Celestial Employee

Chapter 1: Zi said on the toilet


"MLGBD." Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but cursed while sitting on the toilet.

Through the glass window of the bathroom, Zhao Lingjun saw that the asphalt on the road was steaming, the air seemed to be as thick as melted chocolate, and there was not even a trace of wind in the sky. On both sides of the road, the leaves of the sun-scorched sycamore trees were drooping and motionless.

In previous years, the weather in June was still very cool, but this year's weather was uncharacteristically different. I don't know if I took some wrong medicine. It was only after June that the temperature soared. It was even more outrageous today, with the highest temperature reaching 38 degrees. On the way to and from get off work, Zhao Lingjun felt that he was about to be fucked in the sun.

If that's all, forget it. But when Zhao Lingjun returned to his home, he found that the entire community had a power outage for no apparent reason.

Zhao Lingjun picked up his cell phone and after making countless complaint calls, he finally had to enter his room, which was as stuffy as a can. The heat wave in the room made Zhao Lingjun almost faint. Just when Zhao Lingjun decided to go out and find a place to cool down, Zhao Lingjun's stomach hurt like a knife.

When he rushed to the bathroom and sat on the toilet to ejaculate, Zhao Lingjun thought about the bowl of beef ramen he had eaten at a roadside stall for dinner before he came back. At that time, Zhao Lingjun felt that the taste of the bowl of beef ramen was a bit strange, but Zhao Lingjun thought that the owner of the beef ramen had introduced a new flavor, and he enjoyed eating it.

For the next ten minutes, Zhao Lingjun sat on the toilet and almost passed out. When he finally finished, Zhao Lingjun discovered a very serious problem.

That's when Zhao Lingjun discovered that he had run out of toilet paper in his bathroom.

Zhao Lingjun already had several ways to deal with not bringing toilet paper as early as his first year in college. For example, shouting, "Who can lend me a newspaper?" or asking other students who come to the toilet to do a good deed and bring two pieces of toilet paper. But at this time, Zhao Lingjun understood that there were only two applicable methods.

The first one that Zhao Lingjun wanted to use was the first one, which was more disgusting but more economical. It is also relatively clean and has no toxic or side effects. So Zhao Lingjun opened the lid of the water tank on the toilet and wanted to get some water from it to flush his butt. But at one glance, Zhao Lingjun almost fainted.

There was almost no water in the toilet bowl. It turns out that not only was the power outage in the community today, but the water supply was also cut off. When he first entered the bathroom, Zhao Lingjun habitually flushed the toilet first.

After the first plan failed, Zhao Lingjun began to implement the second plan. This second option was tried by Zhao Lingjun’s dormitory roommate in college. Zhao Lingjun's roommate at that time used ten water tickets to solve the problem that is currently bothering Zhao Lingjun. It's just that Zhao Lingjun has graduated for nearly a year now, and those cheap water stamps have disappeared without a trace, just like the girls from the Industrial and Commercial College whom Zhao Lingjun had a crush on.

So when he took out his wallet, Zhao Lingjun hoped that he could find some expired invoices in his wallet. If that didn't work, he would just use the ones worth one and a half yuan.

But when Zhao Lingjun took out his wallet, he took a look. Zhao Lingjun, who thought he was highly educated and a civilized person, couldn't help but cursed, "MLGBD."

Originally, Zhao Lingjun's wallet usually contained some expired invoices, discount coupons issued by some merchants, etc., but today, Zhao Lingjun's wallet did not have those things.

And what drives Zhao Lingjun the most is that the smallest denomination note in Zhao Lingjun's wallet today is fifty.

Sometimes, when people are unlucky, their teeth will get clogged if they drink cold water. Zhao Lingjun thought sadly while doing dirty things with fifty bills.

"One day's salary, I went to WC, and it was gone."

When Zhao Lingjun came out of the bathroom with his pants lifted, he wanted to take a knife and go to the water and electricity department supervisor to fight. But at this time, Zhao Lingjun suddenly heard many people making noises, seemingly calling his name.

"Jun Zhao Ling...Jun Zhao Ling...come down quickly."

Zhao Lingjun looked around and realized that he was not hallucinating because of excessive grief and anger. Under one of his buildings, many people were shouting his name.

"What on earth is going on?" Zhao Lingjun thought as he went downstairs uneasily, "Did they smell something? Did they know that after I went to the WC, there was no water to flush the toilet? Or did they know that I just ran out of toilet paper and used 5 Ten yuan to wipe your ass?”


"Why are you moving so slowly? You haven't come down until now." A fat guy said to Zhao Lingjun angrily.

"MLGBD, I can walk however I want. Hurry up and go slow. You don't care." Zhao Lingjun wanted to say this first, and then kicked the fat man in front of him like a trash can, making people When I see it, I think of a bunch of chubby, undercooked, oily, disgusting, filthy men who look like braised pork and kick them away. But after Zhao Lingjun took a deep breath, he forced himself to show a spring-like smile to the man who made him feel nauseated to the extreme, and called out to the fat man in a voice that made his skin crawl, " boss Zhang."

The fat man whom Zhao Lingjun calls Mr. Zhang is named Zhang Chong. Like his name, he is indeed heavy. The weight of nearly two hundred kilograms could probably crush Zhao Lingjun to death. But the reason why Zhao Lingjun didn't dare to kick him away was because this guy worked in the same company as Zhao Lingjun, and his level was three levels higher than Zhao Lingjun's. Moreover, he had a nickname known to the entire company as "The Boilermaker."

Zhang Zhong's identity in the company is the manager of the human resources department. He has a lot of power in his hands. He is certainly not a boilermaker who burns boilers. The reason why he has such a nickname is that his characteristic is to stir up trouble.

In front of the general manager, he could talk about something as big as a 9/11 incident. Being one minute late, if he said it, the impact would be as bad as missing work for a day.

All in all, this fat man is a person who is hated by everyone in the company and everyone wants to hang him alive. It is estimated that from the establishment of the company to the present, countless people have thought about dragging this man out to light a sky lantern. idea.

To be honest, everyone in the company knows that Zhang Zhong has no other talents except stirring up trouble and making small reports. But so far, Zhang Zhong is still living well. And he is still alive and nourishing better than anyone else. And all those who offended him seemed to have no good end.

There is only one reason, because Zhang Zhong happens to be the general manager's brother-in-law.

"What happened?" Zhao Lingjun tried hard not to show any disgust towards this guy.

"It's incredible." A voice that seemed to have been smeared with honey sounded in Zhao Lingjun's ears. In this sultry weather in June, Zhao Lingjun felt as if honey was flowing all over his body.

"My hole is blocked, please poke it for me." It was still the same voice that seemed to be covered with honey, making people feel sticky.

If such a voice rang on a certain voice phone station, it is very likely that the man who heard the voice would have already secreted hormones rapidly and went to prepare toilet paper. Zhao Lingjun has always believed that if face-to-face naked video chats were not popular nowadays and voice calls were no longer popular, the owner of this voice would have been famous for a long time and became the top celebrity of a certain voice channel.

But now when Zhao Lingjun heard this voice, his vision went dark. Zhao Lingjun felt that he might lose his mind at any time.

Because the appearance of the owner of this voice has long been unforgettable for Zhao Lingjun.

The billowing heat rising from the concrete floor downstairs and the honey-like voice made Zhao Lingjun, who was in a daze, feel like he was back in July last year, the day he heard the voice.

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