Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 51: Herbalist


Despite such a big noise, the pond was still quiet.

Chen Lin estimated that there should be no other monsters.

He released a Vajra Shield, used the wind control technique to float up, and then carefully picked the fruit.

The connection between the fruit and the branch was very tough, and it took a flying sword to cut it off.

But the process went smoothly.

He found a box, put it in the storage bag, and then Chen Lin looked at the branches again.

I don’t know if this thing is useful, but I can’t let it go.

Grab the dead branches with your hands and lift them up with force.

All the branches were pulled out with a loud bang.

What surprised Chen Lin was that there were two potato-like things at the root. He didn't know whether they were roots or something else.

He didn't have time to examine it carefully, so he just put it away.

Using so many Thunderbolt Beads in a row will cause quite a stir, so we must leave quickly.

After looking around and making sure nothing was missed, he returned to the shore.

At this moment, the water in the pool suddenly began to churn violently, an extremely strong breath emanated from the water, and then a huge green monster head popped out.

Chen Lin was so frightened when the water pool rolled over that he dived into the passage and threw back a thunder bead.

After crawling out for a distance, he threw another thunder bead behind him, blowing up the entire passage behind him.

By the time he ran out of the cave, all five ordinary thunder beads had been used up.

He was still worried, so he gritted his teeth and threw the PL-3 in as well, and fled for his life without even looking.

After running about two miles, Chen Lin heard a loud roar behind him. He turned back in horror and saw a green dragon rising into the sky with four claws, circling rapidly above the cave.

It circled and roared madly.

"What the hell is this!"

Chen Lin was shocked. He didn't expect that there was such a powerful monster hidden in the pool. It looked like a dragon.

His Thunderbolt 3 didn't seem to hurt the other party at all.

But dragons usually live in wide waters, so how could a small pool of water accommodate such a large creature? Could it be that there is an underground river under the pool

Chen Lin was thinking in his mind, but his feet did not stop. He ran quickly through the jungle, going wherever there was dense growth.

He ran about ten miles in one breath, and when all his magic power was exhausted, he fell headfirst to the ground.

After recovering for a long time, he finally sat up with a look of relief.

"This is really too dangerous. Fortunately, the cave was blown up in advance and became extremely narrow, otherwise the monster would definitely catch up with him."

Thinking back to the thrilling experience just now, Chen Lin is still covered in cold sweat.

It almost became food for the monster.

After resting for a while, Chen Lin still felt unsafe, and regardless of the danger of traveling in the dark, he continued to rush forward.

Perhaps it was because his bad luck had all run out, he walked for more than twenty days without encountering any dangerous monsters, and he even met a group of people who came into the mountains to collect herbs.

What surprised Chen Lin was that this group of people included both men and women, but there was only one cultivator at the second level of Qi training, and the rest were mortals.

How dare a mortal appear in such a place? I really don’t know how to write the word death.

But he reacted immediately.

Since mortals collecting herbs have appeared, does it mean that this place is close to the edge of this wild land and has reached the area where humans live

As soon as this idea came out, Chen Lin couldn't contain his excitement.

He put on a disguise mask and turned himself into a middle-aged man.

After covering up his dry hands which had recovered a little and changing into a new set of clothes, he walked out leisurely.

"Who is it?"

As soon as Chen Lin appeared, he immediately aroused the vigilance of a group of people.

The only cultivator at the second level of Qi training held a fireball talisman in his hand and stood in front.

But when he felt the fluctuation of magic power from Chen Lin, his face changed immediately and he bowed hurriedly.

"So you are a fellow cultivator. I am Bai Yunyue, a disciple of Qingyun Sect. Is there anything you want to ask of me?"

The middle stage of Qi training completely crushed the early stage of Qi training, and this was in the deep mountains and old forests. Bai Yunyue couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Seeing this, Chen Lin also cupped his hands and said, "So it's Fellow Daoist Bai. Don't think too much. My name is Lin Dali. I went into the mountains to collect herbs some time ago. I went a little too deep and got lost. I saw you and your group, so I came here to ask."


Bai Yunyue was stunned, and then asked in confusion: "Where did you enter the mountain from? It's only a day's journey from here to the nearest Huangtu Town."

Chen Lin was overjoyed when he heard this, and said excitedly: "We can get out in just one more day, that's great!"

He immediately realized what was happening, smiled and said, "I came in from another direction and have been wandering around here for many days. Could you please point out the specific way to leave?"

Bai Yunyue glanced at Chen Lin, obviously not quite believing it.

But he didn't want to ask more questions. If the other party was the kind of evil cultivator who killed people at will, they would all die here if they angered him.

So he nodded immediately and said, "That doesn't matter. Daoist friend, just keep walking along the middle of this hill. After crossing a small river, you can see the shadow of Huangtu Town in the distance."

"Thank you!"

Chen Lin clasped his fists, not wanting to waste any more time, and turned around to leave.

"Master, please wait a moment!"

After taking two steps, a clear female voice suddenly rang out.

Chen Lin turned around in surprise and looked at the only woman in the group.

He is not very old, about twenty years old, and looks a little dishevelled, but his handsome face cannot be concealed.

"Linghui, don't disturb Fellow Daoist Lin!"

Bai Shanyue was shocked when he saw the woman's actions. He hurried forward to stop her, while repeatedly winking at his sister.

As a cultivator himself, he understood very well that there were not many kind people among the cultivators in this world, and their moods were especially unpredictable when facing mortals.

However, Bai Lingshan did not retreat. Instead, she pursed her lips and walked firmly to Chen Lin.

"My humble self, Bai Lingshan, greets the Immortal Master!"

Chen Lin had a blank expression on his face.

He didn't have any sense of superiority as an immortal master, he just didn't want to get too involved with these people.

A cultivator at the second level of Qi training brought a group of mortals to the deep mountains where monsters and beasts were rampant. It was obvious that he had to do so for some reason. He himself could hardly protect himself, so how could he have the time to care about other people's affairs

But since he was called, he would listen to what the other party had to say.

Seeing that Chen Lin was not angry, Bai Lingshan breathed a sigh of relief.

She really had no other choice. Her second brother had been leading them through the mountains for several days but had not found any red-veined ginseng that could cure her father's illness. It was unlikely that they would be able to find it outside.

But if we go deeper, we will most likely encounter monsters. My second brother can't even use magic, and he only has a few talismans. If he encounters a monster, we'll be finished.

Thinking of this, Bai Lingshan bowed deeply again.

"I would like to ask the Immortal Master if you have ever seen a kind of ginseng with red veins in the deep mountains?"

Chen Lin raised his eyebrows, "You are talking about the red-veined ginseng, right?"