Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 208: Full moon night


There didn't seem to be any changes in Master Tan Tai's appearance. He had no spiritual awareness or magic power, so Chen Lin couldn't sense anything else.

When he saw the other party coming out, he immediately greeted him.

Although he can decide the other party's life or death here, it will be different after he goes out. He still needs to show due respect to a Jindan cultivator.

Tan Tai Yun Jin smiled slightly and said, "I'm ready, but this place is between reality and illusion. It will take midnight when the power of the moonlight is the most concentrated for some of it to fall in. At that time, I can use the power of the moonlight to recover some of my magic power, but I still need the help of the broken magic treasure on the top of the mountain."

After she finished speaking, she paused for a moment and then continued, "When the time comes, I will still need Fellow Daoist Chen's help in protecting my safety. There is no need to express my gratitude. I will definitely repay you in the future."

Chen Lin nodded immediately after hearing this. "Please rest assured, senior. As long as I am here, I will definitely not let you fall into danger. However, there is one thing I want to confirm with you. How many people can you let leave after you break through the void?"

This matter must be clarified so that he can make the next plan based on the situation.

Tan Tai Yun Jin thought for a moment and said, "The cultivators who were with Fellow Daoist Chen have all been indebted to me for rescuing me, so I will do my best to break the void a little wider. It should be no problem if everyone comes together to open it. However, there are quite a few Yin spirits and Yin beasts here, so I'm afraid the first half of the night will not be very peaceful."

Chen Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be easy if he could take everyone away, otherwise he really wouldn't know who to take and who not to take.

But this everyone is not really all.

There are less than a hundred people in the gathering point now, and many are still wandering outside, not knowing whether they are alive or dead. Especially people who were relatively familiar to us before, such as Liang Shuozhen, have not been found yet.

Of course, he couldn't send anyone to look for them at this time, so he could only leave it to fate. If they could get here before dark, they would be lucky.

Then, Chen Lin brought Tan Tai Yun Jin and others to the hill to check the terrain in advance.

"Why, Fellow Daoist Chen wants to take this thing out?"

Seeing that the bottom of the giant gourd was hollowed out and a lifting bar was placed on it, Tan Tai Yun Jin was immediately surprised and asked.

Chen Lin did not hide it and nodded, saying, "I did have some ideas before, but this thing was too heavy and I couldn't lift it, so I gave up."

Upon hearing this, Tan Tai Yun Jin smiled and said, "The materials used in spiritual treasures are extraordinary. Although this treasure is not based on weight, it is definitely impossible to shake it with brute force alone. Moreover, this thing is already broken. I don’t know how much effort it will take to repair it. Its value is not high. But it is a spiritual treasure after all. If you like it, after breaking through the void, if my magic power is still there, I can put it in the storage bag and help you take it out."

Chen Lin's eyes flashed, and he immediately said: "I am only trying it out of the principle of not wasting treasures. Lingbao requires the Golden Core Stage to use, and I don't actually need it. If you can take it away, then you can take it."

He meant what he said.

Not to mention that this spiritual treasure is already damaged. Even if it is in good condition, it cannot be used at all during the Foundation Establishment Period. It is better to do it as a favor.

Tan Tai Yun Jin looked at Chen Lin with admiration and said indifferently: "We'll talk about it when the time comes. We don't know whether he can leave safely now!"

After saying that, she looked up at the sky, a depressed look on her face.

A dignified Jindan cultivator was actually captured by the ghost warship. His luck was really bad. This time, he must get some treasures at all costs to avoid such hidden dangers when he returns.

Time passes by little by little.

When it was almost dark, several monks came to the outside of the village. Liang Shuozhen was among them, but Liu Biyun was not seen.

According to the other party, they encountered an armored monster and fled separately to save their lives. She happened to run here and found the village.

A person's luck is reflected at this time. Life and death may just be a matter of left or right.

Chen Lin didn't care too much about this, and it was impossible for him to go out to look for someone.

Although he was on the same boat with these people, they had no friendship with each other. If they met, he might lend a helping hand if it was within his ability, but it was impossible for him to take the initiative to risk rescuing them.

Some more time passed.

It's getting evening.

At this time, Chen Lin told everyone about the existence of Tan Tai Yun Jin, which immediately shocked everyone.

However, he did not point out the identity of Dan Tai Yun Jin Jin Zhenren, but only said that the other party had special abilities and could use the power of moonlight to break some of the space restrictions here and allow everyone to leave.

The reason for doing so is naturally to avoid attracting the covetousness of people with ulterior motives. The wealth of a Jindan cultivator is enough to make many people risk their lives for him.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, are you telling the truth? Does Fellow Daoist Tan Tai have a way to break through the space here and take us out?" Zhao Hetang said in surprise.

He also had the cultivation base of the middle stage of foundation building, but he was helpless here, so he was a little suspicious.

Chen Lin glanced at the other party and said, "Whether it's true or not, we should always give it a try. But don't put all your hopes on the other party. If you can kill the monster and light up the mark to leave, that would be better."

Zhao Hetang smiled awkwardly and said nothing more.

He didn't even dare to walk out of the village now, let alone kill any monster. If he had the courage, he wouldn't have been hiding behind Chen Lin.

Although some people had doubts, everyone felt a lot more relaxed after having hope.

Upon seeing this, Chen Lin immediately issued an order, ordering people to surround the hill to prevent any monsters from going up and harming Tan Tai Yun Jin.

Naturally, everyone had no objection to this.

Chen Lin himself would coordinate in the middle. If there was danger anywhere and it was within his ability to resolve, he would go to help.

In this way, he could not only leave with Tan Tai Yun Jin as soon as possible, but his own safety would also be greatly increased.

Safety is his ultimate goal.

Everything else is just passing clouds.

Tan Tai Yun Jin stood beside the giant gourd, quietly watching the scene below. When she saw Chen Lin hiding behind the crowd to give orders and not rushing to the front line to try to kill more evil spirits and strange beasts as she said, she couldn't help but shook her head.

"What's wrong, Master?"

When Luan An saw his master shaking his head, he couldn't help but ask curiously.

Tan Tai Yun Jin said with regret: "Fellow Daoist Chen has a good heart and can resist temptations such as women. He is also very intelligent, but he lacks the courage to move forward. I'm afraid he won't be able to achieve much on the path to immortality."

At this point, she took the opportunity to warn her disciples: "The path of cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don't move forward, you will fall behind. If you lack the courage to break through all difficulties and obstacles and burn your boats, then even if you have good aptitude, it will be difficult to achieve great things. The foundation-building stage is basically the end."

"Yes, disciple has made note of it!"

The three of them responded in unison.

However, Luan An and Xu Zihua secretly looked at each other and disagreed with what their master said.

My master was too brave and aggressive, which led to him being in danger many times. If I had listened to his advice this time and not chased after the injured third-level sea beast, how could I have been captured by the ghost warship and almost died here.

So he felt that Chen Lin's approach was very much to his liking. If it were him, he would do the same.

“Here it comes!”

At this moment, Tan Tai Yun Jin looked into the distance and spoke softly.

Then, countless shadows rushed towards here from all directions, from the sky and on the ground.

"Everyone strengthen your defenses and prepare for battle!"

Seeing this, Chen Lin immediately jumped up from the ground and shouted loudly.

The monks below immediately formed a battle formation, and after robbing the village, they also found a lot of armor and spears, so everyone was now fully armed.

More than a hundred people surrounded a small hill, and they actually showed some momentum.

After commanding for a while, Chen Lin retreated to the top of the mountain. He also had to guard against the flying Yin beasts that might attack Tan Tai Yun Jin from the air. Luan An and Xu Zihua alone might not be able to defend against them.

After reaching the top of the mountain, he came to the giant gourd and took a look. Sure enough, the light of this magical treasure was much dimmer tonight than last night.

"Senior, do we have to wait until midnight to start?"

The number of monsters exceeded his expectations, and Chen Lin couldn't help but feel uneasy, wondering if these people could hold on until midnight.

Not to mention that most monks are selfish and will never risk their lives for others. Even if everyone is united, they are untrained after all and cannot cooperate well. The scattered formation will be broken by a single charge from the monster.

Tan Tai Yun Jin shook his head. "No, I need to sense the power of the moonlight before I can use the secret method. The power of the moonlight is not strong enough at this moment and cannot penetrate in. I cannot sense it at all."

She noticed Chen Lin's uneasiness and comforted him, "Fellow Daoist Chen, don't panic too much. Although the power of this magic treasure has weakened due to the changes in the spatial rules of the full moon night, it can still play a great role in suppressing those evil spirits. Otherwise, the people in the village would not have survived here for several years."

Chen Lin thought about it and it was true. He was able to lead people to kill the people in the original village, which showed that he was stronger than those people. Since those people could survive safely for several years, they would not be unable to hold on just once.

"Then you should be more careful yourself, I may not be able to take care of you all the time in the chaos."

Chen Lin gave one instruction and then turned his attention to the outside of the village.

Sure enough, whether it was the monsters on the ground or the flying beasts in the sky, they all stopped when they approached the village. They were extremely irritable but seemed to be afraid of something and did not dare to go beyond the line.

This scene made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

In this way, the calm was maintained for nearly an hour in the tense atmosphere, and finally a monster couldn't bear it anymore and rushed in!

"Bai Zhiyuan, you are responsible for commanding the encirclement and suppression of the monsters that rush in. We cannot let the monsters rush up the mountain. I will resist the flying monsters!"

Chen Lin gave an order to the young man with thick eyebrows, then pulled Zhao Mengru back to the side of the giant gourd and told the other party not to move there. He then held a spear and faced a giant bird like a goshawk!