Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 985: Time House


I haven't been to the Food Island scene for many years, but the environment inside remains the same.

Chen Lin first came to Xuewa’s hut and found that the other party was not there, but Heiwa was guarding there.

"Hello, sir!"

When Heiwa saw Chen Lin, he immediately came forward to greet him.

Chen Lin looked at her and asked in confusion, "Where is Xuewa? Has she returned to the Yuanxing Realm?"

"Yes, sir."

Heiwa explained, "Xuewa has improved the material of Qingkongwanli so that it can be preserved for a long time, so there is no need to stay here all the time. Go back to the real world to practice. If you don't practice and advance, your life span will not be enough."

Chen Lin nodded suddenly.

The other race has a shorter lifespan than humans. An ordinary snail only lives for a dozen years. Even for cultivators, the lifespan of a first-level life will not exceed fifty years, and a second-level life will not exceed one hundred years. Xuewa is at the second level, so there is indeed a concern about his lifespan.

"So how is his training going? Does he need any help?"

Chen Lin asked with concern.

Hei Wa heard this and immediately said anxiously: "Xue Wa asked me not to trouble you, but I must tell you that she has spent too much time in the Demon Realm and missed the best time to practice. Now she is still a long way from being promoted to the third level, but her life span is only a few years. If there is no chance, she will probably die!"

Then he immediately begged, "Please think of a way to save Xuewa!"

"Don't worry."

Chen Lin consoled her, thought for a moment, and said, "How about this, I still have a four-star food voucher, I'll go to the Time Restaurant and order a longevity meal, and then you can send it back to Xuewa!"

After saying this, he hurried away.

Time Tavern.

Chen Lin came to this small food house and looked at the four-star mark on the sign.

This food house specializes in longevity food, but the life-extending period is not long. The highest-grade food can only extend life for sixty years. Even so, it is rated four stars. This shows that longevity is the most valuable at any time and in any place.

However, there is a more important reason why it can be rated so high.

That is, longevity delicacies can be targeted at all races, unlike the elixirs in the world of immortal cultivation, which are only effective for human cultivators.

If not for this, he wouldn't have had to waste the four-star food voucher to come here. He already had some longevity pills in his hand, and he had even gathered enough materials to refine a thousand-year-old pill.

Unfortunately, the immortal cultivators' elixirs have no effect on aliens like Xuewa, as there are huge differences in their body structure, soul, and extraordinary energy.

The food house was open for business and Chen Lin pushed the door open.

Then there was a pause.

The store was deserted, with no one in it.

"Haha, who was I thinking? It turns out to be the great gourmet Chen. Please come in!"

A trembling old man walked out from inside, and immediately smiled when he saw Chen Lin.

Although it was a smile, it made Chen Lin feel cold all over, and he also sensed a hint of death from the other person.

The owner of the Yanshou shop actually had an aura of death, which made Chen Lin feel very uncomfortable.

As for the other party knowing him, that was not a big deal, because he presented four-star food at the food festival and was rewarded by the guardian himself. There were not many people on the island who didn't know him.

"Meet the shopkeeper!"

Chen Lin cupped his hands and handed a four-star food voucher to the other party.


The old man took the food voucher in surprise and asked in confusion, "Boss Chen, are you also worried about your life span? You look full of life and don't look like you're going to die. Although there is a trace of death in the future, it's still very far away!"

When Chen Lin heard the other party's words, his face suddenly changed.

He asked hurriedly, "Can the shopkeeper tell fortunes? What do you mean by a wisp of death energy?"

He observed the destiny screen almost every once in a while, but did not find any disaster. The other party's words made him a little suspicious, but the destiny screen could only see a very short future, so he had to be on guard.

"Haha, why do you think my shop is called Time Café, Boss Chen?"

Chen Lin immediately understood what the other party meant.

The other party should have the same time ability as Ximen Wuxue, and be much stronger than Ximen Wuxue and can use it freely.

Prolonging life is just one of the abilities used by the other party, and it is added to the food.

"Please enlighten me, shopkeeper."

There are many hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the world, and no one should be underestimated, let alone the owner of a four-star food restaurant. Chen Lin immediately asked humbly.

The old man waved his hand and said, "It's nothing. I just saw a trace of death in your future. It will be about a hundred years later. It's still a long way off!"

Then he continued, "But the future is full of changes, so this kind of observation is not accurate. If you and I are still here a hundred years later, come back and I'll take a good look at it for you. The closer the time, the more accurate it will be."

"Thank you very much, boss!"

Chen Lin thanked him out loud.

The other party is right. There will be infinite changes in the future, and no one can predict what will happen a hundred years from now.

So he got to the point and said, "I came here because a friend of mine has reached the end of his life, so I want to buy some longevity food. I hope the shopkeeper can show off his cooking skills."

"Sure, sure."

The old man smiled widely, took the menu and said, "Take a look, which one do you need?"

Chen Lin took the recipe, took just a glance at it, and stood there in a daze!

There is no delicacy on the entire menu that costs less than ten thousand magic coins!

Even if it only extends life by ten years, it costs 11,800 magic coins. If it extends life by sixty years, it requires 66,600 magic coins!

It's so exaggerated!

Chen Lin swallowed and began to back down.

But the food vouchers have been given and I don’t know if they can be refunded.

A four-star food voucher is worth 10,000 magic coins at market price. If he hadn't gotten two at the food festival and Xuewa had helped him a lot, he would have been reluctant to use it.

"Well, boss, isn't this price too high? Otherwise, please return the food voucher to me and I will think of other ways."

Chen Lin spoke awkwardly.

Adding the value of the food voucher, it would cost more than 20,000 magic coins to extend one's life by ten years!

In this case, it would be better to give the magic coins directly to Xuewa and let Xuewa think of a way to buy the life-extending treasures in this world in the Explorers Association.

"Haha, Boss Chen, you're joking. Once the food coupons are used, they are subject to the rules. You also own a store, don't you understand this principle?"

The old man was smiling, but his tone was resolute.

He immediately added, "And as a four-star store, this price is already the lowest. If it's any lower, there will be a penalty. Didn't Boss Chen also change the price of his Soul Buns?"


The other party's words made Chen Lin immediately realize that he couldn't really blame the other party. It was his own fault for not doing a good investigation and staying in seclusion for too long, which led to a decrease in sensitivity.

This is a four-star gourmet restaurant and cannot be treated according to common sense!

In that case, I can only buy one delicious meal.

Chen Lin put the menu back in front of him and checked it one by one. He found that it was basically 10 years to extend his life for 10,000 magic coins, and the amount increased gradually.

After hesitating for a moment, he said, "We all run a food store. The boss won't give us a discount. How about I trade the Soul Buns with you?"

Chen Lin thought of another solution.

In fact, he is not short of magic coins now. Not to mention that he already has about 100,000 of them. After so many years, the bun shop has also made a lot of money.

The Soul Bun has almost no cost, but its effect is what all practitioners need. No matter which practice system, inner demons are inevitable. Moreover, the Soul Bun not only deals with inner demons, but also soothes the soul. Few things can achieve this effect.

So no matter how high the price is, you can always sell some within a year.

But no matter how rich he was, Chen Lin always felt like he was losing out by using 10,000 magic coins to buy 10 years of life.

Hearing Chen Lin's words, the old man smiled and said, "Haha, I don't have any mental problems. I don't need your buns, but I can give you some discounts, 20% off!"