Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 107: Chamber of Secrets


Chen Lin felt his body being pulled, and then he appeared in a simple stone chamber. The walls on both sides were inlaid with luminous stones, emitting a faint light.

Seeing that there was no danger, he immediately checked his body and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he seemed to remember something and hurriedly took out the jade talisman from his chest.

Then his face turned extremely ugly.

At this moment, the jade talisman had disappeared, leaving only a pile of powder in the bag.

In this situation, recovery is definitely impossible.

This made Chen Lin very distressed, the jade talisman was his most handy magic weapon, it saved him from danger many times. If it weren't for this jade talisman, he would have died several times.

Even if he could exchange his jade talisman for a top-grade magic weapon, he would not trade it. He didn't expect to lose it here.

After feeling distressed for a while, Chen Lin calmed himself down, took out the Ming and Qing spiritual water, rubbed some on his eyes, then looked up.

After turning around several times and making sure that the red line was gone, he finally showed a little joy.

Although he didn't know whether the red line disappeared because he entered the golden light gate or because of the final burst of power of the jade talisman, he finally got rid of a worry.

Now, it depends on where this place is and whether there is an exit.

After calming down, Chen Lin turned his attention to his surroundings.

This stone chamber is very small and can be seen in its entirety. There is nothing inside.

Without pausing, he cast a Vajra Shield on himself and walked out of the stone gate.

Then he was stunned, and immediately held the flying sword horizontally in front of him.

Passing through the stone door is not the outside, but a stone chamber with a skeleton in the middle, wearing a golden robe.

Although it was unknown how long he had been dead, he still maintained a cross-legged sitting posture.

Apart from the skeleton, there are only four walls and no door.

"I don't know who built this ancient temple. How come the houses here don't have doors?"

Chen Lin complained a bit and came to the skeleton.

Since he could create a small light gate out of thin air next to the main light gate, this person should not be an ordinary person. I just don't know why he was trapped here.

This also made him extremely worried. Even people like this couldn't get out. Would he also be trapped and die in this place

I don’t know whether the golden light gate will appear every time the inheritance is opened, or does it only appear this time

If it only appeared this time, what is its purpose

Chen Lin's mind was full of questions.

He circled the skeleton several times but did not dare to act rashly.

The skeleton was wearing a golden cassock, and the cassock seemed intact, so one couldn't see what was inside. He was afraid that the other person's residual soul was still there, and he attracted people here in order to take over someone else's body.

He already regretted it in his heart. Why did he try to be so different? It would have been better for him to just go into the big light gate with everyone else.

Although the light gate would turn black in Ming Qing Ling Shui's sight and did not seem to be a good place, there was strength in numbers after all, and it was always better for everyone to be together than to be alone.

After observing for a while, Chen Lin shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Now that it has come to this, there is no point in thinking too much.

Not finding anything unusual with the skeleton, Chen Lin began to check the wall, knocking on it inch by inch with his flying sword, trying to see if there was any mechanism.

If he could find the secret door, he wouldn't touch the skeleton.

However, after checking all the walls, no place that might be a secret door was found.

In the end, Chen Lin returned to the skeleton.

With a flip of his wrist, a talisman appeared in his hand. It was the spirit-avoiding talisman he got from Ma Yu's storage bag.

According to Zhao Mengru, this talisman can isolate all spirits after being activated. If there really is an evil spirit in this cassock that wants to take over his body, it should be able to block it.

After thinking for a while, he took out another stack of evil-repelling talismans, put them into the bag where the jade talisman was placed before, and hung it on his chest.

Finally, he took out two evil-killing talismans and made preparations, then he used the flying sword to carefully lift the cassock off the skeleton.


The cassock was lifted up, and the skeletons that were originally sitting upright immediately fell to the ground.

Chen Lin felt relieved, there was no evil spirit present.

He shook the robe, and after making sure there was no problem, he took it in his hand to check.

This cassock is obviously a magical tool, and it seems to be of a fairly high level, otherwise it would be impossible for it to not have any signs of decay.

However, no matter whether he used his mental power to check or tried to stimulate it with his magic power, the cassock showed no reaction.

Chen Lin put the cassock aside temporarily, and fiddled with the bone frame with his flying sword twice, and then his eyes lit up.

I saw that there seemed to be a jade slip inside one of the hand bones.

He immediately used his flying sword to pick it up outside.

Instead of checking it first, I continued to turn it over and found something again.

It is round, the size of a thumb, and has a golden fluorescence.

"What is this? Is it a golden elixir?"

Chen Lin was shocked and immediately activated a talisman to kill evil.

The Evil-Slaying Talisman transformed into a ball of light that enveloped the golden bead, but there was no reaction.

Chen Lin then used his flying sword to push it aside and picked it up.

I squeezed it with my hand and it was very hard.

It's also very heavy in the hand, so the density should be very high.

But that was all, there were no other discoveries.

Chen Lin strongly suspected that this thing was the golden elixir of a golden elixir cultivator, but he had never seen what a golden elixir looked like, so he had no way to compare it.

Not to mention the golden elixir, he had never even seen a golden elixir-stage cultivator. In the entire Yan Kingdom, there was only one powerful golden elixir cultivator.

After looking at it for a long time without being able to figure out what it meant, he put it away and then checked the jade slip.

The jade slip was actually very ordinary, it was the jade slip commonly used in the world of immortal cultivation to record information. After seeing that there was nothing unusual, he placed it between his eyebrows to check.

It took him a full quarter of an hour to take the jade slip away, with a complicated look in his eyes.

All the mysteries were answered in this jade slip.

The owner of the skeleton in front of him is called Nian Kong. He was a monk from a temple called Zhenmo Temple in the ancient times. Zhenmo Temple was a large force at that time. The temples were spread all over the world of immortal cultivation, and their mission was to eliminate demons and monsters.

One day, Nian Kong came here with his fellow apprentices and found a monster harming people. After some investigation, they learned that it was a monster killed by a powerful man and its flesh and blood was scattered here, including the palm of a troll.

Over the years, the demonic energy in the devil's hand dissipated, turning some nearby creatures and monks into demons.

Nian Kong is very powerful, and he leads his fellow disciples to quickly purify the creatures contaminated by the demonic energy, but the demonic energy in the devil's palm is too strong and cannot be removed.

Finally, they chose to build a Demon-Suppressing Temple above the demon's hand, and used the Buddhist artifact Demon-Subduing Pestle as the center of the formation, and set up a demon-transforming formation, hoping to purify the demon's hand bit by bit over time.

So, the seven monks, who were fellow disciples, settled down in this demon-suppressing temple.

Although their cultivation is extremely low compared to the owner of the magic palm, it is just a broken palm after all, with limited demonic energy on it. In addition, Buddhist magic power can naturally restrain demonic energy, and with the refinement of the formation, the demonic energy on the magic palm is purified little by little over time.

More than ten years later, Niankong and others practiced in the temple, accepted incense and offerings, and helped the surrounding people to exorcise demons and monsters, gaining great reputation.

As a result, the cultivation of the seven of them improved greatly.

Especially Nian Kong, the senior brother, who broke through from the messenger realm to the Vajra realm in one leap!