Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 989: Human feelings


One day later.

Chen Lin, who was waiting in the secret room, saw Yuan Zhenhai open his eyes.

"Greetings, sir!"

Yuan Zhenhai recovered quickly, stood up and bowed to Chen Lin.

"How about it?"

Chen Lin looked at the bodies of the three old cultivators nearby and asked.

In fact, he already knew the result without asking, because the lives of these three people had been cut off. What he wanted to know was how they died.

Yuan Zhenhai shook his head, his expression gloomy.

Then he said seriously: "Sir, I have discovered a situation. If you are not a gifted person, you cannot accept the mission inside!"

"What do you mean?"

Chen Lin's expression changed slightly and he asked hurriedly.

Yuan Zhenhai took a breath and said, "After we entered there together, I didn't accept the mission first, but instructed the three old cultivators on how to operate. However, after they reported the mission options to the guardian, the guardian remained indifferent."

Swallowing his saliva, he continued, "Among them, the old cultivator named Hu Zhenglai couldn't help himself and tried to touch the guardian of the monument in a hurry. He turned into nothingness on the spot. The other two didn't dare to act rashly and kept waiting. In the end, they had no choice but to repel him and leave. Now it seems that they are all dead."

Chen Lin remained silent.

In fact, he had guessed about this situation before, but thought it was unlikely, so he kept postponing the experiment until now.

Of course, there are also reasons why it is difficult to find talented people, especially after the Great Revival, there are fewer and fewer talented people and bloodline cultivators, and talented people are regarded as the chosen ones of heaven who have no shortage of cultivation resources and generally will not accept such employment.

"What about you? You haven't accepted any more tasks on the stone tablet, right? How do you feel?"

Chen Lin continued to ask.

As the number of scenes to be explored increased, he was no longer sure that the tasks in all scenes were one-time. The Food Island had a task every time he left, so he asked the other party to conduct an experiment.

If the soul power is strong enough, but there are restrictions, there will be a little sense of danger when trying to leave.

"That's not the case. I feel like everything is normal now. The mission inside should be a one-time thing."

Yuan Zhenhai answered affirmatively.

Chen Lin felt a little relieved. This was better. At least he could check the task content first. If there was no good task, he could just not do it.

After thinking for a while, he said, "In that case, let's not explore for now. Wait until we find a talented person who is willing to be hired. As for the remaining old cultivators, those who are willing to leave will be given a sum of spirit stones to send them away. Those who are willing to stay will be handed over to Xi Yuanqiao to deal with!"


Yuan Zhenhai breathed a sigh of relief and quickly agreed.

Now he is a little scared of those tasks, so it would be better not to go if possible.

The rest of the matters were left to Zheng Xuanqing to handle. Chen Lin brought Xiaocao and Yang Zishi back to his own cave, and then asked Yang Zishi to guard it while he took Xiaocao into the Gambling Lake scene.

Without the Origin Ball to improve his talents, he would need to fish for a beauty flower before completing the title mission. Otherwise, he would feel a little unsure with only Xiaocao with him.

Although the food guardian gave him a token and promised to summon the other party once during the mission, this kind of reliance on others cannot be absolutely relied upon. If the other party does not respond to the summons at that time, he will be caught off guard.

Small woods.

The figures of Chen Lin and Xiao Cao appeared.


As soon as he stood firm, Chen Lin saw a figure in the woods. He immediately activated the Soul Armor Technique and the rusty knife fell into his hand.

Xiaocao was even more direct. With a flash of sword energy, he rushed out!

"Don't worry, it's me."

A familiar voice sounded, and at the same time, a white light lit up around the figure, taking a defensive stance.

"Come back, Xiaocao!"

Chen Lin then saw clearly who the figure was and immediately called Xiao Cao back.

"Haha, you two are too sensitive. If you attack a traveling merchant in the demon world, you will be punished by the demon law."

The figure was none other than the traveling merchant who had met Chen Lin several times.

"So it's you, why are you here?"

Chen Lin didn't expect to meet the other person here again, and suspected that the other party was waiting for him.

The traveling merchant smiled and said, "Haha, don't get me wrong. Recently, there are more people who need things that bring luck, so I come here more frequently."

After saying that, he looked at Chen Lin and said, "It seems that you have made good progress. Not only have you cleared up the hidden dangers in your body, but your cultivation and innate abilities have also improved rapidly. However, it seems that your soul and body are not very integrated!"

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

Chen Lin's heart moved, and he spoke in a deep voice.

The other person's eyes were indeed vicious, and he could see the hidden dangers in his body at a glance.

He was also looking for the other party, wanting to see if he had any treasures like the elixir of immortality. Now that the other party had taken the initiative to offer it, it seemed that he really had a way.

Hearing Chen Lin's words, the traveling merchant smiled and said, "Why do you ask when you already know the answer? With your current level of cultivation, can't you feel this flaw?"

Then he straightened his expression and said, "As far as I know, if you want to cultivate to become a true immortal, you must integrate your true soul, true intention and true body. Your defect has a great impact. If you don't become a true immortal, you can't turn the virtual into the real. You don't have much time."

Chen Lin raised his eyebrows. The other party seemed to know everything. The last sentence should be a reference to the catastrophe that would happen a thousand years later.

However, he did not rush to ask for a solution. Instead, he sneered and said, "I don't believe what you say. Last time, didn't you say that the collapse of the worlds was caused by a beam of light? But according to the information I got later, it is a little different, and more credible than yours!"

This doubt had been in his mind for a long time, and when he met him today, he had the opportunity to ask about it.

The peddler said proudly, "Is there anyone in this world who has more accurate information than me? Tell me what you think. If you can prove that I'm wrong, I can grant you one request!"

"Oh, this is what you said, don't regret it."

Chen Lin smiled.

He then told the story of the Palm Fairyland and took out the rubbings of the historian's tortoise and the immortal's handwriting as evidence. If he could really make a request to the other party, he might get a lot of benefits.

However, after the peddler understood the situation, he said calmly, "The information you got cannot be said to be inaccurate, but it does not conflict with what I said. Originally, this kind of information would be charged, but since you and I are destined to meet, I will provide you with some more for free."

After moving his body, he slowly explained: “The information I told you here last time was at a macro level, and what you got was at a lower level.

The fairyland on the palm of your hand that you know about refers only to the Yuanyu where you are. This is just a realm and does not even fully encompass the entire immortal cultivation system. There are many such realms in the vast universe.

There are also other cultivation systems such as the Demon Realm and the Wizard World, which also have their own different meta-domains. "

At this point, the peddler walked to a tree branch, picked up a leaf, and said, "The meta-domains we are talking about are all in these 'leaves'. The leaves are a higher level interface.

Beyond the leaves is an unknown space. Perhaps there are creatures like us, but with higher cultivation, or perhaps there are beings that we cannot understand. "

At this time, the peddler looked at Chen Lin and said meaningfully: "I will tell you another piece of information for free. Luo is very likely a life form outside the leaves. It must have come into the leaves for a reason. You got so many Luo soldiers last time, so you must have mastered the energy to restrain Luo. This energy is also very likely to come from outside the leaves!"

Chen Lin's expression changed slightly.

The energy that restrains Luo is the Soul-Destroying Finger. He has long suspected that this magical power has an extraordinary origin. Now it seems even more exaggerated than he imagined.

If the energy of the Soul-Destroying Finger comes from outside the leaves, then it goes without saying that the Silver Fairy must also have come from outside the leaves, or the ancestors of the Yun family came from outside and were passed down from generation to generation.

"What about the demon world? What kind of existence is it? Is it inside the leaves or outside the leaves?"

This opportunity is rare, and since the other party is willing to speak, Chen Lin asked again.

The peddler didn't care and smiled, "The demon world you saw is just the tip of the iceberg. The demon world is everywhere, but they are all unrelated. You will gradually understand this. I can't tell you, and I don't know much."

Without waiting for Chen Lin to ask again, he continued, "I've said enough. If it were someone else, this information would cost a lot of treasures. I don't ask for too much, just a favor from you. I hope you won't refuse when I need you in the future."


Chen Lin was stunned.

Feng Sanniang from the Music Tavern asked him for a favor before, and now she wants it again. When did his favors become so sought after

Something must be wrong when things are out of the ordinary. Chen Lin's eyes flickered and he asked in a deep voice, "What's the use of you asking for my favor? Could it be that you have seen something?"


The peddler smiled and said, "Don't think too much. I'm just trying to protect myself. I'm not just asking you for favors, I'm also asking a lot of other people for favors. Big changes are coming, who can guarantee who can be used? People like you who seem to have some potential will meet more people who are willing to show you kindness."

Chen Lin was a little confused.

He himself doesn't know what potential he has. The only thing he can show off is probably the talent of destiny and the Thunder God's Sword. If we only talk about potential, it is the talent of destiny!

It may also be the luck and talent that he showed to the outside world. Although luck is not as good as destiny, it is also a top talent, so it is normal for it to be valued.

But favors should be owed. If a blank check can be exchanged for tangible benefits, why not do it? As for whether to help the other party in the future, that will be decided when the time comes.

"Okay, since you have a keen eye for talent, I will remember this favor."

Chen Lin agreed, and then immediately said: "But this information is too far away for me, and it is not very useful. I am in urgent need of something now. I wonder if you can trade with me. As long as you can meet my small request, any favor will be fine!"