Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 1010: Giant pillar


In the end, Chen Lin chose the superior room.

Judging from the current situation, we cannot say that we are safe even in the camp, so it is better not to separate from the blind girl.

If it wasn't for safety reasons, there was no need for him to stay in the inn. Neither he nor the blind girl would be affected by the alien energy.

But when he made this choice, the old shopkeeper immediately smiled knowingly, and even Master Wanmeng showed a strange look.

Chen Lin didn't explain. After paying the magic coins, he went upstairs.

The superior room was on the third floor. It was very spacious and divided into two rooms, one for him and one for the blind girl.

With the previous experience with Hua Ruyu as a lesson, he now tries his best to avoid any close contact with the other party. He only uses the other party's fighting power and avoids other aspects.

After checking the facilities in the room, Chen Lin showed a look of satisfaction.

As expected, there is no abnormal energy at all. If you use spirit crystals to set up a spirit gathering array, you can even practice.

However, he is now stuck at the bottleneck of the middle stage of the Void Refining Realm. There is no need to waste time here. It would be better to complete the task and leave early.

As soon as the inspection was completed, Master Wanmeng came to visit.

"I wonder what plans Fellow Daoist Chen has next?"

After being invited into the room, Master Wan Meng began to ask questions openly.

He had been trapped here for too long, and now the appearance of Chen Lin gave him hope of escaping, and he seemed a little impatient.

Chen Lin looked at the other party and said, "Of course, I will continue to hunt Luo monsters. Is there any other way to gain merit?"


Master Wan Meng answered immediately.

Then he continued, "However, the level of the Luo monsters within the giant pillar is too low. There are not enough of them. If we want to complete the mission, we can only go outside. Do you think you can guarantee your safety outside, Fellow Daoist Chen?"

Speaking of this, Chen Lin became serious.

After a moment of hesitation, he said, "What is the specific situation outside? How many Luo monsters are there above four stars? How big is the range?"

He had just arrived here and didn't understand many things. He didn't know whether he could stay safe outside.

Master Wan Meng immediately replied: "No one knows how large the range is, because no one can go deep into it."

"Even the General's Mansion doesn't know?"

Logically speaking, the General's Mansion should have proactively announced this information. After all, they were hunting down Luo monsters to fight for the Demon Realm. The more information they knew, the better they could complete their mission.

Master Wan Meng said in a deep voice: "I am also confused about this matter. The General's Mansion has never released such information, and the books of the Merit Hall are also vague. I suspect they probably don't know either."

"How is this possible?"

Chen Lin was stunned.

Then he asked in confusion: "As the remaining force that hunted Luo, it seems a bit unreasonable that they don't even know how big the enemy's territory is. Doesn't anyone know the reason?"

Master Wan Meng shook his head.

"There are only a few demon creatures in the General's Mansion. Apart from handling affairs according to the rules, they never come into contact with anyone. The guards can communicate with them briefly, but they don't seem to know much."

This situation made Chen Lin very puzzled, and he frowned and began to think.

Master Wan Meng then said, “So the people here suspect that this camp is not the main camp that fought against Luo, but should be just a branch. The Demon Realm has lost control of this place and can only use the rules to send some people here!”

Chen Lin nodded slightly.

There is a certain possibility in this statement.

If this is the case, it is still quite advantageous. Since it is not the main battlefield, there will not be as much residual energy after Luo's collapse, and the number and level of Luo monsters will be relatively weaker.

Putting aside this doubt, Chen Lin asked again: "You have been here for so long, have you never been outside the range of the giant pillar?"

“I have been there!”

Master Wan Meng nodded immediately.

Then he continued, "I've been there three times in total. The first two times I came back safely and got some small gains. But the third time I met a five-star Shura. He just looked at me from a distance and I turned into a monster. It was a master who passed by and saved me. After I came back, I was restored to normal with the purification light."

A look of remorse appeared on his face, and he said, "The feeling of turning into a monster is very terrifying. It made me lose my mind and gave rise to inner demons. The purifying light can only purify the body and soul, but not the mind. As a result, I have not dared to face the Luo monster for more than two hundred years and have been hiding in the camp."

"Fortunately, I still have some means to eliminate the erosion of demonic energy, so I won't become a demon. Whenever the erosion is too serious, I will come to this inn to relieve it for a while. It was not until the last few decades that I got better."

Chen Lin suddenly realized.

No wonder the other party has made no achievements here for hundreds of years, this turns out to be the reason.

Otherwise, with the other party's ability to explore the demon world and his mysterious methods, it shouldn't have come to this.

At this time, he thought of a question, looked at the other party and asked, "What is the punishment for Daoist Wan Meng? What level of task do you need to complete?"

"Four-star mission."

Master Wan Meng seemed very depressed.

With his ability, hunting a three-star monster is very difficult, and a four-star monster is simply impossible. But in order to complete the task, he not only has to hunt a four-star monster, but he has to hunt ten!

Otherwise, he would have to hunt down a five-star one, who could turn into a monster with just a glance. He didn't even dare to think about it.

That's why when he saw Chen Lin, he felt like he had seen a life-saving straw.

Chen Lin felt even more depressed.

If the other party is so worried about the four-star task, then isn't his five-star task hopeless? The title is really not easy to get!

But now that things have come to this, there is no use in feeling sorry for myself. I still have to find a way to complete the mission, and I can't delay it. The demon world is about to change, and I have to finish it before the change begins, otherwise it will be even more difficult.

Calming down his mood, Chen Lin hesitated for a moment and took out a basket of buns.

Put it on the table and push it in front of Master Wanmeng.

"This is?"

Master Wan Meng was a little confused.

In his perception, this bun is just an ordinary bun, without any energy fluctuation, which means that it is made of ordinary materials. He doesn't know what Chen Lin takes it out for.

Although he had been trapped for hundreds of years, he had no need for such worldly things.

Chen Lin said calmly: "It's a special delicacy. Try one."

Master Wan Meng looked suspicious, but since Chen Lin said so, he couldn't refuse, otherwise it would seem like he was on guard.

So he reached out, picked up a bun, and put it into his mouth.

His eyes immediately lit up. Although these buns were not spiritual food, they tasted really good and were good for satisfying the appetite.

But immediately, his expression froze, his eyes slowly closed, and he looked intoxicated.

After a while, two tears dripped from the corners of his eyes and his expression became relaxed.

After a long time, he gently wiped the corners of his eyes and opened his eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, this bun?"

Master Wan Meng couldn't imagine that there were such magical buns in the world, and they were not spiritual food.

Chen Lin smiled and said, "This is a soul bun. It comes from a demon world scene. It has the magical effect of soothing the soul. How is it? Can it help to repair your soul?"

“It works great!”

Master Wan Meng stood up, bowed respectfully, and said, "Thank you, Daoist Fellow Chen, for your help. I am deeply grateful. I have no way to repay you at this moment. If I ever leave, I will never forget this kindness!"

He meant what he said.

Ever since the hole appeared in his mind, he tried countless methods, but to no avail. In the end, it was only with the help of time that he slowly recovered.

But time can only relieve the pain, but cannot heal it, which makes him dare not leave the range of the giant pillar. If it continues like this, he will have no hope of leaving.

But now with this magical bun, things have turned around. Even if he can't get any other help from Chen Lin, he is still not completely without a chance if he plans slowly on his own.

Chen Lin was very satisfied with Master Wan Meng's attitude. He was able to judge the situation and did not continue to maintain his status. This made it easier to get along with him.

But the reminder still needs to be reminded.

He closed the steamer, pushed it closer to the other party, and said, "This steamed bun is worth 10,000 magic coins. You must not waste it."

Master Wan Meng paused for a moment as he stretched out his hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

But in the end, he gritted his teeth, took the steamer in his hand and put it away.

Now, let alone ten thousand magic coins, even one hundred thousand magic coins would have to be used. As for how to pay it back, that would be a matter for the future.

Naturally, Chen Lin had no intention of asking the other party to pay him. He just wanted the other party to know the value of the things and not to think that things made of ordinary materials were worthless.

After the other party put away the buns, he said seriously: "You should know which masters are there in this camp."

The reason for asking this is not to form a team, as it is unrealistic to do so here, but to trade the map outside the giant pillar and information about Luo monsters with this master.

Even if he wanted to go out and hunt Luo monsters, he had to find those that were alone. Otherwise, he would not be able to handle it if he encountered two or even more at once.

Master Wan Meng immediately understood Chen Lin's thoughts.

After a pause, he said, "There are indeed some experts, but they are all solitary and rarely interact with others. Some of them don't even return to the camp."

"Not going back to the camp?"

Chen Lin was surprised and asked, "Then where do they live? Are they outside the range of the giant pillar?"

He had explored the area within the giant pillar before, but did not see any buildings. It was a desolate place with unobstructed vision and he could see far away at a glance.

"Of course not." Master Wan Meng shook his head and said, "They live on top of the giant pillar."

"On top of the giant pillar?"

Chen Lin showed a surprised look and said, "Aren't those giant pillars the core of the formation? Can people live on them?"

According to the information he had learned before, the giant pillar formation was used to absorb higher-level energy. He never thought that it could be inhabited, so he didn't pay attention to it during the exploration.

Master Wan Meng explained: "It is naturally impossible to live in a normal array, but some of them have been abandoned, so they will not be affected by the energy."

After a pause, he continued, "Also, if you live up there, you don't have to worry about being touched by the parasites, but you have to be able to withstand the attacks of the three-star Luo monsters."