Celestial Employee

Chapter 43: Perverted Masochist, Bai Wuchang - Chapter 110 Illusion, Return to the World


"Where are Lin Yiren, Meng Xue and Lin Qianxun? Have they fallen into the six realms of reincarnation?" Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but look down at Xiaobai beside him.

But as soon as Zhao Lingjun lowered his head, he heard another deep roar.

The three-headed monster Adaogang actually caught up with him again.

"MLGBD, are you done yet?" A surge of anger ignited in Zhao Lingjun's heart. Under normal circumstances, Zhao Lingjun would not mind testing all the attack spells he knew on this invincible Xiaoqiang.

But at this time, Zhao Lingjun did not have much time left, but he had not yet found the living souls of Lin Qianxun and others. Therefore, the undead creature Adaogang who appeared at this time and was entangled with him was, in Zhao Lingjun's mind, even more disgusting than the poop someone casually pooped on the roadside.

After a golden light flashed on Zhao Lingjun's hands, Zhao Lingjun rushed towards the three-headed monster Adaogang.

In this place, there is no way to replenish the lost Taoist power, so the Taoist technique Zhao Lingjun is currently performing is the simplest Taoist technique in Maoshan Technique, the Powerful Golden Steel Palm. The effect of this Taoist spell is to make the hands of the caster as hard as steel.

However, this Taoist technique is one of the Taoist techniques that consumes the least amount of Taoist power, and these steel-like hands immediately exerted powerful lethality on the extremely powerful Zhao Lingjun.

The three-headed monster Adaogang waved his sharp claws, and just as he was about to hit Zhao Lingjun, he was punched in the face.

"I asked you to pester me." Zhao Lingjun moved like the wind. Before the three-headed monster Adaogang could react, the three heads had been smashed into pig heads by Zhao Lingjun.

When Zhao Lingjun kicked Adaogang out. Adaogang has become unable to even recognize himself.

But when Adaogang got up from the ground, Adaogang's three swollen pig-like heads were still laughing. "I can't be beaten to death. When your power is exhausted, I will tear you into pieces and eat you."

It seemed that after just taking a breath, Adaogang regained his strength and rushed towards Lord Zhao Ling with a ferocious smile.

"Mom, are you a masochist?" A green flame passed through Adaogang's heart.

Zhao Lingjun was so angry and anxious that he couldn't help but use the Void Yin Yang Sword, which consumed the most power.

It is said that the green flames on the Void Yin Yang Sword can not only burn a person's body, but also his soul. But there was nothing Adaogang could do about such a flame. A black mist flowed out of Adaogan's wound. As soon as it touched the black mist, the green flame on the Void Yin Yang Sword completely disappeared.

"It's actually the fire of the netherworld that can burn souls." The pig-headed Adaogang seemed a little surprised, but when he saw his wounds healing quickly, Adaogang still smiled proudly, "Only I can feed on souls. , what can a mere bit of netherworld fire do to me..."

Before Adaogang finished speaking, Zhao Lingjun's punch hit Adaogang's mouth again, knocking Adaogang's talking head straight to his neck.

But Adaogang's punch also made Zhao Lingjun take a few steps back, causing Zhao Lingjun's blood to surge.

In his rage, Zhao Lingjun had lost his mind, so he even forgot to protect himself after taking action.

"MLGBD" Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but want to ignore the rapid loss of Taoist power and release the Netherworld Bone Sword to cut this extremely annoying masochist into pieces, and then explode it into pieces of flesh. Look at this immortal Adaogang. How long does it take to recover.

"Miaowu." Just when Zhao Lingjun was furious and wanted to release the Nether Bone Sword. Zhao Lingjun suddenly heard Xiaobai shout.

Zhao Lingjun couldn't help lowering his head, but saw Xiaobai stretched out his paw and nodded behind him.

Not far behind Zhao Lingjun, there was the huge six-color vortex that was constantly spinning.

"Holy shit, why am I not as smart as Xiaobai?" As soon as he saw the huge disaster, Zhao Lingjun felt a surprise in his heart.

"Why are you smiling so lewdly? What do you want to do?" Adaogang suddenly found a smile on the face of the impatient Zhao Lingjun in front of him. Such a smile made Adaogang a little creepy.

"Nothing?" Zhao Lingjun raised his little finger towards Adaogang. "Aren't you the messenger? Aren't you the invincible Xiaoqiang? Come here."

"Who is Xiaoqiang?" Adaogang just shook his head, trying to figure out which powerful monster Xiaoqiang was, when Zhao Lingjun suddenly appeared behind Adaogang.

"Xiaoqiang is your mother." Zhao Lingjun roared and kicked Adaogang hard in the butt.

"You actually kicked me in the buttocks again, are you creative?" Adone was about to express his dissatisfaction, but found that he had already flown towards the huge vortex.

"Ah-one" This discovery made Adao Gang's soul panic. After letting out a scream of extreme panic, Adao Nei waved his limbs desperately, trying to grab something to stop himself.

"Go to the land of reincarnation, but seeing as you look so ugly, you will definitely fall into the realm of animals."

But after Adaogang caught it for a long time, what he caught was a fireball thrown by Zhao Lingjun.


Adaogang was hit by Zhao Lingjun's flaming ball and fell into a huge six-color vortex that was constantly rotating, arousing a six-color stream of flames.

But the moment he fell in, Adaogang chanted an obscure spell in a voice that was full of loopholes and was extremely powerful.

This sound was like a burst of muffled thunder, rolling through the red clouds in the sky and reaching far away.

In just a moment, Zhao Lingjun heard countless sharp screams coming from the distance.

"Did this perverted masochist just call for help?" Zhao Lingjun's expression suddenly changed.

"Xiao Bai, hurry up, there is no time, take me to find them quickly."

Zhao Lingjun said eagerly to Xiaobai.

The battle just now had consumed a lot of Zhao Lingjun's energy. If there were a few more perverts like this who couldn't be beaten to death, Zhao Lingjun felt that even if he could win, he would still die of exhaustion.

Xiaobai seemed to know that the situation was urgent. After nodding quickly, he ran in one direction towards the top of the mountain.

"Are they there?" Zhao Lingjun was pleasantly surprised, but the look of surprise on Zhao Lingjun's face had not yet disappeared. A long roar came from the red clouds and flames dancing in the sky.

This whistle sounded in the distant sky, but in an instant, it had reached the top of Zhao Lingjun's head.

And after that long roar sounded, those countless sharp screams suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"What is it?" As soon as Zhao Lingjun raised his head, a white figure was already floating down from the red clouds.

Zhao Lingjun was greatly surprised. Zhao Lingjun thought that what was coming was another powerful monster, but what Zhao Lingjun didn't expect was that what appeared in front of him was a man wearing a white gown and wearing a long robe like an official of the Qing Dynasty. A handsome man with braids.

"Are you a human?" The handsome man in white seemed to be surprised when he saw Zhao Lingjun standing on the top of the mountain.

"Of course I am a human being." Zhao Lingjun looked at the man dressed in white with surprise and couldn't help but ask. "Who are you?"

"I am the soul-binding envoy of the Land of Underworld. My surname is Bai and my name is Wu Chang."

As soon as the man in white said these words, Zhao Lingjun almost fainted.

"Are you Bai Wuchang?" The image of Bai Wuchang in many Hong Kong movies appeared in Zhao Lingjun's mind, wearing a high hat and spitting out a long blood-red tongue. However, Zhao Lingjun could not compare that image with the suave and romantic figure at the moment. The man in white connects.

"Exactly." The man in white who claimed to be Bai Wuchang didn't seem to notice the horrified expression on Zhao Lingjun's face. The man in white couldn't help but mutter to himself while looking around. "The sound just now was clearly made by Adonei..."

"Have you seen Adaogang?" After looking around and finding no trace of the three-headed giant dog, Bai Wuchang turned back and asked Zhao Lingjun.

"Who is Adaogang?" Zhao Lingjun said shamelessly. "I just came down from it and I don't know anything."

Zhao Lingjun felt that he would be an idiot if he said that Adaogang was beaten into a pig's head by him and then kicked into the six realms of reincarnation. He might have fallen into the animal realm now.

Because Bai Wuchang and Adaogang must be familiar with each other, and judging from Bai Wuchang's posture of coming from the wind and traveling thousands of miles in an instant, Bai Wuchang is a master among masters.

Zhao Lingjun certainly didn't want such a master to turn against him immediately.

"Strange, did I hear it wrong?" The man in white looked at Zhao Lingjun strangely, "In the Land of the Underworld, except for the dead souls, there seems to be nothing that can attract a cultivator like you. Moreover, there are many dangers here. Even if you are a cultivator, Those with the ability to break through Yin and Yang rarely appear here."

After a pause, the man who claimed to be Bai Wuchang continued. "Why did you break through the yin and yang and come to the land of the underworld where only dead souls live?"

"I'm here to find the living soul of my friend." Seeing that Bai Wuchang didn't seem to have any ill intentions, Zhao Lingjun hesitated and said. "Their living souls were detained here by a vicious magic weapon, so I came to take their living souls back."

"Oh, so that's it." Bai Wuchang smiled and suddenly nodded behind Zhao Lingjun, "Are they some of them?"

"What? Them?" Zhao Lingjun turned around in surprise, but except for the huge six-color vortex, there was nothing behind Zhao Lingjun.

At the same time, a ferocious smile appeared on the face of Bai Wuchang, who originally looked gentle. Text Chapter 108: The gold-medal thug, White Jade Sword Heishuluo, is now the number one gold-medal thug in the hands of Lord Zhao Ling. As soon as Zhao Lingjun finished speaking, Heishuluo let out a weird and weird laugh.

On the ground around Heisui Shura, a patch of thorns like spears suddenly grew out. After a low cry like a baby crying, these thorns like spears rose into the air and shot toward the flying trees. The sky was white and impermanent, and the moment these thorns rose into the air, black flames began to appear on them.

In an instant, there seemed to be countless sharp arrows burning with black flames shooting at Bai Wuchang. The scene was very spectacular.

However, Zhao Lingjun didn't have time to watch this spectacular spell of Heishui Shura now, because after Xiaobai nodded towards Zhao Lingjun, he quickly ran along the bottom of the cliff.

"Are they there?" Zhao Lingjun ran a few steps and saw a big hole like a bridge under the cliff.

"Do you think a Black Asura can deal with me?" Zhao Lingjun was pleasantly surprised when he saw Xiaobai rushing into the big hole. But before Zhao Lingjun could reach the entrance of the cave, he heard Bai Wuchang's roar in the air.

Zhao Lingjun didn't want to pay attention to Bai Wuchang, but when Bai Wuchang's roar sounded, Zhao Lingjun suddenly felt a biting chill coming from behind him.

As soon as Zhao Lingjun turned around, he found that in Bai Wuchang's hand, there was a dagger that looked like white jade with a brilliant glow. The cold air emanating from the dagger seemed to make the surrounding temperature suddenly rise. A few degrees lower.

Bai Wuchang just swung his sword, and the black thorn rockets flying all over the sky released by Heishuluo were suddenly covered with a layer of white cold mist, and they fell one after another.

When these thorns fell to the ground, they made a sound like ice falling to the ground, and then turned into fragments on the ground.

The power of this sword made Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but gasp, but Heishuluo is now a puppet warrior who has no thinking and only knows how to fight, so now Heishuluo doesn't know what fear is at all.

When Bai Wuchang swept down all the black thorn rockets with one sword, Heishuluo had already started to cast the second spell.

A huge black skull appeared above Black Shura out of thin air.

Black Shura casts spells very quickly. But Bai Wuchang is faster than Heishuluo.

After Bai Wuchang swept down all the black thorn rockets with one sword, he took advantage of the situation and stabbed Heishuluo with one sword.

There was at least a distance of more than ten feet between Bai Wuchang and Hei Jin Shura in mid-air. But as soon as the huge black skull released by Heisen Qianluo appeared above him, a white ray of light that was like substance emitted from the dagger in Bai Wuchang's hand had already reached the top of Heisen Shura's head.

The huge black skull cast by the black screen Shura was suddenly shot into pieces by the white glow in Bai Wuchang's hand. After crushing the huge black skull, the white ray of light suddenly hit Heishuluo.

"Jie Ai—" Hei Yi Shura only had time to let out a scream, and a huge hole was opened in his body by the white glow. Almost two-thirds of Hei Yi Shura's body from his chest to his abdomen disappeared instantly. .

Heishui Shura just swayed and fell back.


From the time Zhao Lingjun turned around to the time Heishaura fell down, it only happened in an instant.

Before Zhao Lingjun could react, Bai Wuchang's second sword had already stabbed towards Zhao Lingjun.

Zhao Lingjun knew that if he was hit by that white glow, he would die.

So Zhao Lingjun rolled on the ground quickly to avoid the white glow.

When Zhao Lingjun jumped up from the ground quickly, the white bone Nether Sword with eight door panels appeared next to Zhao Lingjun again.

But in just a moment, Zhao Lingjun's eight-sided White Bone Netherworld Sword only reached four sides.

Bai Wuchang just swung his sword. A white ray of light smashed the white-bone Netherworld Sword into pieces.

"What kind of sword is this, so powerful?" When Zhao Lingjun drove his remaining four-sided white bone Netherworld Sword to shoot at Bai Wuchang, he felt a chill rushing from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

It had only been a few minutes since Bai Wuchang sacrificed the white dagger, but Zhao Lingjun saw that even the red rocks within a few feet of him had begun to have white cold mist.

"Haha." Bai Wuchang smiled arrogantly, and smashed the remaining four-sided Bone Netherworld Sword of Zhao Lingjun with another sword.

"How long can your Dao power last?" After Bai Wuchang shattered Zhao Lingjun's four-sided white bone ghost sword, he pointed his sword towards the sky. Zhao Lingjun instantly used the lightning technique to attract a bolt of lightning, which was actually caught by Bai Wuchang's hand. The white rays of light emitted from the dagger shot back and exploded into countless blue arcs in the air.

When the blue arc disappeared, white snow began to fall in the red sky.

"Come on, take another blow from my sword."

Bai Wuchang thrust out his sword, and a white glow swept towards Zhao Lingjun again.

A green fire light lit up around Zhao Lingjun, and Zhao Lingjun's figure suddenly disappeared in the green fire light. The white glow passed through Zhao Lingjun.

But when the white glow disappeared, Zhao Lingjun appeared unscathed.

"I didn't expect you to have such a defensive spell." Bai Wuchang looked at the Void Yin Yang Sword in Zhao Lingjun's hand in surprise. But after a moment, Bai Wuchang's face was filled with a proud smile again. "This spell must consume a lot of Dao power. Your Dao power must be lost very quickly now."

"It's not a big deal. This spell of mine doesn't cost me much power at all." Zhao Lingjun transformed the Void Yin Yang Sword again and avoided another ray of light. Although the white glow is extremely powerful in attack, it fortunately does not have the ability to break through the void. But when he said this, Zhao Lingjun's mouth felt bitter.

The Void Yin Yang Sword is certainly one of the most power-consuming spells. When using the Void Yin Yang Sword, Zhao Lingjun could clearly feel that his Tao power was rapidly draining away. However, without using this spell, Zhao Lingjun could not think of any spells he had that could block Bai Wuchang's sword. The white rays of light emitted from the dagger.

Zhao Lingjun felt as if he had cut the artery in his hand and watched his blood pour out.

"Ha ha."

Of course Bai Wuchang would not believe Zhao Lingjun's words. Even an idiot ascetic could figure out that this kind of spell was extremely energy-consuming. It was certainly impossible for someone as cunning as Bai Wuchang not to notice it.

"One sword, two swords, three or four swords, all shot into the void." So Bai Wuchang just shamelessly attacked Lord Zhao Ling with the white glow on his dagger in the air, while making fun of Lord Zhao Ling. "Why is your face getting paler and paler?"

"Is there any?" Zhao Lingjun smiled reluctantly. "It's snowing, are you dazzled?"

"Oh, really?" Bai Wuchang felt happy in his heart. Now Bai Wuchang felt that he was a cat playing with a mouse, and Zhao Lingjun was the mouse being played with.

"It seems that my attack is not enough. Come on, use a few more swords." Bai Wuchang quickly thrust out a few more swords.

"Wait." After a few flashes of white light from Bai Wuchang, Zhao Lingjun gasped and sat down on the ground, "No more playing."

"What's wrong?" Bai Wuchang looked at Zhao Lingjun proudly. "No more?"

"Let me go, I'm a big man, what can't I do?" Zhao Lingjun, whose face turned pale, nodded behind Bai Wuchang. "Look what's behind you?"

"Hahaha, you did this again, do you think I will still believe you?" Bai Wuchang held the dagger and smiled as if he was convulsing. "You think I'm a fool."

"You are just stupid," Zhao Lingjun smiled and said to Bai Wuchang.

"How is that possible?" Bai Wuchang looked at the three thorns burning with black flames that suddenly protruded from his chest and turned his head in disbelief.

"How could it still be alive?"

Bai Wuchang looked behind him at Heishui Shura, who was standing staggeringly, with the flesh and blood growing rapidly on his chest, and his eyes were full of incredulity.

"Of course my little brother will not die so easily." Zhao Ling looked at Bai Wuchang.

The place where the arrow hit Bai Wuchang's chest had begun to melt like warm butter.

"It's a pity that you are about to die." Zhao Lingjun sighed.

"I..." Bai Wuchang's eyes were blood red, and the three black thorn rockets on his chest seemed to have caused all the strength in Bai Wuchang's body to disappear without a trace in a moment. But Bai Wuchang reluctantly raised his hand, wanting to stab Zhao Lingjun again.

But before Bai Wuchang could raise his hand, Zhao Lingjun disappeared from the place and appeared below Bai Wuchang.

A green flame suddenly swept from bottom to top and swept through Bai Wuchang's body.

After being seriously injured, Bai Wuchang's movements were no longer as fast as usual, and Zhao Lingjun's attack had already exceeded Zhao Lingjun's limit.

In the flames of the Void Yin Yang Sword that could even burn the soul, Bai Wuchang let out a shrill scream and turned into a green ball of fire.

With a "ding" sound, the white dagger in Bai Wuchang's hand fell not far in front of Zhao Lingjun. Text Chapter 109: Dongji Qinghua and Taiyi save the suffering: "What's the trouble? Just stay in your underworld and I'll leave as soon as I'm done. It's good that we don't offend the river. The worst is that you can do it next time Go to the underworld, and I'll treat you to a feast at the best restaurant." Zhao Lingjun looked at Bai Wuchang and shook his head.

At this time, Bai Wuchang's entire body in the air had been burned into pieces of fly ash by the green flames of the Void Yin Yang Sword, looking extremely miserable.

However, Zhao Lingjun had no sympathy for Bai Wuchang, because Zhao Lingjun knew that if Bai Wuchang didn't know that his soul-fixing nail could allow the puppet warrior to quickly repair his body, he would probably be the one who turned into ashes at this time.

After Zhao Lingjun took a look at Bai Wuchang, whose body turned to gray, he panted and walked forward, grabbing the white dagger that fell not far in front of him.

When Zhao Lingjun picked up the white dagger, Zhao Lingjun thought that the tentacles must be bone-deeply cold, because when the white dagger fell in front of Zhao Lingjun, the cold air emanating from it almost made Zhao Lingjun shiver.

But what surprised Zhao Lingjun was that the tentacles were actually warm. This gentle feeling made Zhao Lingjun feel very warm, and the cold air around him seemed to be dispelled immediately.

"It's getting bigger now." The feeling of the tentacles and the incomparable power displayed by the sword just now made Zhao Lingjun certain that this sword was not an ordinary magic weapon.


Just when Zhao Lingjun was about to take the sword in front of him and take a closer look, Xiaobai ran out of the cave again.

When he saw Xiaobai, Zhao Lingjun realized that he might not have much time left.

If we don't hurry up, not to mention that we can't save Lin Qianxun and others, I'm afraid even I will become a zombie in this ghost place.

"My little friend, please stay."

Zhao Lingjun smiled sheepishly at Xiao Bai, knowing that this was not the time for him to study magic weapons. But just as Zhao Lingjun took a step toward the big hole, Zhao Lingjun heard such a voice coming from the midair behind him.

"Who is coming back here?"

Zhao Lingjun's heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

The one who can appear behind Zhao Lingjun silently is definitely a master even more powerful than Bai Wuchang.

But now that Zhao Lingjun's Dao power is almost exhausted, even if a parallel importer like Adao Nei comes here at this time, Zhao Lingjun may not be able to deal with it.

When he turned around, Zhao Lingjun felt that he was more desperate than a desperate sashimi.

But as soon as he turned his head, Zhao Lingjun was completely stunned as if he had been struck by petrification magic.

A huge white lotus flower floats quietly in mid-air.

Nine white petals are constantly emitting soft and sacred white light, and a man with bare feet, white clothes and a kind face is sitting cross-legged on this huge lotus platform. Above his head, there is a man exuding There are nine colors of halo, and in the void behind him, there are also several white lotus flowers that are constantly opening and closing.

As these lotus petals continue to open and close, a warm and peaceful power slowly emanates from this man with bare feet and a kind face, making people unable to help but have the urge to worship him.

"Who are you?" Zhao Lingjun stared blankly at the man sitting cross-legged on the huge white lotus platform and asked in a sleepy tone.

"I am Dongji Qinghua Taiyi, the Suffering Heavenly Lord." The man in white with bare feet and a kind face looked at Zhao Lingjun with eyes full of compassion.


For a moment, Zhao Lingjun's heart felt as if someone had hit him with a huge hammer. In an instant, Zhao Lingjun had lost the ability to think.

"Are you the Suffering Heavenly Lord?" Zhao Lingjun suspected that what he heard was not true.

But Zhao Lingjun saw the man in white wearing bare feet and nodded slowly.

With a "bang", Zhao Lingjun almost turned his eyes and fainted.

Zhao Lingjun almost fainted because Taiyi's reputation for saving Ku Tianzun was so great.

If there is a Taoist alchemist who says that he does not know the name of Taiyi, the God who saved the suffering, he will definitely be considered an idiot by the other Taoist alchemists.

Because even Caiwu like Zhao Lingjun learned from Xu Mi that among the gods believed by Taoist alchemists, the most noble one is the "Three Pure Ones and Six Legs".

The three pure natures refer to the emptiness of nature, the three pure Taoist ancestors Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun, and Daode Tianzun.

The six-legged ones refer to the Jade Emperor, the Supreme Emperor of Haotian, the Emperor Gouchen, the Emperor Ziwei of the Arctic, the Emperor Houtu, the Emperor of Antarctic Immortality, and the Supreme Emperor Taiyi who saves suffering.

In other words, Taiyi Tianzun is in the minds of Taoist alchemists. It is on the same level as the Jade Emperor, the highest ruler of the Three Realms.

If a Jade Emperor suddenly appeared in front of you, would you be so surprised that you fainted

"Do these legendary divine mansions really exist?" Zhao Lingjun looked up at the man in white sitting on the huge lotus platform, and took a deep breath, but even though this was the case, Zhao Lingjun still couldn't Keep your mind calm.

"My little friend, it seems you have heard of my name?" The barefooted man in white looked at Zhao Lingjun with a smile.

"The East Pole Qinghua Taiyi, also known as the Ten Directions' Heavenly Savior of Suffering, is called the Great Compassionate One in the world, the Sun Yao Emperor in hell, the Lion Ming King in the outside world, and the Dongyuan Emperor in the Water Mansion." Zhao Lingjun looked at the man in white. "As a cultivator, who doesn't know that Taiyi saved Ku Tianzun?"

After Zhao Lingjun paused, he looked at the man in white with bare feet and said, "Then here, should I call you Sun Yao Xingjun, or King of Hell?"

"There is another person in the Ten Palaces of Hell. I am just a practitioner who occasionally lives here." The man in white with bare feet said with a smile.

"Then what are you doing here?" Zhao Lingjun took a deep breath, "Is it because I killed Adaogang and Bai Wuchang? Do you want to kill me to avenge them?"

"In the underworld, there are no living creatures, so how can there be any concept of life and death." The barefooted man in white looked at Zhao Lingjun and smiled. "Everything has an effect and a cause. This is their destined disaster. What does it have to do with you?"

"Then why are you here?"

"I'm here to persuade you to leave quickly." The barefoot man in white looked at Zhao Lingjun with compassionate eyes. "Everything has a cause and an effect, and every effect must have a cause. There are certain rules for the movement of all things and the three realms. If you disrupt these rules, it will bring about many unpredictable disasters."

"Breaking Yin and Yang and disrupting the order of the Three Realms will lead to unpredictable consequences." After a pause, the man in white looked at Zhao Lingjun and continued. "do you understand?"

"You mean, what I have to do now is to give up saving my friends and leave quickly?" Zhao Lingjun took a deep breath and said.

"Yes." The man in white nodded, looked at Zhao Lingjun and said. "The reason why they appear here is because they have planted such a cause before, and if you disrupt the order of the Three Realms and take them out forcibly, perhaps it will cause more consequences."

"Perhaps there are more spellcasters who will learn from you and break through the yin and yang to get here to save their friends or relatives." After a pause, the man in white continued, "If this is the case, maybe the order of the three realms, There will be complete chaos, and I don’t know how many people will die because of you.”

Zhao Lingjun listened to the words of the man in white, and before he knew it, he was covered in cold sweat.

Zhao Lingjun felt that what the man in white said made sense, but Zhao Lingjun vaguely felt that something was wrong, but for a while he couldn't say what was wrong.

Seeing Zhao Lingjun's hesitant look, the man in white thought that Zhao Lingjun had been moved by what he said.

"Go quickly, you still have time to leave now." The man in white clasped his hands together, and nine lions suddenly appeared beside him, breathing white flames from their mouths and noses. "You have been here for such a long time. If you stay any longer, you will not be able to go back. By then, you will also become a walking zombie here."

The man in white thought that after he said this, Zhao Lingjun would definitely give up saving his friend and go back to where he originally came from.

But the man in white didn't expect that when he heard his words and saw the nine lions spitting flames around him, the hesitant look on Zhao Lingjun's face suddenly disappeared.

Zhao Lingjun looked coldly at the man in white on the huge white lotus, "I don't care if I am acting against heaven or not. I only know that they are my friends, and I will never let them die like this."


"If you want to stop me, I will have to kill you too."

"You actually dare Taiyi to save Ku Tianzun..."

The man in white on the ninth-grade lotus platform looked in disbelief at Zhao Lingjun who suddenly appeared next to him and the white dagger stuck in his chest.

White frost spread quickly along the chest of the man in white.

"Of course I dare." Zhao Lingjun suddenly pulled out the sword from the chest of the man in white and kicked the man in white out of the lotus platform, "Because you are not the Taiyi Suffering God at all." Text 111 Chapter 10: The Illusion of Nothingness, Returning to the World "How do you know that I am not Taiyi, the Lord of Suffering? How could you see through my illusion of nothingness?" Following a burst of mourning, the figure of the barefooted man in white slowly became blurred and distorted, becoming It became what Bai Wuchang was like at the beginning. It's just that this Bai Wuchang figure is faint, as if it is just formed by the gathering of thin mist, as if a gust of wind can blow it away.

"The Great Sage, the Great Merciful, the Great Compassionate, the Great Will, the great Taiyi who saves the suffering, how can such a great benevolent person threaten people like me with force?" Zhao Lingjun slowly floated down in the void, The nine-grade lotus platform and nine fire-breathing lions behind him slowly faded, and then turned into nothingness. "Although your fantasy pit is so real, there are some things you can't imitate."

"On this basis, you dare to attack Taiyi to save Ku Tianzun?" Bai Wuchang looked at Zhao Lingjun in disbelief. As the white frost on his chest slowly expanded, Bai Wuchang's seemingly blurred figure began to slowly change. light.

"I have no choice." Zhao Lingjun looked at Bai Wuchang and said with a wry smile, "Even if it is a real god or Buddha, if I are not allowed to save my friend, I will have to fight hard."

"You..." Bai Wuchang looked at this man who dared to defy heaven and kill gods. He seemed to want to say something more, but he only had time to say one word. The already blurry figure had already disappeared into the red flying stars flying all over the sky. In the blood-red sky of flames.

Bai Wuchang lost his physical body under the Void Yin Yang Sword, and his soul was seriously injured. With a breath of his own vitality, he was almost exhausted by the illusion of nothingness. Bai Wuchang originally wanted to scare away Lord Zhao Ling with the illusion of Taiyi Tianzun, and then slowly restore his vitality by swallowing the living soul, but unexpectedly, he received a fatal blow from Lord Zhao Ling. Bai Wuchang at this moment. Finally, all his energy was lost and his soul was gone.

"You should have really died this time." Zhao Lingjun looked up at Bai Wuchang disappearing into the sky and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

But where Bai Wuchang's figure disappeared, a white bead fell quickly.

"What is this?"

Zhao Lingjun stretched out his hand and caught the white bead.

But as soon as Zhao Lingjun caught the white bead, a strange black bird with a long tail appeared in front of Zhao Lingjun out of thin air, making a sharp cry and circling in front of Zhao Lingjun.

As soon as Zhao Lingjun saw this strange black bird with a long tail, his expression suddenly changed.

This strange black bird with a long tail is not a terrifying enemy. This strange black bird with a long tail is just the talisman of the Wumen.

This strange black bird with a long tail is called a chime bird. It appears at this time, which means that an hour is coming soon.

"Why hasn't he come back yet?"

Cao Xiaoxian looked at the white candle that was about to be extinguished and asked Wu Xiaoye absentmindedly.

"He will definitely come back." Wu Xiaoye replied affirmatively to Cao Xiaoxian, looking at the flickering candlelight that might be extinguished at any time. But when he said this, Wu Xiaoye's body began to tremble slightly.

"Yes. He will definitely come back." Cao Xiaoxian took a deep breath and repeated Wu Xiaoye's words.

But as soon as Cao Xiaoxian finished speaking, the white candle suddenly went out.

"An hour is up." Wu Xiaoyi felt like the world was spinning, and the world in front of him suddenly lost all color.

At this time, Zhao Lingjun also felt that his eyes had lost all color.

Zhao Lingjun only felt that all the colors would gather on the white beads in his hand, and then radiate out through the white beads.

When the chiming bird appeared in front of Zhao Lingjun, Zhao Lingjun knew that the wisest thing to do was to cast a spell and go back immediately. But when he saw the big black hole not far in front of him, Zhao Lingjun decided to give it a try.

If you could see the living souls of Lin Qianxun and others as soon as you entered, there would still be enough time. However, as soon as Zhao Lingjun rushed in, what he saw at a glance was a long corridor with no end.

"Am I unable to save them after all?" Zhao Lingjun's heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

At this moment, the time bird that had been hovering in front of Zhao Lingjun and screamed sharply suddenly disappeared in front of Zhao Lingjun.

The disappearance of the time-telling bird means that an hour has arrived.

As the time bird disappeared, a strong feeling of tiredness came over. Zhao Lingjun desperately told himself not to fall asleep. However, at this time, Zhao Lingjun found that no part of his body seemed to be under his control.

Zhao Lingjun only felt that his consciousness was slowly beginning to blur, as if there was an invisible force that was slowly peeling it away from his body.

"Looks like I'm going to die this time too." Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

But just when Zhao Lingjun was about to close his eyes and wait for death, Zhao Lingjun suddenly felt a cool feeling, which quickly spread throughout his body from his hands.

The intense tiredness suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"What's going on?" Zhao Lingjun opened his eyes in surprise. Zhao Lingjun found that all his consciousness seemed to have returned to his body at once.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Zhao Lingjun felt as if all the colors in the world were gathered on the white beads in his right hand, and then emitted through the white beads.

When Zhao Lingjun put the white bead in front of his eyes, he only saw this white bead like crystal, exuding a soft luster, and among the white beads, there was a white lotus with nine petals. Stop opening and closing. With every opening and closing of the lotus, a warm, gentle but seemingly compassionate power slowly emanates from the beads.

And wrapped in that kind of warm, soft but seemingly full of compassionate power, there seems to be some cool feeling slowly seeping into his own meridians from around the body, and his nearly exhausted Tao power seems to be recovering little by little. In recovery.

This feeling made Zhao Lingjun feel as if he had returned to the human world. It seemed that wrapped in the power emanating from this bead, heaven and earth had reestablished contact with Zhao Lingjun.

"What kind of bead is this? How can it have such power." Zhao Lingjun looked at the bead in his hand in shock, almost unable to believe that it was real.

When a ray of silver light shot out from the red clouds rolling in front of Wu Xiaoye, Wu Xiaoye was already heartbroken.

Because at this time, nearly an hour and a half had passed, and even the loose immortals in the human world could not stay in the place where the underworld leads for an hour and a half.

At this time, even the magic circle is about to close.

In Cao Xiaoxian's eyes, it seemed that even Wu Xiaoye's face was lifeless.

But when the silver light shot out from the tumbling magic circle of red clouds, Cao Xiaoxian saw Wu Xiaoye's face glowing with the brilliance of life again.

"What is that?" Cao Xiaoxian couldn't help asking in a trembling voice.

"He's coming back." Wu Xiaoye's voice was indescribably trembling.

As soon as Wu Xiaoye's voice fell, the silver light suddenly spread out, a huge thunder sounded in the sky, and the foaming red clouds and the huge Eye of Samsara in the magic circle disappeared immediately.

When the silver light disappeared, Zhao Lingjun's figure suddenly appeared in front of Wu Xiaoyi's Cao Xiaoxian.

"MLGBD. I almost died this time."

"You're finally back. But there are girls here, can't you stop being so rude?"

Wu Xiaoye looked at Zhao Lingjun with a smile, but his eyes were already blurry.

"Sorry." Zhao Lingjun looked at the two women in front of him with tears in their eyes, made a magic spell, and took the soul-guiding umbrella in his hand. "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

After a pause, Zhao Lingjun showed a tired smile again and said to Wu Xiaoye: "Wu Xiaoye, please help me perform the soul-returning technique. My Tao power is not enough to perform the soul-returning technique now."

"What happened down there just now? How could you persist down there for such a long time?" Cao Xiaoxian looked at Zhao Lingjun in disbelief. He wanted a person with the power of Sanhua Juding to spend all his energy. Tao power, what kind of danger does that represent

"It's a long story." Zhao Lingjun smiled bitterly and took the white beads and the white jade-like dagger in his hand. "Let's first take a look at what these two things are."

"Especially this bead. Without it, I would have become a zombie in the underworld." Zhao Lingjun paused and said with acceptance.

A freezing cold air and a warm and soft power suddenly filled the surroundings of Wu Xiaoye and Cao Xiaoxian.

Although the two of them didn't know where the two things in Zhao Lingjun's hand came from, just by feeling the surging power emanating from these two things, they both knew that the two things in Zhao Lingjun's hand were definitely not ordinary. A magic weapon.