Celestial Employee

Chapter 22: Silent Danger - Chapter 50 Taoist Priests and Monsters


Zhao Lingjun was standing there at a loss, unable to hold or push him, when he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder.

Meng Xue, who threw herself into Zhao Lingjun's arms, unexpectedly bit Zhao Lingjun hard.

"Ah~~, what are you doing, why are you biting me?" Zhao Lingjun was in pain and couldn't help but want to push Meng Xue away, but when Zhao Lingjun lowered his head, he saw Meng Xue's face covered with tears. Zhao Lingjun's heart softened immediately. I couldn't help but hugged Meng Xue tightly.

"You stinky scoundrel." Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun with eyes full of tears.

The two of them were so close now, Meng Xue's gentle and jade-like breasts pressed tightly against Zhao Lingjun's chest. Zhao Lingjun could even easily feel Meng Xue's every heartbeat.

But at this time, Zhao Lingjun's heart was full of pity, without any impulse.

"I was just looking for an excuse to take that pill."

"Even if you make excuses, don't make excuses like that." Before Zhao Lingjun finished speaking, he was interrupted by Meng Xue.

Meng Xue stared at Zhao Lingjun with tearful eyes: "You don't know how disappointed I was at that time. I almost thought you were really that kind of person. You don't know how I felt at that time..."

"Stop talking." Looking at the glistening tears on Meng Xue's long eyelashes, Zhao Lingjun suddenly felt so heartbroken.

"Don't worry, as long as I live in the future, I won't let you suffer any more injustice." Zhao Lingjun looked into Meng Xue's eyes and said firmly.

"Really?" Meng Xue's face suddenly turned red again.

"Of course it's true." Zhao Lingjun nodded and suddenly couldn't help but smile bitterly. "But I don't know how long I can live?"

"What did you say?" Meng Xue was suddenly startled. Suddenly, Meng Xue thought of something, "What kind of medicine did you just take?"

"I just said it, I don't know either." Zhao Lingjun smiled bitterly. "Maybe it's just like the tall man said, this is a stimulant. But this is definitely not an ordinary stimulant."

Meng Xue felt a chill in her heart when she heard the word "stimulant". Because Meng Xue knows that stimulants are things that can extremely stimulate a person's nervous system and overdraw a person's energy and physical strength. No matter what kind of stimulant it is, it will bring certain sequelae. Just like drugs, the more effective a stimulant is, the more serious the sequelae will be.

Meng Xue had seen a report that a weightlifter used the latest stimulants during the competition and easily broke the world record. But after the competition, the weightlifter went into shock and died.

Because although this stimulant wildly stimulated the man's nervous system, causing him to burst out with amazing strength in an instant, what followed was that his heart and body were unable to bear such a load.

Looking at the astonishing speed and power that Zhao Lingjun had just exploded, Meng Xue was certain that there was no second stimulant in the world that could compare with it.

Meng Xue became anxious when she thought of this. "How come you don't even know what this medicine is? Where did you get this medicine?"

"Where did my medicine come from?" Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but smile bitterly when he thought of the big box that suddenly appeared under the black lotus the size of a thumb. "Where this medicine comes from is a long story. And you may not believe it if I tell you. I'll explain it to you later."

Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun in surprise and nodded, "Then do you feel any discomfort now?"

"Uncomfortable?" Zhao Lingjun took a deep breath and blinked. "It seems not, but there seems to be something inexplicable flowing around in my body. And..."

"And what?" Meng Xue asked anxiously.

"I can't tell you, it's a very strange feeling." Zhao Lingjun shook his head, "It seems that my senses have become particularly sensitive. I can clearly feel even the slightest movement in the distance."

"Can you even feel the wind and grass moving far away?" Meng Xue found it so incredible that she couldn't help but look up at Zhao Lingjun.

When the eyes of the two people collided, they realized that they were still hugging each other tightly, like close lovers who had been in love for a long time, with an extremely ambiguous posture.

This discovery made Meng Xue blush even more, but Meng Xue did not let go of Zhao Lingjun, but hugged Zhao Lingjun tighter.

Because suddenly Meng Xue felt very sad in her heart. Meng Xue didn't know how long she could hold this man who risked his life to save her. Meng Xue suddenly felt that she wanted to hold Zhao Lingjun like this and never let go.

Tears moistened Meng Xue's eyes again. But when Meng Xue hugged her tightly and looked at Zhao Lingjun with confused tearful eyes, Meng Xue found that Zhao Lingjun's expression suddenly changed.

"What? You don't like me holding you like this?" Meng Xue felt her whole body become cold all of a sudden.

"No." Zhao Lingjun shook his head nervously, "It seems like someone is coming from a distance."

"Who is it?" Meng Xue also became nervous, but inside, she breathed a sigh of relief for no reason.

"It seems like there are two people." Zhao Lingjun listened carefully, but his body suddenly tensed up, "Maybe they are the thin one and the short one."


"Haha, those gangsters are so stupid. We randomly changed two cars and passed through two blockades, and they were completely out of sight by us. And those black hawks were beaten by me A few bombs dropped and a few shots from you made me unable to even raise my head."

As expected, it was the short man and the thin man who came together with the fat man. But when the dwarf said this, the shadow of the bungalow appeared in the dwarf's sight.

Before that, Zhao Lingjun had already noticed the arrival of the short man and the thin man. If Zhao Lingjun knew that he had noticed the movement of the short man and the thin man from so far away, he would definitely be shocked.

"What time is it now?" The thin man still had that cold expression.

"There are still five minutes left before our agreed meeting time. The time is just right." The short man looked at the thin man, then looked at the shadow of the bungalow in the distance, and swallowed hard. "Boss and Gao Jun must be having sex with that woman now. Damn it, it's been so long. It seems that if I have to stay for a while, I have to get some water to wash that woman properly."

The short man paused, smiled coquettishly again, looked at the thin man and said. "Brother Hei, do you want to try it too? The woman today looks like a top-notch one."

The thin man looked at the short man, but did not stop and walked quickly towards the bungalow in the distance.

"If I hadn't seen you do it before," the short man said to the thin man with a slutty smile as he quickly followed the thin man. "Sometimes I really think that your wife is the gun in your hand."

"She's not my wife." Hearing what the dwarf said, the thin man who rarely spoke unexpectedly stopped and said to the dwarf coldly. "It's not my brother either, because my wife and brothers may cheat on me, but it will never betray me. And it can also help me kill those people."

"*, what are you talking about?" The short man smiled sarcastically. "Brothers like us will never deceive you in our lives."

"If that's the case, that would be the best." The thin man glanced at the short man and stopped talking. Walk quickly towards the bungalow in the distance.


"Wait a minute, why are you walking so fast?"

The thin man with the gun had been standing in the bungalow for a long time before the short man arrived panting. "You don't like women, why are you in a hurry than me?"

The dwarf said and wanted to push the closed door.

"Wait a minute." The thin man said suddenly.

"What?" The short man was startled and looked at the thin man, only to find that the thin man had already pointed his gun inside.

At this time, the short man was shocked, and finally realized that something was wrong.

Because if it had been at other gathering places in the past, it might have been filled with women's desperate calls and painful moans, and fat men's laughter and gasps, but now, this bungalow was so quiet that there was no sound at all.

Text Chapter 47 The old man pushing the cart and the dwarf immediately grabbed a gun and grenades in his hands.

After winking at the thin man who was holding the gun motionless, the short man took a few steps back and tentatively shouted into the room: "Boss?"

After seeing the short man's actions, the thin man quickly took a few steps back, because the thin man knew that with the short man's methods, if there was any trouble inside, the short man would definitely throw the grenade in his hand without mercy.

After the short man shouted a few times tentatively, the room was still silent and there was no sound.

The short man couldn't help but look at the thin man, and there were emotional fluctuations on the thin man's usually cold face.

After gesturing to the dwarf, the thin man and the dwarf quickly retreated ten meters away.

The short man thought that the thin man was going to go around to the other window to see what was going on inside, but when he retreated ten meters away, the thin man quickly made a motion to get down on the short man, and then fired with a "bang" .

When the short man saw the thin man's movements, he lay down subconsciously, but when he heard the thin man shoot with a bang. But the dwarf almost couldn't help but jump up. "Fuck, what if the boss and the others..."

The short man felt that if the thin man shot like this, if the fat man and the others were still inside, they would easily be accidentally injured. But when he saw the door on the house suddenly falling apart, the short man was speechless.


The thin man's marksmanship was indeed very exquisite. The bullet hit the wooden door from the side. In this way, although the wooden door was immediately broken into pieces by the bullet, the bullet would hit the wall next to the door diagonally. Will shoot into the house.

But at this time, what stunned the short man was not the thin man's exquisite shooting skills, but the scene inside the room.

When the wooden door was suddenly broken into pieces, all the scenes in the empty room suddenly appeared in front of the short man.

The dwarf couldn't believe what he saw.

The short man was worried. The tall man and the fat man were both in the house.

But neither of them even wore underwear.

In the empty room, the tall man was lying face down with his bare buttocks, while the fat man, who was also naked buttocks, lay quietly on the fat man's body.

The posture of the two people is the same as the "old man pushing a cart" that is most common in porn movies.

"I'll do it..." After standing there for a long time and gasping for air, the short man finally managed to hold these two words out of his mouth.


"You guys are all fucking losers." Li Jiangbei banged the table in front of him and shouted at Wang Zhaoping with red eyes. He didn't care that the table in front of him had cracks under his heavy blow.

If someone had yelled at Wang Zhaoping like this in normal times, I am afraid that regardless of whether this person was their immediate boss or the top leader of the city's public security agency, Wang Zhaoping would have jumped up and used such methods as life-threatening scissors and milk-grabbing dragons. Claw hands, twitching vaginal legs and other tricks brought him to the ground.

Li Jiangbei's words were like nails, piercing Wang Zhaoping's heart.

"There were only four people on the other side. They committed murder in broad daylight. Hundreds of police officers were dispatched, but they actually allowed the opponent to easily break out of the encirclement. And that's not all, they also allowed the gangsters to turn around and kill them in full view of the public. The captain of the criminal police brigade is dead."

"And the Black Hawks, who are said to be the best force in the police force, the city's special forces, actually lost two of them in one encounter."

"During the entire operation, we lost 16 police officers, a total of eight innocent citizens were shot and killed, and two were also taken hostage."

Amidst Li Jiangbei's roar, Wang Zhaoping's body was already trembling with anger and humiliation. But until Li Jiangbei finished shouting, Wang Zhaoping didn't say a word.

Because Wang Zhaoping knew that what Li Jiangbei said was true, and Li Jiangbei never said a bad word in normal times, Li Jiangbei's behavior today could only mean that Li Jiangbei was really angry.

And what comes to Wang Zhaoping's mind now is the blood that cannot be covered up from the wounds on Fu Shun's body in the smoke that fills the sky in Qili Lane.

No one can remain calm when they see their comrades slowly losing their lives in front of them.

"I will definitely avenge them. If I can't catch them, I won't come back alive." So after Li Jiangbei finished yelling, Wang Zhaoping just said this quietly, then turned and walked out of the conference room.

Looking at Wang Zhaoping's back, Li Jiangbei fell weakly into the empty conference room. Li Jiangbei never imagined that he would lose so miserably this time.

"Director Li, the mayor just called and was furious, saying that he would come over soon to find out the whole story." Just when Li Jiangbei wanted to be alone and think about who those four people were, Li Jiangbei However, his secretary Xiao Chen walked into the meeting with an embarrassed look and said to Li Jiangbei.

"Come on, come on." Li Jiangbei sighed feebly, "Anyway, we failed miserably this time, and I, the director, can no longer be the director."

"..." Looking at Li Jiangbei's appearance, Xiao Chen hesitated to speak. After waiting for a long time, Xiao Chen said again. "The secretary also called just now and told you to solve the Sansen Company case as soon as possible."

"I..." Li Jiangbei couldn't help but jumped up again and slapped the table hard. "Now that such a big thing has happened, doesn't he even know what his priorities are? Isn't it just a theft case? As for coming to tell me again and again?"

"Li Bureau..." Xiao Chen waited until Li Jiangbei sat down again before he dared to speak. "The secretary also has his own difficulties. Sansen Company is a major profit and tax owner in our city. This is another large investment project being discussed with the city. The secretary also..."

"Okay, you don't need to say any more." Li Jiangbei felt that he was upset now. If Xiao Chen continued to talk, he might not be able to help but jump up and shoot with a gun. "Is there anything else?"

"There's nothing else." Xiao Chen looked at Li Jiangbei, who looked gloomy, and said. "There is a customer who says he is your friend and wants to see you."

"Friend? Want to see me?" Li Jiangbei took a breath in his seat. "Even if I am the King of Heaven, I don't want to see him now."


"But what?"

"But, he said that as long as he tells you that his surname is Xiao, and the Xiao of the hero Xiao Qiushui is not the flute, you will definitely meet him."

"What? What did you say? Say it again." Li Jiangbei's eyes suddenly widened and he almost fell off the chair.


"How many years have we not seen each other?" Li Jiangbei couldn't help but ask when he saw the door of the conference room creaking open and a slightly fat figure appeared in front of him.

Li Jiangbei still vaguely remembers that afternoon many years ago. The scene when I first met this guy. "My surname is Xiao, Xiao from the hero Xiao Qiu Shui. Not the flute that plays the flute." At that time, this guy also introduced himself in this way, and at that time, the two of them were young boys who reported to the police academy on their first day. .

But now, many years have passed in a flash.

"Soon, only six years." Xiao Ping looked at his roommate from many years ago quietly.

"Six years is just six years." Li Jiangbei looked at Xiao Ping's bulging belly, and suddenly felt a little sour.

"How many six years are there in a person's life?" Li Jiangbei wanted to ask, how have you been doing over the years? But after letting out a long sigh in his heart, Li Jiangbei asked directly. "Are you here because of this incident in Qili Lane?"

Text Chapter 48: The Dangerous Detective "You can say that." Xiao Ping looked at Li Jiangbei quietly and said. "Actually, after the Black Hawks were dispatched that day, I also went to the scene."

If anyone from Monsini Company had seen Xiao Ping at this time, they would probably not believe that Xiao Ping, who was no different from most wretched middle-aged men, would have such an immovable and calm aura.

"What? You went to the scene, then why did you..." Hearing what Xiao Ping said, Li Jiangbei almost jumped up from his chair.

But before Li Jiangbei finished speaking, he was interrupted by Xiao Ping's words. "I know you definitely want to ask me why I didn't stop them. The reason is very simple. First, I am no longer a policeman. Second, I have no weapons in my hands. Third, when I went there, Four people had thrown smoke grenades and started running away."

After Xiao Ping finished speaking, Li Jiangbei fell silent again. After a long time, Li Jiangbei forced out an ugly smile. "So, you didn't see the actions of those four people?"

"Although I didn't see how the sniper among the four people fired, I heard his gunfire from a distance. Moreover, I also saw the scene after the smoke dissipated." Xiao Ping took a look. Li Jiangbei said quietly. "Three shots were fired in an instant, and none of them missed. This man is a master among masters. This man looks very much like a man I wanted to catch before."

"You said this person is...?" Li Jiangbei's expression changed drastically.

"Maybe." Xiao Ping sighed. Xiao Ping couldn't help but think about that face that he might never forget again.

The flash of pain in Xiao Ping's eyes did not escape Li Jiangbei's eyes, and when he thought of Xiao Ping's story, Li Jiangbei couldn't help but feel heavy breathing.

"You came here this time, do you want to catch him with your own hands?" Li Jiangbei looked into the eyes of Xiao Ping who had regained his composure, as if he wanted to see into Xiao Ping's heart.

"No." But Xiao Ping shook his head unexpectedly. "I'm just here to tell you that if you want to deal with them, ordinary policemen will only die. So except for Black Hawk, when your people encounter them, it's best not to act rashly."

"Is this what you came here to tell me?" Li Jiangbei looked at Xiao Ping in disbelief. "Didn't you see that Black Eagle also lost two people in one encounter?"

"Even when I was leading the team, the Black Hawks had casualties." Xiao Ping looked at Li Jiangbei calmly, "When you encounter powerful opponents, casualties are inevitable. You have to have confidence in them. And , I want to remind you, police, the most important thing is to save people, not kill people. When I was at the scene, I also heard that they still had two hostages in their hands, but I also heard that you didn’t even have two hostages. No one has checked yet."

"We..." Just when Li Jiangbei wanted to explain to Xiao Ping that all the witnesses at the scene had been driven insane by the robbers, and the police at the scene were confused and their opponents suddenly broke out and could not clearly see the faces of the hostages. , Secretary Xiao Chen quickly walked into the conference room.

"Bureau Li." Xiao Chen interrupted Li Jiangbei and said nervously. "The mayor is in your office."

"Let him wait." Li Jiangbei waved his hand and said to Xiao Chen without thinking. "Just say I'm meeting someone important."

Xiao Chen was startled, but when he saw Li Jiangbei, he still waved his hand with certainty. Xiao Chen quickly walked out again.

"It's getting late, and besides, he's here too." Xiao Ping looked at Xiao Chen's back, suddenly feeling a little forlorn. "I won't stop you from handling the case."

"You..." While Li Jiangbei was stunned for a moment, Xiao Ping had already stood up and slowly walked out of the conference room.

"Don't you want to avenge her with your own hands?" Li Jiangbei looked at Xiao Ping's back and finally couldn't help but shout out what was in his heart. "Didn't you go crazy back then and want to bring them to justice?"

After Li Jiangbei shouted these words, Xiao Ping heard Xiao Ping's footsteps stop outside the conference room.

Li Jiangbei's heart moved, thinking that Xiao Ping would turn around, but after a pause, Li Jiangbei still heard Xiao Ping's footsteps slowly disappearing away.

Li Jiangbei suddenly fell down on the chair weakly.

But at this moment, Li Jiangbei's ears heard another rush of footsteps.

"Is he back?" Li Jiangbei stood up from his chair. But when the door of the conference room was pushed open with a creak, Li Jiangbei sat down again in disappointment.

"Meeting someone important? Who is more important than me?"

"Xiao Ping just came back." Li Jiangbei looked at the mayor who was holding back his anger, but he seemed to answer the question.

Xiao Chen, who was following the mayor, couldn't help but feel nervous, thinking that the mayor would be furious this time.

But Xiao Chen was stunned when he saw the mayor.

"Who is Xiao Ping?" Xiao Chen couldn't help but asked softly.

"He used to have a nickname, called the Dangerous Detective." Xiao Chen only heard the mayor sigh and then say.

"What?" Xiao Chen almost fell to the ground.

Perhaps anyone would have such a reaction when they know that the person they just met is a legendary figure.


"Okay. They shouldn't be able to catch us now." Zhao Lingjun said as he put down Meng Xue on his back. "Why did you let me run away just now instead of letting me knock down the thin man and the short man too?"

By this time, Zhao Lingjun had already run along the winding river bank for an unknown number of miles, and straight roads and bustling streets had already appeared in Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue's sight.

But after Zhao Lingjun talked for a long time, he found that Meng Xue behind him was still silent.

Zhao Lingjun turned his head and looked strangely, only to find that Meng Xue's eyes were full of tears again.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhao Lingjun panicked again when he saw Meng Xue like this.

"Nothing? You ran too fast and something got in your eye." Meng Xue tried her best to smile at Zhao Lingjun. But Meng Xue was filled with deep sadness.

How much does a bag full of gold jewelry weigh? Before that, Meng Xue and Zhao Lingjun could only drag themselves on the ground. Only a tall and strong person can carry such a bag.

But now, Zhao Lingjun carried such a heavy bag in one hand and carried it on his back, running like the wind for an unknown distance in one breath. How much physical energy does this take? Can his body withstand such consumption

Meng Xue felt that the current Zhao Lingjun seemed to be burning his life to the fullest.

The sadness hidden in Meng Xue's eyes did not escape Zhao Lingjun's eyes, and Zhao Lingjun felt a pity in his heart, but Zhao Lingjun just pretended that he had not discovered anything, and pretended to be relaxed and said to Meng Xue, "Do you think we should go to the police first?" ?”

In fact, Zhao Lingjun had already thought of this while running wildly. However, on the way from the approach bridge to the bungalow, Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue's mobile phones had been found and trampled to pieces by the tall man.

Now that he could see the bustling streets not far away, it would not be difficult to call the police again.

Zhao Lingjun thought that Meng Xue would agree without hesitation, because considering the current situation and experiences of the two of them, calling the police seemed to be the first choice.

But to Zhao Lingjun's surprise, Meng Xue, with tears in her eyes, shook her head firmly.

"Do you know why I didn't let you deal with the two of them just now?" Meng Xue asked Zhao Lingjun instead.

"You don't want me to take risks?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Meng Xue, "Because the thin man's shooting skills are really fast, and the short man also has a lot of grenades?"

"Yes." Meng Xue looked into Zhao Lingjun's eyes and said every word with a choked voice. "I don't want you to take any more risks. I just want to be with you."

Looking into Meng Xue's eyes, Zhao Lingjun suddenly understood what Meng Xue meant.


If you like someone and know that person may not live for a few days, would you still let him do dangerous things? Do you want to be with him every minute of the rest of your days

Zhao Lingjun knew that Meng Xue was initially worried about something happening if she and those two people were fighting to the death, so even though Meng Xue hated those two people in her heart, she finally allowed him to take her and escape from there.

But now, Meng Xue must be worried that once she calls the police, the two of them will be greeted by endless records. And maybe just because of her taking the medicine, relevant agencies will swarm in and treat her like a villain. Rats study like crazy. If nothing comes out of his research, I might as well recuperate and gain freedom.

He didn't know how many more days he could live. If he died in a day or two, and then he might be dragged for anatomy and research after his death, it would be really miserable. When he thought of this, Zhao Lingjun shuddered a little, and the thought of calling the police that had been swirling in his mind immediately disappeared.

"Then let's go to my dormitory first." An idea flashed in Zhao Lingjun's mind, and he suddenly remembered that Xiaobai had taken medicine one day earlier than himself. If Xiaobai had no problem until now, maybe it wouldn't be the case. Oops.

"Okay." Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun and remembered something. Her face was shining with tears, but she couldn't help but blush.


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Text Chapter 49: Three Flowers Gather "Now the people in this community are getting more and more mixed."

"That's right, two Taoist priests dressed in weird clothes came here, and then two working men and working girls came dressed like beggars. Both of them were very handsome, but they were dressed... Hey, It seems like the two of them even picked out their own trousers to wear. It’s so pitiful.”

As soon as they walked into the gate of the community, Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue heard the words of the two aunts who were sunbathing at the gate.

Zhao Lingjun looked at his and Meng Xuefei's dirty and ill-fitting pants, and then at the two equally dirty bags in his hands, and then he pulled Meng Xuefei out of shame and ran in. community.

Zhao Lingjun felt that if he stayed there for a while longer, the two aunts might throw two coins over, or simply take off his pants, throw them to Meng Xue, and say to himself: "Young man, You have to work hard. You see how slim your girlfriend is, but with you, she can’t even wear pants. Although Auntie’s pants are a bit old, they are still women’s style after all.”

"The working boy and working girl dressed like beggars must be talking about us. Who are those two Taoist priests dressed in weird clothes?"

Just as Zhao Lingjun was thinking strangely, he saw two strange Taoist priests.

These two people did not put labels on their faces, but wrote: I am a Taoist priest. But Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue could tell at a glance that these two people were Taoist priests.

Because the costumes worn by these two people are very similar to the Taoist priest costumes Zhao Lingjun wore in many zombie movies played by Lin Zhengying. In such a hot day, these two people were actually wearing black Taoist priests' robes and thick kung fu shoes on their feet. One of them, a slightly tall Taoist priest, had hair in his hair and a green hairpin. If he hadn't been holding a long sword with a black sheath in his hand, looking from a distance, Mr. Zhao Ling might have You would think that this person is a skinny old woman.

The other Taoist priest was dressed even more strangely. Not only was the Taoist priest carrying a bulging backpack tied with yellow cloth, but he also had a dirty, rusty turban with a Tai Chi pattern on his head. If you just look at his If he looked at his head, Zhao Lingjun might think that this person was an old farmer who had just returned from working in the fields.

At this moment, the two people were bending over and looking around in the flower bed, rummaging around like picking through garbage, not knowing what they were looking for.

Zhao Lingjun's first feeling was that these two people were not good people. They were either here to step on the plate or to cheat money. Zhao Lingjun felt that the Taoist priests in his impression were said to be immortal bone Taoists with long beards. How could they look as weird and dirty as these two people.

When he thought of the various scams circulating outside, Zhao Lingjun's first thought was that it would be better to do less than to do more. The further away from these two people, the better.

But just as Zhao Lingjun bypassed these two people from a distance and was about to enter his corridor with Meng Xue.

However, Zhao Lingjun heard someone not far behind him calling him in an extremely disgusting voice. "This little brother, please stay. Excuse me...?"

"I..." Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue were both shocked when they turned around.

Two weird Taoist priests were already standing not far behind them.

Before that, these two people were rummaging around in the flower bed far away. How could these two people suddenly appear behind him in such a blink of an eye

Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue both felt a chill running through their bodies. If it hadn't been for broad daylight, they might have thought they had seen a ghost.

But when Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue turned around and were startled, the two Taoist priests seemed to be quite frightened, especially the one who spoke up, who was taller and had a black hairpin on his head. The very funny Taoist priest suddenly felt as if he had been struck by lightning and was stunned.

This stupid tall Taoist priest lost his voice halfway through the question. After a long time, he said to Zhao Lingjun in a stammering voice: "This... this senior... who are you?"

"Senior?" Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue were both a little stupid.

Zhao Lingjun felt that there might be something wrong with the heads of these two Taoist priests. With this thought, Zhao Lingjun took a closer look at the two Taoist priests in front of him who stupidly called him senior.

At a glance, Zhao Lingjun discovered that the robes of the two Taoist priests were somewhat different.

Although the gowns of the two people were both made of black, the Taoist with a white face and no beard and a green hairpin on his head had some strange symbols on his body. The other Taoist priest, who had a dirty soap-colored turban on his head and looked quite honest, had a long gown, collar and sleeves with golden lines depicting a rising dragon and tiger.

Upon seeing that Zhao Lingjun did not speak immediately, but while looking blankly at the gowns on their bodies, the two Taoist priests seemed to have finally regained their composure.

After the two Taoist priests glanced at each other, the honest-looking Taoist priest wearing a turban said to Zhao Lingjun: "Senior, this is Li Yuanshan, a disciple of Zhang Daoyuan's sect in Longhu Mountain, and the Taoist brother next to me is Sanqing. My disciple Miaozhen, may I ask where did you learn from me and where did you practice in Baoshan?"

"Where did you learn from me and where did you practice in Baoshan?" Zhao Lingjun was even more dumbfounded when he was asked by this guy named Li Yuanshan. "What are you talking about? I don't understand what you mean at all. My name is Zhao Lingjun, and I live here."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Lingjun felt that these two people were more and more weird, so after nodding towards these two people, Zhao Lingjun said. "Is there anything else? If nothing happens, I'll go upstairs."

The two Taoist priests looked at Zhao Lingjun and before he could say anything, Zhao Lingjun pulled Meng Xuefu up the stairs.

"..." The tall Taoist looked at the backs of Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue and was speechless.

"Hey~~~." Li Yuanshan looked at Zhao Lingjun's back and sighed. "I have always thought that Longhu Mountain and Sanqing Mountain are the top of Taoism. Before I came out, when the master told me that there is a sky beyond the sky and there are mountains beyond the mountains, I still didn't think so. I didn't expect..."

"Yes, I didn't expect that this senior, at such a young age, would have already reached the stage where the three flowers gather at the top and the five qi rise toward the Yuan like Master and the others." The tall Taoist priest couldn't help but sigh like Li Yuanshan. "And his Tao power is surging. I don't know what kind of profound Tao method he has cultivated. It seems to be more powerful than our Tao methods in Longhu Mountain and Sanqing Mountain. It seems that the Huangquan Biluo Formation here has sealed the evil energy for thousands of years. , it also came from his hand.”

"Is he also here for the magic weapon that day?" Li Yuanshan suddenly thought of the purpose of his and Miaozhen's visit this time.

"It should be so." The face of the tall Taoist Miaozhen was filled with desolation. "A virtuous person can obtain the treasure. Although he refuses to tell where his master is from, I think he has great power and should come from a famous and authentic sect. If the treasure falls into the hands of someone like him, we have nothing to worry about. .”

"What Brother Tao said is absolutely true." Li Yuanshan's frown relaxed once more after hearing what Miaozhen said.

But just when Li Yuanshan wanted to have a knowing smile with Miaozhen, the copper bell that had been hanging on Li Yuanshan's waist suddenly rang.

"When the demon-catching bell rings, there must be a monster approaching." Li Yuanshan couldn't help but look at Miaozhen and said.

But Miaozhen just smiled indifferently, "There are masters here who have reached the state where three flowers gather at the top and five qi rise to the vitality. They can even seal the evil spirits accumulated for thousands of years. Some monsters are also with us." what relationship?"

"Yes." Li Yuanshan looked at Miaozhen and smiled, "It seems we shouldn't meddle in other people's business."

"Yes, why bother?" Miaozhen also smiled, "Let's go."

Text Chapter 50 Taoist Priests and Monsters "Auntie, has there been any large-scale excavation here recently?"

"Ah, no, are there any vacant houses here for rent or resale?"

At the gate of the community, a middle-aged man wearing a suit and leather shoes, who looked like a successful person, was chatting with two aunts who were sunbathing at the gate. And parked next to him was a black Audi A8. It looks very impressive.

"There are empty houses everywhere here, and many people want to resell them. It's just that the Feng Shui here..." The two aunts were very fond of this well-looking and successful man. They saw that this middle-aged man seemed to be interested in this place. When they were very interested in the building, the two aunts kindly reminded the middle-aged man that the feng shui here was not very good. There used to be a mass grave under the building, and many people who bought the house did not live here.

But before the two aunts finished speaking, they saw the middle-aged man in front of them, his eyes were straight, his face was pale, as if he had seen a ghost during the day, and even his hands and feet were shaking slightly as if they had convulsions.

The two aunts followed the middle-aged man's gaze and discovered that a long time ago, two weird Taoist priests who walked into the community were walking towards them. As they walked towards them, the two weird Taoist priests... He looked at the middle-aged man with straight eyes with an even weirder look.

"Do you know each other?" the two aunts asked strangely after seeing the middle-aged man's reaction.

The middle-aged man opened his mouth, but it was not until the two Taoist priests slowly walked past him and the figures had disappeared that the middle-aged man spoke in a trembling voice. "No... I don't know him."

After these words were spoken, the middle-aged man seemed to have been drained of all his strength. He fell limply on his car and could no longer say a word.

"The dragon and tiger capture the demon bell, the Dahua Hunyuan scarf. The jasper hairpin to ward off evil, and the son-mother soul-leaving sword. Any magic weapon on these two people can take their own lives, and Longhu Mountain and Sanqing Mountain claim to be the world's best." A well-known and decent family, it is their duty to slay demons, but they clearly saw me, but why did they ignore me? What kind of plane do they want to build? "

When the middle-aged man collapsed on his car, his whole body felt like it had been washed by water, dripping with cold sweat.


"Those two people must be lunatics who ran away from somewhere, or they just wanted to make me unconscious and cheat me out of money." Zhao Lingjun said to Meng Xue as soon as he closed the door. "Senior, do I look that old?"

When Meng Xue heard what Zhao Lingjun said, she couldn't help but want to laugh, but when she saw Zhao Lingjun's eyes still shining with a faint blue light, Meng Xue felt sad again.

"You just sit down for a while and take a rest." Zhao Lingjun quickly put away the underwear he had thrown on the sofa, and then shouted towards the bedroom: "Xiaobai, Xiaobai..."

"Xiao Bai?" Meng Xue was startled, "Is there anyone else living in your house?"

"No." Zhao Lingjun was already a little nervous when he didn't see Xiaobai running out. "Xiaobai is the stray kitten I adopted."

"Oh." Meng Xue secretly breathed a sigh of relief. But when Meng Xue was about to say something more to Zhao Lingjun, Zhao Lingjun had already walked into the bedroom anxiously.

"What's wrong?" Meng Xue felt a little strange as she looked at Zhao Lingjun who was climbing up and down in the room, looking around.

"Xiao Bai is gone." Zhao Lingjun's forehead was already covered with a dense layer of sweat beads.

"Maybe he ran out to play." Meng Xue didn't know why Zhao Lingjun was so nervous. "Maybe I'll come back after a while."

"No." Zhao Lingjun said while carefully looking at every corner of his bedroom. "Xiaobai is very good, he won't run around."

"But no matter how good it is, it is still a kitten." Meng Xue saw Zhao Lingjun's anxious look and wanted to persuade Zhao Lingjun.

But Meng Xue saw Zhao Lingjun, who had searched every corner of the bedroom but could not find the kitten, stood up in an unusually disappointed manner and said a little absentmindedly. "Xiaobai is not an ordinary kitten."

"What did you say?" Meng Xue finally felt that something was wrong.

"That kitten also took a blue pill yesterday that was exactly the same as the one I took today." Zhao Lingjun looked at Meng Xue, took a deep breath, and said slowly.

"What?" Meng Xue stared at Zhao Lingjun with wide eyes for a long time. Meng Xuecai asked in disbelief, "Where did you get those pills?"


"You said that this medicine came from the black box that fell from this lotus flower?"

Zhao Lingjun spent more than half an hour telling Meng Xue in detail how he got the black lotus and how he fed Xiaobai a pill. But Meng Xue watched Zhao Lingjun take the pill from the cabinet. He took out the black lotus flower from the inside, but he couldn't believe that a big black metal box could fall out of the thumb-sized black lotus flower.

"If someone else said this to me, I wouldn't believe it." Zhao Lingjun smiled bitterly, and then put the black lotus flower in Meng Xue's hand, "But you can throw it to the ground and give it a try."

When a heavy feeling came from the palm of her hand, Meng Xue couldn't help but tremble slightly. But after taking a deep breath, Meng Xue finally calmed down and threw the lotus flower onto Zhao Lingjun's floor.

Zhao Lingjun also took a deep breath and prepared to watch the black lotus blossom in mid-air. But Zhao Lingjun only heard a ding.

Zhao Lingjun only saw the black lotus bouncing on the floor twice before lying quietly on the floor.

Zhao Lingjun rubbed his eyes, but the black lotus flower was indeed the same as before it fell from Meng Xue's hand, without any change.

"Why is this happening? Is it malfunctioning?" Looking at Meng Xue's surprised look, Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but grab the black lotus in his hand again, and then threw it to the ground.


A scream of "Ah" sounded in Zhao Lingjun's bedroom and resounded throughout the entire community.

Although Zhao Lingjun had already carefully described to Meng Xue what happened after the black lotus was thrown away, when he saw the black lotus blooming silently in front of him, exuding colorful brilliance, it slowly floated in his body. In front of him, Meng Xue couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Why doesn't it react when you throw it, but it reacts when I throw it?" Looking at the black lotus floating there, Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but look at Meng Xue.

Meng Xue finally calmed down at this time, and looking at the lotus floating in front of her that was constantly emitting colorful light, Meng Xue couldn't help but want to stretch out her fingers and touch it.

But before Meng Xue's finger touched the lotus, Zhao Lingjun saw that there seemed to be a strange brilliance flowing on the petals of the lotus. Meng Xue's finger actually passed through the lotus at once.

"How could this happen?" Zhao Lingjun vaguely remembered that when his fingers touched those petals, those petals were as warm as real ones. But now, Meng Xue's fingers seemed to have just passed through a mass of virtual light and shadow, not touching anything at all. "Do you feel anything?"

"No." Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun in surprise and felt that there was no difference between moving her fingers back and forth in the lotus and moving her fingers in the empty air. When she retracted her fingers, a thought came to Meng Xue's mind. "Could it be that only you can touch this lotus?" Meng Xue couldn't help but said to Zhao Lingjun.

"No way." Zhao Lingjun said as he subconsciously stretched out his finger to point at the floating lotus. "It won't be like that..."

Zhao Lingjun originally wanted to say that it wouldn't be so weird.

But as soon as Zhao Lingjun's fingers touched the lotus, half of Zhao Lingjun's words were swallowed back in his stomach.

A black metal box appeared in front of Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue with a bang, frightening Meng Xue to death.

"I*..." Zhao Lingjun looked at the metal box and was stunned for a moment.

"Are the things in this box really what you said?" While Zhao Lingjun was in a daze, Meng Xue asked Zhao Lingjun with a red face and a mosquito-like voice.

"That's right, let me open it for you to see." Zhao Lingjun said as he went to open the box.

"No, no need." But Meng Xue immediately blushed, shook her hand and said. "I'm going to the bathroom first."

"Oh, it's over there." Zhao Lingjun pointed to his bathroom. When he saw Meng Xuefei running into the bathroom, Zhao Lingjun suddenly came to his senses. "I want to show her those sexual utensils. It seems really obscene."

Thinking of this, Zhao Lingjun felt quite embarrassed, so he had better put the box away quickly. But just when Zhao Lingjun wanted to point his finger at the lotus flower, Zhao Lingjun suddenly heard a scream from Meng Xue in the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Lingjun was taken aback. Without thinking, he pushed open the bathroom door and rushed in.