Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 203: Ghost Ship


The ship sailed for two days and two nights, and picked up a few more people along the way, all of whom had escaped from the Tianyuan Continent.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence or the ship itself was avoiding the ship, but we didn’t encounter any islands during this period and everyone was lost.

Just when the people on the ship were worrying that the big ship was made by the Qishen Cult and was going to send them back to the Tianyuan Continent, the ship suddenly stopped.

Then, in the astonished eyes of everyone, a bluestone bridge suddenly appeared on the sea, suspended in the air on both sides, floating there quietly, which was very strange.

The bow of the large ship rested firmly on one end of the bluestone bridge, fitting perfectly as if it were specially designed.

The meaning is self-evident, which is to let them get on the bridge.

But everyone looked at each other, but no one took the first step.

Chen Lin just watched quietly and did not take the lead.

If their cultivation level was still there, the Foundation Establishment cultivators would have forced the Qi Condensation cultivators to conduct various experiments long ago, but now everyone is the same and no one dares to act rashly.

Just then there was a commotion at the stern.

It turned out that a young monk couldn't help himself and jumped off the boat, trying to swim away.

But as soon as he went down, he was corroded by the black sea water and turned into a skeleton, without even being able to scream.

This made those with other ideas behave themselves. They didn't even dare to stay on the edge and they all squeezed to the middle.

"Let me go first!"

Seeing that no one took action, the gray-robed foundation-building elder from Danding City was the first to step forward and walk towards the bridge.

Everyone followed closely, observing the situation.

The old man stepped out from the bow and landed steadily on the bridge. Nothing unusual happened. It was just like getting off the boat normally.

Then he looked left and right and took another step forward.

There were no special circumstances throughout the process.

The old man did not stop and continued to move forward. Just when the other party reached the other end, he suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight!


There were cries of surprise from the crowd.

Chen Lin also frowned. He didn't even blink, but he couldn't see how the other party left.

"Did you find anything?"

He glanced at Zhao Mengru beside him and asked in a low voice.

Zhao Mengru shook her head and said, "I can't see it. It should be a teleportation array or something like that. But I feel like we have no other choice but to go up the bridge. Look over there."

As she spoke, she motioned Chen Lin to look at the big drum.

It was then that Chen Lin discovered that the big drum on the bow was changing color little by little, from top to bottom. Only a small part had changed, and it was still changing slowly downwards, as if there was an hourglass inside.

His face changed slightly. It seemed that the ship had a time limit for docking. Judging from the speed at which the color on the drum changed, there was not much time left.

"I remember now, this is a ghost warship!"

Just as Chen Lin was attracted by the changes in the big drum, a monk suddenly shouted in surprise, and then stepped onto the bluestone bridge without hesitation, without giving everyone a chance to ask.

"Ghost warship, what is that? Have you heard of it?"

Chen Lin frowned and looked at Zuo Zhiling and others.

These people seemed a little confused, only Zhao Hetang looked surprised.

"Why, Brother Zhao knows?"

Zuo Zhiling looked at the other person. Due to the loss of his beloved disciple, the other person seemed very silent since the upload.

Zhao Hetang took a breath and said, "I do know a little bit. It is rumored that there are three strange things in the Wuding Sea. One of them is this ghost warship, and the other two are the rainbow vortex and the island of life and death. Each strange thing has its own unique rules. Once encountered, there is no other way but to act according to the rules. It is said that even Jindan monks cannot escape by force."

Zuo Zhiling's expression changed, and he said with a look of sudden realization: "Now that you mention it, I remember that I saw this rumor in a certain book before, but I always thought it was a false rumor. I didn't expect it to be true!"

Zhao Hetang nodded. "It looks like it's true. The rules of the ghost warship seem to be that the recruits need to enter a strange battlefield and gain enough merits before they can leave. Moreover, when the merits reach a certain value, they will be rewarded."

He glanced at Chen Lin and his companions and said, "Let's go. Since it's a ghost warship, we have no other choice but to go up to the bridge. Once the time to stop the ship is up, if we are still on the ship, we might be killed directly."

After saying that, he walked onto the stone bridge without looking back.

Chen Lin thought about it, and without hesitation, he pulled Zhao Mengru towards the stone bridge.

Zuo Zhiling and others quickly followed.

By the time everyone was on the stone bridge, the color on the drum had just changed, and the entire ship slowly sank into the sea, and the bluestone bridge also disappeared.

The last few people who did not have time to reach the end of the bridge all fell into the black sea and turned into bones.

Eventually, the sea water slowly returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

Chen Lin stared at the gray-white armor in front of him with a serious expression.

It's really just a piece of armor, but it looks like a veteran soldier standing there, full of murderous intent.

Two small scarlet dots inside the helmet locked onto him like eyeballs.

Under normal circumstances, he could easily kill such dark creatures, but now his spiritual consciousness and magic power were sealed, so he was restricted.

The space was very dark, and he and Zhao Mengru had clearly walked up the bridge hand in hand, but they were not together, and even other people didn't see them.

I encountered this thing when I landed.

There was no time to think about anything else. Chen Lin slowly retreated while tightly gripping the Qinglong Sword, ready to attack at any time.


The armor suddenly moved and rushed towards Chen Lin.

It looked clumsy, but was quite fast, and somehow it had a grey spear in its hand.

Seeing this, Chen Lin turned and ran.

Given my current situation, I’m afraid I can’t handle even one move, so it’s better to take a long-term view.

What he didn't expect was that the opponent rushed in front of him, and the spear turned into a gray light and smashed down at him!

In such a hurry, there was no time to dodge. A fierce look flashed across Chen Lin's face, and he stretched out his hand to grab the spear.

A huge force ran through his whole body, but Chen Lin was only knocked back a few steps, and his strong body was not injured!

Now he was cheered up. He pulled back the hand holding the spear, pulled the armored monster over, and slashed down with the Qinglong Sword in his other hand.

The armored monster's helmet was chopped off by a sword, and the two red lights inside went out.

Then, a wisp of black gas emerged from the helmet and landed on Chen Lin's wrist!

This scared him, and he thought it was another trick of possession, so he hurried to check.

Then he discovered that a strange mark had appeared on his wrist.

Judging from the shape, it seems to be the big drum in front of the warship. The black gas just now penetrated into this mark.

After thinking about it, Chen Lin seemed to understand something.

According to Zhao Hetang, the rules of the ghost battleship require one to gain merit on the so-called battlefield, so this mark should be a way to record merit.

After studying it for a while and finding nothing else, he went to the armor and took the helmet.

After taking a look, he found that it was just an ordinary helmet, there was nothing special about it, and the number was wrong, so he couldn't put it on at all. He could only throw it on the ground helplessly.

Then, he began to explore the surrounding situation.

Soon Chen Lin discovered that this place was very desolate and extremely dark, giving people an extremely depressing feeling.

"Who's there!"

After walking for a while, Chen Lin vaguely saw a shadow and thought it was another monster, but he didn't expect the other party to make a familiar voice.