Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 153: Vision life


Half a year later.

Chen Lin opened his eyes in the quiet room, his eyes were as bright as lightning.

Although he had developed drug resistance from the several kinds of pills he had taken, he was still able to break through the bottleneck by taking large quantities.

Ninth level of Qi training!

Standing up and going outside, Chen Lin took out the Ice Sword and began to use it at will on the island.

The sword flashed like a streak of silk, moving east and west, as fast as lightning.

After playing for nearly a quarter of an hour, he finally retracted his flying sword feeling refreshed.

After resting for a while, he opened a passage in the formation, flew out of the island, found a remote place to change his appearance, transformed into a strong middle-aged man, and headed straight for Xuanyuan Island.

He has already solidified this appearance, and he uses the alias Ye Fan, which is used specifically for entering Xuanyuan Island. He is quite famous because he often purchases materials and sells elixirs.

The honest young man he was when he rented the cave was called Chen Zhili.

"Shopkeeper, have you received the materials I requested?"

In a shop called Tongtian Pavilion, Chen Lin asked the middle-aged shopkeeper.

"So it's Master Ye Dan, have you got any elixirs to sell recently?"

When the shopkeeper saw that it was Chen Lin, he immediately welcomed him inside and asked with a smile on his face.

Alchemists are welcome everywhere.

Chen Lin smiled and said jokingly, "I do have the elixir, but the shopkeeper hasn't helped me get the materials I need for such a long time. How can I sell the elixir to you?"

The shopkeeper laughed, "Master Ye Dan, you are wrongly accusing me. How could I not take your affairs to heart? Look at what this is!"

After saying that, he took out a jade box and opened it. Inside was an object as round as a pigeon egg.

"Young, the demon pill is of rare gold attribute!"

Chen Lin is now knowledgeable and experienced. He recognized the properties of the demon pill at a glance and picked it up excitedly to check.

After looking at it for a while, he put it down and said, "Not bad. Although it is not at the second level, it is also at the top level of the first level. It is barely enough. Do you know what monster it is from?"

The shopkeeper put the demon pill into the jade box and said proudly, "This is the inner pill of the four-eyed golden toad. It only comes out a few times a year in the entire market. If I hadn't kept it for you, Master Ye Dan, it would have been snapped up by someone else."

Chen Lin smiled when he heard this and said, "I know you're worried about this, boss. It just so happens that I have recently refined a marrow cleansing pill, so I'll sell it to you."


The shopkeeper's eyes lit up.

Although demon pills are precious, they are not rare in this vast ocean. On the contrary, marrow cleansing pills are rare enough to be put up for auction because of their extremely low success rate.

Chen Lin didn't keep the other party waiting. He took out a jade bottle and poured out a snow-white pill.

Then he suddenly seemed to remember something and asked, "Have there been any changes in the Broken Dream Mountains recently?"

The shopkeeper checked the pills and put them away after finding that there was no problem. He then said solemnly: "I was just about to talk to you about this. The situation over there doesn't seem to be good. The abnormality has begun to spread and is about to cover the entire Broken Dreams Mountain Range!"

“So fast!”

Chen Lin took a breath of cold air.

Just three months ago, rumors appeared in the market that the originally blue sky in the center of the Duanmeng Mountains had turned blood red. The scene was very strange, and the area was gradually expanding.

No one knows why this happened, and there are many different opinions among the monks.

Some said that there were strange phenomena in the sky and that a rare treasure was about to be born, while others said that gods and demons had descended to destroy the world.

There are more opinions that this vision is related to the prayer religion.

However, Chen Lin suspected that this might have been caused by the monster in Kaiyuan City.

During this period, he continued to inquire, but did not obtain any useful information. However, the major forces began to frantically collect cultivation resources, which made it impossible for him to buy other types of elixirs to improve his cultivation.

It was precisely for this reason that he went crazy and was determined to raise his cultivation to the ninth level at all costs. He would rather take some risks and collect a large amount of materials for refining the foundation-building pill.

Because as long as you reach the ninth level of Qi training, you can start building the foundation.

Although the possibility of building a foundation is lower with the lower the cultivation level, but if an unavoidable dangerous situation really occurs, you can't care so much. If it really doesn't work, just use the foundation-building pill pile. You would rather damage your body than not make a breakthrough!

With such a strange phenomenon, there will definitely be a great chaos. If we cannot build a foundation, we will probably have difficulty surviving.

The final tragic scene of Kaiyuan City kept appearing in his mind, where only one in a hundred survived.

If it was that monster, only the foundation-building cultivators could cut off the red line, and the Qi-cultivating cultivators would be helpless.

Chen Lin's face changed. He glanced at the shopkeeper and said, "The shopkeeper is a disciple of the Sea King Sect. Doesn't your sect have a definite explanation for this phenomenon? It's spreading so fast, I'm afraid this place will be affected too!"

The shopkeeper hesitated for a moment and said, "I can't tell you much about the sect's secrets. I can only remind Fellow Daoist Ye to prepare more means to exorcise evil spirits and demons. If you can improve your cultivation, do your best!"

Chen Lin's eyes flashed, and he nodded and thanked him: "Thank you for your reminder, shopkeeper. I understand."

Although the other party did not say much, Chen Lin also understood that this was a reminder to him that a great chaos was about to break out, and even a sea sect like the Sea King Sect would find it difficult to stay out of it.

The transaction was completed, and he left the store with a heavy heart.

Next, Chen Lin began to collect materials in the market.

In addition to the elixirs for refining the Foundation Establishment Pill, he has been collecting materials for refining the Foundation Establishment Puppet, the Demon Suppression Talisman, and the Green Jiao Spear, but he has not gathered them all. Some of them are hard to come by, and some are too expensive to be worth it.

But now I don’t care about the price. As long as they are useful, I buy them all. If I don’t have enough spirit stones, I will pay with pills.

Finally, in a store called Tianhai Pavilion, he bought the main materials for making the demon-suppressing talisman and ink, which gave Chen Lin a little surprise.

The Demon-Suppressing Talisman is a second-level talisman, specifically used to restrain evil spirits. If it is successfully refined at this time, it is just right for use.

Unfortunately, he was still missing two of the ingredients for the Foundation Building Pill he wanted most, so he couldn't refine the Foundation Building Pill for the time being.

He has already mastered the recipe for the Foundation Establishment Pill. This pill requires five main ingredients, which are very demanding, but there is no restriction on the types, as long as all five elements are present.

Now he already has the fire-attributed withered vine spiritual fruit, and when he was in Danding City he accidentally bought a wood-attributed three-color meditation lotus. He also just got the gold-attributed demon pill, and he still lacks spiritual medicines with water and earth attributes.

If that doesn't work, spiritual milk can be used as a substitute, but there is still one missing.

In addition, the elixir formula, the wood-attributed skills for the foundation-building period, and several spells that would help him escape that he wanted to buy were also nowhere to be found.

After walking around for a while and visiting all the shops and stalls in the market, Chen Lin left Xuanyuan Island after failing to find what he urgently needed.

This time he was in a hurry and had exposed his considerable financial resources, so he changed his appearance several times on the way back to avoid being followed.

However, they did not encounter any danger and returned to Xiaoqiu Island safely.

After entering the island, he began to refine the demon-suppressing talisman.

A few days later, Chen Lin opened the formation again, left the island, and headed straight towards the open sea!