Cautiously Cultivating Immortality in a Strange World

Chapter 998: Golden Soul Seed


Chen Lin never expected that it would take fifty years to refine a genuine soul-refining pill.

But the effect is also amazing.

Not only has the soul become more solid, but the soul seed has also undergone a qualitative change.

Chen Lin looked inward at his soul and saw that the soul seed had not only grown larger, but also had faint golden lines appearing on it.

Although this pattern is very faint, it is very powerful. When used when releasing spiritual powers, it can make the power at least twice as powerful!

This increase was so exaggerated that Chen Lin was very happy and was also amazed at the effect of the genuine Soul Refining Pill.

It's no wonder that he had been trying hard to find the Eight-Armed Detour from the very beginning. This thing is really useful.

Unfortunately, Qi Menglan only had one, which she got at a trade fair, and she didn't know where it came from.

"Xiaoyao Conference?"

Chen Lin muttered to himself.

According to Qi Menglan, she obtained her Eight-Armed Parade through trading at this Xiaoyao Conference, which greatly increased her interest in this trade fair.

Endless Water and Eight-Armed Parade both came from this place. If possible, he must go there once. Moreover, if such treasures can exist, there must be many other high-level treasures.

However, with Qi Menglan's level of cultivation, she was not qualified to be invited. The other party was lucky enough to enter the transaction location through a powerful demon being, and the situation could not be replicated.

Chen Lin shook his head.

The more advanced the stage, the harder it is to find the required resources. Even he, who has no shortage of resources, finds it difficult.

So he was very depressed that he knew about such a trading place full of high-end treasures but couldn't go there.

As for the old man in the Time Restaurant, he had no connections at all, and the other party had already closed the food house and his whereabouts were unknown.

"Forget it, let it be!"

Chen Lin put away his thoughts and began to experiment with the effects of his soul enhancement.

After some experiments, his face was filled with joy and his depressed mood was swept away.

The current soul level must have reached the strength of the Hedao realm. The power of various soul secret techniques has been greatly enhanced, especially the Soul-Destroying Finger, which is much stronger and the Lianxu cultivators are completely unable to resist it.

Although he had never fought with a strong man in the Hedao realm, Chen Lin felt that with the current power of the Soul-Destroying Finger, he could also cause harm to him.

But improving the soul too quickly also has its drawbacks. Except for the Soul-Destroying Finger, other soul secrets are no longer compatible.

However, high-level soul secrets were extremely rare and impossible to collect, which meant that he had great soul power but no way to use it. Otherwise, his strength could have been raised to a higher level.

In any case, the effect of the Soul Refining Pill exceeded expectations. Compared with the gains obtained, the time spent is nothing.

Chen Lin was happy and immediately took out a batch of pills to reward everyone on the island, making everyone happy together.

Naturally, everyone was extremely excited.

Chen Lin is their backbone. The stronger they are, the safer they will be.

Moreover, with the development over the years, there are already several teleportation arrays on Ruyi Island, and there are more floating islands located by the Mandarin Duck Stone. They no longer have to stay on the island, but can go to other floating islands for training. They are very satisfied with this training environment.

In the past fifty years, the island has undergone considerable changes.

First of all, many old cultivators died. Wang Tianlin and Zhang Xuanwang also exhausted their lifespans and died ten years ago.

Chen Lin could only sigh and do nothing about it.

The two of them had average aptitude to begin with, and he had forcibly promoted them to the Foundation Establishment stage. They had no potential to advance to the Golden Core stage, and the longevity elixir was very expensive, so he could not possibly use it on them.

As for the deaths of other old cultivators, Chen Lin didn't even care, and no one reported it to him.

There are plenty of old repairmen. If this batch is gone, there will be the next batch. It won’t affect anything.

Moreover, after learning that the Black Finger scene was only open to those with talent, the island no longer accepted old cultivators. Instead, it selected some young cultivators with outstanding talents for training, and the popularity of the island gradually increased.

What disappointed Chen Lin was that there was no progress with the talented people.

It’s not that gifted people are so rare that they are difficult to find, but because he ordered that no harsh measures should be used and the dangers of the exploration mission should not be concealed.

Gifted people are often the best in the same realm. They have natural abilities and are not short of resources, so almost no one is willing to accept such employment.

The most important taboo is the need to sign a soul contract. Except for old cultivators, few people will agree to this request.

The Tao Origin Ball is of utmost importance. Chen Lin thought for a while and called Zheng Xuanqing to his side.

"Greetings, Master!"

Zheng Xuanqing bowed respectfully.

He was sincere and unpretentious.

Fifty years have passed, and under Chen Lin's focused training, his cultivation has made rapid progress. Now he has reached the peak of the Golden Core. The next step is to try to condense the Nascent Soul.

If he had not met Chen Lin, he would have died on the Liangtian Continent long ago, let alone achieved what he has today. As long as he succeeds in forming a baby, there will be a vast world ahead. All of this was given to him by Chen Lin.

Chen Lin looked at the other party and nodded, "The progress of cultivation is quite good. It seems that it is time to find an opportunity to form a baby. Have you found a good place to practice?"

"Disciple wants to go to Liangtian Continent."

Zheng Xuanqing answered truthfully.

Chen Lin was slightly startled, but didn't say anything.

Everyone has a knot in his heart. If the other party wants to return to Liangtian Continent, he must have his own reasons. There is no need for him to care about this.

After a moment of silence, he said, "I promised you before that as long as you behave well, I will accept you as a formal disciple. Now I will make you a promise. If you succeed in forming a fetus, then it will be as you wish. And after you, I don't plan to accept any other disciples."

Zheng Xuanqing was overjoyed and quickly knelt down to express his gratitude.

Chen Lin waved his hand to let the other party stand up, and asked: "How is the exploration of the black finger space going?"

Speaking of this, Zheng Xuanqing looked a little embarrassed.

"Reporting to Master, since we recruited too few talented people, we were not able to obtain many Origin Balls, and we also lost two talented people. Now, including Yuan Zhenhai, there are only three talented explorers."

Chen Lin nodded.

Then he waved his hand to signal the other party to leave.

Then he called Yuan Zhenhai over and asked him some questions.

“This speed is still too slow.”

After listening to this, Chen Lin frowned and asked, "Then the guardian of the monument has not made any unusual moves in all these years?"

Yuan Zhenhai shook his head and said, "My Lord, there is nothing unusual about the guardian of the stele. On the contrary, the tasks on the stele are becoming more and more difficult. Even I dare not take them lightly."

"Don't put yourself in danger."

Chen Lin immediately reminded him, and then said: "Although I need the Origin Ball very much, one more or one less will not affect much. You just need to be responsible for the command. I will ask Zhou Shiwu to increase the efforts to collect gifted people and bring back more."

The other party now has the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Golden Core and is extremely loyal. He does not want him to die in the Demon Realm.

Yuan Zhenhai responded respectfully, then stood up and left.

Then, Chen Lin gathered several disciples together.

"Greetings, Master!"

Several disciples greeted each other formally.

Chen Linkao sat high up and checked and asked questions one by one.

There was no major change in Zhou Shiwu's cultivation. When he reached the Spirit Transformation Realm, his cultivation improved very slowly. Fifty years was just a blink of an eye, and each period of seclusion could last as long as a hundred years.

However, he was surprised that the other party had already initially formed a spiritual realm. Although it was much easier to use magic with the blessing of talent, the speed was not slow, which showed that the other party had a high level of comprehension.

After explaining some knowledge about the realm of the soul, Chen Lin looked at Qiao Niang again.

The other party has successfully advanced to the Nascent Soul stage, and he did not achieve this on the island. Instead, he achieved a breakthrough during his training, which is considered a great opportunity.

This was not surprising to Chen Lin.

There is a hidden power in the other party, and now his soul has recovered with the help of the Soul-Restoring Pill, so a breakthrough is reasonable.

Shi Jian's cultivation has reached the late Golden Core stage. This speed shocked Chen Lin. He even suspected that the other party had some spiritual body that he had not discovered.

But after checking, nothing was abnormal.

In fact, Chen Lin didn't care whether there was any secret or not. He only cared about whether the other party had the heart to respect his teacher. Other things were not within his scope of investigation.

Finally, Chen Lin set his sights on Chou Ya.

The other person is uglier.

Not only did he become uglier, but he also looked old and dead.

There is no other reason except that the other party failed in his attempt to achieve the golden elixir and his life span is running out.


Chen Lin sighed.

"Get ready, I'll help you advance to the Golden Core Realm tomorrow!"

The other party's qualifications were really too poor, and he actually had nothing much to do with him. He just took him in as a disciple out of pity for him and because he had no one else available around him. But now that he had become a disciple, he couldn't just watch him die of old age in front of him.

"Yes, thank you, Master!"

The ugly girl knelt down on the ground tremblingly, tears streaming down her face, "I am useless and I have caused Master to worry!"

Chen Lin waved his hand and said, "Get up. You and I are master and disciple after all, but this is only once. After you reach the Dan stage, I will treat you equally and will not treat you specially anymore."

Chou Ya didn't say anything, kowtowed three times, stood up and stepped aside.

Then, Chen Lin explained to them the difficulties in cultivation, gave them some treasures according to their current cultivation levels, and let them go about their business.

"Zhou Shiwu stayed."

Before he even walked out the door, Chen Lin kept Zhou Shiwu back.


Zhou Shiwu didn't know what Chen Lin meant and looked at him inquiringly.

Chen Lin asked solemnly, "Is there any news about Yang Zishi recently?"

Hearing this question, Zhou Shiwu hurriedly replied: "Master, there is no news yet."

Chen Lin frowned.

After Yang Zishi went out to travel, he would initially transmit information through the Wanjie League scene, but since twenty years ago, no information has been transmitted back, which made him extremely worried.

However, the situation in the floating world was special and it was very difficult to find, so he had no other options.