Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 205: Gathering point


Originally, Chen Lin wanted to give the silver armor to Zhao Mengru, but when he thought that such armor would definitely be very famous at the gathering point, he gave up the idea.

No one can be sure that he killed the person if the body is left here, but if the armor is put on, it will be too obvious.

Although he thought that his fighting power was very high, he did not dare to say that he was invincible. He still had to be careful.

After determining the direction, Chen Lin took Zhao Mengru towards the gathering point. Unexpectedly, they met a group of monks on the way, and Zhao Hetang was among them.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, you're okay too, that's great!"

When Zhao Hetang saw Chen Lin, he immediately came up to him with a look of surprise.

Chen Lin looked at the palm print on the other person's face and asked in confusion: "What happened to Brother Zhao? Was he beaten?"

"Yes, I was the one who beat him. What's wrong with Chen Dazhuji?"

A bald man came up and slapped Zhao Hetang in the face again, making him scream in pain.

"I didn't tell you to behave yourself, but you still dared not to listen. Do you want to die?"

After cursing, he kicked Zhao Hetang hard again, then looked at Chen Lin with a sneer and an arrogant look.

Chen Lin looked at the other person in astonishment. He had a slight impression of this person. He was a Qi-cultivating cultivator on their ferry ship. He was always timid when he saw them in the foundation-building stage before. He didn't expect him to be so arrogant now.

He glanced at the rest of the people again. There were two cowering ones. They were the second wave of Foundation Establishment monks who boarded the boat. Their bodies were covered with bruises, and it was obvious that they had been beaten.

Sure enough, what he had worried about before happened. These Qi-cultivating monks discovered that the foundation-building monks had also become ordinary people, and they immediately vented all the resentment they had accumulated in the past.

Moreover, he must feel very comfortable inside when abusing the strong people whom he never dared to even look at before.

But he is not Zhao Hetang, and he cannot encourage this trend, so he stabbed out with his spear without hesitation!

The spear was as fast as lightning, carrying a fierce murderous aura, and pierced through the opponent's head in an instant.

He exerted force with his arms and lifted the other's body high up. He looked at the Qigong cultivators who were ready to make a move and said, "Who else wants to come up and give it a try?"

No one expected that Chen Lin would kill someone over a disagreement, and his method was so brutal. Everyone was frightened and silent, shrinking their necks and not daring to say a word.

Zhao Hetang also showed a look of horror, but it soon turned into ecstasy. He immediately ran behind Chen Lin and glared at those Qi-cultivating monks.

These people bullied him a lot along the way and trampled on his dignity as a foundation-building cultivator. In order to save his life, he could only swallow his anger. He didn't expect Chen Lin to be so powerful, which immediately gave him hope.

Seeing this, the other two foundation-building cultivators also ran over quickly.

Instead, those Qi-cultivating monks were all in panic, as if they were back to the time when they were suppressed by the foundation-building monks.

"Don't be afraid of him. Now that no one can use magic power, there are so many of us and we can kill him with one punch each. Let's attack together!"

A tall man also wearing armor and holding a spear shouted and rushed forward.

But he soon discovered that few people responded, and instead many people distanced themselves from him.

The tall man's face changed when he saw this, and without saying a word, he fled hastily away from the crowd with two of his confidants.

Before Chen Lin could make a move, the other Qi-cultivating monks blocked the three men and beat them to death.

The monks in the alliance are all bloodthirsty men. They all have many lives on their hands. They can kill someone without blinking an eye, and they are also good at judging the situation.

After the killing, a young man with thick eyebrows immediately came to Chen Lin, bowed and said, "Senior Chen, the people who beat up Senior Zhao were Li Chengxiang and his gang. None of us participated in it. Please understand, Senior."

Chen Lin nodded and said, "Okay, we were all forced to come here. The most urgent thing is to find a way out instead of killing each other. Besides us, there are also monks who were pulled in before. We should stick together for warmth."

"What, there are other people here?"

The young man with thick eyebrows was shocked. Not only him, but everyone else also looked shocked.

"Why, you don't know?"

Chen Lin was surprised. He thought these people were also heading for the gathering point, but it turned out to be just a coincidence.

The young man with thick eyebrows shook his head and said, "We came here to avoid a group of armored monsters. There were quite a few of us, but they all ran away."

Chen Lin looked at Zhao Hetang, who nodded immediately and said, "Yes, we encountered a group of monsters. We killed a few, but many people also died. Zhang Qingshan and Zheng Hai died, while Liang Shuozhen and Liu Biyun ran away, but we never saw anyone else."

Zhang Qingshan and Zheng Hai were both cultivators in the early stage of foundation building on their ferry ship. Unexpectedly, they also died in this place.

Chen Lin sighed for a while, and seeing that the other party did not seem to be lying, he did not continue asking. Instead, he asked people to simply bury the body, briefly told them the information he had obtained, and then led everyone to the gathering point.

From a distance, you can see a small hill-like terrain, surrounded by a low earthen wall and some scattered houses inside.

Although it looks dilapidated, the existence of such a complex of buildings means that the people here have been here for a long time.

Everyone's face turned ugly.

If you need to stay for a long time, it means it must be difficult to leave.

Chen Lin was attracted by the top of the hill. The shape there was a bit strange, like a gourd with a small part missing, and it also emitted a faint fluorescence.

Needless to say, the treasure that the silver-armored man and others mentioned that can scare monsters should be this thing.

Suddenly, he found that Zhao Hetang beside him had a very strange expression, and his eyes were fixed on the hill. He seemed very surprised and a little confused.

Chen Lin glanced at the other party and was about to ask when he saw a group of people in armor walking out of the gate in the middle of the earth wall.

The leader was also wearing silver armor, tall and mighty, holding a silver spear in his hand, like a warrior on the battlefield.

This person looked at Chen Lin and the others and said, "It seems that quite a lot of people came in this time, but our space is limited and we can't accommodate you. Why don't you build your own residence somewhere else?"

After saying that, he glanced at Zhao Mengru and the other female Qi practitioners, raised his eyebrows and said, "But women's words are acceptable. If you are willing to come, come now. I can guarantee that you will not be hunted by monsters, and you don't have to worry about food and water."

Chen Lin frowned.

Why are the people here like mosquitoes seeing blood when they see women? Are they going crazy, or do women have some special use here

The other party's attitude made people feel uncomfortable, but there were many of them and they were obviously trained, so Chen Lin did not take direct action.

He clasped his fists and said, "This fellow Taoist was also a cultivator who was forcibly dragged into this place. We are all helpless. Why refuse so bluntly? The more people there are, the greater the power, and the more hope there is to leave, right?"


The silver-armored man sneered and said, "Don't dream. You've come to this hellhole and you're still thinking about leaving? If you still have your magic power, it would be easy. Now don't dream about it. Think about how to survive the day of the underworld."

After that, he looked at Zhao Mengru and the other girls and said, "Just to remind you, the monsters here will riot on the 15th of every month. Other than here, other places are not very safe. If you want to survive, you'd better come here and join us!"

After waiting for a while, seeing that Zhao Mengru and the others did not move, he looked at Chen Lin deeply and led the team back to the earth wall.

"Senior Chen, what should we do? Should we rush in?" The young man with thick eyebrows walked up to Chen Lin and asked in a deep voice.

He had seen Chen Lin's power, and there were forty or fifty people here, so they were not without the ability to fight.

Chen Lin shook his head and said, "We don't know what's going on inside yet, let's wait and see." After that, he looked around and asked, "Who knows what day and month it is today?"

He didn't think that the man in silver armor was lying to them, and he wanted to confirm how many days were left until the fifteenth.

"Reporting to Senior Chen, I have always remembered it. If I remember correctly, it is August now, and tomorrow is the 15th!"

August 15th, tomorrow

The crowd suddenly became noisy.

Chen Lin was also scratching his head. The timing was really coincidental, leaving them no room for buffer.

At this time, Zhao Hetang suddenly whispered, "Fellow Daoist Chen, I feel that the glowing object on the hill seems to be a broken magic treasure. These people must have gathered here because the power of the magic treasure can resist the attacks of monsters. Apart from here, other places may not be safe."


Chen Lin was stunned and looked at the huge gourd with a missing piece on the hill. Could this thing actually be a magical treasure

Lingbao, that is a legendary treasure, one level higher than the magic weapon used by Jindan cultivators. No one in the entire Tianyuan Continent has ever heard of anyone owning it. How could this place actually exist

However, this thing does look extraordinary. Although it is missing a piece, it does not seem to have completely lost its effect. It is possible that it can scare monsters.

Chen Lin thought about it, then shook his head and said, "Don't worry, we still have one night left. Let's see if we can find other companions first, and then we can talk about it."

Everyone followed his lead. Since he said so, no one objected and slowly retreated away from their place.

Inside the earth wall.

"Sir, why don't we just snatch those women away? It would be a shame to let them go!"

A short man next to the silver-armored man stretched his neck, looked at the disappearing figures of Chen Lin and others, and spoke with some regret.

The others also echoed, as if letting them go would be a great loss.

The silver-armored man shook his head and said, "Tomorrow is the night of the full moon. The power of the spirit gourd will be suppressed. We must retain our best combat power and stop thinking about women all the time!"

The short man still found it hard to accept and said unwillingly, "But several women in the village died last month, and there are not enough left now. If we can't reconcile yin and yang, I'm afraid that many brothers will change after the full moon night."

The man in silver armor also had a heavy expression on his face, but he still shook his head firmly and said, "The leader of the other side has extremely strong Qi and blood. I suspect he has practiced the Body Refining Technique, and his level is not low. If we really fight, we may not be able to gain the upper hand."

"Besides, they are outside and can attract monsters for us, so we can be more relaxed. But didn't we just capture two women? They seem to be foundation-building monks. Let's see if they can cooperate. If not, we won't be able to save them!"
