Celestial Employee

Chapter 11: Scream


Everyone present was startled by the shrill cry, and Wu Xiaoye in the crowd couldn't help but change his face. If someone had been looking at Wu Xiaoye's hands at this time, they would definitely have seen Wu Xiaoye's hands. His left hand suddenly moved quickly, and the entire palm and fingers suddenly changed into several strange gestures, and then a cold light seemed to flash in Wu Xiaoye's eyes.

But no one present noticed Wu Xiaoye's movements. Because at this time, another scream of "Ah" came from everyone's ears.

Many people's faces turned pale. Zhang Zhong, in particular, was almost so frightened that his legs weakened and he fell to the ground.

"Did Mr. Zhao Ling see something terrible down there?" Many people were thinking so.

But Zhang Changsheng, who was at the entrance of the sewer, was stunned.

Zhang Changsheng had always been facing the entrance of the sewer, so Zhang Changsheng heard the "ah" sound the most clearly. This sound was definitely made by Zhao Lingjun in the sewer. It also carries some kind of echo from the sewer.

This "ah" sound is completely different from the previous one, because it is obviously much sharper.

If this "ah" sound was made by Zhao Lingjun. Who made that shrill cry at the beginning

Zhang Changsheng couldn't help but think of the fierce ghost with bloodshot eyes and wearing a red cotton jacket. Zhang Changsheng felt a chill, and there were many tiny goosebumps on his arms. Just when Zhang Changsheng was about to shout again, "Zhao Lingjun, what's wrong with you?", Zhang Changsheng heard a roar coming from the sewer.

"Zhang Changsheng..." There was still an echo from the sewer. It was Zhao Lingjun’s voice.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Zhang Changsheng said strangely when he heard Zhao Lingjun's voice seemed to be full of anger.

"MLGBD." Zhang Changsheng immediately heard Zhao Lingjun's voice coming from the sewer. "It's okay, why did you yank the rope. Don't you know it hurts? I almost got strangled to death by you."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Zhang Changsheng blushed and shouted into the sewer. Zhang Changsheng then remembered that the first time he heard the "ah" sound, he subconsciously tugged on the rope in his hand.

"You didn't mean it. You didn't mean it. Why did you say "ah" just now? You wanted to scare me to death." Zhao Lingjun said in the dark sewer. "Don't you know it's scary down here?"

"What? I didn't shout." Zhang Changsheng felt even more chilled.

"It wasn't you who shouted, it was a ghost..."

When Zhao Lingjun said the word "ghost", there was another sharp "ah" sound.

This one was obviously smaller than the first and second screams. But Zhang Changsheng heard clearly that this cry came from the crowd behind him.

When Zhang Changsheng turned around, he saw Hao Meili covering her mouth and her "beautiful face" was pale.

"Director Hao, what kind of drama are you acting in?" Zhang Changsheng looked at Hao Meili angrily and amusedly. If anyone else had shouted nonsense at this time, Zhang Changsheng would have scolded him long ago. Bloody blood spurts out. But I found that the person shouting there was Hao Meili. Zhang Changsheng could only say to Hao Meili in great depression. "Did you know that scaring people can scare them to death?"

"I didn't mean it." Hao Meili patted her sponge bra and said sadly. "I heard a sudden splash of water. I was scared."

"It turns out that after a long time of doing this, you were the one who screamed the first time." Zhang Changsheng suddenly realized.

"I..." Hao Meili stamped her feet and said. "Gee, don't you think that's scary?"

"You..." Zhang Changsheng looked at Hao Meili and didn't know what to say. Zhang Changsheng really wanted to say to Hao Meili, no matter how terrifying other things are, they are not as disgusting and terrifying as the buck-toothed thirty-year-old old woman pretending to be an innocent twenty-year-old girl. But when it came to his mouth, Zhang Changsheng just said something. "Director Hao, just go ahead and do what you're supposed to do, and don't cause any trouble here."

"Then I won't be here to accompany you." Hao Meili winked at Zhang Changsheng and said. "I'm going out to buy things first. Tell Xiao Zhao to be careful down there."

"*, hypocrisy, so damn hypocritical." As he watched Hao Meili twist his butt and run away. Zhang Changsheng thought depressedly in his heart.

"Zhang Changsheng, Zhang Changsheng..."

At this time, Zhang Changsheng heard Zhao Lingjun calling him again in the sewer.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Changsheng quickly squatted back to the sewer entrance holding his breath.

"Drop the flashlight." Zhang Changsheng said to himself at the bottom of the sewer when he saw a dark shadow.

"Then you have to catch up."

"Throw it away as quickly as possible. MLGBD." Zhao Lingjun said. "If you don't hurry up, I'm going to be smoked to death."

"...*, I asked you to throw a flashlight, why did you throw a torn slipper to me? You want to kill someone."

"Sorry, I just wanted to see if you could catch it."

"I'm the sun, you. If you keep talking nonsense, when I come up...*, I haven't even finished what I said, and you dropped it."


When Zhao Lingjun caught the flashlight that Zhang Changsheng dropped from above, he was already half-killed by the sour smell of sewer water.

Zhao Lingjun really regretted why he didn't ask that fat man for a gas mask before coming down. Then he would have to see if General Hengha's movements were still so fast.

The mask Zhao Lingjun is wearing now can't stop the smell, which is like eating rice after N nights. And after only coming down for a while, Zhao Lingjun felt that the mask on his face had become a little damp.

For Zhao Lingjun, this feeling was like having a large sanitary napkin that Zhang Hao Meili used on his face.

Early on, Zhao Lingjun heard one of his classmates say that when a person is highly concentrated, he will ignore some of the body's feelings.

At that time, Zhao Lingjun's classmate gave an example of a group of fans eating barbecue while watching a wonderful game. As a result, one guy was so engrossed in watching it that he even made large blisters on his fingers without even noticing.

At that time, Zhao Lingjun thought this was nonsense. Zhao Lingjun felt that if what his classmates said was true, then hospitals would no longer need anesthesia when performing surgeries on men, and could just show him some of the most popular porn movies.

But now Zhao Lingjun feels that what his classmate said at that time still makes some sense.

Because in normal times, if Zhao Lingjun just thought about Hao Meili's sanitary napkin, Zhao Lingjun would probably be so disgusted that he would vomit out all the jaundice water in his stomach.

But now, Zhao Lingjun felt that his mask was like Hao Meili's sanitary napkin, but Zhao Lingjun still didn't vomit.

Because at this time, Zhao Lingjun felt that the wet and sticky feeling on his face was nothing compared to the feeling coming from his feet.


When he climbed down the iron ladder of the sewer, Zhao Lingjun could already feel that the four walls of the sewer were entirely made of concrete.

And with the dim light of the flashlight, Zhao Lingjun carefully looked at the four walls of the sewer.

Zhao Lingjun discovered that on two walls of the sewer, at the bottom half a person's height, there were many pipe openings with a diameter of less than half a meter. On the other wall, there is a large hole with a diameter of more than one meter, which goes directly to the bottom and can be entered by bending down.

When Zhao Lingjun was almost climbing to the bottom, he finally figured out that the place he was in was actually a transfer station for community sewage.

Every day, the sewage from the N buildings in the community will be discharged here through those dark pipes, and then passed through the large channel on the other wall here to the sewage treatment plant outside.

To understand this, when Zhao Lingjun climbed to the bottom and landed on his feet, Zhao Lingjun was still thankful that today there was a power and water outage in the community.

Because if there hadn't been a power outage or water outage, the pipes here would still be spraying out sewage containing all kinds of filth. But now, it's much simpler. Zhao Lingjun felt that all he had to do was stand down, find the hole that was blocking something, and poke out the things that were blocking the hole.

But when Zhao Lingjun landed, Zhao Lingjun knew that he was happy too early.

In Zhao Lingjun's expectation, the bottom of the sewer should also be poured with concrete. Even if some filth accumulates here and is not washed away, those things will definitely not be too thick. If I'm wearing rain boots, I'm sure there will be no problem.

But when the kick landed, Zhao Lingjun knew that he was wrong.

As soon as Zhao Lingjun stepped down, he heard the sound of water. Then Zhao Lingjun felt that the sole of his foot was soft, and his whole foot suddenly sank in as if he had stepped into a swamp.

If Zhao Lingjun hadn't reacted quickly, his other foot would have immediately stepped off the ladder. Zhao Lingjun might completely lose his balance and fall into the filth.

The sound of water that Hao Meili first heard was the sound made by Zhao Lingjun when his feet landed on the ground.

When Zhao Lingjun's feet landed on the ground, Zhao Lingjun felt as if countless loaches suddenly poured in from his rain boots.

It turns out that the ground below is not a cement floor. This was Zhao Lingjun's first feeling.

It turns out that the mud below is already deeper than the water in Peach Blossom Pond. This is Zhao Lingjun's second feeling.