Celestial Employee

Chapter 13: A command against heaven


The people around him were already frightened by the scream, but now when they saw Zhang Changsheng's reaction as if he had seen a ghost, most of the people present were frightened out of their wits.

Just when no one knew what was happening, a man covered in colorful clothes jumped out of the sewer intersection.

"MLGBD." Then everyone heard the man covered in colorful clothes let out a roar that could rival the community radio.

Zhang Changsheng was immediately stunned.

Everyone present was also stunned.

The one who rushed up was none other than Mr. Zhao Ling.

But when Zhao Lingjun went down, it was not like this.

When Zhao Lingjun went down, he was wearing rain boots, holding a shovel in his hand, and wearing a mask on his face. He looked majestic in the sunset, just like the hero in Raiders of the Lost Ark, with the professionalism of a sewer dredger.

But what stands in front of everyone now is a person with sticky water dripping from his body. His body is covered with all kinds of things, colorful and colorful, as if he had been thrown into a swill bucket and then fished out. The poor thing that came out. Zhao Lingjun even had a red condom stuck on his hair.

Zhang Changsheng looked at Zhao Lingjun and wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

As soon as he saw the condom stuck on Zhao Lingjun's head, Zhang Changsheng couldn't help but want to laugh, but Zhang Changsheng was afraid that he might laugh out loud. Zhao Lingjun will definitely think that he is taking pleasure in others' misfortune. When the time comes, Zhao Lingjun will definitely jump out and stab himself to death.

"Are you okay?" So Zhang Changsheng just quickly got up from the ground, took a step back, and asked Zhao Lingjun.

But Zhao Lingjun did not answer.

Zhang Changsheng only saw Zhao Lingjun untying the rope around his waist at the speed of flying, then turning around and running away. When Zhao Lingjun turned around and ran away, Zhang Changsheng saw a dark shadow flying towards him.

"hidden weapon?"

Zhang Changsheng subconsciously stretched out his hand to catch the UFO flying towards him.

There was a sticky and greasy feeling, and Zhang Changsheng felt as if he had caught a fish.


Zhang Changsheng glanced at the thing in his hand very strangely.

Zhang Changsheng saw a mask, and that mask was now covered with all kinds of mucus. Moreover, there was a used condom stuck to it.

After just one glance, Zhang Changsheng couldn't help but spit it out.

"This guy is really serious. I accidentally ended up like this and threw something disgusting out." While Zhang Changsheng was squatting aside and vomiting wildly, the second general of Heng Ha said at the same time.

However, Zhang Changsheng, as the victim, had no resentment towards Zhao Lingjun at all.

I just grabbed the mask Zhao Lingjun was wearing, and I felt so sick that I wanted to vomit.

Before Zhao Lingjun came up, this thing was still hanging on Zhao Lingjun's face. So what does Zhao Lingjun feel like? Looking at Zhao Lingjun limping away into the corridor. Zhang Changsheng's heart was filled with sincere sympathy.


How does Zhao Lingjun feel

Zhao Lingjun felt that he had no other feelings except a desire to die.

Zhao Lingjun never expected that the mouth of the pipe seemed to be tightly blocked, but as soon as he shoveled it in, the pipe suddenly opened like the Yellow River bursting its banks.

A huge flow of sewage rushed out at once.

Zhao Lingjun only had time to close his eyes before the sewage, mixed with countless disgusting things, rushed to Zhao Lingjun's body.

The moment Zhao Lingjun rushed out of the sewer, Zhao Lingjun really wanted to kill someone. Zhao Lingjun wanted to beat Zhang Zhong to death with a shovel, and then hit him head on to death.

But the first thing Zhao Lingjun saw was Wu Xiaoye.

Zhao Lingjun didn't know why he saw Wu Xiaoye at first glance when there were so many people present.

When Zhao Lingjun looked at Wu Xiaoye, Wu Xiaoye also looked at Zhao Lingjun. Although it was just a flash of lightning, a matter of a moment. But Zhao Lingjun felt that Wu Xiaoye was looking at him carefully from head to toe. And for some reason, Zhao Lingjun felt that Wu Xiaoye's eyes were full of disappointment and loss.

Zhao Lingjun didn't know why Wu Xiaoye had such emotions. But at this time, Zhao Lingjun just felt very embarrassed. No matter who you are, when the girl you like is present and you make yourself more disgusting than the most disgusting beggar, you will always feel a little bit unbearable psychologically.

So Zhao Lingjun just pulled off the mask that was wrapped around his face, which was even more disgusting than Hao Meili's sanitary napkin, and threw it to Zhang Changsheng who asked if he was okay, then turned around and ran to seek death.


When Wu Xiaoye returned to her room, the electricity and water in the community had already come on. And most importantly, while taking a shower in his bathroom, Wu Xiaoye discovered that the sewer was open.

Standing under the shower in the bathroom, the slightly cold water slowly flowed from Wu Xiaoye's head to Wu Xiaoye's body, but the feeling of loss and boredom in Wu Xiaoye's heart did not ease a little bit. .

"Isn't he the one he's been waiting for?" Wu Xiaoye's mind was filled with the image of Zhao Lingjun's back as he limped into the corridor.

Wu Xiaoye could tell that when Zhao Lingjun came out of the sewer, he was no different from usual except that he was in a very embarrassed state.

"Is it possible that the numerology that I worked so hard, even at the cost of longevity, turned out to be like a mirror, a flower in the water, a moon in the water, all illusory and untouchable? Mother-in-law, is there really nothing I can do to help you get revenge?"

Under the slightly cool water, Wu Xiaoye's tears flowed down unconsciously.

"It's impossible. Even if there is something wrong with my fortune-telling and hexagram skills, it's impossible for me to go against the will of heaven and risk ten years of my life on Wentian."

When Wu Xiaoye's tears fell drop by drop on the cold floor, Wu Xiaoye's heart slowly became silent again.

Wu Xiaoye decided to try again, one last time.

When Wu Xiaoye made this decision, Wu Xiaoye heard the sound of water next door.

As soon as he heard the sound of water next door, Wu Xiaoye's face turned red unconsciously.

Wu Xiaoye knew that the bathroom next door was Zhao Lingjun's. At this time, of course Wu Xiaoye knew what Zhao Lingjun next door was doing without having to think about it.

"What's wrong with me?" Touching her hot face, Wu Xiaoye took a deep breath, and then said to herself coldly in her heart. "Wu Xiaoye, you haven't avenged your revenge, how can you still indulge in your children's affair?"