Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 148: Find the door


Chen Lin did not leave Danding City, but changed his identity and got a new ID card.

Then he went directly to the rental office and rented a new room not far from the original room.

This was a decision he made after careful consideration.

Soul-questioning is not soul-searching, so there is no way to determine whether what Huang Yu confessed is true or not, and he is worried that Yue Baifeng of the Golden Phoenix Tower will leave a tracking mark on him. Although he did not notice anything abnormal in his body, the people of the Qishen Sect have strange magical powers that cannot be speculated by common sense.

Therefore, the city is actually the safest place.

Given the rules of the Danding Sect and the fact that the Qishen Sect was an unwelcome evil cult, the other party certainly wouldn't dare to attack him in the city, otherwise they wouldn't have sent Huang Yu to trick him out of the city.

After pondering it over and over again, Chen Lin was relieved when he was sure that there were no loopholes.

What’s a pity is the original ID card. The points in it can be used for nearly a month.

Next, Chen Lin used the crow puppet to monitor his original residence while refining the elixir.

Since Yue Baifeng had plans for him and noticed that he had been inferior to Jinfenglou for a long time, she would definitely come over to check.

He wanted to confirm whether the other party had any other subordinates besides Huang Yu.

Sure enough, within two days, someone showed up.

It turned out to be Madam Xu from the Golden Phoenix Tower.

Through the crow puppet, Chen Lin saw the other party knocking on the door for a while, and when no one answered, he frowned and left.

Chen Lin watched the other person disappear before he withdrew his attention.

Even Madam Xu came in person, so Yue Baifeng should not have any other subordinates.

However, he did not take back the crow puppet. He planned to monitor for another two days. At the same time, he would also monitor the area around his current residence. Anyway, his mental strength could withstand it, so he would see if there were any suspicious people around.

The effort was not in vain.

But in the evening of the next day, two more women appeared outside the original residence.

Both of them were wearing loose robes and veils, but Chen Lin still recognized them at a glance. One of them was the divine servant Yue Baifeng, and the other was relatively petite, probably the Son of God.

He was about to control the puppet to change the perspective to see if there was anyone else, when he saw the petite woman suddenly looking towards him.

Then the other party's eyebrows suddenly lit up, and a black light shot out!

Then, Chen Lin felt a buzzing in his head, as if he was hit by a sledgehammer, and two traces of blood flowed down his nostrils.

He was horrified!

Not only did the opponent discover and destroy his crow puppet, he also used his extended mental power to attack his body. What kind of ability is this!

Fortunately, his mental strength is strong enough, otherwise the foundation of his spiritual sea would be damaged!

And this is not the end. After being counterattacked, Chen Lin felt his body becoming hot. A primitive desire rose violently, causing him to have all kinds of unbearable hallucinations.

This change reminded him of the scene in the Black Water Marsh, except that the object was changed from the tall woman from the Xuanyin Sect to a petite, unclear figure.

What’s even more exaggerated is that as the two people in the illusion were entangled with each other, the energy and blood in his body were rapidly depleting.


Chen Lin snorted coldly, and a red lotus shadow appeared above his head. Bursts of red light scattered, and the evil thoughts in his heart were immediately cleared away.

He felt relieved.

The Burning Lotus True Fire ability was still effective in restraining this type of attack, but he did not dare to stay in the room. He put away the alchemy furnace, stood up, pushed the door open, and prepared to leave.

"Why do you have to treat me like a snake or a scorpion? Is it because my body is not soft enough?"

As soon as Chen Lin walked out of the room, he heard Yue Baifeng's voice, and then two figures appeared in front of him.

The other party found this place so quickly!

"Who are you, fellow Taoist? What are you talking about? Did you recognize the wrong person?"

Chen Lin touched his storage bag, took out the Fire Crow Talisman and held it in his hand.

This talisman is still the one he can activate the fastest and has the strongest attack power. Moreover, the fire-attribute talisman makes a lot of noise when used, which will definitely attract the attention of the guards in the city at this evening.

Yue Baifeng glanced at the talisman in Chen Lin's hand and said nonchalantly, "Chen Lang, stop pretending. I didn't expect you to be so cautious and actually discovered our plot. Your methods are also cruel enough. That useless Huang Yu must have died in your hands, right?"

As she spoke, she gently shook the small bell on her wrist, and a strand of hair fell off Chen Lin's head and shot into the bell.

"How is it? I hope Chen Lang didn't find my soul-binding thread."

Yue Baifeng giggled and gave Chen Lin a wink.

Chen Lin had no expression on his face. He just took out another talisman without leaving any trace and quietly inputted his magic power.

This is the talisman that Luo Qinglan gave him. It is extremely powerful, but it also takes a long time to activate.

He had long suspected that the other party had left a tracking mark on him, so he did not dare to leave Danding City. After all, the Qishen Sect was a large force with many masters. If he was tracked outside the city, any foundation-building cultivator could crush him to death.

He just didn't expect that the other party's tracking method was so strange that they actually pretended to be a hair of his. No wonder he didn't find it after checking his body.

"Sir Yue is indeed a good man, but this is Danding City. Do you really dare to do it here?"

Chen Lin asked coldly.

Naturally, he would not put his own safety above the rules of the city. The other party was a member of a cult. If they followed the rules, they would not be a cult.

No matter at what time, strength is the only life-saving talisman.

Hearing Chen Lin's words, Yue Baifeng smiled charmingly, "Whether you dare or not depends on your attitude, Chen Lang."

Then she continued, "But I don't think there is any deep hatred between us, and there is no need to fight. How about this, I will make a deal with you."

"What deal?"

Chen Lin asked doubtfully.

"As for the deal, I'm just handing your body over to my Son of God to use. Let's do it!"

Yue Baifeng's tone changed and he shouted softly. Several invisible energy waves rose up and enveloped the surrounding space.

Then, Madam Xu emerged from hiding, holding a battle flag in her hand.

Chen Lin's face changed. It turned out that the other party had delayed for so long just to set up a formation.

"Haha, my dear Chen Lang, do you want to surrender yourself, or do you want me to do it? But I won't use too much force, so I'm afraid it will hurt a little!"

Yue Baifeng looked at Chen Lin like a cat playing with a mouse. She had spent a huge amount of money to buy the formation plate. Not to mention the Qi training period, even the initial foundation building period could not break it with brute force. Moreover, it could isolate the inside and the outside, and was designed for use within the city.

Chen Lin looked at the other party coldly, without any sign of panic.

From the beginning to the end, he never thought about a peaceful solution and had already prepared for a battle.

And even if the talisman has not been activated yet, he is not without other means.

To strike first, Chen Lin directly activated the Fire Crow Talisman. A fire bird appeared from the talisman and pounced towards Yue Baifeng with a terrifying heat wave.

This fire crow is different from the fireball of the fireball talisman. No matter how the opponent dodges, it will chase after it.

"Haha, a top-grade Fire Crow Talisman. No wonder you hold it so tightly. Unfortunately, it's still not enough."

Yue Baifeng sneered and raised her hand. The emerald green bracelet on her other wrist fell off and suddenly enlarged. In a flash, it covered the blazing fire crow. After a few flashes, the fire crow went out with a puff and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the emerald green bracelet flashed again, and it reached above Chen Lin's head and covered him!

Chen Lin's face was gloomy. He quickly took out the Yuanling Shield Talisman and activated it. A khaki light shield blocked the bracelet. Although it only lasted for a breath, it gave him a chance to catch his breath.

“Go to hell!”

He growled, and his skin turned pale gold. His shadow transformation technique unfolded, and he appeared in front of Yue Baifeng in a flash. Then, he punched the opponent in the face with his fist wrapped in the Burning Lotus True Fire!