Celestial Employee

Chapter 19: The Rough Man - Chapter 35 The Four Bandits


"Haha, I'll call you Xiaobai from now on." Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but laugh loudly when he thought about taking in such an awesome kitten as his little brother.

But when he saw the glass bottle in his hand, Zhao Lingjun couldn't laugh anymore.

Three blue pills in a glass bottle with a soft glow.

"This kitten took one of these pills and became so powerful. What would happen if I took one of these pills?" Such a thought suddenly appeared in Zhao Lingjun's mind.


No matter what kind of man he is, deep down he has a desire to become an unparalleled hero.

The three small basket-colored pills in the bottle have an indescribable temptation for Zhao Lingjun.

If a person's strength can be so strong that he can knock several Tysons away with one punch, then it will be difficult for this man to become a world-famous hero even if he is not developed.

Zhao Lingjun is a normal man, and of course Zhao Lingjun also wants to become a hero admired by thousands of people.

But Zhao Lingjun felt that he was really embarrassed now.

"What if this medicine was just a medicine specially studied for animals in ancient times? Maybe this medicine is just a medicine to turn ordinary animals into war machines? Maybe ordinary cats and dogs take this medicine No problem, but maybe people will have problems after taking it? Maybe after taking this kind of medicine, there will be big sequelae, maybe premature aging, unable to lift up, or not holding up for a long time, etc. . What if I eat it and die from the poison, and I can’t see Wu Xiaoye anymore? What if after I eat it, I also turn into blue eyes, which frightens Wu Xiaoye?

Zhao Lingjun felt like there was lying in front of him a naked beauty who was a hundred times more beautiful than Jin Xishan. Not only did that beauty have a snow-white and delicate butt that was unusually high, she also posed in a way that would make any man excited. He held his fingers in his mouth, exhaled like a blue, and said like a moan, "Ah..., come on, come in, I want you."

Zhao Lingjun wanted to take off all his clothes as fast as he could, then stand up and fight for hundreds of rounds with this goblin who could make any man want to die.

But next to the beauty's towering snow-white buttocks, there was a big sign with these words written on it. "The chance of you getting AIDS is 50 percent."

"Safety first." Zhao Lingjun felt so sad that he was about to explode. But after hesitating for a long time, Zhao Lingjun decided not to take those blue pills yet.

"It's better to wait two days and see if Xiaobai has any adverse reactions before making a decision." Zhao Lingjun thought as he stuffed the glass bottle into his bag. "Anyway, there is no rush. Anyway, now that I have such an awesome kitten by my side, even if I don't take this pill, it will not be difficult to become prosperous. It's better not to take this risk in a hurry."

Although he thought so, when he stuffed the glass bottle into his bag, Zhao Lingjun still felt as sad as if he had been cut off a piece of flesh.

So after just lying on the bed for a few more minutes, Zhao Lingjun felt that it was very inappropriate to put all the medicine in the bag.

"If this glass bottle falls or is touched by someone, wouldn't I suffer a big loss?"

After thinking about it, Zhao Lingjun quickly rummaged through the cabinets and found two small glass medicine bottles. Pack the three blue pills separately.

Zhao Lingjun first placed two of the glass bottles on his bedside table and wardrobe. As for the other bottle, Zhao Lingjun planned to keep it in his bag.

"As long as I am not stolen both at home and outside, these pills will not be gone. And even if my home is stolen, if I put them in two places, at least one of the two pills will be left. .”

Zhao Lingjun felt that everything was safe now, so when he put the last glass bottle into his bag, Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But at this time, Zhao Lingjun saw a bundle of bamboo slices lying in his bag.

Zhao Lingjun then remembered that when he went out in the morning, he took this bundle of bamboo slices with him. He originally wanted to go to the company to check online and compare them to see if there were any words that were the same as the words engraved on it. It's just that I was frightened by Zhang Changsheng and the others and rushed to the hospital, so I forgot about it.

"This pill is so powerful. These bamboo slices are definitely not ordinary things." Maybe there is a record of the origin and function of this pill. "" As soon as Zhao Lingjun saw this bundle of bamboo slices, he couldn't help but pat his thigh.

Zhao Lingjun wished he could grow wings and fly to the company or an Internet cafe, and then go online to check if there was any information about such words.

But when Zhao Lingjun slapped his thigh, a heartbreaking pain swept over him like a flash flood.


Zhao Lingjun suddenly remembered that his current situation was as miserable as being hit by the Seven Injury Fist.


"The sun is coming out from the east today. Why did you get up so early today?"

Early the next morning, Zhang Changsheng felt that he had gotten up very early. But unexpectedly, when he walked to the station, he saw Zhao Lingjun already waiting at the station.

"Is it because you took a day off yesterday and felt uneasy?" Xiao Ping, who was following Zhang Changsheng, teased Zhao Lingjun.

"Feeling uneasy? Give me such a small salary. I work hard every day. Will I feel uneasy if I take a day off?" Zhao Lingjun sneered and thought: MLGBD, if I hadn't been too excited to sleep this morning, I wanted to go to the company to find something. Information, will I get up so early

"Then why did you get up so early?" Zhang Changsheng looked at Zhao Lingjun and said. "You have never been so early in the past six months. By the way, how did you go to the hospital yesterday? Is everything okay?"

"I slept too much yesterday, so I can't sleep today." Zhao Lingjun became depressed again when he mentioned going to the hospital. "It's nothing. It's just that the tetanus shot was so strong that my butt still hurts when I woke up this morning."

"Haha." Zhang Changsheng and others couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you laughing? You are a bunch of bastards and inhumane guys." Zhao Lingjun was stunned by the gleeful expressions of this group of people.

"Shh, be civilized." Zhang Changsheng winked at Zhao Lingjun.

"You're so civilized."

"The girl of your dreams is here."

"Come on, don't scare me with her." Zhao Lingjun said loudly and arrogantly. "Do you think you can deceive me like this? You use this trick every time, are you creative? You bitches. Besides, what's wrong with me being uncivilized? Maybe Wu Xiaoye likes something a little rougher. Where are the men?”

But after Zhao Lingjun finished speaking, he found that the people around him all stopped talking, and they all looked at him with half-smiling eyes.

Zhao Lingjun felt vaguely that something was wrong.

Then Zhao Lingjun turned around and saw Wu Xiaoye standing quietly not far behind him, his slightly pale face covered with blush.

Text Chapter 32 Zhao Lingjun, the second most beautiful woman in the company, didn’t know when Wu Xiaoye came, but Wu Xiaoye stood behind her so truly.

Zhao Lingjun was immediately stunned.

In the company, Wu Xiaoye is famous for her iceberg beauty. So everyone present suppressed their laughter and prepared to watch the show unfold.

But what happened next was beyond everyone's expectation.

What Zhao Lingjun just said was so loud that people ten meters away could probably hear it, but Wu Xiaoye pretended not to hear anything.

Moreover, Wu Xiaoye actually smiled at Zhao Lingjun rarely and asked softly. "I heard that you injured your foot yesterday and took leave to go to the hospital. Are you okay?"

Everyone present almost collapsed and fell to the ground.

Wu Xiaoye, the iceberg beauty who never took the initiative to talk to others, actually took the initiative to talk to Zhao Lingjun and seemed to care about him. Everyone present felt that what happened today was really amazing.

Zhao Lingjun only felt that the huge happiness was like a mountain, pressing down on him. For a moment, Zhao Lingjun was so excited that he could hardly speak.

"No...I'm not...nothing happened." Zhao Lingjun spent a lot of effort to say a complete sentence.

"It's fine if nothing happens." Wu Xiaoye's long black and smooth hair fluttered quietly in the morning breeze, and Wu Xiaoye's black eyes made Zhao Lingjun feel dizzy.


"You didn't feel anything was wrong yesterday, right?" "No...no."

"MLGBD, are you a pervert? Have you watched too many movies from that island country in the past two days, and your psychology and physiology are no longer normal." In the office of the R&D department, Zhao Lingjun watched with great dejection as he was learning from himself and Zhang Changsheng, whom Wu Xiaoye was talking to, wanted to rush forward and stab Zhang Changsheng to death. However, the pain in his feet and buttocks always reminded Zhao Lingjun that if he wanted to kill Zhang Changsheng at this time, he would probably be killed by Zhang Changsheng instead.

What Zhao Lingjun regretted most at this time was not bringing Xiaobai to the company to give this perverted guy a slap in the face.

"Haha, your performance is too bad. Didn't I just ask you a few words? Didn't I ask you to get a room? Do you need to be so nervous?" Zhang Changsheng looked at Zhao Lingjun's extremely depressed and helpless look, I almost got cramps from laughing. "What a disgrace to our R&D department."

"But it seems that Wu Xiaoye is really interested in you." After laughing, Zhang Changsheng said to Zhang Changsheng a little jealously. "It's hard for other people to talk to her, but she actually took the initiative to greet you, and asked you more than once. I can't see what attracts her to you. Is it true that those who are closest to the water first get the better? Or did you do it to her? What's so outrageous?"

"Be like you." Zhao Lingjun said to Zhang Changsheng. "I am a good socialist young man with five principles, four virtues and three loves. Don't think that I am full of dirty thoughts like you."

"You are a good socialist young man, but I am full of dirty thoughts?" Zhang Changsheng said with a smile upon hearing this. "I don't know who saw that I had a wonderful movie last time and asked me to share it."

"Ding ding ding..." Just when Zhao Lingjun was about to grab a book on the table and smash the guy in front of him to death, the office phone rang.

"Hurry up and answer your call. There's so much nonsense." Zhao Lingjun said to Zhang Changsheng happily. "Perhaps the customer relations group has encountered some difficult problems again and needs to seek on-site technical support."

"*, shut your crow mouth." Zhang Changsheng said to Zhao Lingjun as he picked up the microphone. "If I didn't just say a few words to you, you would curse me and ask me to go to on-site technical support. You must be too vicious."

Zhao Lingjun smiled and said nothing. However, Zhao Lingjun felt a sense of secret joy in his heart.

Others may not know what on-site technical support is like, but Zhao Lingjun knows it very well.

Usually when customers encounter a big problem and the equipment cannot operate normally and no one from the customer service department can solve it, they will call the designers from the R&D department to go to the site to assist.

Problems that the people in the customer service department cannot handle are usually very difficult. Most customers will definitely not look good on the on-site staff because their equipment is not working properly.

Moreover, the working environment at the production site is much worse than that in the office. It is simply a torture to go to the site for repairs in such hot weather.

Therefore, this kind of technical support is generally a thankless job. The most miserable time for Zhang Changsheng was when he and a guy from the customer service department were detained by the customer for a week, and they even had food and accommodation in the workshop. Until the problem was eliminated, Zhang Changsheng was almost out of shape when he came back.

So Zhang Changsheng's expression changed when he mentioned on-site technical support.

However, within a few seconds after picking up the phone, Zhang Changsheng's face turned from gloomy to clear.

"It's for you." Zhang Changsheng immediately handed the microphone to Zhao Lingjun.

"Looking for me?" Zhao Lingjun picked up the phone doubtfully. Because Zhao Lingjun has only been working for a short time, and now he is basically just starting out, few people in the company call Zhao Lingjun.


"Is it Mr. Zhao Ling?"

"It's me." Zhao Lingjun asked. "who are you."

"You can't even tell who I am." A voice said angrily. "I'm receptionist Meng Xue."

"It turns out to be Sister Xue." Zhao Lingjun shouted into the phone in a disgusting voice, "Why do you think of calling me now?"

At this time, Zhao Lingjun also heard that the person calling him was Meng Xue, the company's receptionist.

Meng Xue is the second beauty recognized by the company.

Ordinary beauties would not look particularly good-looking if they wore company uniforms.

But Meng Xue is an exception.

It is said that every normal man who works in this building, when he thinks of the word "uniform temptation", the first thing that comes to mind is Meng Xue.

The look of Meng Xue, who has a complexion as snow and wears a company uniform, can make any man have the urge to commit a crime. But even if every man in the company had such an impulse, no one would dare to take advantage of Meng Xue.

Because Meng Xue is not only the boss's distant cousin, but also from Chengdu. Not only her appearance, but also her temper is very hot.

Therefore, in this company, only Meng Xue bullies others, and no one else bullies Meng Xue. Therefore, in addition to subduing beauties, Meng Xue also has the nickname "Little Witch" in the company. But although Meng Xue is hot, her relationship with Zhao Lingjun is usually pretty good.

Because Meng Xue is one year older than Zhao Lingjun, usually as long as Zhao Lingjun calls out "Sister Xue" twice, Meng Xue will be as happy as a flower. Sometimes he would take out some of his own snacks and throw them to Zhao Lingjun.

But I didn’t expect that Meng Xue took the wrong medicine today. As soon as Zhao Lingjun called Sister Xue, Meng Xue on the other end of the phone snorted coldly. "What sister, sister, am I really that old?"

"What's wrong? What are you doing?" Zhao Lingjun couldn't understand why Meng Xue seemed to be a different person for a while.

"What's wrong?" Meng Xue sneered and said, "I haven't seen you for a day, you've lost your ability."

"What's my point?" Zhao Lingjun was even more confused.

"Come to the front desk, someone is looking for you." After Meng Xue finished speaking, she hung up the phone without waiting for Zhao Lingjun to say anything, as if she was no longer too lazy to say anything to Zhao Lingjun.

"What's going on today?"

Zhao Lingjun really couldn't figure out how he offended the company's little witch today.



Zhao Lingjun was limping, but when he rushed to the front desk of the company as quickly as possible, he originally wanted to call Meng Xue "Sister Xue" with a playful smile.

Because although he didn't know why Meng Xue seemed so angry with him, Zhao Lingjun felt that after he shouted twice so disgustingly, Meng Xue must not be angry anymore.

But when Zhao Lingjun called out "Sister Xue", he only shouted half of it and then held it back.


A pretty beauty stood in front of the company's front desk, opposite Meng Xue. Meng Xue, on the other hand, was looking at this pretty beauty with cold eyes.

Text Chapter 33: Romance? "Why are you here?" Zhao Lingjun said happily looking at the beautiful woman not far away in front of Meng Xue.

This pretty beauty is actually Lin Qianxun, whom Zhao Lingjun met in the hospital yesterday.

"Haha, I went out to do some errands today and happened to pass by your company, so I came to see you." Lin Qianxun looked at Zhao Lingjun with a smile and said.

Lin Qianxun smiled at Zhao Lingjun, and Zhao Lingjun felt his whole body heat up, and he almost blurted out the words "My dear".

Today Lin Qianxun is not wearing the same white coat as yesterday, but today's Lin Qianxun is more lethal to Zhao Lingjun.

A light yellow turtleneck, tight-fitting elastic short-sleeves and a pair of low-waisted jeans outline a perfectly curvy figure.

When looking at Lin Qianxun's fresh and refined face, Zhao Lingjun felt that it was only today that he finally understood what the perfect combination of an angel's face and a devil's body was.

After taking two deep breaths and forcefully pulling his eyes away from Lin Qianxun, Zhao Lingjun finally regained his breath.

"You...?" Zhao Lingjun was about to ask Lin Qianxun, how did you know that I work in this company. But Zhao Lingjun just said the word "you". There was a clatter of footsteps behind Zhao Lingjun, and it seemed like a group of people rushed out in great excitement. And those people were still talking while walking.

"Is there really a beauty?" "She is definitely a super beauty. I just saw Xiao Zhang from the sales department when she came in..."

"If you dare to lie to us, we will throw you off the stairs."

But the sound stopped suddenly not far behind Zhao Lingjun.

When Zhao Lingjun turned around, he saw Zhang Changsheng, Lin Yiren, and Xiao Ping with their mouths wide open and their eyes widened in surprise, looking at him like animals.

Lin Qianxun's face suddenly turned red when he saw so many people appearing in front of him.

"..." Zhao Lingjun didn't know what to say for a moment.

At this time, Zhao Lingjun heard a cold snort.

This cold snort came from Meng Xue. As soon as Zhao Lingjun turned his head, he saw Meng Xue giving him a cold look.

"Don't you all have to go to work?" Then Zhao Lingjun saw Meng Xue staring at the group of people behind him and said.

Zhao Lingjun felt a murderous aura permeate the air, and felt that the temperature around him dropped a few degrees instantly.

"Oh, we just came out to use the bathroom. We happened to pass by here."

The group of people behind Zhao Lingjun said shamelessly, and then dispersed with a huff.

"Sorry." Zhao Lingjun said to Lin Qianxun with a red face. "The people in our company usually like to joke, but they don't mean any harm."

"Yes." Lin Qianxun nodded redly and handed a paper bag and a plastic bag to Zhao Lingjun.

"What is this?" Zhao Lingjun stupidly took the thing from Lin Qianxun's hand.

"In the paper bag is the osmanthus cake I made by myself, and in the plastic bag is the cat food I bought for the little white cat." Lin Qianxun looked at Zhao Lingjun with a slightly shy expression and said, "That little white cat well enough."

"It." After hearing Lin Qianxun ask Xiaobai, Zhao Lingjun felt much more natural. "It's very good, I can eat and drink, and I'm very obedient."

"Haha, then bring it to see me when you have time." Lin Qianxun said with a blushing face.

"Okay, no problem." Zhao Lingjun said happily.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Lingjun heard Meng Xue cough twice.

"Then...then I won't disturb you at work. I'll leave first and contact you later." Lin Qianxun also felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere at this time.

"Okay. I'll take Xiaobai to see you next time."

"Xiaobai? Haha." Lin Qianxun was stunned for a moment, then he realized that Xiaobai was the cat that Zhao Lingjun was talking about, and couldn't help laughing.


"What? Do you want to kiss goodbye or something?" Meng Xue became angry when she saw Zhao Lingjun still looking reluctant to leave after sending Lin Qianxun into the elevator.

"Sister Xue. What's wrong with you?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Meng Xue's cold expression strangely, and had already begun to wonder if Meng Xue was the one who happened to be here in the past two days. Otherwise it would look like everyone owed her five million.

"Who is your sister? Don't call me so affectionate." Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun coldly and said, "I didn't expect you to be really good at catching such a beautiful woman."

"What are you talking about?" Zhao Lingjun's face turned red when Meng Xue said it. "She and I are just friends."

"Ordinary friends?" Meng Xue was stunned, but then said angrily. "You think I'm a fool. As a normal friend, she will come to the company to see you, and bring you something she made by herself?"

"Really, she and I just met yesterday." Zhao Lingjun said. "She is the doctor from the hospital where I went to see a doctor yesterday."

"Really?" Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun doubtfully, but her face looked much better. "Then what's going on with the kitten she told you about?"

"Oh, that kitten is a stray cat in her hospital." Zhao Lingjun explained to Meng Xue. "Yesterday I went to her hospital to see a doctor, so I brought the kitten back and kept it."

"Oh, I don't see that you are quite sympathetic." The frosty expression on Meng Xue's face slowly thawed. "Then where did you put that kitten now?"

"Let me stay in my dormitory." Zhao Lingjun said strangely. "Can I still bring it to work?"

"Haha, what if it poops and pees in your vagina?" Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun, suddenly burst into laughter.

"Uh." Zhao Lingjun looked at Meng Xue who suddenly melted with ice and snow, and couldn't help but sigh. Women are really a strange animal. Not only did they have a frosty expression just now, but now the ice and snow have melted. Spring is coming and flowers are blooming.

"It's the weekend in two days. Please show me that kitten in your dormitory." After laughing, Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun and said.

"Ah..., you also want to see kittens?" Zhao Lingjun couldn't understand why the little white he picked was so popular.

"What, you're not welcome?"

"Welcome," Zhao Lingjun said immediately when he saw Meng Xue's eyebrows raised, as if she was about to get angry again.

"That's pretty much it. It's settled. I'll go to your place this weekend to see that kitten. Don't run around with it in your arms." Meng Xue said while giving Zhao Lingjun a meaningful look.

"Okay." Zhao Lingjun reluctantly agreed to Meng Xue.


A living beauty is about to enter her room.

But when Zhao Lingjun thought of this on the way back to the office, he didn't feel the slightest bit proud.

Because Meng Xue is recognized by the company as a beauty that can be looked at but not touched. What's more, his room is next door to Wu Xiaoye's. If Wu Xiaoye misunderstands himself and Meng Xue...

When he thought of this, Zhao Lingjun broke into a cold sweat.


"What are you doing?"

The distraught Zhao Lingjun was startled as soon as he opened the door of the office.

The office, which usually looks like a Qingshui Yamen, is actually crowded with N people. Moreover, these N people all looked at themselves from top to bottom with the eyes of Martians.

Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but look at the zipper on his pants again. But there was nothing wrong with the zipper on his pants.

"Did that girl just come to see you?" A group of people asked Zhao Lingjun instead of answering Zhao Lingjun's question.

"Yes." Zhao Lingjun said as he walked to his seat. "What's wrong?"

"What else happened to you?" A group of people looked at Zhao Lingjun with sad and angry eyes. "We all thought you were a very honest person before. I didn't expect you to be a guy with two legs. People have come to the company to find you. What else do you have to say?"

"She and I are just friends." Zhao Lingjun lazily explained to this group of people and said, "You can just do what you should do. Don't cause trouble for me here."

"Only ordinary friends can believe it." A group of people looked at Zhao Lingjun with an expression on their faces.

"Then whatever you think." Zhao Lingjun started typing on the computer and didn't want to pay attention to this group of people.

"Ah, quite awesome." A group of people looked at each other and said. "Then let's go."

"It's good to go, I won't send you off." Zhao Lingjun said to this group of people without raising his head.

"Well, let's go talk to Wu Xiaoye." A group of people said as they walked outside.

With a "bang", Zhao Lingjun fell from the chair.


After spending N minutes explaining his relationship with Lin Qianxun, and promising to give everyone a good meal after his salary was paid. Xiao Ping, Lin Yiren and others agreed not to go to Wu Xiaoye to frame Zhongliang.

Seeing these beast-like guys leaving with satisfaction, Zhao Lingjun was almost on the verge of tears.

But Zhao Lingjun was still fine, but instead he saw Zhang Changsheng sighing and looking at himself with a small mirror.

"Why are you sighing so early in the morning?" Zhao Lingjun asked Zhang Changsheng very strangely.

"You said that I am obviously much more handsome than you, and my salary is much higher than yours. Why would such a girl come to you instead of me?" Zhang Changsheng touched his beard, feeling depressed. explain. "Why didn't I have some luck?"

"I*..." Zhao Lingjun felt a sudden chill and almost fell off the chair again.

After a long while, Zhao Lingjun calmed down and decided not to care about this perverted guy anymore, and concentrated on searching online for any clues about the writing on the bamboo pieces.

Text Chapter 34 Qili Lane Internet Cafe, the Internet can give you everything you want, Zhao Lingjun remembers an advertisement saying so.

It is said that the Internet has the magical power to turn a pig into a prince charming, and a dinosaur into a super beauty. Even a woman with nothing but big breasts and a big butt can turn a woman into a woman after undergoing the magical transformation of the Internet. The trend of the times. Even the most powerful wizards in history may not be able to do this.

Although he had been busy for a long time and compared N types of ancient characters, Zhao Lingjun could not find any relevant information about the characters on the bamboo pieces. But with the belief that the Internet is omnipotent, Zhao Lingjun did not give up easily, and finally found on a web page that there was an ancient Chinese research association in Qili Lane.

Zhao Lingjun is no stranger to Qili Lane.

Qili Alley is actually not a small alley. It was said that it was a second-hand market invested by a guy named Jay Chou. Later, due to poor management, it was sold to a Zhejiang businessman to become a trading market for gold and antiques. Because it was not far from Zhao Lingjun's company, Zhao Lingjun also visited that place when he first came to the company. It's just that there seem to be more fakes there than real ones, and Zhao Lingjun doesn't have any money to buy these things, so after going there once, Zhao Lingjun never went there again. Zhao Lingjun didn't notice that there was actually an ancient Chinese literature research association there.

It only cost about ten yuan to take a taxi from the company to Qili Alley. Zhao Lingjun only thought about it for a few seconds before making a decision.

The company's monthly bonus is not attractive at all compared to deciphering the contents of the scroll of bamboo.

So after eating in the company, Zhao Lingjun burped and said directly to Zhang Changsheng, who was napping on the chair: "Boss, please ask for leave for me this afternoon. I have to go out for something."

"No, you." Zhang Changsheng was about to fall asleep, but after hearing what Zhao Lingjun said, he immediately woke up. "You just asked for leave yesterday, and you asked for it again today. It's not like you don't know Hao Meili's methods. Don't you want to take the monthly bonus this month?"

"She can do whatever she wants," Zhao Lingjun said to Zhang Changsheng while packing his things. "It's only a few hundred yuan anyway, I don't care anymore."

"It's only a few hundred yuan anyway?" Zhang Changsheng was stunned. When he wanted to talk to Zhao Lingjun again, he only saw Zhao Lingjun's back holding the bag.

"This guy is so loud now. He doesn't even care about the monthly prize." After thinking for a long time, Zhang Changsheng finally came to a conclusion. "This guy must have gone on a tryst with the girl who came in the morning. But this guy is too wretched. He actually asked for leave in the afternoon and had to eat at the company before leaving."


"What, you want to take leave in the afternoon? Do you want to go on a date with the little nurse who came in the morning?"

When Zhao Lingjun secretly tried to sneak out of the company during the lunch break, he was caught by Meng Xue at the front desk. Meng Xue's first reaction coincided with Zhang Changsheng's point of view.

"She is not a nurse, she is a physician." As soon as Zhao Lingjun said these words, he realized that he had made a huge mistake.

Because Zhao Lingjun saw Meng Xue's face immediately covered with a layer of frost.

"No, no, don't get me wrong." When Zhao Lingjun saw that Meng Xue had changed his mind again, he immediately hurriedly explained. "I went out in the afternoon to do errands, not to go on a date with her."

"Really?" After hearing what Zhao Lingjun said, his frosty face showed signs of thawing. "You didn't lie to me?"

"Of course I didn't lie to you." Zhao Lingjun said with a wry smile. "Even if I took the courage of a leopard, I wouldn't dare lie to you."

"Then what are you doing out there?" A smile appeared on Meng Xue's face.

"I..." Zhao Lingjun was a little hesitant, not knowing what to say to Meng Xue.

"Well, Mr. Zhao Ling, you actually learned how to lie." Meng Xue's expression changed again when she saw Mr. Zhao Ling's hesitation.

"I'm not lying to you, I just want to go to Qili Alley." Zhao Lingjun was anxious.

Pigs can jump over walls when they are anxious. Zhao Lingjun was in a hurry and suddenly had an inspiration: "I have a friend who heard that there is an ancient Chinese literature research association in Qili Lane, and he happened to have a scroll of bamboo carved with unknown ancient characters. , I specially sent it here for me to take with me to see if anyone recognizes the writing on the bamboo piece."

"Really?" Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun doubtfully. "You didn't lie to me?"

"I promise in the name of *** that I am telling the truth." Zhao Lingjun said shamelessly.

"I don't believe it." Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun and smiled with her lips pursed.

Zhao Lingjun almost fell over with a thud: "Then what do you have to do to trust me? Isn't it enough to have the name of ***, and you want me to add the name of Uncle Lei Feng?"

"Haha." Meng Xue smiled and said to Zhao Lingjun. "Just wait for me here and I will believe you."

"Waiting for you here?" Zhao Lingjun was a little dizzy and couldn't figure out what kind of plane Meng Xue wanted to fly.

"Well, don't sneak away before I come back, otherwise, don't let me see you in the future." Meng Xue waved her hand at Zhao Lingjun, pretending to be a fierce expression. "How about I beat you every time I see you?"

After saying that, Meng Xue ran into the company and waited for a while. Zhao Lingjun saw Meng Xue running back again and started to pack the things on his desk.

"What are you doing?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Meng Xue stupidly.

"I also asked for leave in the afternoon." Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun and said with a smile.

"You also asked for leave. Are you busy?" Zhao Lingjun didn't react for a moment.

Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun and smiled. She did not answer Zhao Lingjun's question, but said to Zhao Lingjun, "Let's go."

"Leave? Us?"

"Yes, aren't you going to Qili Alley?"

"Yeah, but you?"

"I will also accompany you to Qili Lane." Meng Xue smiled playfully at Zhao Lingjun, "How else would I know if you are really going on a date with that little doctor?"

"..." Looking at Meng Xue's proud expression, Zhao Lingjun almost fainted to the ground with a thud.


"Handsome guy, may I ask where Qili Lane is?"

Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue had just gotten out of the taxi and walked a few steps when they heard someone ask this.

As soon as Zhao Lingjun turned his head, he saw four people carrying large and small bags, looking like car mechanics, standing next to him.

As soon as Meng Xue turned around and saw these four guys, she almost burst into laughter.

Zhao Lingjun also took two deep breaths to stop himself from laughing.

The person who asked Zhao Lingjun was a fat man with a kind smile who looked like Maitreya Buddha. But standing next to the fat man was a thin man as thin as a bamboo pole. Next to the thin man, there was a short man who seemed to be less than 1.5 meters tall. But standing next to the short man who was less than 1.5 meters tall was a tall man who was over 1.8 meters tall.

If they saw one of the four people alone, Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue might not find it funny, but the presence of these four people in front of them at the same time would be too comical.

What made Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue even more amused was that these four people were actually wearing sunglasses that covered half of their faces.

"Isn't that Qili Alley?" After Zhao Lingjun finally suppressed his laughter, he pointed at a place filled with shops fifty meters away. There was a rusty iron sign erected there, with dragons and phoenixes dancing in it. He wrote three words "Qili Lane."

"So this is it. It seems we found the right place." The fat man, who always looked like he was smiling, said to the thin man next to him who was as thin as a bamboo.

"Where are you from?" Zhao Lingjun suddenly felt that the accents of these people were very familiar.

"We are from Wuxi." The fat man who looked like Maitreya Buddha said to Zhao Lingjun.

"What a coincidence?" Zhao Lingjun looked at the fat man in surprise. "I'm from Wuxi too."

"Really." The four people in Fatty's group seemed quite surprised.

"Haha, I didn't expect to meet a fellow villager here." Zhao Lingjun happily said to Fatty and the others. "Just in time, I'm going to Qili Alley too. Let's go together."

"Okay. Let's go." The fat man said while looking at Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue next to Zhao Lingjun. "Your girlfriend is very beautiful."

Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue both turned red.

"By the way, what are you doing here?" Zhao Lingjun immediately changed the subject.

"Oh, let's do some business." Fatty and the other four people smiled at Zhao Lingjun and said.

"Oh, it turns out you are the bosses of this business. I thought you were crosstalk actors." As he said this, the group of people had already entered Qili Alley. Zhao Lingjun said to these four people. "Then I won't stop you from getting rich. I'm going to do something first."

"Okay, green mountains are always there and green waters are always flowing, so we will meet again later." Fatty and the other four said to Zhao Lingjun, bowing their hands.


"Those fellow villagers of yours are really interesting." Seeing the four people looking around at some stalls not far away, Meng Xue couldn't help but said to Zhao Lingjun with a smile. "The green mountains are always there and the green waters are always flowing. I even doubt whether they are the Seven Strange Jiangnan Monsters."

"Don't worry about them." Zhao Lingjun looked around depressedly. "Where is that ancient literature research association?"

Qili Alley is not big, so it took less than ten minutes for Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue to visit the entire Qili Alley. But after looking around, Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue didn't see any ancient literature research group.

"If you can't find it, just ask." Meng Xue smiled charmingly at Zhao Lingjun, ran directly to a street stall, and asked the stall owner in a very seductive voice, "Brother, is there anything here? An ancient literature research association?"

"Ancient Prose Research Association?" The middle-aged man running the street stall was so stunned by Meng Xue's shout of "big brother" that he was stunned for a long time. The middle-aged man running the street stall hesitantly stretched out his finger and tapped Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue's. behind. "That's the place you're talking about."

Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue looked in the direction of the middle-aged man's finger.

All I saw was a dilapidated two-story building with a patch of mottled color hanging on the door. It was hard to tell what color it was originally. But the words on it are quite clear.

"Ancient Cultural Relics Research Society?" Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue were both dumbfounded.

"What kind of friend are you? You can actually turn the Ancient Cultural Relics Research Association into an Ancient Literature Research Association." After a moment, Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun in anger and fun. "Does he have a head made of wood?"

"I..." Zhao Lingjun looked at Meng Xue, wanting to find a pit to bury the guy who said the Internet was omnipotent.

Chapter 35: The Four Bandits: "Okay, your friend made a mistake, what should we do now?" Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun with a pair of electric eyes. "Obviously there is no ancient literature research group here. You can't help your friend. How about you take me to your dormitory this afternoon to see your kitten?"

"Since we are an ancient cultural relics research association, maybe there are people who understand ancient writing." Zhao Lingjun was obviously furious, and he actually directly rejected Meng Xue's tempting proposal.

However, Meng Xue was not angry this time. Instead, she smiled and said, "Okay, let's go up and see if there are any perverted characters practicing in this ancient cultural relic research association."


"Robbery, robbery. The men stand on the left, the women on the right, and the ladyboys stand in the middle."

Just when Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue were about to go to the ancient cultural relics research association to try their luck, Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue heard such a shout.

Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue took a quick look and saw the four guys who looked like cross talk actors. They had put on long stockings on their heads at some point. It looked like they couldn't even see their faces clearly, and in their hands , all holding black guns of different lengths, looking fierce.

The originally noisy square suddenly fell into a dead silence. Everyone seemed to be petrified in an instant. They stopped what they were doing and stared blankly at the four people who were wearing sunglasses and now wearing stockings. guy.

Then there was a roar of laughter.

Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue couldn't help but smile at each other. How could it be possible to rob a trading market with so many people in broad daylight

Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue couldn't help but want to go up and ask these four people, asking them if a certain boss invited them to perform cross talk or something to cheer up the atmosphere.

When Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue were thinking this, someone couldn't help but stepped forward to ask Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue.

"Haha, who asked you to act? Are those stockings on your heads, used by women, or brand new?" The middle-aged man who walked up to ask these four people was Just now, Meng Xue came up to inquire about the stall owner of the Ancient Prose Research Association.

The stall owner seemed to be very happy with the appearance of these four guys of different heights, fatness and thickness. While asking, he couldn't help but stepped forward to touch the gun in the hand of the fat man in charge to see if it was not real.

"Haha." Another burst of laughter broke out from the surrounding crowd.

"Haha." The fat man in charge also smiled at the middle-aged man and did not answer his question, but he did not stop the middle-aged man from touching the gun in his hand.

"The prop gun of yours is quite real." The middle-aged man felt a little strange when he touched the gun in the fat man's hand.

"That's right." The fat man laughed, suddenly pulled the gun out of the middle-aged man's hand, and then pulled the trigger towards the middle-aged man's thigh.

"Yes, where did you buy it...ah~~~~."

Before the middle-aged man finished speaking, everyone present heard a loud bang from the gun in the fat man's hand, and the middle-aged man felt as if someone had hit his leg with a huge hammer. He took a step back and fell down, and then everyone saw a fountain of blood coming out of the middle-aged man's leg.

The middle-aged man only had time to let out a scream like a slaughtering pig, and without even having time to cover his legs, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Everyone, including Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue, were stunned.

"Haha, who else wants to try to see if our guns are real?" The fat man wearing stockings on his head was still smiling, but at this time, no one present felt that these four people were ridiculous. .

A few seconds later, several women first let out a few shrill screams, which were even worse than Hao Meili's screams that day.

And everyone at the scene woke up amidst these screams.

"I didn't expect these people to be robbers." Such thoughts just flashed in the minds of Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue. The entire Qili Alley was in chaos as if a pot had exploded.

After letting out shrill screams, several women ran toward the gate of Qili Lane, screaming like firetrucks with sirens on.

And many people invariably thought of calling the police. But before these people had time to take out their mobile phones, they heard several more low "dong dong" sounds.

The sound is like someone hitting a ball on your ceiling at night, low and powerful.

But as soon as Zhao Lingjun heard these thumping sounds, he saw a plume of bright blood mist suddenly appear on the backs of several women running out, and then these women suddenly moved forward like kites with broken strings. He rushed, fell to the ground, and then became silent again.

Zhao Lingjun felt a chill all over his body, as if a bucket of cold water had been poured all over his body. When he turned around, he only saw the thin man next to the fat man who was as thin as a bamboo pole holding up a strange-shaped gun with a scope. Looking at the fallen women coldly, it seemed that what he was looking at was not a few people, but a few ants.

The whole place fell into dead silence again, and a few timid ones even lost their legs and fell to the ground, passing out immediately.

"My record is hitting three moving objects in one second. And my gun never leaves anyone alive." The thin man looked at everyone with an expressionless face. "If anyone doesn't believe it, feel free to give it a try."

Many people just took out their mobile phones and prepared to secretly call the police, but when they heard the thin man's words, they immediately froze and did not dare to move.

Although the costumes of these four people still look so funny, no one dares to doubt whether what these four people say is true now.

The smell of blood floating in the air and the shocking blood holes on the backs of several motionless women lying not far from the entrance of Qili Lane are the best answers.

Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue also felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave, their minds going blank.

Even the most ferocious gangsters on TV are not as cruel as the four people in front of them. This thought lingered in the hearts of everyone present.

"I'll say it again, men stand on our left, women on the right. Shemales stand in the middle." The fat man still had a kind smile on his stocking-covered face. It seemed like he was just greeting everyone politely.

But the fat man had just finished speaking. Everyone moved with a crash.

Before Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue could react, they found that everyone had been divided into three piles.

Except for Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue, all the men were already standing on the left side in front of Fatty and the others, while all the women were already standing on the right side in front of Fatty and the others.

"Oh, it turns out it's you, fellow." The fat man seemed surprised that someone didn't move, but after a quick look, he immediately found that the ones who didn't move were Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue.

The fat man still smiled kindly at Zhao Lingjun, but Zhao Lingjun only felt a chill all over his body, and couldn't help but grab Meng Xue and pull him behind him.