Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 201: Spiritual shame seal


Chen Lin didn't expect that these foundation-building monks had so many good things on them. In addition to Zhao Hetang's jade slip, he also got a second-level talisman inheritance method from Zuo Zhiling, the old man with the hooked nose!

However, this inheritance also cost a lot of treasures to obtain, which was a huge loss.

Even so, he was very happy.

After returning to the room, Chen Lin first took out the jade slip he had exchanged from Zhao Hetang.

The more he looked at it, the happier he became, and he even smiled.

The psychic is ashamed!

I didn't expect that the thing I had been searching for for more than ten years would actually be found here, and the price was just a Foundation Establishment Pill, and I also agreed to the other party's request to help refine it.

For him, this little effort can basically be ignored.

With the Spiritual Seal, the Foundation Establishment puppet can be put on the agenda. Moreover, he has been collecting materials over the years and has prepared enough for five portions. Now he can start refining.

After memorizing the contents of the jade slip carefully, Chen Lin took out the alchemy furnace and began to refine the elixir.

Zhao Hetang gave him enough materials for almost sixty Foundation Establishment Pills. He planned to refine one for the other party, otherwise he would feel embarrassed to take such a precious reward from the other party.

Liang Shuozhen also gave him six sets of materials and a recipe for refining the Water Charm Spirit Pill, and promised that regardless of whether the pill was successful or not, the low-grade spiritual flying sword would be handed over to him.

Shuiyun Lingdan is a healing elixir. It is of high grade but mild medicinal properties. It is specially used to nourish the meridians and eliminate hidden diseases.

Chen Lin didn’t know what kind of injuries Liang Shuozhen had, nor did he want to know. After studying the pill recipe thoroughly, he started to work on the furnace.

Since he had no practice process, he could only rely on his innate ability. It took him five attempts to succeed in refining a pill.

Seeing the round pill in the furnace, Chen Lin couldn't help but secretly smack his lips. The raw materials for this pill were quite expensive. At most, only one pill could be produced. Its value was even more expensive than the Foundation Establishment Pill!

After putting away the pills, he began to study the Spiritual Seal.

There is no need to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill, just give one to the other party. The spiritual medicine can be kept for refining other pills.

After studying it for a while, Chen Lin shook his head and sighed. This thing was too complicated. It seemed that it would take a lot of effort again.

Moreover, if you want to perform the psychic seal, you need to use a psychic object to assist you. You can't make the puppet psychic out of thin air.

The so-called spiritual seal of guilt, according to Chen Lin's understanding, is to artificially add an automatic control system to the puppet in the form of a seal of guilt.

Since there are no computers in this world, we can only use spiritual objects as a substitute.

This problem is easy to solve, the beast soul can be used.

As for using people's souls, it is not impossible, but the other party's consent is required. Otherwise, the consciousness of resistance will be too strong and the soul will collapse in the process of condensation.

Even if he used the beast soul, he couldn't resist too strongly. However, low intelligence would also affect Kuiyin's spirituality. He had to slowly explore and master the balance point by himself.

After studying the contents of the Spiritual Seal, Chen Lin took out the jade slip that recorded the inheritance of the second-level talisman.

He was quite familiar with this talisman. It was the Liu Ding Xuan Jia Talisman that Yu Yuehai gave him, a passive defensive talisman.

Whether it is talismans, magical tools, or even spells, defensive ones are relatively rare.

With his wealth, he doesn't even have a defensive spiritual weapon, and the defensive talismans he has are all first-level.

A passive second-level defense talisman, of extremely high value. Once you learn it, it will be another way to make money.

In order to conceal his identity and show how hard he worked, Chen Lin stayed in the room for two full days before coming out with a haggard look on his face.

Upon receiving the news, Zhao Hetang and Liang Shuozhen came over immediately to inquire about the situation.

"I'm really lucky this time. Perhaps it's time for Daoist Fellow Zhao's beloved disciple to build his foundation!"

Chen Lin first took out the Foundation Establishment Pill and handed it to the other party.

It took only sixty pieces of materials to refine a foundation-building pill. It was really a burst of luck. Zhao Hetang thanked him repeatedly.

Even though he had a wealthy family and had collected a lot of good things on the eve of his retreat, he was not an alchemist after all, and these were the only elixirs he had that could be used to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill.

If it doesn't work, there's nothing we can do.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, have I refined my elixir?"

Seeing that Zhao Hetang got the Foundation Establishment Pill as he wished, Liang Shuozhen couldn't help but feel some hope.

"Fortunately, I have accomplished my mission!"

Chen Lin then took out the Shuiyun Lingdan and handed it to the other party.

Liang Shuozhen's eyes lit up, and he immediately took the fruit and examined it happily.

After a long while, she bowed to Chen Lin, took out the magic flying sword and handed it to Chen Lin, then left in a hurry.

Chen Lin immediately handed the flying sword to Zhao Mengru, and asked her to complete the duty of guarding for him, and then hid in the room to continue to comprehend the inheritance of the Spiritual Seal and the Six Ding Mysterious Armor Talisman.

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed.

The good luck of this big ship finally came to an end. One day, when Zuo Zhiling was on duty, they encountered a group of sea beasts!

This is a group of large red fish, there are hundreds of them, more than a dozen of them have white horns on their heads, all of them are second-level monsters.

Among them there is one with a golden horn, emitting a terrifying demonic aura. Although he has not reached the third level, the difference is not too far!

A peak second-level monster, a dozen ordinary second-level monsters, and nearly a hundred first-level monster fish scared Zuo Zhiling so much that his face changed drastically. He hurriedly sent out a warning signal and then activated all the defense arrays on the ship.

If the ship was intact, the defensive formation on it would be enough to withstand the attack of a peak second-level monster. Even a third-level monster could be blocked one or two times. But now the formation is damaged and the defensive power is only one-tenth or one-twelfth left. It is definitely not possible to rely on it completely.

The fish monster was extremely fast. As soon as Chen Lin and others came out, they had already launched a crazy attack on the ship.

The giant with the golden horn let out a strange cry, and a huge golden beam of light shot out from the golden horn, hitting the bow of the big ship directly, making the defensive light shield flicker and seem to be about to break.

The faces of the Qi-cultivating monks on the boat were all pale. With such a large group of monsters, if the defense formation on the boat was breached, only a few of the two hundred people would survive. So, without any orders, they just frantically replaced the spirit stones on the spirit stone slots, even paying for it out of their own pockets.

"My fellow Taoists, what should we do? We must hurry up and make a decision!"

A hint of nervousness appeared on Zuo Zhiling's usually calm face. He stared at the giant golden-horned fish and asked Chen Lin and the others.

The implication is whether to fight or to flee.

If we are going to fight, we have to charge forward now. We can't wait until the formation on the ship is broken. Once the formation is broken, these fish are so large that one collision can destroy the ship.

If they want to escape, they have to hurry. While these Qi-cultivating monks are attracting the monsters, they can escape from the strong wind above.

A Qi-cultivating cultivator would be dead if he entered the strong wind and thunderstorm, but they, the foundation-building cultivators, could hold on for a while and could easily run ten or eight miles away.

"I think we should not abandon the big ship. Otherwise, even if we escape, we will not be able to reach the other side of the sea safely without the big ship."

Zhao Hetang spoke first.

However, Chen Lin felt that the other party had selfish motives, because his 'beloved disciple' had not been able to successfully break through the foundation after using two foundation-building pills. If he escaped from the strong wind layer, he definitely could not be taken with him.

But there was some truth in what the other party said. Even though this big ship was leaking everywhere, it was still able to sail after all. Moreover, with so many Qi-cultivating monks serving them, it was indeed comfortable for them, the foundation-building monks. Without the big ship, let alone whether they could cross the Wuding Sea, even if they could, they would suffer a lot.

"But these fish monsters are so powerful that we may not be their opponents. What's the difference between rushing out at this time and giving up our lives?"

Another female cultivator besides Liang Shuozhen suddenly spoke. Her name was Liu Biyun. She was the weakest among them, even inferior to Zhao Mengru.

Because what the other party built was not an orthodox Taoist foundation, but a Yin foundation.

"I also think it's unrealistic to resist head-on, so it's better to avoid it first."

Liang Shuozhen also made a different sound, which made Zhao Hetang's face look very ugly.

But this is not the time to talk about face. You should first consider your own life, and then consider others.

"What is that!"

Just as several people were hesitating, someone suddenly pointed in the distance and exclaimed.

Chen Lin looked around and saw a black wave appearing in the sky, which rushed to a place not far away in the blink of an eye.

A terrifying aura that captivated people emanated from the black waves. Although it was hard to see what it was, it was undoubtedly at least level three!


Without saying a word, Chen Lin pulled Zhao Mengru up and soared into the sky, passed through the defense shield of the big ship, rushed straight into the strong wind layer above their heads, and fled into the distance!

He could still fight with everyone against the second-level sea beasts, but there was no hope at all against the third-level ones.

Not only him, Zuo Zhiling and others also used their own methods to escape frantically. Even Zhao Hetang no longer insisted and did not even care about his "beloved disciple". He took out a flying magic weapon and fled alone.

The Qi-cultivating monks also discovered something was wrong at this time, and they all abandoned their boats and fled.

But only a few who possessed defensive treasures dared to enter the gale layer, and the others could only fly close to the sea surface. In the blink of an eye, most of them were swallowed by the sea fish monsters, and screams were heard everywhere.




Three consecutive dull drum sounds rang out from the dark waves in the distance, and a huge ship as black as ink emerged from inside.

At this time, the sea fish monster finally felt the terror and stopped hunting the monks. It quickly dived into the seabed.

Just when the surviving monks were showing joy at surviving a disaster, thinking that the large black ship was another ferry ship from the alliance, an invisible pulling force suddenly appeared, and then everyone lost consciousness at the same time!

Not only them, but even Chen Lin and others who were in the strong wind layer fell into coma without any resistance, and their bodies disappeared from the spot in an instant!

The black waves and the black ship also disappeared.

On the empty sea, there was only a dilapidated ferry and countless floating corpses.