Celestial Employee

Chapter 28: --Chapter 60


"Settlement allowance, accident?" The young man wearing gold glasses looked at the dwarf and smiled coldly: "Who did all this? I just want Qian Wen's life, but what about you? Robbery Qili Xiang, killed more than a dozen policemen. I wonder why you didn’t use a missile to blow up the Jinmao Building?"

"As long as you can afford the price, I will blow up the Jinmao Building for you. Besides, if we don't make the matter bigger, why would Qian Wen show up at the scene?" Chaozi looked at the young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses and said, "Boss Lei, as long as we complete the task, as for how to complete the task, this is our freedom.

"Your freedom?" The young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses became angry, but after taking two deep breaths, the young man still suppressed his anger. "Mingren, don't tell secrets. To a large extent, you are still satisfying your own desires by making things so big this time."

The young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses looked at the short man in front of him coldly. "You love money, especially gold and silver treasures, so you chose Qili Alley as the place to do it. The thin one among you is easy to kill, so you can compare your marksmanship with others, so you went out of your way to kill Qian Wenbu. After all, he also killed two Black Hawk special police officers. And your boss Ji will never change his lustful habits even after death. I heard that he kidnapped a woman when he left."

"No wonder Hexingtang has become the leader of the underworld in recent years. Boss Lei, you are really very skillful. You have even investigated our little hobbies." The short man looked at the young man and smiled, " Then you should also know very well what kind of people our brothers are."

"You are auspicious and harmonious, and you are the most powerful killer organization on the road. How could I not know?" The young man looked at the dwarf. sneered.

"Then will you give me the money or not?" the short man said, looking up at the young man and a group of people around him who were looking at him.

The young man smiled coldly, turned around and left without saying anything.

A "bang" gunshot sounded, and a cloud of flying dust rose from the mud not far in front of the young man.

"Are you threatening me?"

"So what if it is?"

The young man slowly turned around and looked at the dwarf coldly. The short man didn't seem to pay attention to the group of people in front of him at all, and smiled arrogantly. "If you don't agree, no one will want to leave here today."

The young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses glanced at the dwarf with a mocking look, and then glanced at the people in black suits standing to his left.

"Haha, I've heard for a long time that Li Hao, the God of Wealth, was reaching for money in his coffin. I saw him today. It's better to meet him than to be famous." A man in a black suit standing to the right of the young man smiled.

If it weren't for the obvious scar on his face, this man in a black suit would indeed be considered a handsome man.

The scar-faced man in a black suit smiled and continued to speak to the dwarf. "But, you just want to use a sniper gun to force our Hexing Club to give an extra five million?"

"Qian Wen has already caught your pigtails in his hands. If Qian Wen had not died, your business loss would have been many times five million." The short man looked at the man in the black suit with a smile. "Why do you ask me? I not only rely on our black man's gun, but also on this one in my hand."

"Bomb remote control?" Scarface, who was wearing a black suit, looked at a remote control with many buttons in the short man's hand and said with a smile.

"Nonsense, I, the God of Wealth, Li Hao, am the most powerful bomb superman in the killer world. Isn't the bomb remote control in my hand? Is it a TV remote control?" After finishing speaking, the short man raised the bomb remote control in his hand with disdain. weapon, "As long as I want. I can blow you up to the sky at any time."

"Haha." The dwarf did not expect that when he raised the bomb remote control in his hand very arrogantly, the young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses just smiled coldly, and the people around the young man wearing black The people in suits all bent over with laughter as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world.

The fat man suddenly became stupid, thinking that these people had taken the wrong medicine, otherwise how could they have laughed after hearing his words.

"Blow us up into the sky?" The scar-faced man in a black suit stopped breathing after a long while.

"Holy shit, is that funny?" Chaozi finally understood that these people were laughing at him, rather than taking the wrong medicine. "You think I don't dare?"

"You can try it." Scarface, who was wearing a black suit, looked at the dwarf with mocking eyes.

"Fuck~." The undisguised sarcasm in Scarface's eyes greatly hurt the dwarf's self-confidence.

"You asked for this." After the dwarf yelled, the dwarf desperately pressed the biggest red button on the remote control.

In fact, Chaizi knew very well that one bomb he planted under where those people were standing could kill these people, but Chaozi felt that only by blowing these people to pieces could he relieve the hatred in his heart.

"How dare you laugh at me, the God of Wealth, and how dare you suspect that the remote control in my hand is a TV remote control." The short man thought bitterly in his heart as he desperately pressed the biggest red button with his fingers.

The short man knew very well that as long as he pressed the red button with his finger, the place where those people stood opposite him would become a hell on earth.

But the dwarf suddenly found that he couldn't press the red button.

The dwarf's fingers had already landed on the red button, but the dwarf found that even if he exhausted all his strength, he could not move his fingers down one point.

"How could this happen?" The thought had just appeared in the short man's mind, and he found that his body seemed to be tightly wrapped by something invisible. Not to mention his fingers, he couldn't even move his eyelids.

"You pressed it? Why didn't you press it?" The sarcastic look in the eyes of the scar-faced man in a black suit became even stronger.

Scarface's eyes made the dwarf feel like a little hen waiting to be slaughtered.

"I..." The short man didn't know how he suddenly fell into the other party's way, and couldn't even move. The short man couldn't help but want to curse, "Fuck me." But the word "I" just came out of Chaozi's mouth. Suddenly I felt like my throat was being pinched by a pair of invisible hands.

The dwarf felt his throat tighten, his vision went dark, and it seemed as if all the blood in his body had been squeezed into his head. After just a few seconds, the short man's face began to turn purple.

"Shoot, shoot." Chapo yelled crazily in his heart. "If you don't shoot, I'll die."

When El Chapo felt that he was about to lose his mind, El Chapo finally heard three gunshots.

After three gunshots, the invisible hands grabbing the dwarf's throat suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"He - Yi, - the sudden influx of fresh air into the lungs made the dwarf cough violently. After the invisible bundle around his body suddenly disappeared, the dwarf felt that his whole body was weak, and he suddenly fell to the ground. 19851224.

After finally waking up. Only then did the short man find himself next to the scar-faced man in a black suit. Another young man standing with a desk in his hand stood.

This young man also wore a black suit, but he did not wear a tie. Only one or two buttons of his shirt were buttoned, faintly revealing the muscles on his chest, which looked very wild and full of uninhibited charm.

But when the dwarf looked at it, he found that no one among the group of people standing opposite had fallen.

Chaozi knew that at such a close distance, Heizi would never miss, but he clearly heard three gunshots, but the other party didn't seem to even hurt a feather.

"Are you looking for these three bullets?" The unruly young man looked at the dwarf's dejected look and couldn't help but smile. Then he let go of his right hand.

"ding ding ding"

The dwarf couldn't believe his eyes.

Because when the young man let go of his right hand, the short man saw three shining bullets falling from the young man's hand.

"You..." The short man suddenly felt that every pore in his body was filled with cold air. "Are you humans or ghosts?"

"Haha." The unruly young man smiled. He didn't answer the dwarf's question, but shouted not far away. "Brother Hei, the legendary Ruyi Gunman whose bullets are not missed, it's time for you to come out and meet us."

A moment later, Kuroko looked grim. Ping appeared in everyone's sight holding his strange-shaped sniper rifle.

After slowly walking to the side of the dwarf who was lying on the ground and shaking constantly, Heizi just glanced coldly at the three shining bullet heads on the ground in front of the young man, and then faced the two men in black. The young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses behind the man in the suit said: 19851224 "Since you have talented people and strangers in Hexing who can even catch bullets, why would you still come to us to kill a mere Qian Wen?" ?"

"Okay, there are rumors in the world that Ruyi Shenqiang is brave and knowledgeable. I saw it today. It is indeed well-deserved." The young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses smiled and said, "In this case, you didn't run away and you dared to come out. Meeting us is indeed a blessing."

"Why do you still invite us?" After Heizi heard the young man's words, he just repeated what he had just said expressionlessly.

"Because we are good citizens with legitimate professions, we in Hexing will never do such things as murder and arson." The young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses looked at Heizi meaningfully and said, "You know what to do? If you want to survive on the road, what is the most important thing?"

"I don't know." Kuroko said expressionlessly.

"It's not about comparing whose guns are faster or who's ruthless, but who has a better relationship with the government and who has more money." The young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses looked at Heizi, paused, and then continued. "So we don't do these illegal things at all. Because if you do these things, even if the government can't catch you with any evidence, as long as they suspect you, you will have nothing to gain."

"Then you hire us to kill people, so you're not afraid of being found out?" Heizi looked at the young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses and felt that he was telling the most ridiculous joke in the world.

"I'm afraid, so I want a cash transaction." The young man looked at Heizi, smiled, and then nodded at an ordinary off-road vehicle parked not far away. "Your reward is in that car. Just drive away later."

Seeing Heizi and Chaozi stunned for a moment, the young man smiled again and said. "Cash transactions will not leave any transfer records in the bank, and I can raise these five million in many ways, so this transaction method is the safest and least traceable method of transaction."

"Why don't you kill us?" After taking a deep breath, Heizi's face, which had always remained unchanged, showed a trace of emotion.

"I've already told you. We never engage in fighting or killing."

The young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses smiled and said. "We are just doing business with you, why should we kill you?"

"Are these people from the Hexing Club humans or ghosts?" After watching the group of people disappear from his sight, Chaozi patted the dust on his pants with lingering fear and said to Heizi, who was standing motionless next to him. .

"What kind of ghost can there be in the broad daylight?" Heizi said coldly.

"Then why can they even catch bullets? And just now I couldn't move, as if I was about to be strangled to death by a pair of invisible hands..."

"Those two people must be superpowers."

"Superpower? Special function?" The short man was startled, "How do you know?"

Kuroko took a deep breath. "Because I saw people like this when I was in the special forces."

"Fuck..." The short man shuddered. "How many perverts are there in this world?"

"I don't know." Heizi said coldly: "I only know that just one person like this can kill all of us who are lucky, harmonious and wealthy."

"Could it be that they killed Qian Wen because they were afraid that they would leave any clues that would arouse the government's suspicion?" Heizi's words made Chaizi feel cold all over again.

"Only ghosts believe what they say." Heizi smiled coldly.

"Then should we take over their job?" The short man looked at Heizi in fear. “They finally said there was a job for us to do soon.

"Why not?" Heizi said coldly. "They don't even bother to kill people like us. We help them work and they give us money, so why not do it. Text Chapter 58: Three Treasures Sect, Hundred Ghosts Soul-Calling Banner "What is written on these bamboo pieces? "Zhao Lingjun, who is staying in his own house, knows nothing about so many things happening outside his house. What Zhao Lingjun is most concerned about now is whether there are any methods for using Yunxia Tianyi on these bamboo pieces.

"Most of the records on these bamboo fragments are the methods of training various magic weapons of the Three Treasures Sect." After Lin Qianxun carefully turned over all the bamboo fragments, he seemed to know what Zhao Lingjun was most concerned about, and asked Zhao Lingjun Said: "But it doesn't say how Yunxia Tianyi is used."

"How could this happen? I just said that the Shuanglong Lihuo Shield should be lit with three flavors of real fire, and I didn't say how to use the rest?" Zhao Lingjun said extremely depressed.

"Actually, he didn't say how to use the Double Dragon Lihuo Shield." Meng Xue looked at the depressed Zhao Lingjun and said. "If you think about it carefully, he only said when introducing the Shuanglong Lihuo Shield that it needs to be lit with three flavors of real fire. And after it is lit, these two candle-like magic weapons will turn into two fire dragons surrounding the user. But he didn't say how to control these two fire dragons, nor how to take back these two fire dragons after you finish fighting the enemy.

"Yes." Zhao Lingjun suddenly realized, "If I don't know how to contain these two fire dragons after they are released, then won't they be surrounded by two fire dragons all the time? When I walk on the street, I won't scare others to death. .”

"It's more than just scaring people to death." Meng Xue smiled and said, "You can't even take a shower, and you have to lie down on the stone pavement outside when you sleep. Even when you go to the toilet, there are two fire dragons surrounding you, haha. "

"Miaowu" Xiaobai, who had been nestled on the sofa and looking at the three people, couldn't help but screamed. He seemed to be imagining Zhao Lingjun sitting on the toilet and defecating, with two fire dragons surrounding him. What a cool thing that is.

"In addition to the methods of making these magic weapons, are there any methods of practicing immortal Taoism recorded on the bamboo tablets?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Xiaobai who was enjoying the misfortune with a depressed look, and couldn't help but said: "Since it says After I took a Wuji Huandan, I have reached the realm of three flowers gathering at the top and five qi heading towards the origin, which ordinary people may not reach after hundreds of years of practice. Then I can at least use some ordinary Taoist techniques."

"It doesn't mention any magic practices or methods of use." Lin Qianxun looked at Zhao Lingjun and said.

"What? Then I'm now Duan Yu in the Eight Parts of Tian Long? I have peerless internal power, but I don't know how to use it?" Zhao Lingjun felt that his heart went cold.

"You're not as good as him. At least he still has the Six-Mein Divine Sword that sometimes works but sometimes doesn't work." Meng Xue couldn't help but laugh again.

"In addition to the refining methods of various magic weapons of the Three Treasures Sect, what else is recorded on these bamboo tablets?" Zhao Lingjun was a little disappointed.

"And his notes." Lin Qianxun said while looking at the bamboo slices. There was an unusual blush on his face.

"It turns out that these bamboo pieces were left by the second generation head of the Three Treasures Sect."

"Second generation sect leader?" Zhao Chenjun was startled: "What do you mean? This Three Treasures Sect has only been passed down for one generation..."

"Yes, maybe the Three Treasures Sect only lasted for one generation and then disappeared in Qi State." Lin Qianxun looked at the roll of bamboo in his hand and couldn't help but sigh: "This is the second generation of the Three Treasures Sect. Come to think of it, he is still an infatuated man."

"A man in love?" Meng Xue suddenly became interested. "What was written in his notes?"

"His notes started when he became a disciple of the Three Treasures Sect." Meng Xue looked at the bamboo piece in her hand and began to slowly read the content on it to Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue.

"I'm really surprised today. I didn't expect that the master suddenly summoned all the brothers today and announced me as the second generation master of the Three Treasures Sect in front of everyone. The senior brother's face was ugly. I know he was also surprised. . Because before this, everyone, including me, thought that he would become the second generation master of the Three Treasures Sect. Except for the senior brother, all the brothers came to congratulate me, but I was not happy at all. .I think if I had a choice, I would rather give up the position of sect leader to senior brother.

"In the evening, the master summoned me alone and handed me the Three Treasures Sect's supreme treasure, the Great Transformation Black Lotus, and asked me to perform a blood test to identify the master. I asked the master why he didn't pass the position of sect leader to senior brother. Senior Brother His Taoism and magic weapon refining skills are far better than mine. Unexpectedly, the master sighed and said, if he hadn't discovered that the senior brother was refining the Hundred Ghost Soul Recalling Banner, maybe he would have passed the position of sect leader to the senior brother. ”

"The Hundred Ghosts Soul-Calling Banner is a very vicious magic weapon. As long as eighteen soul-calling banners are sacrificed, the souls of the creatures within a hundred meters will be forcibly trapped in the eighteen soul-calling banners, and they will never be reincarnated. And his body will be controlled by the person who uses this eighteen-sided soul-calling flag, and he will become a walking zombie who only listens to the orders of the owner of the soul-calling flag."

"And the refining process of the Hundred Ghost Soul-Calling Banner is also very vicious, because during the ninety-nine and eighty-one days of refining the Hundred Ghost Soul-Calling Banner, the eighteen-sided soul-calling banner must be used by people born in the yin time every day. It is soaked in blood for four hours, and during these four hours, the blood must remain warm, so this Hundred Ghost Soul Calling Flag does not know how many lives it takes to successfully refine it, and there is no Including the hundred souls who could have transcended when the flags were raised at the end."

"The reason why I know so clearly about the power and the refining process of this Hundred Ghost Soul-Calling Banner is because the people who originally owned and made this Hundred Ghost Soul-Calling Banner were from Lingshan. The people from Lingshan were from the great nation of Dongyi. The national advisor. And Lai is one of the countries that has been at war with Qi for many years. "

"My master saw Lingshan and his Hundred Ghost Soul-Calling Banner on the battlefield. If Master Ou hadn't sacrificed his life to activate the Sunset Immortal Killing Talisman left by Master Guanxian, maybe my master and the others would have been killed by these hundred ghosts. The souls were forcibly ripped away by the ghost clasp soul flags, or they died at the hands of the walking zombies controlled by the people on Lingshan Mountain. Maybe after that battle, it was Qi State that was seriously injured, not Lai."

"After the war, my master and the others obtained the eighteen soul-calling flags, and on the corpses of the people on Lingshan Mountain, they discovered the refining and use methods of the soul-calling flags. Because the Hundred Ghost Soul-calling Flags were too vicious and harmful. Tianhe, so on the battlefield, my master and the others destroyed all the eighteen-sided soul-calling flags and their refining and use methods."

"I knew that the master would lie to me, but I was also curious as to why the refining method was obviously ruined. How could the senior brother still be able to refine the Hundred Ghost Soul Calling Banner. So I asked the master. But I didn't expect that the master just gave a wry smile and said, your senior brother is very talented. He was also present during the battle, and I didn't expect that he just looked through it once and then took the Hundred Ghost Soul Calling Banner. I have firmly memorized the refining and usage methods.”

"I was surprised. I knew that half of the reason why the master came to me alone was because of this matter, so I asked the master how to deal with this matter. As a result, the master told me that in the Dahua Tianhei Lotus, except for In addition to the ancient immortal weapon passed down by the ancestor, the Immortal Binding Rope, the Divine Whip and the Double Dragon Lihuo Barrier, there are also the four Wuji Huandan that he has recently refined."

"The master said that this Wujihuandan is the result of all his hard work. Just one pill can bring the dead back to life and eliminate all diseases. Moreover, the user can become a cauldron with three flowers gathered at the top and five qi heading towards the yuan. After I heard it, I was shocked, because I knew that just as refining a magic weapon that is too vicious is likely to be punished by God and not end well, refining such a magical elixir that has reached a heaven-defying level will definitely cause great harm to the elixir practitioner. .”

"The master saw the surprised look on my face and guessed what I was thinking. He told me that what I was worried about was not bad. Because yesterday the divination people in the witchcraft sect had already calculated that he was about to expire."

"I was shocked and couldn't help feeling sad, but the master smiled and told me that his life span was almost over, but with his Wujihuandan, as long as he took four pills in a row, he could rise to a foot in a day. ** has become an immortal. The master smiled and told me that he had taken four Wuji Huandan, and the medicinal properties were slowly taking effect. He would soon be in seclusion and fall into a deep sleep. When he woke up after sleeping for a few days, he would He can become the first person besides the Patriarch to become an immortal after the founding of the Qi State. Then he will enjoy immortality instead of longevity."

"I was overjoyed and couldn't help but congratulate the master, but the master told me that I will be the second person to become an immortal. Seeing me dumbfounded and speechless, the master smiled and told me that he has a total of Nine Wuji Huandan were refined. Except for one that was presented to King Qi and he took four of it himself, the remaining four were put into white crystal glazed bottles and placed in the Dahua Tian Black Lotus. . As long as I eat those four Wujihuandan, I can also become an immortal, and I can use magical weapons such as the Immortal Binding Rope and the Divine Whip."

"The master told me that if he comes out of seclusion, he will travel around the world and no longer care about the worldly affairs. The master asked me to find an opportunity to persuade the senior brother to correct his evil ways. If he does not repent, let me take four Wuji pills. Da Huan Dan, clear the door for him, because his Hundred Ghost Soul Calling Banner is definitely no match for the Double Dragon Lihuo Shield, the Immortal Binding Rope and the Divine Whip."

"It turns out that these four Infinite Return Pills were used by the first-generation master of the Three Treasures Sect to prepare for the second-generation master to clean up the sect." When Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue heard this, they suddenly realized. "That bottle turned out not to be an ordinary glass bottle? But then why didn't he even eat one?"

Lin Qianxun looked at the bamboo slices, couldn't help but sigh, and read on slowly. "I promised the master, sent him into the Yunshui Cave, and watched the master slowly fall into a deep sleep. Then I followed the master's words, activated his Biyun Cold Water Formation, and sealed the Yunshui Cave. The master said that I would wait until he wakes up to come out. When it is closed, it will naturally break out of the formation on its own.

"On my way back, it was already late at night, but I saw the candlelight in Qimeng's room was still on, and I didn't know what she was doing now."

"I haven't gone to see Senior Brother today, but Senior Brother has already come to see me. Senior Brother said that he regrets that he shouldn't have been so obsessed with the power of the Hundred Demons Recalling Banner that he secretly refined the Hundred Demons. The Soul-Calling Banner. He took out the half-refined Hundred Ghost Soul-Calling Banner and destroyed it in front of me. Then he sadly asked me and the master to give him a chance to change his ways. I was very pleased. I I feel that if the master knew that the senior brother did this, he would be very happy."

"Today I heard a huge noise from the Yunshui Cave. I rushed there as fast as I could, and I saw that the Biyun Hanshui Formation had broken. But the master had disappeared. Could it be that the master didn't say a word? Hey, have you already wandered around the world? I feel very sad when I think that it may be difficult to see the master again in the future."

"It has been two months since it rained in Qi. When I passed by Qiluo's yard today, I saw that the small pond in that yard had dried up.

"Today, Jiye will worship the heaven and earth on a hundred feet of dry grass, asking for nectar from heaven to moisten all things and save the people of Qi. But in the end, even if he sets the dry grass on fire, he will use his own life to make a living sacrifice** , not a drop of rain fell from the sky. When I saw the raging fire wrapping him up, I really wanted to curse God for not having the foresight to rush up and snatch him away. But Guan Wen held me back."

"Today the King of Qi summoned all the generals and witch doctors. After the banquet, the King of Qi announced that General Yin would be the marshal to attack the great Dongyi country Lai. In fact, I had expected this result. Even if it starts to rain now, Qi It is difficult for the country's food to survive this winter. Lai has abundant rain this year and has a good harvest. If Qi can borrow some food, maybe Qi can survive this winter. However, Qi and Lai have always been on bad terms, so this A battle must be fought.”

"I'm leaving tomorrow. I walked around Qiluo's yard. Although I didn't see her, I was still very happy. Because the Yunxia Tianyi that I have been refining for many days is almost finished. Maybe when I come back from this battle, I can personally give this dress to her. This Yunxia Heavenly Dress is very beautiful, and she will definitely be very happy after seeing it."

Lin Qianxun slowly read the text on the bamboo slips in a quiet tone, while Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue, who were listening intently, seemed to have returned to that time when there was a severe drought. Even the water in the pond had dried up and the army was ready to go. , an era when the air was full of murderous spirit, I saw the infatuated man wandering outside the yard of his beloved woman. Text Chapter 59 The Decisive Battle of Jiuquhe and Qilai "Today the King of Qi bid farewell to the army at Yingqiu. Although I have accompanied the Qi army to conquer many small kingdoms of Chu, this is the first time I have seen this. There were so many troops and chariots, and it was the first time I saw so many people with the same tragic expression on their faces, because although everyone didn’t know whether they would be able to come back here alive in the end, everyone knew If this battle is lost, Qi will be doomed. King Qi looks very good and his voice is very loud. It may be because he took a Wujihuan Dan given to him by my master, but what he said to us , I didn’t hear a word clearly, because I saw Qiluo. Qiluo was standing behind King Qi. There were many women behind King Qi, but none of them could compare with her. She was still so beautiful, but I But I felt a little distressed, because I seemed to find that she was much more haggard than when I saw her last month. She also saw me, and she smiled at me. I was very happy, and I knew that I would definitely come back alive. , because I want to personally give her the Yunxia Heavenly Clothes I refined."

"We have fought several victorious battles in the past few days and have already approached Linqu in Lai. General Yin and Military Advisor Bao specially summoned me and brought me many rewards from the King of Qi, because in the previous battles, I fought for The Burning Sky Bead refined by the Qi army was the first success. But I am not happy, because I know that the more the magic weapon hurts people, the greater the damage to the refiner's fortune. If it were not for the people of Qi and his early return, When Qi Guo meets Qi Luo, I won’t be able to refine the kind of magic weapon that can make the ground fire rise up within a radius of ten feet, and the flames burn the sky.”

"When we came out of the army tent, I knew that General Yin and Commander Bao were not happy either. Because although we had won several battles in a row, our army rations were already very few. If we could not capture Linqu within ten days, .We may really not be able to go back.”

"Guan Wen told me today that I looked very haggard. I just smiled. I didn't tell him that I only slept two or three hours a day these days. Because in addition to helping Qi Jun refine the Burning Dzi Beads these days, Apart from the Thunder Arrow, all my energy is spent on refining the Yunxia Heavenly Clothes."

"Today the Qi army fought with the Lai army outside Linqu City. My Burning Sky Beads and Thunder Arrows and Commander Bao's Starfall technique caught the Lai army by surprise again, and Guan Wen's The art of blessed light from heaven and Lin Mo's brilliant art also gave strong support to the Qi army. I thought that we would definitely win this battle. After Linqu was captured, the monarch of Lai State would definitely negotiate peace with us. Will supply Qi State We had enough food and we could go back. But we didn't expect that when our troops were about to attack Linqu, countless huge hailstones suddenly fell from the sky, and after countless huge hailstones, another Black rain, people who were hit by huge hail were dead or injured, and those who were contaminated by the black rain had ulcers all over their bodies. Our army was defeated. It was not until we retreated and garrisoned that we learned that the king of Lai was in the field. After the failure, at the cost of a city with him and a hundred beautiful virgins, he invited two demons who had been practicing in Meishan for many years."

"The Lai army and the Qi army made an appointment to fight at noon on the third day. General Yin agreed, because our army's food and grass could only last three days at most. And Bao Jun's division ordered Guan Wen to use hexagrams to deduce the origin of these two monsters. Guan Knowing that the matter was of great importance, I did not hesitate to use ten years of Yangshou as a bet and used Jiuyou Wentian** to calculate that these two people were the black mosquito spirit and the two-headed snake spirit who were practicing in Meishan. I think the monarch of Lai State must be crazy. , in order to have extra food and to win this battle, he even invited monsters over."

"The military advisor ordered me to refine the Wind Drum overnight, which is specifically designed to restrain the magic of these two demons. This is a magic weapon that can summon the strong winds above the nine heavens at any time. Although the refining of this magic weapon is not difficult, it takes three days. It is also very difficult to complete within 10 days. But I am still very happy today because the Yunxia Tianyi that I refined for Qiluo has finally been successfully refined. This Yunxia Tianyi is very beautiful. I think if Qiluo sees it, It will definitely be fun.”

"I took out the Dahua Tianhei Lian and the four Wuji Huandan. I knew that I only needed to take these four pills, use the Shuanglong Lihuo Shield that the master left for me, and add the Binding Immortal Suohe's Divine Whip will definitely help Qi win this battle. But after thinking about it again and again, I still put it into Dahua Tianhei Lian, because only Wujihuan Dan can be used by Qi Luo Yunxia Tianyi."

"I'm very tired because I haven't slept for three days, but I'm very happy because my senior brother and I just tried out my newly refined Wind Drum in the wilderness not far from the military camp. A normal wind drum requires at least It took my senior brother and I only three days to complete the Wind Drum that took seven days to refine. With the help of this magic weapon, the Qi army will definitely win a complete victory tomorrow."

"Today is the day of the decisive battle with Lai. I got up early. And everyone can't sleep like me, because if we lose this battle, maybe we won't be able to go back."

"The Qi army and the Lai army fought at the Jiuqu River. The strength of the Lai army was beyond our expectation, because apart from the black mosquito spirit and the two-headed snake spirit, the other party also invited a Taoist alchemist from nowhere. , that Taoist alchemist can make Lai Jun's soldiers become violent and pain-free. But with the help of my Burning Sky Pearl and Thunder Arrow, we quickly gained the upper hand. The black mosquito spirit and the two-headed snake spirit can't Unexpectedly, I took action, and huge hailstones and black rain fell from the sky. I unhurriedly raised the wind drum. Although the wind drum is not a particularly powerful magic weapon, it can kill those hailstones and rain all over the sky. The black rain blew into the opponent's formation. In the words of Commander Bao, this is called treating the other person with the same kind of kindness. But what surprised me was that no matter how hard I tried, the weapon I just tried last night Yufenggu didn't react at all. My mind went blank at that time. If Guan Wen hadn't tried his best to protect me with the golden light flag, I might have died from the magic spell of those two demons because of my momentary absence. Even if Lin Mo tried his best to use his brilliant technique, but he couldn't prevent the Qi army's defeat. What surprised me even more was that when all of us were despairing and thought we would never go back, my senior brother smiled at me. I smiled, and then, and then suddenly shook out the eighteen pale ghost summoning banners. Only then did I know that the eighteen hundred ghost summoning banners that my senior brother destroyed in front of me were actually fake. He was actually already there Secretly, they successfully refined the Hundred Ghosts Soul-Calling Banner. The Hundred Ghosts Soul-Calling Banner was extremely powerful. With the help of the Hundred Ghost Soul-Calling Banner and the walking corpses controlled by the Hundred Ghost Soul-Calling Banner, the Qi army defeated their opponents. Except for the two demons, they could not see the situation. Wonderful, apart from using magic to escape, all the Lai army's 100,000 troops died by the Jiuqu River outside Linqu City. The corpses were piled up like a mountain, and even the Jiuqu River was blocked. And my senior brother was standing in the pile. Rushan's corpse smiled at me and said, "There is no distinction between good and evil magic weapons. If there is no soul-calling flag this time, none of us will be able to go back."

"After the Qi army's victory, senior brother became the hero of the Qi country, but when I saw his smile standing on the mountains of corpses, I knew he was possessed."

"I decided to find a place to eat the four Wuji Huandan that the master left for me, but just now Guan Wen brought me a visit, saying that King Qi had an order, asking me to go back and return. He said that someone told King Qi that I and King Qi His concubine Qiluo was having an affair, and she even said that I was a spy from the Lai Kingdom, and that the failure of the wind drum was something I deliberately did."

"Guan Wen told me that King Qi was suspicious by nature. The battle was won anyway, so it would be better not to go back and find a place to concentrate on practicing Taoism together. But I feel that if I don't go back, Qiluo will suffer unjust injustice. , and I really jumped into the Yellow River to wash my hands. Because we are innocent, I decided to go back and recover my life."

"No, this guy just went back like this?" Zhao Lingjun said in disbelief. "He's so stupid."

"It turns out that the woman he loved silently was the concubine of King Qi." Meng Xue felt her nose was a little sore and couldn't help but ask Lin Qianxun, "What happened next? What happened next?"

"I don't know either." A trace of mist appeared in Lin Qianxun's eyes, "His notes are gone now."

"What else can we do?" Zhao Lingjun said depressedly. "Isn't this guy Yue Fei from the Qi Kingdom? After he returned, he must have been sent directly to the prison. He was killed by the King of Qi. Look, the Yunxia Tianyi he wanted to give to Qiluo is still in there... "

"Zhao Lingjun, you..." Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun with tears in her eyes.

Although she was thinking the same thing as Zhao Lingjun, when she heard Zhao Lingjun say it so straightforwardly, Meng Xue felt a little unable to accept the fact that a man who valued love and justice was executed like this.

"Jun Gua, thousands of years have passed. Even if he had not died at that time, he would have turned into loess by now."

Zhao Lingjun felt a little uncomfortable when he saw Meng Xue's tearful look, and quickly tried to persuade Meng Xue.

"I think it must be his senior brother who is behind this." Meng Xue said bitterly. It is obvious that Meng Xue has not yet been freed from the poignant love story that happened thousands of years ago.

"Definitely." Zhao Lingjun nodded, "That guy secretly refined such a vicious magic weapon, it must not be a good thing. I think not only was he the one who secretly reported bad things about him in front of King Qi, but also The malfunction of the wind drum was also caused by him. And I even suspect that his master's Biyun Hanshui Formation was also caused by him. Maybe his master didn't become an immortal in the flesh and hung it in his hands. Otherwise, how could he not have it? Just say hello to him and you'll travel around the world."

"Yes, it's very possible." Lin Qianxun and Meng Xue also nodded to express their question.

"But I'm just wondering why this guy didn't take even one Wujihuan Dan in the end." Zhao Lingjun said. "He's a little too stupid."

"You..." Meng Xue suddenly thought of the circumstances under which Zhao Lingjun took the Wuji Huandan, and her face suddenly turned red.

"Perhaps King Qi used him as a trick as soon as he returned. Maybe he didn't even have time to take out the Great Transformation Black Lotus, and he already suffered an accident." Lin Qianxun said slowly.

"That's very likely the case." Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but say, "But it's a miracle that this black lotus didn't fall into the hands of his senior brother."

"Perhaps even his senior brother doesn't know that this Taoist flower is one of the most precious treasures of the Three Treasures Sect." Meng Xue said. "I don't know what happened to Qiluo in the end, and what happened to his senior brother."

"His senior brother refining such a vicious magic weapon is against the will of heaven, and his final fate will definitely be similar to that of Lai's national master Lingshan." When thinking of Qiluo, Lin Qianxun felt a sense of confusion in his heart, because Lin Qianxun Xun knew that at that time, a woman like Qiluo would not have any good results.

"I didn't expect that this dress was given to the woman he secretly admired." Meng Xue looked at the water-like Yunxia Heavenly Clothes in Zhao Lingjun's hand, and her eyes couldn't help but get wet again.

"If you were the head of the Three Treasures Sect at that time, and King Qi asked you to go back and resume your life, what would you do?" Lin Qianxun looked at Zhao Lingjun and suddenly asked a very strange question.

"What if I was the sect leader of the Three Treasures Sect at that time?" Zhao Lingjun seemed to feel that he had arrived at the Jiuqu River. In front of him were piles of corpses, and the person who asked him was not Lin Qianxun, but the man in the long gown and his clothes. The tube smells.

"If I were the leader of the Three Treasures Sect, I wouldn't be so stupid." Zhao Lingjun said. "I immediately took four pills in my place, and then went back to talk to King Qi and asked him to give Qiluo to me. If he didn't give it to me, I would snatch her and run away together. And before I left, I I also have to tie up my senior brother with the Immortal Binding Rope, and then spank his ass hard with the Divine Whip.”

"Haha, I'll run after you." Meng Xue couldn't help crying but laughing after hearing what Zhao Lingjun said. "I'm afraid that if the whip is applied, he won't even be able to find it."

"If it were you, would you be with the woman you love at all costs, no matter what others think of you?" Lin Qianxun looked at Zhao Lingjun, and suddenly sighed and said, "You seem to be different from before. .”

"Where, I seem to be the same as before." Zhao Lingjun did not dare to say the next sentence, because the next thing Zhao Lingjun wanted to say was, when I see you, my ears are still warm and my heart is beating, and my imagination is running wild.

"You are much worse than before." Meng Xue glanced at Zhao Lingjun and said.

"Uh. I..."

"Stop me and me, you try this dress." Meng Xue said.

"How can I try? From the beginning to the end, there is no explanation on how to use Yunxia Tianyi on the bamboo piece." Zhao Lingjun looked at Meng Xue and Lin Qianxun extremely depressed and said.

"Maybe it's like the invisibility cloak in Harry Potter. You just need to put it on." Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun and winked mischievously.

"Yes." Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but patted his thigh. Text Chapter 60 Yuzhu Dan, Maiden Dan, Hunyuan Umbrella

"Haha." After seeing Zhao Lingjun put on Yunxia Tianyi, even Lin Qianxun, who had always been a bit gloomy, couldn't help laughing. And Meng Xue was laughing so hard that she couldn't even straighten her waist.

If a grown man wears a woman's pajamas, he will look very funny. And now the Yunxia Heavenly Clothes that Zhao Lingjun is wearing looks like a woman's lace pajamas.

"It seems a little small." Zhao Lingjun's face was burning, but Zhao Lingjun was still shameless and pretended not to see the laughing expressions of Meng Xue and Lin Qianxun. "Can you still see me?"

"Nonsense, we can't see you, why are we laughing?" Meng Xue and Lin Qianxun looked at each other and couldn't help laughing. The two women, who originally had a vague hostility towards each other, seemed to have a vague liking for each other after hearing the story of the master of the Three Treasures Sect together.

"It seems that you can't be invisible just wearing this kind of clothes." Zhao Lingjun looked at the clothes he was wearing very depressedly, and then jumped up a few times. Zhao Lingjun said as he jumped up. "I fly, I fly, I fly fly fly."

"*, it can't fly either."

"Haha." Meng Xue burst into tears, but this time she burst into tears from laughing.

"Can't it be worn outside clothes?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Meng Xue's gloating look, suddenly took off Yunxia Tianyi and started to take off her clothes.

"What are you doing?" Meng Xue was startled by Zhao Lingjun's actions.

"I think this Yunxia Tianyi may not be wearable with clothes on." Zhao Lingjun said deliberately, "So I think I have to take off the clothes and put them on first."

"You... gangster." Meng Xue's face was filled with red clouds, and she took Lin Qianxun's hand and ran into Zhao Lingjun's room. "You can call us after you try it in the bathroom."

"Hehe. I'm still shy. It's not like I haven't seen it before." Zhao Lingjun could only hold back when he thought about meeting Meng Xue in the past. But now Meng Xue was very proud of being eaten to death by him.

"Would it look sexy if I took off my clothes and put on this kind of clothes?"

Zhao Lingjun had such perverted thoughts before he took off his clothes, but after Zhao Lingjun took off his clothes and put on Yunxia Tianyi, Zhao Lingjun couldn't be happy anymore.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Zhao Lingjun felt like a perverted nymphomaniac who liked to collect women's underwear.

"The test is over, come out." After a while, Zhao Lingjun returned to the living room dejectedly.

"Still not working?" Lin Qianxun vaguely knew the answer just by seeing Zhao Lingjun's expression.

"I can't even take off my underwear and put them on." Zhao Lingjun said extremely depressed. "It seems that Yunxia Tianyi must have a way to use it. It doesn't make you invisible just by wearing it."

"Haha." Hear what Zhao Lingjun said. Meng Xue couldn't help but laugh again.

"Forget it, let's not study this Yunxia Heavenly Clothes for now. It seems that he wants to personally tell the woman he has a crush on how to use this clothes." Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Qianxun and said, "Didn't those bamboo pieces record the three treasures? How to make Zong's magic weapons? How about we study how these magic weapons are made? Maybe we can make a few usable magic weapons."

"Yes, Qianxun, tell us what kind of magic weapons the Three Treasures Sect will make."

"Qianxun?" Zhao Lingjun was stunned for a moment when he saw the close relationship between Meng Xue and Lin Qianxun. He couldn't understand that when Meng Xue saw Lin Qianxun coming to find him in the company that day, he felt like he was seeing someone. It was like they were enemies who killed their father, but now in this moment, the two of them have become so close again.

"Okay. Then let me take a look at each piece."

"Wait a minute." Meng Xue brought out paper and pen very excitedly, "I'll take notes."

"The magic weapon refining of the Three Treasures Sect is divided into three types: elixir training, weapon training, and Gu training..."

"Practice alchemy?" Lin Qianxun just said one sentence. Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but ask: "Is there a method for refining Wuji Huandan?"

"You guys, are you feeling heartbroken after being eaten by Xiaobai?" Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun and said with a smile, "Want to get four of them and become an immortal?"

"What's the use of becoming an immortal in the flesh?" Zhao Lingjun said depressedly, "He didn't say how to use the bundle of immortal ropes, the whip and other things. By then, they won't be the same as Yunxia Tianyi. They can only hang and watch. look?"

After Zhao Lingjun paused, he smiled obscenely and said, "I want to refine Wuji Huandan because this medicine has the function of bringing the dead back to life and eliminating all kinds of diseases. If I can refine a bunch of them, I'd like it." Each person can take one and chew it like a soybean, it’s very good.”

"Chew your head, do you think that refining the Wuji Huandan is as easy as roasting sweet potatoes on the street, one baked in a while?" Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun angrily and funny: "His master spent his whole life just practicing Nine were made. You still have one in hand."

"Haha." Lin Qianxun couldn't help laughing when he heard what Meng Xue and Zhao Lingjun said. After carefully turning over the bamboo slices, Lin Qianxun looked at Zhao Lingjun and said, "Even if it can be refined as quickly as roasted sweet potatoes, , you can’t even get a single pill, because there is no refining method for the Unlimited Rejuvenation Pill, and maybe his master simply didn’t have the refining method for the Infinite Return Pill to pass on to him.”

"Haha." Seeing Lin Qianxun's smile, Zhao Lingjun also felt very relaxed.

"What method is there for making elixirs?"

"There is Huangya Dan...",

"Wait." Lin Qianxun had just announced a name when he was interrupted by Zhao Lingjun.

"Huangya Pill? This seems to be a very awesome pill."

"Haha." Lin Qianxun smiled and looked at the bamboo slices. "It is said above that Huang Ya Dan can regulate the five qi of the human body and strengthen the body. Especially for Tao practitioners, if it is taken, it can increase Tao power."

"This thing seems to be ordinary, not as good as the yellow mao red ox fork in movies and TV shows." Zhao Lingjun said. "Then let's look at other pills first."

"There is also the Golden Light Pill, which after taking it can make the skin as iron as iron and invulnerable to swords and guns. The Dragon and Tiger Pill, after taking it, one will have the power of a dragon and tiger within an hour. There is also the Gu-avoiding Pill, which can not eat or drink for seven days after taking it. , Shenmu Pill, after taking it, it can cure all internal injuries, and, and..."

"What else is there?" Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue were listening with great interest when they suddenly noticed that Lin Qianxun stopped with a blush on his face.

"There are also Yuzhu Pill, Maiden Pill..." Lin Qianxun said with a blushing face.

"Slow down, slow down." Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Qianxun and wondered why Lin Qianxun spoke so fast. “You haven’t said what those elixirs do.

Lin Qianxun looked at Zhao Lingjun, his face turned red, and he mustered up his courage and said: "The Jade Pillar Pill can strengthen the foundation and improve the health. Even the elderly can have children after taking it."

"I*. Isn't this the ancient Huiren Kidney Treasure?" Zhao Lingjun laughed. Then he asked: "What about the Maiden Pill?"

"The Maiden Pill can make a woman's heart flutter with love, and she cannot control herself..." Lin Qianxun's voice was as low as a mosquito, and after finally saying this sentence, Lin Qianxun's face was already covered with blush.

"Plop!" When Lin Qianxun said this, Zhao Lingjun was drinking water. As soon as he heard Lin Qianxun's words, Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but spit out the water in his mouth.

"Okay, this elixir is good, I will refine this elixir." Zhao Lingjun said with gleaming eyes.

"You gangster, do you want to feed it to Qianxun or me?" Meng Xue said with a blushing face.

"Everyone has one pill." Zhao Lingjun was thinking beautifully. It came out naturally.

"You..." Meng Xue immediately threw the cushion on the sofa towards Zhao Lingjun.

"Do you want to die?"

"Haha, it's not a joke." Zhao Lingjun still had a bright mind. He immediately changed the topic, "How are these elixirs made? Is it difficult? For example, how to make the Huang Mao Dan that can improve one's skills."

"The ingredients of Huang Mao Dan are thousand-year-old red fruit, rootless water, and red stone resin..."

"Thousand-year-old Zhuguo?" Lin Qianxun just mentioned the properties of three Huang Mao Dan, and Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue were dumbfounded.

"I don't even know what the red fruit is like. How about a thousand-year-old red fruit?" Zhao Lingjun said after thinking for a while: "It seems that we don't want to refine such a powerful elixir, why not bring some."

After a pause, Zhao Lingjun said to Lin Qianxun: "What is the material of that girl pill?"

"The ingredients of Maiden Pill are dried cloves, Cnidium monnieri, white tuckahoe, nard..."

"Qianxun...!" Lin Qianxun had only read a few subjects when Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun with shame and anger for interrupting Lin Qianxun.

As soon as he saw the secret smile on Zhao Lingjun's face, Lin Qianxun knew that he had been tricked by Zhao Lingjun.

"You gangster, don't ask me about girl pills anymore." Meng Xue glared at Zhao Lingjun and said.

"Then why not take a look at Yuzhu Dan?"

"Qianxun. Let's see if there is any magic weapon we can refine."

"Haha, what are those magic weapons?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Meng Xue and smiled, knowing that if he joked with Meng Xue again, Meng Xue would definitely fall out.

"The magic weapons include Burning Sky Beads, Lightning Arrows, Mist Dew Universe Net, Hunyuan Umbrella..." Because at first glance, most of them were bamboo rolls made of magic weapons, so Lin Qianxun just signed up first.

But when Lin Qianxun reported the second name, Zhao Lingjun was shocked.

"Wait, you mean Hunyuan Umbrella?"

"What's wrong?" Lin Qianxun took the roll of bamboo that he had just put down in his hand again, looked at it, and then said, "It's the Hunyuan Umbrella."

"I*." Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but gasped and said to the two of them, "Have you ever seen The Legend of the Gods or Journey to the West? Do you remember that there are four generals of the Demon Family in it? In Journey to the West, there are the Four Great Vajras. "

"Nonsense, who doesn't know about the Four Great Vajras? You think I'm a noob." Meng Xue glared at Zhao Lingjun.

"Miaowu." Xiaobai thought he was calling it, so he couldn't help looking at Meng Xue and shouted.

"Haha, I'm not talking about you." Meng Xue couldn't help but hug Xiaobai in her arms.

But what Zhao Lingjun said next shocked Meng Xue.

"The umbrella that one of the Four Great Vajras is holding is called the Hunyuan Umbrella."

"Isn't it? How can the Three Treasures Sect be able to make magic weapons used by gods?"

"I don't know either." After Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Qianxun, he said, "When I was a child, I read that when the Hunyuan Umbrella was opened, the sky was dizzy and the earth was dark, and the sun and the moon had no light. Not an opponent. How does the Three Treasures Sect describe the power of this Hunyuan Umbrella?"

"This piece of bamboo says that the Hunyuan Umbrella is a treasure. After it is opened, it can not only let the dark clouds within a hundred miles gather, but also cause the earth energy within a hundred meters to rise. The ground will vibrate, causing The opponents fell off their horses and chariots one after another. But the most powerful thing about the Hunyuan Umbrella is that it is impervious to water, fire, cold and heat, and cannot be damaged by metal or earth."

"Dark clouds within a hundred miles are gathering? Isn't that the sky is dark and the earth is dark, and the sun and the moon are dim? The earth's energy is rising and the ground is shaking. Could this be the rotation of the universe?" Zhao Lingjun was stunned for a moment, "Is this the case? The Hunyuan Umbrella is a magic weapon that can suddenly make a place extremely dark and cause the ground to tremble? If this is the case, its protective effect is still relatively good."

"Then what materials are used to make the Hunyuan Umbrella?" Zhao Lingjun felt that although this magic weapon sounds very prestigious, its actual power is that it has a stronger protective effect. It should be easy to refine among the magic weapons of the Three Treasures Sect. of. So even though he was not very interested, Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but ask Lin Qianxun.

"The making of this magic weapon..." Lin Qianxun just glanced at it and showed a confused look on his face.

"What?" Zhao Lingjun felt something was wrong as soon as he saw Lin Qianxun's face.

"The entire Hunyuan Umbrella must be made of 1,200 freshwater pearls threaded with gold thread, inlaid with emeralds, emeralds, luminous pearls, dust-repelling beads, fire-repelling beads, water-repelling beads, cooling-reducing beads, and nine-curved beads. , Dingyan Pearl, Dingfeng Pearl..." Lin Qianxun read all the way, and when he finished reading, he was still wondering why Zhao Lingjun didn't interrupt him in surprise this time.

But when they looked up, they found that Zhao Lingjun and Meng Xue had already opened their mouths, unable to even utter a word.

"Twelve hundred freshwater pearls..., emeralds, emerald greens, luminous pearls, dust-proof pearls..." Zhao Lingjun took a long time before he regained his breath: "Don't say I can't find these materials, even if I find them , why are you wearing an umbrella? This leader of the Three Treasures Sect, is he kidding me?"

"He's not joking. He carved instructions on how to wear it on the bamboo pieces." Lin Qianxun took a look and said. "It's very complicated. Those emeralds, emeralds, luminous pearls, dust beads and other things must be composed of four strange words in a strange order and pattern."

"I*." Zhao Lingjun said.