Celestial Employee

Chapter 10: Requiem


Sometimes Zhao Lingjun feels that being a man is really good, for example, he doesn't have to stuff such a big thing in his pants every month. But when he saw the sewer entrance that smelled like solid sour smell, Zhao Lingjun felt that being a woman was actually quite good. At least even a woman like Hao Meili can twist her butt and say, "You don't want a woman to stab you."

At this time, Zhao Lingjun had to admire Zhang Zhong's ability to kill people invisibly.

Because I just saw Zhao Lingjun's expression a little shaken. Zhang Zhong had already handed a flashlight and a shovel to Zhao Lingjun, and said to Zhao Lingjun: "Actually, maybe it's just a little bit blocked, maybe it's a big nylon bag or something, maybe not. When you dig something out, maybe if you're lucky, you can just go down and dig with a shovel, and the water will clear the road all at once."

"MLGBD." Before Zhao Lingjun could refuse, a flashlight and a shovel were already thrust into his hands. At this moment, Zhao Lingjun really wanted to pick up the shovel handed over by Fatty Zhang, knock Fatty Zhang over with the shovel, then pick up his two fat legs, drag him to the sewer entrance, and then stuff his pig head into the sewer, letting He took a good smell of the smell in the sewer, and then asked him, "Does it smell good? Do you dare to ask Mr. Zhao to dig the sewer next time?"

But despite thinking this way, Zhao Lingjun finally walked to the sewer entrance with a shovel.

In fact, Zhao Lingjun is not a person who easily succumbs to power. Although it was impossible to knock Fatty Zhang over with a shovel, for a moment, Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but want to spit in front of Fatty Zhang and Buck Yazhen, saying that I don't have time to play with you, and then didn't even look up. Then he closed the door and went to sleep.

But when he saw Wu Xiaoye in the crowd, Zhao Lingjun remembered why he stayed in this company where the salary was so low and he had to see several leather bags that were more annoying than cockroaches all day long. At this moment, Zhao Lingjun suddenly remembered that if he didn't go down today, Wu Xiaoye would also be smelled by the unpleasant smell all night.

Zhao Lingjun will never care about the life and death of Hao Meili and others. But Zhao Lingjun absolutely couldn't bear to let Wu Xiaoye stay in a room that smelled like a public toilet all night.

So when taking Fatty Zhang's shovel and flashlight, Zhao Lingjun just took a deep breath. Said to Fatty Zhang. "Bring me a mask, bring me a pair of gloves."

"Okay." Zhang Chong was overjoyed. He probably never expected that Zhao Lingjun would agree so readily.

In less than two minutes, a pair of gloves and a mask were placed on Zhao Lingjun's hands.

With Fatty Zhang's size, it was certainly impossible for him to be so fast. The person who brought Zhao Lingjun gloves and masks was Hao Meili's Second General Heng Ha.

Zhao Lingjun looked at the two flattering people with disdain, and walked to the sewer entrance without looking back.

As soon as he approached the sewer entrance, Zhao Lingjun almost vomited out the overnight rice in disgust.

It's not midsummer yet. But the weather has been extremely hot. The entire sewer is now filled with the sour smell of decay. We haven't reached the sewer entrance yet. Zhao Lingjun seemed to be able to see the smell rising like steam. Even if you wear a mask, you can't block the smell that's a hundred times stinkers than stinky tofu.

But what really made Zhao Lingjun's scalp numb was that when he approached the dark sewer entrance, Zhao Lingjun suddenly remembered what Zhang Changsheng said to him when he first came here last year.

Below here is a mass grave. It is said that it was specially used to bury the death row prisoners at that time. This is what Zhang Changsheng said to Zhao Lingjun at that time.

Later, when Zhao Lingjun was with Wu Xiaoye one day, Zhao Lingjun also accidentally mentioned this topic to Wu Xiaoye. Because at that time Zhao Lingjun was not very sure whether what Zhang Changsheng said was true.

But Zhao Lingjun remembers Wu Xiaoye's answer clearly.

Wu Xiaoye did not tell Zhao Lingjun that there was indeed a mass grave below for death row prisoners. Wu Xiaoye just asked Zhao Lingjun if he heard a very melodious piece of music that was often played in the community.

Zhao Lingjun thought about it and said yes. Because indeed many times in the evening, the same unknown song will be played in the community.

When he heard Zhao Lingjun's answer, Wu Xiaoye just said that it was a requiem.

Zhao Lingjun knew that Wu Xiaoye would never deceive him.

So now I see the dark sewer entrance. Zhao Lingjun thought about a lot of scenes in horror movies. Zhao Lingjun suddenly felt that it was not a sewer entrance, but an entrance leading to the tombs of countless innocent souls.

"I won't be able to get out as soon as I go in."

Such an idea suddenly appeared in Zhao Lingjun's mind.

When Zhao Lingjun thought of this, he couldn't help but look at Wu Xiaoye for some reason.

But when he saw Wu Xiaoye, Zhao Lingjun suddenly felt that Wu Xiaoye was a little strange today.

Normally, Wu Xiaoye was quiet and indifferent. Zhao Lingjun always felt that even if a bundle of money suddenly fell in front of Wu Xiaoye, she would not show any excitement.

But Zhao Lingjun suddenly discovered that Wu Xiaoye's slightly pale face today actually had a little blush. When Zhao Lingjun turned to look at Wu Xiaoye, Zhao Lingjun found that Wu Xiaoye was also looking at him.

The two people's eyes met, and Zhao Lingjun found that in Wu Xiaoye's eyes, besides a trace of concern, there was actually a little bit of excitement and excitement.

"Why does she have such a vision?" Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but think about this question when he grabbed the edge of the sewer entrance and slowly reached the iron ladder on the sewer wall with his feet. And the more he thought about that requiem, the more Zhao Lingjun felt his scalp numb.

This sewer cover has probably never been turned out since it was put on. The iron ladder on the wall of the sewer has also been coated with a layer of black slime that looks like sludge, but I don’t know what it is. Although he was wearing gloves, Zhao Lingjun could still feel the greasy feeling. This feeling made Zhao Lingjun feel that what he was grasping was not the armrest, but some dead eels that had become stiff and rotten.

"God, I haven't done anything evil. I often help old ladies cross the road and give up my seat to old people. You can't let me meet any perverted monster here."

While Zhao Lingjun held his breath as much as possible, he carefully grabbed the ladder with one hand and the shovel with the other as he slowly climbed down, thinking constantly in his heart.


Zhang Changsheng squatted at the entrance of the sewer, holding a flashlight to illuminate Zhao Lingjun.

The light of this ordinary flashlight was not very strong, and since Zhao Lingjun himself blocked most of the light, Zhang Changsheng could not see clearly what was in the dark sewer.

Because he was afraid that there would be no ventilation and oxygen down there for a long time, Zhang Changsheng found a rope and tied it to Zhao Lingjun's waist. If anything went wrong, Zhang Changsheng would pull Zhao Lingjun up, but even so, watching Zhao Lingjun slowly When he went down, Zhang Changsheng's hands holding the rope were already sweating.

Because Zhao Lingjun's figure looked very hazy in the dim flashlight light, as if he was looming.

Looking from above, it seemed that the sewer was not deep, but when Zhao Lingjun went down and the rope in his hand became longer and longer, Zhang Changsheng discovered that the sewer seemed to be much deeper than ordinary sewers.

The closer Zhao Lingjun got to the bottom of the sewer, the less clearly Zhang Changsheng could see Zhao Lingjun's situation.

The light from the flashlight seemed to be completely absorbed by the dark sewer wall covered with unknown mucus.

"How's it going? Do you want to put down the flashlight?" As soon as Zhang Changsheng couldn't see Zhao Lingjun, he suddenly felt a little panicked, so he couldn't help shouting.

"Crash." Zhang Changsheng first heard a sound of water, as if something suddenly fell into the water. Then Zhang Changsheng heard a sound.

The cry was very shrill. The expressions of everyone present changed.