Celestial Employee

Chapter 18: Lin Qianxun - Chapter 30 The Divine Cat Hero?


Zhao Lingjun looked at the girl in front of him.

A small nose, slightly upturned lips, a standard oval face, a pair of big and smart eyes under the long eyelashes, a slender figure, convex where it should be, and concave where it should be, I'm afraid it can be thrown anywhere. A beauty who captivated everyone.

Moreover, this girl gave people a very pure and elegant feeling at first sight. When Zhao Lingjun turned around, he could smell the faint fragrance coming from this girl.

If Zhao Lingjun saw such a beautiful woman standing in front of him, his legs would become weak, his lips would become dry, his eyes would light up, and he would not be able to help but have wild thoughts.

But now Zhao Lingjun only felt that cold air was coming out of every pore in his body, a chill that was so cold that it reached his feet.

Because the beauty in front of her was wearing snow-white clothes.

As soon as Zhao Lingjun saw the white clothes on this beauty, he remembered that the kitten was also white.

"Is that blue pill a perverted pill that can directly turn an ordinary kitten into a terrifying cat demon?" When Zhao Lingjun thought of this, he couldn't help but turn around and look behind him. .

Seeing this, Zhao Lingjun was so frightened that he almost lost his mind.

As expected, the white kitten was no longer behind Zhao Lingjun.

"Hero, please let me go." When Zhao Lingjun turned around, his legs were weak, and he couldn't help but want to say that to the beauty in white.

But when Zhao Lingjun turned around, he saw an expression that was half a smile but not a smile on the pretty face of the beautiful woman in white. Next to her feet lay the little white cat.

"Hey~, what are you doing?" The beauty in white had a hint of pretty pink on her fair face, and she seemed to find it strange that Zhao Lingjun turned around.

"I..." Zhao Lingjun already thought that this beautiful woman in white was a monster transformed by the little white cat. But now the little white cat was staying well aside. For a moment, Zhao Lingjun was a little confused and didn't know what to say.

"Haha, you are such an interesting person." The fair face of the beauty in white turned red again. "I have been watching you upstairs for a while. I found that you seem to like this kitten quite a lot..."

"Upstairs?" Before the beauty in white finished speaking, she was interrupted by Zhao Lingjun.

"Yes, upstairs over there." The beauty in white smiled slightly, stretched out a jade-onion-like finger and tapped the three floors behind her.

"You were upstairs over there, watching me for a long time?" Zhao Lingjun didn't react for a moment. "What are you doing upstairs?"

"Haha." The beauty in white couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing. "Can't you see what I'm wearing?"

"..." Zhao Lingjun took a closer look at the clothes worn by the beautiful lady in white, and almost reached out and slapped himself twice.

Only then did Zhao Lingjun realize that he was looking at the color of this beautiful woman's clothes, but he didn't realize that this beautiful woman in white was wearing a white coat commonly worn by doctors in the hospital.

"Are you a doctor in this hospital?" Zhao Lingjun looked at this beautiful woman and the little white cat not far from her feet. He felt that it was really embarrassing for him to ask such a question just now.

"Yes, I am a physician in this hospital." The beauty in white stretched out her hand towards Zhao Lingjun and said with a smile. "My name is Lin Qianxun, nice to meet you."

"My name is Zhao Lingjun." Zhao Lingjun stupidly stretched out his hand and shook Lin Qianxun's hand. The soft and jade-like feeling made Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but blush.

"Haha." Seeing Zhao Lingjun's face turn red, Lin Qianxun couldn't help but smile again, and looked at the white kitten not far from his feet who had been looking at Zhao Lingjun. "This kitten seems to like you very much."

"It seems so." Zhao Lingjun's face turned redder. In front of a beautiful woman, Zhao Lingjun certainly did not dare to shamelessly say that he had shamelessly and obscenely treated the kitten as a test subject and fed him a small blue pill that was suspected of being ancient Viagra. Then the cat became The Flash, possessed by Bruce Lee, and seemed to be able to understand human speech.

"You seem to like this kitten too." Lin Qianxun looked at the white kitten squatting not far from his feet with pity. "I seemed to see you talking to it just now."

"Well, I see how lonely it is. I want to take it home and raise it."

Zhao Lingjun lied casually.

But Zhao Lingjun didn't expect that he had just finished speaking. The kitten that was originally at Lin Qianxun's feet purred with excitement, jumped up, and jumped into Zhao Lingjun's arms like a shell.

Before Zhao Lingjun could react, the dirty white kitten was already hanging on Zhao Lingjun's body.

When Zhao Lingjun subconsciously stretched out a hand to hug the dirty kitten that jumped up, Zhao Lingjun's white shirt had already been scratched by the kitten's claws. Moreover, Zhao Lingjun's chest has also been stained heavily by the kitten.


Zhao Lingjun was heartbroken.

This shirt is a new shirt Zhao Lingjun bought and has only been worn once. But seeing this shirt hanging on this kitten's jump.

Zhao Lingjun really thought about throwing this kitten aside.

But at this time, Lin Qianxun said something very strange. "This kitten looks very smart."

"..." Only then did Zhao Lingjun remember that the cat in his arms was the monster that had just knocked away several cats. If you throw this cat out, maybe it will give you two paws when it goes crazy, and then you won't be able to finish the meal and carry it away.

"Yes, when I first saw this kitten, I thought it was quite clever." Zhao Lingjun was extremely depressed when he said this, but on the surface, Zhao Lingjun still had to pretend to like this kitten very much. , touched the kitten's neck.

What made Zhao Lingjun even more depressed was that when he touched him, the dirty kitten seemed to enjoy it and even arched into his arms, then lay still in his arms.

Zhao Lingjun held the kitten lying in his arms pretending to be dead and wanted to cry without tears.

Lin Qianxun looked at Zhao Lingjun's embarrassed look with a bag in one hand and a cat in the other, but he was very happy.

Lin Qianxun said to Zhao Lingjun: "It seems that this kitten really likes you. If you are willing to take it home, I will be relieved."

"Are you relieved? What do you mean?" Zhao Lingjun was a little confused about what this beautiful doctor meant.

"You don't know, this kitten is very pitiful." Lin Qianxun also reached out and touched the head of the kitten in Zhao Lingjun's arms, and said to Zhao Lingjun. "I don't know who dropped this kitten here. I've been watching it for many days, but no one has adopted it. And the cats in the community outside are bullying it..."

Before Lin Qianxun finished speaking, Zhao Lingjun already understood why the kitten suddenly rushed out and knocked away several cats on the garbage pile. If it were me, and I was bullied all day long, and if I was not allowed to eat, once I acquired peerless martial arts, I would beat down the guys who bullied me in the past, and then say something extremely awesome. "You know how powerful I am, don't let me see you in the future, otherwise I will beat you every time I see you."

It seems that this little guy is usually bullied by those cats. Zhao Lingjun thought about the scene when he saw this kitten for the first time, how weak it was and how it ate half of the bread in one go. I felt compassion, and when I looked at my ruined shirt, I felt less heartbroken.

But Zhao Lingjun felt a little strange in his heart.

Because generally speaking, old men and women like to raise kittens and puppies, and there are so many old men and women walking around here every day. How come this kitten is not adopted by anyone.

So Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but interrupted Lin Qianxun: "How come after so many days, no one adopts it?"

Lin Qianxun looked at the kitten lying motionless in Zhao Lingjun's arms, and sighed, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Zhao Lingjun felt it was a bit strange. When he was about to ask Lin Qianxun, Lin Qianxun flashed his big eyes, looked at Zhao Lingjun and said, "Don't you believe in superstitions?"

"Superstitious statement?" Zhao Lingjun was a little dizzy when Lin Qianxun looked at him, but he also felt that something was wrong.

"Yes." Lin Qianxun looked at Zhao Lingjun with blinking eyes and repeated it again. "Do you believe some superstitious sayings, such as raising a cat will hinder its owner?"

Zhao Lingjun was even more dizzy when Lin Qianxun looked at him. However, Zhao Lingjun was never cold to those comments, so Zhao Lingjun said it with certainty. "I don't believe these claims at all."

"That's good." Lin Qianxun suddenly became happy.

"..." Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but ask after seeing Lin Qianxun's extremely happy expression. "Does this superstitious statement have something to do with the fact that no one adopts this cat?"

"Yes." Lin Qianxun nodded, stretched out his jade-like fingers, and tapped the white kitten's tail.

Zhao Lingjun followed Lin Qianxun's fingers and discovered that half of the white kitten's tail was black.

"The old people here say that a kitten with half a black tail is unlucky. It is an evil star and will bring bloody disaster to its owner. So no one here is willing to adopt this kitten," Lin Qianxun said.

"No. It's just a little bit black. This statement is too unreasonable." Zhao Lingjun looked at the kitten and suddenly remembered that this kitten might be picked up because of the little black on its tail. Discarded here.

Zhao Lingjun sighed secretly, feeling more and more pitiful for the kitten. He couldn't help but ask Lin Qianxun, "Do you also believe in this superstitious statement?"

"Of course I don't believe it." Lin Qianxun looked at Zhao Lingjun and said strangely.

"You don't believe why you don't adopt this kitten?" Zhao Lingjun said.

"Haha." Lin Qianxun looked at Zhao Lingjun and couldn't help but smile. "So you think I am also afraid of such rumors. In fact, it's not that I don't want to adopt this kitten, it's just that I live in this hospital. The hospital has regulations that prohibit dogs and cats, and our director has mysophobia. Whenever he sees puppies or kittens, he gets itchy all over. So I can only come down and get some food for this poor kitten when I have free time. But sometimes I just leave it here. When I walked away, the cats outside would come to grab food. So when I was up there, I kept hoping that a kind person could help me adopt this poor kitten. Unexpectedly, I finally met Got one."

Hearing what Lin Qianxun said, Zhao Lingjun's face turned red again. Zhao Lingjun felt that what he was thinking and doing just now was really not worthy of the word "good Samaritan".

But Lin Qianxun would have mistaken what Zhao Lingjun meant.

Seeing Zhao Lingjun's face turn red again, Lin Qianxun couldn't help but smile playfully and said, "You are really interesting, you seem to be quite shy. By the way, I forgot to ask you. What’s the matter here?”

"I'm here to see a doctor." Zhao Lingjun suddenly realized and suddenly remembered his true purpose of coming here.

Text Chapter 27: Seeking a doctor "Seeing a doctor?" Lin Qianxun was startled.

"Yes." Zhao Lingjun said with a wry smile, "What else would I do here?"

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Qianxun couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled while looking at Zhao Lingjun carefully from top to bottom.

When Lin Qianxun smiled, her small nose wrinkled slightly, like the spring breeze ruffling a pool of spring water.

Lin Qianxun's fresh and refined smile made Zhao Lingjun feel a little dizzy, but Zhao Lingjun felt a little embarrassed when Lin Qianxun looked at him from top to bottom. He couldn't help but look down at the zipper of his pants.

Zhao Lingjun remembered that in college, a guy in the same dormitory as him once wore a pair of red underwear, but forgot to unzip his pants. Then that guy saw many girls staring at him along the way, and even smiled shyly. He was so proud that it wasn't until he returned to the dormitory that the guy discovered that his front door was open. Later, if Zhao Lingjun and his group hadn't been pulling him, that guy would have rushed to the rooftop to die in shame.

At one glance, Zhao Lingjun was relieved of his worries. The zipper zipped up nicely. Seeing Lin Qianxun's eyes that seemed to be able to speak, Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but blush and asked, "What are you looking at?"

But Lin Qianxun did not answer Zhao Lingjun's question. Instead, he smiled and said to Zhao Lingjun, "Stretch out your hand."

"Hand out? What are you doing?"

"Extend your hand if I ask you to." Lin Qianxun's tone made Zhao Lingjun feel weak all over.

Zhao Lingjun felt that as long as he was a normal man, he would definitely not be able to refuse when a beauty like Lin Qianxun made such a request in such a voice.

Zhao Lingjun could not refuse. But now Zhao Lingjun could only say helplessly, "Look at how I stretch out my hand now."

"Haha." Lin Qianxun couldn't help but laugh when he looked at Zhao Lingjun's hands.

Because Zhao Lingjun was holding a bag in one hand and holding the kitten in the other, he really couldn't reach out.

After Lin Qianxun smiled, he stretched out a hand and took the bag in Zhao Lingjun's hand.

Before Zhao Lingjun could realize why Lin Qianxun suddenly helped him carry the bag, Lin Qianxun's soft hands had already grasped Zhao Lingjun's wrist.

Zhao Lingjun's face turned red immediately, and he felt as if his heartbeat was about to jump out of his throat.


Zhao Lingjun wanted to ask Lin Qianxun why he suddenly held his hand. But before Zhao Lingjun opened his mouth, Lin Qianxun had already spoken.

Lin Qianxun's fair face was also covered with blush.

Lin Qianxun blushed and said to Zhao Lingjun, "Take a few deep breaths and don't be nervous."

Hearing what Lin Qianxun said, Zhao Lingjun suddenly understood that Lin Qianxun suddenly held his hand to feel his pulse.

When he thought of this, Zhao Lingjun felt a little ashamed. Zhao Lingjun quickly took a few deep breaths, hoping that his heart could beat slower.

These small movements of Zhao Lingjun were all caught in Lin Qianxun's eyes, and Lin Qianxun couldn't help but smile.

After a moment, Lin Qianxun was surprised and let go of Zhao Lingjun's hand, and said to Zhao Lingjun, "Your pulse is calm, and your complexion doesn't look like you are sick."

"I just hurt the sole of my foot." Zhao Lingjun said with a red face. "Come and check if there is any wound infection or anything."


As soon as Zhao Lingjun said these words, Lin Qianxun and Zhao Lingjun couldn't help laughing.

"Then let me take you to see a surgeon." Lin Qianxun smiled for a while and then said to Zhao Lingjun.

"Okay." After Zhao Lingjun finished speaking, he wanted to take his bag from Lin Qianxun.

But Lin Qianxun smiled, shook Zhao Lingjun's bag in his hand, and said to Zhao Lingjun, "Hold the kitten, and I'll hold the bag for you."

While watching a beautiful woman helping him carry his bag, Zhao Lingjun finally understood why those bosses always like to have a beautiful secretary by their side.

Because it is undeniable that it feels wonderful to have a beautiful woman help you with everything and take care of yourself.

"If I get rich in the future, I will definitely find a beauty like Lin Qianxun as my secretary." Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but think to himself as he followed Lin Qianxun into the surgical clinic.

But after a moment, Zhao Lingjun immediately overturned his thoughts.

"How can one be enough? At least two are needed. One will carry my bag, the other will talk to me, squeeze my arms and knock my legs, etc."


Usually there don't seem to be many patients in this small community health center. When Lin Qianxun led Zhao Lingjun into the surgical clinic, the only doctor inside was dozing on the table.

This is a doctor who cannot be older. This doctor's hair is almost completely gray.

Zhao Lingjun felt that the wrinkles on this doctor's face could probably hold a bowl of water.

"Uncle Zhang, Uncle Zhang."

Lin Qianxun called Uncle Zhang twice, and the old doctor moved and seemed a little angry.

When the old doctor slowly raised his head and fumbled to put on his reading glasses, Zhao Lingjun felt that it was not too much for Lin Qianxun to call him Grandpa Zhang.

"Axun, it turns out it's you." After putting on his reading glasses, the old doctor who was called Uncle Zhang by Lin Qianxun looked at Lin Qianxun happily and said. "Why do you have time to see me again today?"

"Haha, don't I come to see you every day?" Lin Qianxun looked at Uncle Zhang and smiled and said.

"That's true." The old doctor squinted and smiled and said, "I haven't finished the sweet-scented osmanthus cake you brought me yesterday. Did you bring me something delicious again today?"

"No, I brought a friend here for a checkup today. His foot was pricked."

"Friend?" The old doctor seemed to have discovered that there was someone beside Lin Qianxun.

After looking at Zhao Lingjun with ambiguous eyes for a long time, the old doctor smiled and said something. "Your friends are very interesting."

Zhao Lingjun's face suddenly turned red.

Zhao Lingjun felt so embarrassed. Zhao Lingjun felt that this was what the old doctor meant. "Your friend, a grown man, is actually holding a cat, and the cat is also a dirty kitten. It's really interesting, haha."

Zhao Lingjun really wanted to put this kitten down at this time. But the kitten seemed to be asleep, lying motionless in Zhao Lingjun's arms.

Zhao Lingjun really wanted to find a crack to get in.

Fortunately, at this time, the old doctor smiled and said something. "Where is your foot injury? Take off your shoes and let me see."

Zhao Lingjun took off one of his shoes in three strokes.

But as soon as Zhao Lingjun raised his feet, Zhao Lingjun found that the old doctor took off his glasses, rubbed them, and then put them on again. Then Zhao Lingjun noticed that Lin Qianxun was also looking at him strangely.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Lingjun didn't react for a moment. When Zhao Lingjun's eyes fell on his feet, Zhao Lingjun suddenly wanted to die.

It turned out that in his haste just now, he accidentally mistakenly placed the wrong foot, and the one that stuck out was the uninjured foot.

(The number of words in this article is a bit short, so around 12 o’clock tonight, if nothing else, there will be another chapter.)

Text Chapter 28 Beautiful, so beautiful "I'm sorry, I made the wrong foot."

Zhao Lingjun blushed and took off his other shoe, then stretched out his foot.

"How did you get such a big wound?"

Originally, Lin Qianxun had already bent over with laughter, but when he saw the wound on Zhao Lingjun's foot, Lin Qianxun couldn't help being frightened, and his smile completely disappeared.

Although the wound on Zhao Lingjun's foot was already scabbed with blood, Lin Qianxun could still imagine how the skin and flesh of the wound looked turned over at that time.

"Yesterday the sewers in our community were blocked, so I went down to help them, but unexpectedly I got stuck in the foot." Zhao Lingjun explained to Lin Qianxun depressedly.

As soon as he heard that Zhao Lingjun's foot was injured when he poked the sewer, Lin Qianxun couldn't help but want to laugh, but looking at Zhao Lingjun's wound, Lin Qianxun couldn't laugh at all.

"Don't be nervous." Seeing Lin Qianxun so nervous, the old doctor named Zhang smiled ambiguously and said. "Although the young man's wounds looked terrible, he was lucky. The injuries were all to the flesh, and the large blood vessels and meridians on the feet were not punctured."

After saying this, Dr. Zhang smiled again and asked Zhao Lingjun, "Young man, what is your name?"

"My name is Zhao Lingjun." Zhao Lingjun thought it was a normal procedure to ask his name, age, etc. when seeing a doctor, so when he asked his name, Zhao Lingjun answered honestly.

"How old are you this year?"


Dr. Zhang’s second question was similar to what Zhao Lingjun expected.

Zhao Lingjun felt that Dr. Zhang's next question must be that he had been injured by something.

But Dr. Zhang's third question left Zhao Lingjun confused.

"Does the young man have any brothers or sisters at home? Are his parents alive?"

"I am the only son in my family, and both parents are still alive." Zhao Lingjun was very surprised, but he still answered honestly.

"Oh." Dr. Zhang was very satisfied and continued to ask with a smile. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend?" Zhao Lingjun was stunned.

Zhao Lingjun really couldn't figure out what this problem had to do with his injured foot.

"Uncle Zhang..."

Before Zhao Lingjun had time to answer, he saw Lin Qianxun's face turned red and he shouted.

"Haha." Dr. Zhang looked at Lin Qianxun and smiled.

"Let me give your cat a bath. It's not convenient for you to just carry it back like this."

Before Dr. Zhang could speak, Lin Qianxun blushed and said to Zhao Lingjun.

"Okay, this will be too troublesome for you." Zhao Lingjun felt that even if he had to carry a cat back, carrying a clean cat would at least be better than carrying a cat back.

As soon as Zhao Lingjun finished answering, he heard the kitten meowing in his arms. Then the kitten, which had been pretending to be dead in Zhao Lingjun's arms, was picked up by Lin Qianxun obediently.


"By the way, young man, where did we ask just now? Let's continue."

Zhao Lingjun felt relieved when he saw Lin Qianxun running out of the room with the kitten that had been in his arms. But Dr. Zhang didn't seem to give up asking Zhao Lingjun questions.

"Just now?" Zhao Lingjun, dumbfounded, took out a tissue and wiped the area on his body that was stained by the kitten, while answering Dr. Zhang. "You asked me just now if I have a girlfriend, but does this have anything to do with my foot injury?"

"Haha." Dr. Zhang looked at Zhao Lingjun and did not answer Zhao Lingjun's question, but still asked. "Then do you have a girlfriend?"

"I..." If someone asked Zhao Lingjun such questions one after another, Zhao Lingjun would definitely give him a middle finger and say to him. "It's none of your business."

But now in front of Zhao Lingjun is an old doctor with gray hair and a kind face. So after holding it in for a long time, Zhao Lingjun could only look at Dr. Zhang helplessly and said. "I don't have a girlfriend yet."

When answering this sentence, the shadow of Wu Xiaoye flashed across Zhao Lingjun's heart.

Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but wanted to sigh, but Zhao Lingjun didn't have time to sigh. Dr. Zhang's next words almost choked Zhao Lingjun to death.

"What do you think of Ah Xun?"

"Axun?" Zhao Lingjun's heart beat faster again.

"Yeah? What do you think?" Dr. Zhang looked at Zhao Lingjun with a smile.

"She..." Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but blush again.

"Tell me about it." Dr. Zhang looked at Zhao Lingjun and said. "Young man, you don't want mother-in-law or mother-in-law."

"She is pretty and has a good heart." When Dr. Zhang said this, Zhao Lingjun said shamelessly.

"Her advantages are not limited to these." Dr. Zhang smiled so much that there seemed to be a few more wrinkles on his face. "Let me tell you, young man, she is not only beautiful and kind-hearted, but also has a good temper. She is also a good cook. Anyone who marries her will be blessed in a previous life."

"This..." Zhao Lingjun looked at Dr. Zhang and couldn't help but ask. "Dr. Zhang, I'm here to see your feet. Why are you telling me this?"

"Oh, your feet." Dr. Zhang looked at Zhao Lingjun and seemed to have just remembered this.

After holding up his glasses and taking a look at Zhao Lingjun's wound, Dr. Zhang said to Zhao Lingjun. "There's nothing wrong with your wound. You'll get a tetanus shot later, and I'll prescribe you some anti-inflammatory medicine."

"Really?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Dr. Zhang very suspiciously. "You just took one look at me and didn't ask me what caused the injury. Are you sure that there's nothing wrong with me? Can you be sure that I didn't contract any germs or anything?"

"Haha, young man." Dr. Zhang looked at Zhao Lingjun and smiled. "Don't doubt the vision of an old doctor with decades of professional experience. However, to be on the safe side, I will also give you a call in a few days to ask how you feel after taking the medicine, so you'd better give Give me your business card."

After hearing what Dr. Zhang said, Zhao Lingjun blushed and quickly took out a business card and handed it to Dr. Zhang. At this time, Zhao Lingjun finally felt that Dr. Zhang was still very professional.

Dr. Zhang took one look at the business card and smiled again and said to Zhao Lingjun. "Sometimes, you young people may think that old people like us will become more and more dim as we get older, but there are some things that we can see more clearly than you."

After Dr. Zhang finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Lingjun meaningfully and said. "When people are injured, as long as the right medicine is used, the injury will always heal. But some people miss it and never touch it again."

At this time, even though Zhao Lingjun was just a piece of wood, he could see what Dr. Zhang meant, so Zhao Lingjun hurriedly explained to Dr. Zhang. "Dr. Zhang, please don't get me wrong. Dr. Lin and I have nothing to do with each other. We just met."

"Oh, that's right." Dr. Zhang didn't seem surprised at all, and said while writing on Zhao Lingjun's medical record card. "Then you can have more contact and get to know each other better."

"..." Zhao Lingjun looked at Dr. Zhang and almost couldn't laugh or cry. If Dr. Zhang hadn't been wearing a doctor's white coat, Zhao Lingjun would have thought this was a community dating agency.


"What are you talking about? You are having so much fun talking."

When Zhao Lingjun was about to tell Dr. Zhang that Lin Qianxun was so beautiful, how could he like a guy like me? Lin Qianxun had already returned with the kitten in his arms.

Lin Qianxun's face was still red, and the kitten was nestled in Lin Qianxun's arms, still looking at Zhao Lingjun with twinkling eyes.

But Zhao Lingjun was dumbfounded when he saw this kitten.

Fur as shiny as satin, eyes like sapphires. Just like a snow-white pom-pom.

Is this the same dirty kitten from before

"Haha. How about it? It's beautiful." Seeing Zhao Lingjun looking at the kitten in his arms stupidly, Lin Qianxun said proudly. "I can't believe it."

"Beautiful, so beautiful."

When Zhao Lingjun said these words, Zhao Lingjun's eyes were no longer on the kitten, which was already as white as a snow-white pompom, but on the little spot above the kitten.

Because of the tight clinging of the kitten, Lin Qianxun's already very straight place became even more straight, as if it was about to break free from all the restraints and jump out.

Text Chapter 29 Abnormal man? "This kid is very interesting." When Zhao Lingjun limped out of the door of the health center holding the kitten, Dr. Zhang looked at Lin Qianxun with a half-smile and said. "This guy looks good in everything, but he seems to lack a bit of masculinity. But that's okay. When he's with you, he will listen to you and won't be harsh to you."

"Uncle Zhang, what are you talking about?" Lin Qianxun looked at Zhao Lingjun's retreating figure, his face as red as an apple in autumn.

"Haha." Dr. Zhang looked at Lin Qianxun with squinted eyes. "You've been able to hide it from others, even from Uncle Zhang. Uncle Zhang has grown up seeing you. Uncle Zhang has never seen you so nervous about someone. Besides, you beamed as soon as you saw him. Yes, I'm afraid anyone else would have seen that you like this kid. Besides, you're already so old, it's time to find a boyfriend. And this kid looks very nice, so you still have some discernment."

"Uncle Zhang, you have only met him once, how do you know he is very good?" Lin Qianxun was so shy that she almost couldn't lift her head when Dr. Zhang said this.

"The one he is holding in his arms is probably the little white cat that has been wandering in the yard for several days and you often feed it." Dr. Zhang smiled and said. "Look at when he was holding the cat, although he looked very sad about his shirt, but when he was holding the dirty cat, he didn't have any disgusted expression. Just from this point of view Look, he is a kind-hearted guy. Also, think about it, it was so hot yesterday, and he actually helped people dig into the sewer. What a hard-working person, what a person who knows how to help others. And he After his foot was injured, he insisted on coming to the hospital alone. His foot was injured like that, and he had to endure so much pain every step he took. This little guy is a tough guy who can endure hardships, and I like it."

After Dr. Zhang finished speaking, looking at Lin Qianxun's shy expression, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Axun, Uncle Zhang is a veteran and knows that some things must be fought for by oneself, and some people After missing it, it will be difficult to meet again. You believe Uncle Zhang’s vision. This little guy is very good."

"I know, when I saw him feeding the whole bread in his bag to the kitten, I knew he was a kind person." Lin Qianxun blushed and said softly. "I guess that was his breakfast, but..."

"But what?" Dr. Zhang was a little anxious.

"But I don't know if he has a girlfriend." Lin Qianxun lowered his head and said in a mosquito-like voice.

"Haha." Dr. Zhang couldn't help laughing. Lin Qianxun couldn't help but raise his head and look at Dr. Zhang.

"Don't worry." Seeing Lin Qianxun looking at him, Dr. Zhang patted his chest and said. "I can guarantee that he definitely doesn't have a girlfriend yet."

"How do you know?" Lin Qianxun lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Hey, didn't I ask him just now? He said no." Dr. Zhang said proudly: "Actually, even if I didn't ask him, I know he definitely doesn't have a girlfriend."

"Why?" Lin Qianxun asked Dr. Zhang strangely.

"Didn't I just say that he is good at everything, but he lacks some manliness. A little guy like him, even if he has someone he likes, he probably wouldn't have the courage to say it out." Dr. Zhang said with a smile. "So, as long as you act quickly, he will definitely be yours."

"Uncle Zhang..." Lin Qianxun was so shy that she couldn't help but want to find a corner to hide. "So what if I like him? I only know his name. I don't know where he works or where he lives."

"Hey, don't worry." Dr. Zhang looked at Lin Qianxun with a smile and said. "I've got everything ready for you."

After saying this, Dr. Zhang proudly took out his medical record card and a business card and waved them to Lin Qianxun. "The medical record card has his residential address written on it, and the business card I asked him for has his company name and contact number on it."

"Remember to take the initiative."

Seeing Lin Qianxun taking the medical record card and Zhao Lingjun's business card from his hand with a blushing face, and running out of his office like flying, Dr. Zhang said proudly in his heart, "Although I am old, You seem to be pretty good people, it’s rare that you two kids are so to my liking, even if you don’t often make food for me, Ah Xun, I will help you with this."

If Zhao Lingjun could hear the conversation between Dr. Zhang and Lin Qianxun, he would probably die twice in a row.

The first time I was ashamed to death by Dr. Zhang's words, because although Zhao Lingjun was usually a good young man, he was not good enough to take the initiative to help others dig sewers in such weather.

The second time, I was so flattered that I died of excitement.

Because Zhao Lingjun would never have thought that Lin Qianxun, who was as beautiful as a fairy, would fall in love with him the first time he saw him.


Zhao Lingjun didn't have a good ear, so of course Zhao Lingjun, who had already walked out of the health center, couldn't hear the conversation between Lin Qianxun and Dr. Zhang. But at this time, Zhao Lingjun felt that he was about to die.

Every time he took a step, Zhao Lingjun's feet were so painful that he grimaced. But now, Zhao Lingjun's painful pain was not only on his feet, but also on his butt.

Zhao Lingjun had always thought that injections were something only children were afraid of, but the tetanus shot instantly changed Zhao Lingjun's mind.

With every step he took while holding the kitten, Zhao Lingjun felt that it would be better to get a wheelchair and lie still.

But compared with Zhao Lingjun's other aspects, Zhao Lingjun's pain is nothing.

Every time Zhao Lingjun took a step, he had to take several deep breaths to cool down the boiling blood in his body.

Zhao Lingjun had already scolded himself as a beast countless times in his heart, but what appeared in Zhao Lingjun's mind was the part of Lin Qianxun's body that towered into the clouds and seemed to be about to jump out at any moment.

Under the snow-white doctor's uniform, Lin Qianxun's perfect breasts that are about to appear are too easy for a man with normal physiology and psychology to imagine.

Zhao Lingjun felt that he was a physically and psychologically normal man. Zhao Lingjun would definitely forgive him in normal times, but Lin Qianxun looked too fresh and refined, and Lin Qianxun was so kind and gentle. Zhao Lingjun felt that his fantasies about Lin Qianxun now were a kind of blasphemy against Lin Qianxun.

And I don't know what happened. When he saw himself in such a state of desolation and thought of Lin Qianxun, Zhao Lingjun felt a little more disappointed.

When these feelings were intertwined, Zhao Lingjun already felt that he was worse off than dead. But at this time, Zhao Lingjun also heard some women walking by him talking quietly.

"This guy is such a sissy."

"Yes, you actually behave like a woman and hold a kitten."

"That's right, maybe he is gay."

"That's right, look at the way he walks and twists and turns. It's not normal at first glance."

"Ugh, that's disgusting. Let's stay away from him."

"But the kitten he is holding is really cute, like a snow pom-pom. And its eyes are blue, as bright as sapphires."


If I hadn't happened to see an empty taxi approaching. Zhao Lingjun might really be so depressed that he bumped his head against the wall of this community and died.

Text Chapter 30: The Great Cat Hero? After lying on his bed as if dead, Zhao Lingjun felt much more comfortable, but when he saw the wallet that he had thrown aside, which looked like a shriveled date, Zhao Lingjun's depressed mood did not ease at all.

Normally, Zhao Lingjun would take the bus back to the community. Today, on impulse, Zhao Lingjun took a taxi and rushed back to the community. When it was time to pay, Zhao Lingjun realized that he had worked in vain for the past two days.

Zhao Lingjun took psychology as an elective in college because the psychology teacher at that time was a beautiful teacher.

Zhao Lingjun remembered that the beautiful teacher at the time said that when a person is depressed, he just needs to lie on the bed, close his eyes, imagine himself as a puddle of mud, and then have a good sleep.

But when Zhao Lingjun closed his eyes, what appeared in his mind was not mud, but the shadows of Lin Qianxun and Wu Xiaoye.

When he thought of Lin Qianxun in uniform holding the kitten, Zhao Lingjun felt his heart beat faster and his mouth went dry. And when he thought of Wu Xiaoye, Zhao Lingjun felt cold all over again. He wanted to get up and scratch his big mouth, and then write "I am the contemporary Chen Shimei" a hundred times.

After doing this for a while, Zhao Lingjun felt more and more sad that he was about to die.

So Zhao Lingjun decided to get up and drink a glass of cold water to cool down his restless mind.

But when Zhao Lingjun opened his eyes, he was startled.

Two blue eyes, just a few centimeters in front of Zhao Lingjun's eyes, were moving in a dark way.


"I*." Zhao Lingjun was so frightened that he turned over and sat up. When he got up, Zhao Lingjun accidentally pressed the part of his butt where he had just received the injection. Zhao Lingjun grimaced in pain. After gasping for air, Zhao Lingjun looked at the white kitten lying in front of him depressedly and said. "Why did you come to me without saying a word? You wanted to scare me to death."

"Meow." The white kitten blinked its eyes, glanced at Zhao Lingjun with an aggrieved look, and then jumped off the bed.

When he looked at the black section of the white kitten's tail, Zhao Lingjun felt pity for this abandoned kitten again.

So Zhao Lingjun couldn't bear it and took the white kitten into his arms.


The white kitten seemed a little surprised, but when Zhao Lingjun picked him up, the white kitten happily nuzzled into Zhao Lingjun's arms.

"Haha." Zhao Lingjun was a little tickled by the white kitten and couldn't help laughing. "Little guy, you are so cute. Those who say you will bring bad luck to your master are really short-sighted."

After laughing, Zhao Lingjun felt that his mood was much better. When he saw the white kitten fluttering and looking at him with blue eyes, Zhao Lingjun suddenly remembered something very important.

Zhao Lingjun dug out the glass bottle from his bag after dividing it by three and five.

Three small blue pills lay quietly in the glass bottle.

"Do you really understand what I'm saying?"

Zhao Lingjun looked at the three small blue pills remaining in the glass bottle and the white kitten in his arms.

As soon as Zhao Lingjun finished speaking, Zhao Lingjun saw Xiaomao looking at him and nodding desperately several times.

"Haha." At this time, Zhao Lingjun finally felt that it was funny for a cat to nod desperately.

"It seems that these blue pills are a hundred times more magical than Viagra." After laughing, Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but think that if he told others that these little blue pills in his hand could directly make the kitten understand human speech , it is estimated that people who listen will directly call the mental hospital and tell them that there is a guy suffering from typical delusions in front of them. Not to mention telling others that the cat that took this little pill was as powerful as if it were possessed by Bruce Lee.

Thinking of the kitten's behavior just after taking the pill, Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but glance at his bedroom.

Finally, Zhao Lingjun's eyes rested on the two dumbbells beside his desk.

"Then since you understand what I'm saying, can you help me get the two dumbbells over there?" Zhao Lingjun clicked on the two dumbbells next to his desk and said to the kitten in his arms.


It is estimated that every man at some stage has dreamed of becoming a muscular man like Schwarzenegger. When he just graduated, Zhao Lingjun also dreamed of having strong muscles that would make his girlfriend drool all over the place once he took them off. .

So these two dumbbells have been with Zhao Lingjun for a long time.

But when Zhao Lingjun discovered that dreams are just dreams after all, and if dreams can be easily realized, they can no longer be called dreams. Zhao Lingjun stopped moving the two huge dumbbells.

So the two dumbbells were already covered with a thick layer of dust.

However, Zhao Lingjun remembered the weight of these two dumbbells very clearly. These two dumbbells are large dumbbells that Zhao Lingjun specially selected for his dream of becoming a muscular man. Each weighs fifteen kilograms.

When the white kitten jumped out of his arms, Zhao Lingjun felt that the kitten only weighed a few kilograms at most.

But what surprised Zhao Lingjun so much that his eyes almost fell out of his head was that the white kitten seemed to just flick the two dumbbells lightly, and the two dumbbells suddenly slid to his feet. .

"Such a lot of strength." Looking at the marks made by the dumbbells on the floor, Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but gasp.

After a long while, Zhao Lingjun regained his composure.

"Can you push something heavier?" Zhao Lingjun said to the kitten again when he saw that the two dumbbells seemed too simple for the kitten.

Then Zhao Lingjun saw the kitten in his arms nodded and jumped out of his arms.

Zhao Lingjun didn't have time to think about what the kitten was going to do. The white kitten jumped to the wardrobe in Zhao Lingjun's bedroom.

"Jiga~~~" Zhao Lingjun has not yet reacted. Then I heard a sound that made my teeth ache.

Then Zhao Lingjun saw his wardrobe slowly moving.

Zhao Lingjun almost turned his eyes white and fell to the ground unconsciously.

Although this wardrobe was in Zhao Lingjun's room from the beginning, Zhao Lingjun was very aware of the weight of this wardrobe.

Because when he first moved in, Zhao Lingjun wanted to try to put this huge wardrobe in another place. But Zhao Lingjun couldn't push the big wardrobe despite all his efforts.

But now, a wardrobe that even adults couldn't push was actually pushed by such a kitten.

Is this still a cat? Isn't this a Super Saiyan cat

As soon as this thought came to Zhao Lingjun's mind, he heard the moving sound of "chigga~~~" suddenly turned into a crisp click.

Then Zhao Lingjun saw the kitten and stopped as if it was instantly petrified.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Lingjun was nervous when he saw the kitten suddenly stopped, thinking that the kitten had exerted too much force and injured himself.

But a few seconds later, Zhao Lingjun saw the kitten slowly take out its paws from the cabinet as if embarrassed.

Then Zhao Lingjun saw two small black holes on his cabinet.

Zhao Lingjun was immediately stunned.

Only when the white kitten jumped back onto him in embarrassment did Zhao Lingjun dare to believe what had just happened in front of him.


That cabinet is too heavy, and the kitten's paws are too small.

So although the cabinet moved with one push, the kitten's claws directly penetrated the cabinet wall.

"If this cat gave someone a paw, would anyone be able to bear it?"

Zhao Lingjun looked at the two small holes in the cabinet wall and asked the kitten in his arms fearfully, "Will you always listen to me in the future?"

The kitten nodded obediently.

Zhao Lingjun looked at the kitten in his arms stupidly, and couldn't help but think of the big eagle in The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

Yang Guo was called the Condor Hero because of his mighty eagle. And now that I have this kitten that comes and goes like the wind and is equally powerful, shouldn't I be called the Magic Cat Hero

"Okay." After a moment, Zhao Lingjun, who was so ecstatic with thought, finally came back to his senses and said to the kitten. "Then it's settled, you will follow me from now on. But if you follow me, you naturally have to have a name. How about I give you a name?"

"Meow." The white kitten nodded desperately, looking very happy.

"Otherwise, let's call you Wangcai."


"Ah, I don't like it. If you don't like it, don't pretend to be dead. If you don't like Wangcai, you can change your name. How about you call it Laxi?"


"Ah, you still don't like it?" Zhao Lingjun said, looking at the kitten in his arms that started pretending to be dead whenever he mentioned Wangcai and Laxi. "I didn't expect that your requirements are quite high. You don't like names like Wangcai and Laxi? How about calling you Xiaobai?"

"Meow..." The white kitten nodded aggrievedly, and finally stopped pretending to be dead.