Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 1013: Destroy four stars


The blind girl's ability to restrain Tianluo made Chen Lin feel at ease.

This is the issue he is most worried about.

Youluo and Shura are fine, as their giant eyes, evil beasts and parasites derived from them can all be sensed in advance. However, Tianluo's hiding ability is too strong, and he is fast and can ignore defense. Once he is targeted, it is really difficult to deal with him.

If you are not careful, you can easily fall into this trap.

But if it can be discovered in advance, there is nothing to worry about.

"Master, there's something going on over there!"

Chen Lin had just put away his spoils when the blind girl flew to his side, pointed to a place and spoke in a deep voice.

He looked over immediately.

Without the blind girl's reminder, he also sensed the energy fluctuations, as if someone was fighting.

"Let's go and take a look!"

Chen Lin thought about it and decided to go over and take a look.

The two of them used their concealment skills and slowly approached the place where the fluctuations appeared.

A cup of tea later, a huge eyeball that was larger than a millstone appeared in sight, and at the same time, bursts of evil aura emanated from it.

Shura clone!

Chen Lin stopped and looked surprised.

His luck was pretty good as he actually encountered a Shura Giant Eye. Judging from the strength and size of its aura, it was the four-star level he wanted most!

The evil aura of the four-star giant eye was not too strong and did not cause any harm to them at all, but Chen Lin did not go directly over because there were three people besieging the giant eye.

As the information about the Great Projection of the Heavens spread, some practitioners in the camp began to form teams in order to gain merit as quickly as possible. Otherwise, they would feel too insecure if they left the range of the giant pillar formation.

As for the matter of parasitic species, we can only try to be careful and prevent them.

The two watched from a distance.

Soon Chen Lin was surprised to find that the three people were actually fighting the Four-Star Giant Eye on equal terms, and judging from the energy fluctuations released by the three people, their cultivation was not very high, at least much weaker than him.

But on second thought, there's nothing to be surprised about.

In this place full of Luo monsters, those who can survive must have some ability to deal with Luo monsters, otherwise they would have died long ago.

Anyone who can come here has been selected according to the rules of the Demon Realm. They exist to fight against Luo monsters. Their cultivation may not be high, but when it comes to dealing with Luo monsters, they cannot be judged by normal standards.

Take Master Wan Meng for example. He was sent here, so there must be some special thing about him that he doesn’t know about.

Even Wu Mengan, who was only at the Nascent Soul stage, could withstand the erosion of the rule power of a one-star Luo monster, and the Qingyi Divine Sword who was at the Asking Dao stage even claimed that he had the means to kill a five-star Luo monster.

On the other hand, in the real world, there are so many descendants of ancient cultivators and countless powerful people in the snowy scene, but they are frightened by some Tianluo believers and hide in caves and dare not show their heads.

The five-star giant eye of Tianluo can render five five-element spirits at least comparable to the peak of the seventh level helpless, and they have to rely on the power of the formation to trap them.

There is also the fairy palace in the Tiancang Realm.

Although the Immortal Palace Master's death was due to the three residual clones merging into one to form Xiao Luo, Xiao Luo is still Xiao Luo, not Luo's original body. Even a powerful pseudo-immortal like the Immortal Palace Master could not stop him, and he had to join forces with other pseudo-immortals and sacrifice their lives to defeat him again.

Even so, it could not be completely eliminated, but its level was reduced. The remaining parts had to be suppressed by the Immortal Palace with True Spirit-level spiritual treasures.

The three giant eyes formed by the residual energy have been weakened for countless years and have become the lowest four-star level. However, they still make He Zishu and other resurrected people feel like they are facing a formidable enemy. They have to introduce so many monks for sacrifice to activate the treasure that can hurt the giant eyes before they dare to deal with it.

From this we can see that things like Luo monsters are basically the same as creatures from the demon world. Although their methods are terrifying, they are also very simple.

For those who cannot resist their strange energy, there is simply no solution, but if one can resist this strange energy, they will be just ordinary monsters.

Of course, this kind of strange energy cannot be restrained by ordinary means. It requires equally high-level energy or high-level treasures.

Chen Lin secretly judged in his heart.

During this time, the situation of the battle changed.

The Shura Giant Eye, which originally had the upper hand, was hit by the red light from one of the attackers, and its aura suddenly rapidly declined.

This made him secretly surprised. He didn't know what kind of treasure the red light was that could hurt the four-star monster to such an extent in an instant.

But immediately, the four-star giant eye fought back.

A blood-red arrow formed in his eyes, and then with a terrifying evil aura, it shot towards the person who released the red light!

Chen Lin's expression froze.

Even the four-star giant eye can condense this kind of arrow attack. It seems that as long as it is the giant eye clone, it has this magical power.

He had personally experienced the power of this arrow, which could be said to be the killer move of the Giant Eye, and it was extremely terrifying. The arrow shot by the scarlet giant eye in the Tianxuan Realm even directly broke up the interface that had just been fused, and its power was evident.

He couldn't help but increase his attention. As long as the three showed signs of defeat, he would take action immediately. He had finally encountered a four-star Luo monster and he couldn't let it get away.

However, the worried thing did not happen.

I saw that the other besieger used some kind of treasure to release a yellowish-brown light, forming a light curtain that blocked the red arrow.

Although the light curtain collapsed in the end, the energy of the arrow was almost consumed and did not cause any trouble to the three people.

Instead, the last besieger threw out a black dagger, and took advantage of the weak moment when the giant eye had just released its arrow and stabbed it hard!

Although the giant eye was closed, the dagger still penetrated a large part, and scarlet blood flowed out from the eyelid.

Feeling the pain, the giant eye trembled violently, and then burst into a dazzling red light.

Chen Lin thought it was going to escape, but the red light quickly receded, and the black dagger was also bounced away. Then the giant eye emitted waves of strange fluctuations, releasing infinitely into the distance.

This feeling seemed to be sending a signal, giving him a bad feeling.

The blind girl next to him also spoke up at this time: "Master, the Luo monster is asking for help, should we leave first?"

The blind girl's words confirmed Chen Lin's guess, and the three people on the other side were even more experienced. As soon as the strange fluctuations of the giant eye were released, they withdrew and quickly fled towards the direction of the camp.

Fortunately, this reaction happened.

As soon as the three figures left the battle group, another giant eye of the same size appeared in the void and released a red light at the three fleeing people.

However, the three of them were extremely fast, and the red light had weakened a lot by the time it reached them. The man who could release the khaki light once again shot out a light curtain to block it, and the figures of the three people disappeared.

"Take me over there, and you beat the weak one!"

Chen Lin's eyes flashed, and he did not choose to escape. Instead, he spoke to the blind girl in a hurry.

Although there are two four-star monsters, the previous one has been seriously injured. With his and the blind girl's strength, killing it will not be a problem. This opportunity cannot be missed.

The blind girl didn't hesitate when she heard that. She stretched out her arms to embrace Chen Lin. Her mind turned as she wished, and she flashed to the middle of the two giant eyes. At the same time, the injured giant eye exuded a scorching breath, and wisps of pale flames burned.

The giant eye on the other side had just released a red light when it was pointed at by Chen Lin.

This finger not only carried the meaning of the finger, but also mobilized the golden energy of the soul seed, and even the soul-condensing bracelet was activated.

Even a lion uses all its strength to fight a rabbit, let alone a level 4 Luo monster that it has never faced head-on.

So after the Soul-Destroying Finger hit, the power of the Thundergod's Sword was divided into two parts, slashing towards the two giant eyes respectively.



Two muffled sounds were heard one after another, followed by a burst of blood.

There was a gleam in Chen Lin's eyes.

It was both expected and unexpected that the two giant eyes were killed so easily.

According to his inference, the intact giant eye that he was attacking would require a Soul-Destroying Finger and a portion of the power of the Thundergod's Sword to kill it, but in fact the power of the Thundergod's Sword was not used at all.

The light of the Soul-Destroying Finger had just touched the giant eye, and the opponent exploded like a ripe watermelon.

On the contrary, he thought that the seriously injured giant eye, which he thought could be directly burned to death by the blind girl's heart fire, persisted under the heart fire and was finally penetrated by the power of the Thunder God's Sword he separated, and exploded and died.

From this we can see that the Soul-Destroying Finger is still the best way to deal with Luo monsters.

There was no time to think too much. After the light faded, Chen Lin took a look at the floating red light particles, and immediately took out the bottles that he had prepared long ago and put them all away. He then spread his soul wings with the blind girl and shot towards the camp.


After returning, Chen Lin did not rush to check the light particles, but found Master Wanmeng and asked about the treasures used by the three people.

There are very few treasures that can restrain Luo monsters. These three people each have one. This phenomenon is very abnormal. He wondered if the weapons here can be exchanged for merits to deal with Luo monsters.

After hearing Chen Lin's question, Master Wan Meng hesitated for a moment and replied, "What Daoyou Chen said should be the source treasure. To be exact, it is the fake source treasure!"

"Yuanbao, what kind of treasure is that?"

Chen Lin's heart moved and he thought of something.

Sure enough, Master Wanmeng immediately replied: "The source treasure is the treasure of the origin, a pure rule-based treasure. I have never heard of it before. It was not until I came here and came into contact with the practitioners of the heavens and myriad worlds that I knew there was such a treasure."

Without waiting for Chen Lin to speak, he explained: "However, the real origin treasure is very rare. What the people here can bring out are just fake origin treasures, which are counterfeits made based on the origin treasure, similar to the fake spiritual treasures used by us cultivators."

Chen Lin nodded.

He had heard of the name Treasure of Origin. Back when he was at the Time Restaurant on Gourmet Island, the old man had said that someone had traded the Treasure of Origin for half a bottle of Endless Water at the Xiaoyao Conference.

At that time, he was very curious about what the treasure of origin was, but the other party did not explain in detail.

I didn't expect this place existed!