Celestial Employee

Chapter 30: One-branch plum


We pulled back and forth, but it seemed we had gone too far. "After sighing for a while, Zhao Lingjun brought Lin Qianxun and Meng Xue's thoughts back to the topic. "We have been discussing the magic weapons for so long, and the bamboo tablets of the Three Treasures Sect also record the refining methods of so many legendary magic weapons. So, Is there any magic weapon and its production materials that we can find now? "

"There is only one kind." Lin Qianxun looked at Zhao Lingjun and said, "This magic weapon is called the Ten Thousand Crows Pot."

"Ten Thousand Crows Pot?" As soon as Zhao Lingjun heard the name, he said depressedly: "I*."

"What?" Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun, "Is there such a magic weapon in the legend?"

"This Man Crow Pot is said to be the magic weapon of a guy named Luo Xuan in the Shang and Zhou wars. It is said that when the Man Crow Pot is opened, ten thousand fire crows will fly out, and these ten thousand fire crows will spit fire from their mouths. , there is smoke on the wings….

"Then this magic weapon must be a very powerful magic weapon." Meng Xue was very excited when she thought of the sight of thousands of fire crows flying in the sky.

"That's awesome." Zhao Lingjun said depressedly. "It was casually broken by Princess Long Ji with the Mist Dew Universe Net. It's okay to set fire to that thing, but it's not okay to hurt someone with such profound knowledge. This thing seemed to be used during the Shang and Zhou wars. Can’t be ranked.”

"That's not how I see it." Lin Qianxun looked at the bamboo slices and said. "Legends are legends after all. The power of some magic weapons may not necessarily be the strongest or the weakest after being passed down. Moreover, these magic weapons also have different systems that restrain each other. It is not necessarily possible to say which one is more powerful. clear."

"Well, I think so too." Meng Xue looked at Zhao Lingjun and said. "For example, the power of the Hunyuan Umbrella in actual combat. I think it is not as powerful as the Burning Sky Pearl and the Manga Pot. But if two people are duel, the person holding the Hunyuan Umbrella will take a big advantage. Not only It can make the opponent invisible to him, and he is invulnerable to fire and water."

"But now, it is uncertain which of these magic weapons is more useful." After looking at Zhao Lingjun, Meng Xue said with a smile. "For example, the Burning Heaven Bead was very powerful at the time and could cause a sea of fire in the opponent's formation. But now it is just a powerful incendiary bomb at best. It may not be as powerful as a high-explosive grenade. . And that Hunyuan Umbrella. Even now, even if it can make a large area suddenly dark, the opponent can find his traces as long as he takes a flashlight. So I think the Manja Pot now is good, but at that time The ancients may have been used to seeing all kinds of magic weapons, and they may have been accustomed to the scene of thousands of fire crows swarming the sky, but now, haha, just seeing so many fire crows, no matter how powerful they are, is enough It can scare people to death.”

"That's right." Zhao Lingjun patted his thigh and suddenly felt that Meng Xue's words made sense. "Most of the powerful guys at that time had powerful magic weapons in their hands. The fire spewed by this ordinary fire crow was certainly nothing to them, but for people nowadays, even if a hundred lighters are lit and thrown on him , he was also burned alive, not to mention these ten thousand fire crows, they seem to listen to the user's words, right?"

"Yes, the bamboo piece says that these thousands of fire crows are connected to the user's mind. The user can control them at will." Lin Qianxun nodded and said.

"Haha, so awesome." Meng Xue looked at Lord Zhao Ling with a playful look, "If you had this Mango Pot, maybe you would be called the Fire Cloud Evil God in the world in the future."

"Haha, those powerful bad guys nowadays are all called Huoyun Xingshen. This nickname is so impersonal." Zhao Lingjun said. "Whatever you say, you have to come up with a nickname that's a bit different."

"Haha, something different?" Meng Xue smiled. Just say. "Maybe he'll be called the Crow King, or the King of Chickens."

"Duck King?..." Zhao Lingjun said depressedly, "Let's see how this Man Crow Pot is made.

"This Mango Pot is made of gold as the pot body, and is inlaid with silver and black jade as shown in the figure. It is then placed in the fire for seven, seven and forty-nine days..."

"I*." As soon as Lin Qianxun read it, Zhao Lingjun knew why Lin Qianxun said that this material could be found now, but he looked embarrassed again.

Gold and silver are indeed common, and black jade is also produced in Fuping, Shaanxi. It's just that these three things are all expensive. Just making a pot out of gold made Zhao Lingjun feel like selling himself.

"How big is this thing?" Zhao Lingjun looked at the bamboo roll stretched out in Lin Qianxun's hand with his last hope. Zhao Lingjun only hopes that the pot is only the size of a snuff bottle.

"I*." But at one glance, Zhao Lingjun almost fainted.

"What's wrong?" Meng Xue also stepped forward to take a look. But at first glance, Meng Xue almost fainted with laughter: the size of the Manado pot on the bamboo piece was not large, and it looked much smaller than a small thermos water cup. But the shape is so unique.

The entire Mangao Pot looks like a shrunken chamber pot that Zhao Lingjun once saw at his grandmother's house when he was a child.

"It seems that your nickname in the future will be personalized enough." Meng Xue said to Zhao Lingjun after finally regaining her breath. "Perhaps everyone will call you Chamber Pot Hero from now on."

"NND, Lord Chamber Pot, Lord Chamber Pot, I have decided to refine this thing." Zhao Lingjun said very depressedly, "As the new leader of the Three Treasures Sect, I can't help but not be able to refine even one magic weapon."

"Is this guy so early in the day?"

When Lin Yiren and Xiao Ping arrived at the company, they found that Zhao Lingjun was already in the office of the R&D department.

"What are you looking at?" Zhao Lingjun was shocked by the guys who surrounded him and looked at him from top to bottom as soon as they arrived at the company.

"Weird, really fucking weird." Lin Yiren looked at Zhao Lingjun and said. "How come you don't have any traces of being beaten, nor do you have dark circles under your eyes from excessive drinking? Didn't you stay with Meng Xue yesterday? Didn't that little nurse go find you?"

"Lin Qianxun is a doctor, not a nurse." Zhao Lingjun said with a blushing face. "Whether she went to see me, whether I stayed with Meng Xue, or whether I had any traces of being beaten. What does it have to do with whether she has dark circles under her eyes due to excessive drinking?"

"So she really went to find you? And you and Meng Xue were indeed together yesterday?" A group of people gasped.

"Yes." Zhao Lingjun nodded honestly.

"I*." A group of people almost fainted. After a long time, Lin Yicai, who was the first to come back to his senses, murmured. "Weird things happen every year, but this year there are especially many."

"What's weird?" Zhao Lingjun asked Lin Yiren deliberately, although he felt in his heart that what Lin Yiren said must be that he ended up with Meng Xue without knowing why.

But what Lin Yiren said was beyond Zhao Lingjun's surprise.

"There are a lot of strange things happening these days. It is said that there are heroes who have disappeared in the world for many years." Lin Yiren looked at Zhao Lingjun and said. "For example, Iljimae makes a comeback."

"Hero Yizhimei?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Yiren and couldn't help but smile. “You’re kidding me.

"Who are you kidding?" Lin Yiren looked at Zhao Lingjun and said depressedly. "How else can I say that there are a lot of weird things happening this year?"

"Really?" Zhao Lingjun suddenly became interested, "Then tell me how this hero Yizhimei came back to the world."

"Some time ago, the homes of many high-ranking officials in the city were robbed. It is said that they only left a plum blossom mark at the scene." Lin Yiren said: "And many people in this city who are in urgent need of money have received one. In the envelope, apart from a certain amount of money, there is only one plum blossom."

"Haha." Zhao Lingjun couldn't help laughing. "You are telling a story, where did you hear it from? I think you have been deceived."

"The one who told me was a good friend of mine. His wife worked part-time at the house of one of the senior officials. She heard this news at the house of that senior official." Lin Yiren looked at Zhao Lingjun: "Originally, I just listened My friend didn’t believe it, but if you read yesterday’s hot news, you would know that what my friend said was not a lie.”

"Did the news about the theft of high-ranking officials be reported in yesterday's hot news?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Yiren and said.

"Hehe." A group of people looked at Zhao Weijun and smiled ambiguously, thinking that if they had known that you were having such a great time, they would not have time to watch TV.

"Those things that were stolen are probably problematic. How dare you call the police?" Lin Yiren snorted with dissatisfaction, "Yesterday's focus news showed a widow who had no money for medical treatment in the hospital. The old man received an envelope full of money with a plum blossom inside. After the news was broadcast, there were many hotline calls. Many people were said to have received such an envelope with plum blossoms inside when they were desperate. . And many older people also called and said that they had received such money a long time ago under extremely difficult circumstances. At that time, everyone called the guy who robbed the rich and gave to the poor Daxia Yizhime. .”

"Is this really the disciple of the hero Iljimae?" Zhao Lingjun couldn't help laughing. "Is it just this weird thing?"

"Is this really the disciple of the hero Iljimae?" Zhao Lingjun couldn't help laughing. "Is it just this weird thing?"

"There are a lot of strange things. For example, a few gangsters robbed Qili Alley the day before yesterday. And it is said that the firepower was so strong that the police did not catch any of them. On the contrary, it is said that several of them were beaten to death on the spot by those few people." Isn't this a robbery? Gangsters have more firepower than police. There are so many police and gangster movies. Is there anything strange about this? "Of course Zhao Lingjun knew what was going on, but Zhao Lingjun still pretended to know nothing.

"Of course this alone is not a strange thing." Lin Yiren looked at Zhao Lingjun and said, "The strange thing is that all the police were dispatched and did not stop those few people. But a day later, the police were in a bungalow by the river. The bodies of two of the gangsters were found.”

"What? The bodies of the two gangsters?" Zhao Lingjun was surprised. Zhao Lingjun remembered that when he and Meng Xue left, although the two people were beaten so hard that they couldn't move, it was obviously not fatal.

"It is said that they may have killed two of them by fighting for their own good." Lin Yiren saw Zhao Lingjun's surprised look, but did not expect that Zhao Lingjun was a direct participant. "But the weirdest thing is that the police picked up the bag full of gold jewelry at the door of the police station last night. So I can't figure it out. If it was gangsters, why did the bag of gold come back? Are you going to the police station?"

"Hehe." Zhao Lingjun smiled secretly in his heart and thought, what's so strange about this? I didn't throw that bag at the police door.

In fact, after learning about the refining method of the Manado Pot yesterday, Zhao Lingjun was quite hesitant when he looked at the bag of gold jewelry, because the bag of gold was enough to refining the Manado Pot. However, after thinking about it for a long time, Zhao Lingjun decided to secretly Throw it to the police. Because after all, if the police found out that he had used this bag, he would really have nothing to say.

The reason why Zhao Lingjun did not choose to call the police was because Zhao Lingjun felt that if he said that, he and Dahua Tianheilian might be taken away by the state for research. By then, I'm afraid I won't even have the chance to refine the Manado Bottle.

As for the Wujihuan Dan, Zhao Lingjun wanted to give one to each of Lin Qianxun and Meng Xue. But Lin Qianxun said that this kind of thing is a rare treasure, something that can bring people back to life. If you eat it for yourself, you will be as powerful as Zhao Lingjun and move like the wind. It would be better to let Zhao Lingjun keep it to see what use it can be used for later, or to use it to save people.

Meng Xue's refusal was even more funny. Meng Xue just said to Zhao Lingjun, "If I eat it, after I wake up, I will be extremely powerful. If we quarrel or fight, it's not Destroy this city?"

"That's not all all the strange things." When Zhao Lingjun was thinking about it, Lin Yiren said again. "A strange thing happened in our community yesterday, do you know?"

"What's weird?" Zhao Lingjun came back to his senses as soon as he heard about his neighborhood. I thought to myself, could there be someone as weird as the two Taoist priests I met that day

"There was a madman yesterday who spent money to buy a building opposite us." Lin Yiren looked at Zhao Lingjun and said. "No one had time to buy the buildings on that land, but he actually bought one. Do you think he is stupid?"

"No." Zhao Lingjun was immediately stunned. "How much does it cost to buy one?"

"Damn it, if you have money, just pull him, you will lose him to death." Lin Yiren said depressedly.

"Something strange, something strange..." Lin Yiren had just finished speaking. Zhang Changsheng ran in like a gust of wind.

"Is there anything weird?" Zhao Lingjun, Lin Yiren and others were dumbfounded.