, he would have won half the battle.

Of course, not everyone can resist this kind of rule power. He was not affected because he had condensed his soul seed.

Time was running out, so Chen Lin did not try any other means. He just moved his fingers and sent out several soul-destroying fingers.

The distance was too close and the monster was too huge, so except for one arrow that missed, the others all hit the target.

The monster's body twitched and then fell to the ground with a bang!

However, the monster's body did not turn into ashes, but was preserved intact.

Chen Lin's face became solemn. This phenomenon was the same as the evil beasts he had encountered before. It seemed that this was not an illusion.

If it is not an illusion, then it is the place where the Demon Realm and Luo are fighting, and the degree of danger increases sharply.

In fact, there is no need for anything else. If he did not have the Soul-Destroying Finger, that elite Tianluo believer would not be someone a Lianxu cultivator could deal with. The danger level of this title mission has already become apparent. No wonder even the Food Guardian does not think highly of him.

There is no point in thinking too much. Now that he is here, he cannot leave. Chen Lin put away the corpse of the evil beast and continued to fly towards the direction of the arrow.