Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 995: Go with the flow


"What is the Xiaoyao Conference? Is it a trade fair? How can I participate?"

Chen Lin heard another new term.

Ever since entering the Food Island, he felt that he had very little knowledge and was like a frog in a well.

The shopkeeper nodded and said, "Yes, it is a trade fair, but it is very high-level. If you want to participate, you need someone to lead you, or have an invitation letter. I was able to participate before because I was brought there by a senior, but now that senior has passed away, I am no longer eligible to go."

Chen Lin frowned when he heard this.

This kind of invitation-only trade fair is the most annoying thing. You can't spend your money, but good things often appear at such trade fairs.

"From what the shopkeeper said, the location of this Xiaoyao Conference is not fixed?"

The shopkeeper nodded again and said, "Yes, there is no fixed location and the time is not fixed. It is extremely difficult for a small person like me to participate. Boss Chen should not have any illusions."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Chen Lin and said, "I've been talking for so long that my mouth is dry. Do you have any of Boss Chen's Drunk God Brew left? Would you mind giving me some to moisten my throat?"


Chen Lin readily agreed, took out a pot of Zuishen Brew, and personally filled the other person's cup.

Although he would have to spend a lot to give the other party a pot of wine on this island, it was worth it since the other party provided so much information.

Moreover, he also wanted to make friends with the other person. This person was very mysterious and knew a lot. It would be beneficial for him to make friends with him.

“Good wine!”

The old shopkeeper drank a full cup and exclaimed in praise.

Then he filled the glass again, and then looked at Chen Lin and said, "It's not in vain to drink your wine. Let me tell you something. There is something special about your wine. It is definitely more than three stars. It's just that those wine tasters didn't know the magic of it and wasted your good stuff!"

After saying that, the old shopkeeper drank three cups in a row, and the wine jug was empty.

Chen Lin looked at the other party suspiciously.

The tasters on Food Island are all dedicated, especially the three who identify the wines, all of whom are spirits of wine jugs, so such mistakes should not occur.

Since it was about benefits, he immediately asked, "What the shopkeeper means is... the identification of this wine is wrong


He was answered by a muffled sound.

The Drunken God had an extraordinary ability to brew wine. If he didn't use his magical powers to guide him, just one cup, not even a pot, could make a high-level cultivator drunk. So the old shopkeeper, who had drunk a pot of wine, had already slumped on the table, unconscious.

Chen Lin tried to call out but failed to wake him up. He could only shake his head helplessly, got up and left, and would come back to ask after he sobered up.

In fact, whether he asked or not, it would not change the identification result of Food Island. He just wanted to know what other functions this wine had.

Then, Chen Lin went to Xuewa's hut again. Only after learning that Heiwa had not returned yet did he return to his own shop.

The spiritual herbs required to refine the White Mist Pill have been gathered, but one of them was obtained from the small spiritual realm of Baiyun Ranch and needs to be refined on the Food Island. Otherwise, even if it is refined outside, the effect will be greatly reduced.

There are many deceptive aspects of Food Island, but there are also many benefits.

For example, the food refined here can be used in both the demon world and the real world. This loophole in the rules is extremely useful. Apart from anything else, all the spiritual medicines in the small spiritual realm are turned into treasures, which is equivalent to providing him with a spiritual medicine warehouse.

White Mist Pills were not difficult to refine. With Chen Lin's level of alchemy, he could have made them even without the help of his innate ability. With the help of his innate ability, he actually made two perfect pills, which was a pleasant surprise.

After returning to Ruyi Island, he first gathered Zhou Shiwu and others together, introduced the blind girl, and listened to everyone's reports.

After listening to this, he dismissed the rest of the people and left Zheng Xuanqing and Yuan Zhenhai behind.

"You two should put aside all other matters. Zheng Xuanqing, go to other floating islands to look for people with gifted abilities. Bloodline cultivators are also fine. They don't need to be too high in cultivation. Bring them back to continue exploring the Black Finger scene."

Chen Lin ordered in a deep voice.

The blind girl had overdrawn too much of her essence while fishing and was in urgent need of replenishing it with essence balls.


Zheng Xuanqing agreed in a deep voice.

Chen Lin immediately added: "Don't force it. The other party must be willing. If you promise them a lot of money, there will definitely be people willing to take the risk. A forced melon is not sweet and is prone to backlash. If you need any resources, just tell Qiao Niang."

"Yes, disciple has made note of it."

Zheng Xuanqing said he understood.

Chen Lin looked at Yuan Zhenhai again and said, "After the people are brought back, you will still be responsible for bringing them in. You don't need to accept any more tasks. Just observe the situation of everyone in the stone tablet space carefully, and continue to try to communicate with the guardian of the stone tablet."


Yuan Zhenhai also responded respectfully.

Waving his hand to let the two leave, Chen Lin called Yang Zishi again.

"How about it, have you decided where to travel? I suggest you go to Liangtian Continent, it's relatively safe there, and I can have someone take care of you."

The other party wanted to go out and gain experience in preparation for promotion, so he would naturally support this kind of thing.

He has dealt with several powerful Void Refinement masters on the Liangtian Continent. As long as he says hello, the other party's safety will be guaranteed.

However, Yang Zishi shook his head and said, "No, I'd better go to the Huangtian Continent. The rules of heaven and earth on this level are more complete, which is good for comprehending the power of rules."

Chen Lin frowned when he heard this.

Huangtian Continent is a continent that Zhou Shiwu discovered some time ago. It was not discovered at the intersection with their Ruyi Island, but by a teleportation talisman purchased at another trade fair. Zhou Shiwu then traveled to this continent via the teleportation talisman and left behind the Mandarin Duck Stone for positioning.

According to Zhou Shiwu, this Huangtian Continent is a behemoth formed by the merger of several floating islands. It is several times larger than the Liangtian Continent. The resources on it are very rich, but there are also many high-level cultivators, and the number of powerful cultivators in the Hedao realm can be counted on the palms of your hands.

In addition, because it is the merger of multiple floating islands, the forces are complicated. There are not only immortal cultivators, but also demon cultivators, monster cultivators, and various unorthodox cultivators, which makes it quite chaotic.

Seeing Chen Lin's expression, Yang Zishi immediately said, "Don't worry, sir. I will be extra careful. And since it is a training, I can't be too comfortable, otherwise I won't be able to find an opportunity to advance. I am already halfway through my life span, and my condition has begun to decline. I can't delay any longer, otherwise with my qualifications, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to succeed in advancing to the God Transformation Realm."

Chen Lin looked apologetic upon hearing this.

The other party had stayed in the Demon Realm for too long, and instead of improving his cultivation, his cultivation was affected by the Demon Realm's aura. Otherwise, even if his cultivation had not yet reached the Nascent Soul stage, it would have been almost there.

He thought for a moment and said, "Don't worry about your lifespan. I have already found the ingredients for the Thousand-Year Longevity Pill. If you are really worried about your lifespan, I will refine this pill for you."

The materials for the Thousand-Year Longevity Pill are hard to find, and the other party still has a lot of life left, so he just made a promise and did not directly refine it for the other party.

Yang Zishi smiled and said, "Thank you, sir. However, if I want to keep up with you, a thousand years of life is not enough. I still have to hurry up and get promoted."

Chen Lin nodded helplessly and said, "Then you should be careful. If there is any danger, immediately enter the Wanjie League scene and leave a distress signal. I will send people to keep an eye on it."

Then he took out another talisman.

He placed it in the other person's hand and said, "This is a sword talisman, which was made by Wei Duxing, the city lord of Zhongzhou City. When activated, it can release the attack of a ninth-level Taoist monk. Take it to defend yourself!"

This talisman was Chen Lin's treasure. He wanted to use it several times but was reluctant to do so. Now, for Yang Zishi's safety, he gave it away.

He actually has quite a few treasures on him, but the other party's cultivation is not enough, so he cannot use them. Only this talisman can be barely activated.


Yang Zishi hummed softly, and his voice suddenly became very low.

She didn't thank me this time either.

Because she knew the value of this talisman, Chen Lin's giving it to her for self-defense was enough to prove his care for her. Just saying thank you was enough to show his feelings, and he had to express it with practical actions.

Chen Lin was still wondering if he had any treasures on him that the other party could use, when he saw a fragrant breeze blowing into his arms, and then a flushed face gradually appeared.

After thinking about it, he did not refuse. With a flash of his body, the two of them disappeared into the hall.

Everything will come naturally.

The next day.

After Chen Lin entered the Wanjie League scene, he recalled what happened last night and could only smile bitterly.

This is the consequence of not being able to refuse, adding another debt of love.

However, Yang Zishi was only a matter of time. He didn't want to be his disciple. Everyone around him knew his thoughts and regarded him as his. Even Luo Qinglan tried his best to make it happen. It was impossible for him to look for other Taoist partners.

So there was no point in keeping dragging it out, so I just went with the flow.

"What are you thinking about, my friend? You look so sexy, are you thinking about women?"

A figure flashed in the cave, and Qi Menglan appeared in front of Chen Lin. After taking a glance, she spoke.

Chen Lin was secretly surprised at the other party's sharp eyes, but he remained calm on the surface.

But when he used his spiritual sense to investigate the other party, he could no longer remain calm and a look of shock appeared on his face.

"Junior Chen Lin, nice to meet you, senior!"

Chen Lin greeted him respectfully.

The other party entered with his real body and did not conceal his cultivation level. Although suppressed by the aura of the demon world, one could still feel that he was a cultivator in the Hedao realm!

And according to his feeling, the other party is stronger than Lan Ruxue, but inferior to Wei Duxing, who is a powerful person in the third realm of Tao.

There are three realms in the Tao, and each realm is extremely different. It is said to be a small realm, but it is said to be more difficult to cross than a big realm.

A powerful person who has heard of the Dao and has a fourth-level pass must be given a certain amount of respect.

Qi Menglan waved her hand and said, "The cultivation in the real world is useless in the demon world. With your soul strength, you will not be weaker than me in the projection state, so there is no need to be polite, let's trade first!"

Without further ado, she took out a box and said, "I have already brought the Eight-Armed Circumvention. This item is extremely harmful to the soul. Even if your soul strength is very high, you cannot avoid it. So if you want to test it, you must prepare defensive measures."