Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 161: Enter the city


Chen Lin still went through the west gate.

Same city gate, same person, but very different state of mind.

"Stop, please show your token!"

As one of the three core bases of the Righteous Alliance, Danding City is strictly managed to prevent spies from the Qishen Sect from entering. All people entering and leaving must check their tokens.

Chen Lin was not angry when the guards tried to stop him. He smiled and said, "I am Lin Feiyu, a casual cultivator. I just successfully built my foundation some time ago. I came to the alliance to help eliminate demons!"

Using this identity was also a well-considered decision.

Given the current situation, if a casual foundation-building cultivator suddenly appears, the Alliance cannot help but investigate his origins, so he must use an identity with a past history.

In addition, this identity has many connections with Qingyang Sect, and they are all positive. If you meet a disciple of Qingyang Sect, you can also establish some relationships with him.

Things are different now than before. You can’t fight alone. Try to find someone to back you up. Otherwise, it will be difficult to protect yourself in these chaotic times.

There's no point in continuing to hide in the cave.

There was no spiritual vein in the cave, and during the past year or so, he had to control the Buddha's power almost all the time to expel the evil spirits in the air, resulting in no progress in his cultivation.

He is not a genius with extraordinary talent, and he is over fifty years old. If he wants to go far on the road to immortality, he cannot waste even a moment of time, otherwise there will be no hope of achieving the golden elixir.

After reporting his name, Chen Lin released his breath-concealing technique, unleashing the pressure of a foundation-building cultivator.

The guard at the city gate immediately saluted respectfully and said, "It turns out to be Senior Lin. Please wait a moment, I will contact the captain right away."

Chen Lin nodded, then stood leisurely beside the city gate, observing the monks coming and going.

He discovered that these cultivators were all walking in a hurry with serious expressions, which was completely different from the mentality of the cultivators who entered and left Danding City in the past.

I still remember the scene when Hu Xishan, Yu Zimo and I went boating on the Jinshui River, chatting, pointing out brothels, and excitedly entered the city.

Now, not only have the people passed away, but the city has also lost its former atmosphere.

Amidst the sighs, the captain of the guard was called over.

He is also a foundation-building cultivator, with a ruddy complexion and a tall stature.

After seeing Chen Lin, he first looked him over, then took out a disc-shaped magic weapon and said, "Please understand, fellow Taoist, in order to prevent the spies of the Qishen Sect from sneaking into the city, anyone without an identity token must pass inspection before entering the city."

“As it should be!”

Chen Lin gladly accepted it and stretched out his arms as if to go through security check.

"Okay, no problem. Welcome to join the alliance, Fellow Daoist Lin. Now please follow me to meet the Golden Core Elder who is in charge!"

After the inspection, the captain of the guard saw that there was nothing unusual, so he put away his magic weapon and said.

At this stage, there are very few independent cultivators outside. Even if they do appear, most of them are discovered and brought back by patrol teams, and not many of them take the initiative to surrender.

Therefore, any Foundation Establishment cultivator who wants to seek refuge must be received by the deacon elders in the late Jindan stage.

The purpose of this move is to prevent spies from the Qishen Sect from infiltrating. After all, once a Foundation Establishment Cult member joins, he or she may be assigned an important position and cannot be careless.

"Okay, thank you for your help then."

Since he has decided to join, Chen Lin will naturally abide by the rules without any resistance.

The captain of the guard was very satisfied with Chen Lin's attitude and his expression became much kinder.

The scenery inside the city gate remained the same, but without the commercial atmosphere, and instead had a more desolate feel.

The shop signs on both sides of the street have been taken down and replaced with offices of various sects or families.

Although the Righteous Alliance will unify the management of the cultivators, it cannot cut off the inheritance of any family or sect, as that will inevitably cause strong resistance.

In this world, inheritance is engraved in our bones and is more important than life.

In order to appease the people, the alliance established rules that any force that joined, no matter how small, could establish a stronghold.

The stronghold is protected by the alliance and is equivalent to the temporary residence of each sect. They usually meet and communicate with each other, but they must accept the unified dispatch and command of the alliance.

Chen Lin had already found out all this information, and he also knew that the alliance's decision-making level had nine deacons and elders, all of whom were in the late Jindan stage. There were three elders stationed in each of the three core bases.

These are also the reasons why he chose Danding City.

In the past, he was unwilling to join the sect because he did not want to work under the noses of high-level monks. He was afraid that his secrets would be discovered and he wanted to avoid trouble.

But now he wishes that the place where he is is full of high-level monks, so that he will be safe.

He had killed many people from the Prayer God Sect in the past, and even the Son of God had killed several of them. He definitely could not join the Prayer God Sect and could only stand on the side of the Righteous Alliance.

As for the secrets on your body, just use them as little as possible.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, please!"

The two walked forward and came to a tall building. After the captain of the guard reported, he led Chen Lin inside.

Then he whispered, "The one on duty today is Xuanyin Sect's head, Li Zhenren. Li Zhenren is very majestic, so fellow Taoist, please do not contradict him."

Chen Lin immediately said: "Thank you for your reminder, fellow Taoist."

He was also aware of this matter. The three deacon elders stationed in Danding City were Hai Mingyue, the Grand Elder of the Sea King Sect, Cang Jiuhuang, the Grand Elder of the Black Demon Sect, and Li Xuanming, the leader of the Xuanyin Sect. He just didn't know who would be on duty today.

Speaking of which, the identity he is currently using still caused some friction with the people of Xuanyin Sect, but times have changed and that has long become a thing of the past.

At that time in Heishuize, he was only in the Qi training stage, and he hid behind Su Chenyu the whole time. So many years have passed, it is impossible for the other party to still remember him.

As for the 'spiritual communication' with the tall woman from Xuanyin Sect, it was all fantasy in his mind and it never really happened. It was impossible for the other party to know everything he was thinking.

Of course, you should try to avoid contact if possible, but you don’t need to keep it in your mind all the time.

While Chen Lin was recalling the past, he was taken to a room that looked like a reception room.

There was only a middle-aged man in the room. He had regular features and was intimidating without even getting angry. A faint sense of oppression emanated from him.

"Elder Li, this is the independent cultivator Lin Feiyu, who claims to have just finished his retreat and is here to join the alliance."

The captain of the guard seemed to be a little afraid of Elder Li, and spoke with trepidation.

Seeing this, Chen Lin also bowed and said, "Greetings, Elder Li."


Li Xuanming hummed, then glanced over Chen Lin.

Chen Lin felt a breath that made his soul tremble falling on him, but he did not use his energy to resist. If the Jindan cultivator wanted to harm him, nothing he did would be of any use.

"Yes, it doesn't have the flavor of the Prayer Cult. Where are you from, and where have you been practicing?"

After the examination, Li Xuanming's attitude improved a little and his tone became kinder.

"To answer your question, senior, I am from Yan Country. I once practiced in the vicinity of Qingyang Sect, and then came to this place where Korea was divided, and have been living in seclusion in the mountains ever since. A few days ago, I was lucky enough to succeed in building my foundation, but when I came out, I found that the world had changed drastically. As a righteous cultivator, it is natural for me to take it upon myself to eliminate demons and defend the Way, so I came here to seek refuge."

Chen Lin had already prepared a draft, and his words were sincere and heartfelt.

Li Xuanming nodded and asked again: "Is there anyone you know in Qingyang Sect?"

This means we need to investigate the basics. Chen Lin thought for a moment and said, "Since I have some knowledge of alchemy, I have received guidance from Senior Mu Xingchen, the alchemy master of Qingyang Sect."

"Oh? You're also an alchemist!"

Li Xuanming's eyes moved slightly.

Although a foundation-building cultivator is not dispensable to the alliance, he will not play a big role in the war. However, the role of an alchemist is very different.

However, the greater the effect, the more careful investigation is needed. Otherwise, if it is really a spy from the Qishen Sect who mixed something into the elixir, who knows how many alliance monks will suffer.

"Master Mu, please come over."

Li Xuanming gave an order to the captain of the guard, and then fell silent.