Celestial Employee

Chapter 118: Fairyland in the sea


Zhao Gongming Huaji, the Duobao Immortal from Shanghai Yuan, was the most unjust Da Luo Jin Immortal in the history of the Shang Dynasty.

The reason why Duobao Immortal is called Duobao Immortal is of course because he has many magic weapons.

Zhao Gongming usually doesn't have any hobbies, he just likes to collect various magic weapons.

Whether it is an immortal-level magic weapon or a mid-level or low-level magic weapon, Zhao Gongming wants it.

This is like a perverted pervert who kills all women from the age of eight to eighty, no matter how beautiful or ugly they are.

Immortal-level magic weapons, like peerless beauties, can only be encountered but not sought. Either it was formed from the aura of heaven and earth under special circumstances at the very beginning of the conception of heaven and earth, or it was refined by some later immortals who spent countless efforts.

It is rare to collect one or two such fairy-level magic weapons even after hundreds of years.

However, for a great Luo Jinxian like Zhao Gongming, the magic weapons of the middle and lower levels are like the various wandering orioles and flying girls in bars and under street lights. As long as you are willing to look for them, you will definitely find them.

Therefore, Zhao Gongming has so many magic weapons that Zhao Gongming has to check the treasure shelves in the treasure cave every morning to make sure that he has not lost any magic weapons.

With so many magic weapons, Zhao Gongming is of course like many nouveau riche, afraid of being stolen or robbed.

Therefore, Shanghai Yuan's defensive formations are famously numerous and powerful. It is simply impossible for one or two Da Luo Jinxian to enter Shanghai Yuan without Zhao Gongming's permission.

Zhao Gongming was the same as usual on this day. After getting up early to practice breathing, he took a few disciples to go to his treasure cave to ask for some magic weapons of his own. But Zhao Gongming and several disciples had just reached the entrance of the treasure cave when they heard a loud boom.

Then there was a burst of lightning and thunder in the sky, and the clouds were billowing. The ground also shook violently.

"MB. Who dares to break my magic circle in broad daylight? Do you think I'm not at home?"

Zhao Gongming was so angry that his nose was crooked.

"Are you Zhao Gongming's disciples?"

When Zhao Gongming was about to see who had forcibly broken his magic circle, in the swirling clouds, a long-bearded Taoist holding a black ancient seal and apricot-yellow robes and a red-robed Taoist with reddish hair holding a green bamboo staff were seen. The Taoist suddenly fell in front of Zhao Gongming.

"Disciple? I am..." Zhao Gongming didn't expect that he hadn't spoken yet. The two Taoists were already asking themselves aggressively. And he also asked himself if he was a disciple of Zhao Gongming. It's just sick in the head.

"Sure enough it is."

What Zhao Gongming wants to say is, of course, I am Zhao Gongming. You have broken my magic circle and you are still so arrogant. Are you mistaken? But Zhao Gongming just said "I am". The Taoist in apricot-yellow robes and the Taoist in red robes had already looked at each other and interrupted Zhao Gongming's words.

"It's true. What do you want to do?" Zhao Gongming became angry.

"Bantian Seal!"

"Six pure bamboos!"

But before Zhao Gongming understood what was going on, the Taoist in apricot-yellow robes and the red-robed Taoist had already sacrificed the magic weapon in their hands.

"What a magic weapon! If you can be killed by such a magic weapon, your death will not be unfair.

"But why did they want to kill me?"

In this way, Zhao Gongming became the most unjust Da Luo Jinxian in the history of the Shang Dynasty.

"You actually dare to go against the Fuli Sect. We will destroy your cave and kill your disciples! We will take away all the magic weapons you have collected and make you heartbroken!"

Guangchengzi, who was wearing an apricot Taoist robe, withdrew the Fan Tian Seal and looked at Zhao Gongming and others who were beaten to pieces by himself and Ran Deng Taoist, and smiled coldly.

As soon as the Taoist robe was waved, the door of the treasure cave disappeared into ashes. Guangchengzi and Randeng Taoist instantly rolled up all Zhao Gongming's magic weapons and disappeared into Shanghai Yuan.

Because Chang'er Dingguangxian and Fulizong's masters in Muye all died in Lishan, the only one who escaped with his life was Mo Lishou who didn't know the true origin of Zhao Lingjun.

Mo Lishou thought that Zhao Lingjun was Zhao Gongming from Shanghai Yuan.

After this battle, the Fuli Sect lost most of its Daluo Jinxian-level masters, and the balance of the war had tilted invisibly.

Fulizong believed that the person who caused all this was "Zhao Gongming" from Shanghai Yuan.

In fact, even if "Zhao Gongming" does not become the protagonist of this war this time, Fulizong will deal with "Zhao Gongming" first.

Because the reason why no one rushed to Lishan to help after he cast the Great Dao Rusun Dharma Formation in Lishan and announced the truth of the war to the world was because Fuli Zong had already announced to the world that whoever wanted to help Lishan would be Fuli. The sect’s chief enemy.

Fulizong must not let "Zhao Gongming" take the lead.

Zhao Lingjun did not know that he had become the number one enemy in the eyes of the Fuli Sect, nor did he know that Immortal Duobao from Shanghai Yuan was regarded as his disciple and was killed by the Fuli Sect.

When the real Zhao Gongming was killed by Guangchengzi and Randeng Taoist using Fan Tianyin and six pure bamboos, Zhao Lingjun, the "Multi-treasure Immortal Zhao Gongming" in the minds of the Fuli Sect, had already arrived on the East China Sea.

It was early morning when Zhao Lingjun came to the East China Sea.

In the early morning, the East China Sea is filled with vast mist, and a golden sun is rising from the horizon. The golden brilliance is scattered on the misty blue sea, and the sea water shows seven colors of brilliance. Fairy islands, large and small, both near and far, are dotted in the colorful sea water. They are so diverse and beautiful that they cannot be described in words.

"It is indeed a paradise on earth. What do you think we can live on an island like this in the future?"

Seeing such a beautiful scenery, Zhao Lingjun couldn't help turning his head and said to Meng Xue, Lin Qianxun and others beside him.

"Okay, but we still need to find Master Liuli first, see if there are any problems with the Moonlight Treasure Box, and then rescue Qinglan." After hearing what Zhao Lingjun said, Meng Xue and Lin Yuxun both pursed their lips and smiled. , said in unison.

"Yes, we have to go to Dongxianyuan first and find Lord Liuli Jing. Let's go." Zhao Lingjun was still looking at the beautiful scenery of the East China Sea with great interest, but after hearing what Meng Xue and Lin Qianxun said, Captain Zhao couldn't help but sigh slightly, he was no longer in the mood to stop and look at the beautiful scenery in front of him. He waved his hand and took the lead in setting up his sword light and flying towards the direction of the Eastern Wonderland.


Qin Tianjun's sword control skills are so exquisite. When everyone in Wumen sets up their swords, they are as fast as lightning and can fly hundreds of miles in an instant. So in a matter of seconds, he had already flown across half of the East China Sea. But what surprised Zhao Doujun was that the place where Dongxianyuan was originally located was still a piece of sparkling sea water. At a glance, not to mention an island, not even a coral reef was visible.

"Is it possible that Immortal Master Lingquan doesn't know the specific location of Dongxianyuan himself? Or did he remember it wrong in the first place?" Wu Xiaoyi asked.

"No." Zhao Lingjun pointed to an island not far away, "That's the East Immortal Source. When Lingbaozi was practicing, he got the psychic god's fire beads there and used them to make eight It’s a psychic fire bead, so it’s impossible for him to remember it wrong.”

"It seems that Master Liuli Jing used some kind of blinding method to hide the East Immortal Source." Pang Taiju took a look and said doubtfully, "But it seems that there are no traces of the magic circle here.

"Is the person coming here Zhao Lingjun?"

Just when Zhao Lingjun was confused and couldn't help but look around with his sword, a gentle and gentle voice suddenly sounded from the empty sea.

As the sound sounded, a hazy colorful Buddha light suddenly appeared on the sea. In the shadow of the colorful Buddha light, countless golden lotus flowers slowly fell, and beautiful flying fairies wearing only tulle were flying around.

"Liu Li Jing Sheng?"

Zhao Lingjun and everyone in Wumen were all shocked, because the illusion in front of them was obviously created by an immortal with great magic power. And in this realm of Dongxianyuan, besides Lord Liuli, who has such superb magic power

"That's right."

Zhao Lingjun was stunned, wondering why Liuli Jingsheng knew his name, but after being stunned, Zhao Lingjun still concentrated on it and answered loudly.

"Then please invite Master Zhao Xian to the East Immortal Source to talk about it."

After hearing Zhao Lingjun's answer, the gentle and gentle voice sounded again.

After this sound spread along the vast sea surface, the water on the entire sea surface began to churn violently, as if something huge was about to emerge from the sea.

"It turns out that she actually used the magic circle to hide Dongxianyuan under the sea."

Amid Pang Taiju's incredible exclamation, the sea surface in front of everyone seemed to be suddenly cut open by an invisible giant knife and divided into two halves, like a tower shrouded in colorful glazed light amid the huge waves rolling on both sides. The fairy island slowly rises from the sea.