Celestial Employee

Chapter 48: Black Dragon Flower


"What's so strange about this? It's probably unknown to anyone that the famous industrialist Wu Xuanyun is actually a monster who has been cultivating for thousands of years." The old librarian smiled, and when he said this, he still looked dazed. With a sleepy expression, he didn't even raise his head.

But when the old librarian raised his head, the old librarian was so surprised that even the reading glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose almost fell to the ground.

"When did you achieve the perfection of the golden elixir?"


Wu Xuanyun smiled, but before he could answer, a white fluffy white cat and a young man walked in from the library door again.

"The golden elixir has just begun to form, the three flowers have gathered at the top, and the five qi are in full swing?" The old librarian just glanced at the white fluffy cat and the young man and almost fainted.

"Am I dazzled by sleep?" The old librarian couldn't help but want to take off his reading glasses and wipe them before putting them back on.

But as soon as the old librarian took off his glasses, he heard the young man who walked in respectfully shout "Senior Gu."

"Who are you?" Gu Xuanbei looked at the young man who called him senior suspiciously.

"He is my master." Wu Xuanyun said before Zhao Lingjun could answer.

"So you are his master." Gu Xuanbei glanced at Zhao Lingjun and said to himself, "No wonder he has such profound power."

"This fellow Taoist's beauty-preserving technique is very exquisite." After Gu Xuanbei finished talking to himself, he looked at Xiaobai again, and after sighing in admiration, he said to Lord Zhao Ling: "Even you The Taoist pets you have subdued all have such profound Taoist practices. It seems that the Taoist friends are not unknown people. I just don’t know why you call me senior?"

"Senior Gu, I don't know any beauty-preserving skills."

Zhao Lingjun's answer made Gu Xuanbei gasp. "I'm only twenty-five years old this year, so of course I have to call you senior."

"What did you say?" Gu Xuanbei couldn't help but look at Wu Xuanyun who was smiling. Gu Xuanbei thought that Zhao Lingjun must be joking with him, but Gu Xuanbei saw Wu Xuanyun nodded towards him.

"Did the sun come out from the west today?" Gu Xuanbei looked at the blue sky through the glass window of the library.

"Senior, today's sun rises from the east and sets in the west as usual." Zhao Lingjun looked at Gu Xuanbei and smiled. "The reason why I was able to reach the state of three flowers gathering at the top and five qi heading towards the origin is entirely due to a coincidence and I took an elixir passed down from ancient times."

After a pause, Zhao Lingjun looked at Gu Xuanbei and continued: "But I'm curious, why can senior be able to tell at a glance what level of our Tao power we have reached?"

Gu Xuanbei glanced at Zhao Lingjun, narrowed his eyes and smiled, "The Wumen also has the same Qi-gazing technique as the Taoist Xuanmen. I just happened to learn a little bit."

"Qi-gazing technique? Can you tell the level of other people's power at a glance? Then if you fight with someone, can't you tell at a glance whether the opponent can beat him or not?" Zhao Lingjun drooled all over the floor. "This spell seems to be very useful. Can you teach me it?"

With a bang, Wu Xuanyun and Gu Xuanbei almost fainted.

"Cough. Cough." Wu Xuanyun couldn't help coughing twice, reminding Zhao Lingjun to pay attention to his image and not to forget the true purpose of coming here.

"You're not here to learn Qi-watching from me, right?" Gu Xuanbei felt that this young man was becoming more and more interesting.

"Oh, I forgot about business." Zhao Lingjun smiled sheepishly and looked at Gu Xuanbei.

"I came to see Senior this time because I want to ask Senior to help me save people."

"Rescue people?" Gu Xuanbei looked at Zhao Lingjun strangely. "Save whom?"

"Wait a moment."

Before Gu Xuanbei could react, Lord Zhao Ling had already rushed out. Then in less than three minutes, two people who seemed to be sleeping deeply were placed on the table in front of Gu Xuanbei, making the library look like a corpse display room.

"You, what if you are seen by someone walking in like this..." Gu Xuanbei looked at Zhao Lingjun dumbfounded.

"Oh, it doesn't matter." Zhao Lingjun smiled sheepishly, and a black talisman appeared in Zhao Lingjun's hand, and then turned into a black crow.

The black crow flew around Zhao Lingjun and others before disappearing again.

What Zhao Lingjun cast was the Black Witch Sect's Judgment-breaking Talisman Crow. Zhao Lingjun believed that since Gu Xuanbei was known as the Witch King, he must know this spell, so he could naturally settle down and check what was wrong with the two of them.

"The black witch sect's sense-breaking talisman crow?"

As expected by Zhao Lingjun, Gu Xuanbei recognized this spell. However, what surprised Zhao Lingjun was that after seeing him cast the consciousness-breaking talisman crow, Gu Xuanbei's expression suddenly changed.

"Who are you? How come you know the magic of the Black Witch Sect?"

Gu Xuanbei's expression changed, and with just a slight movement of his fingers, countless black whirlwinds like tiny tornadoes circled around him.

"Senior, what are you doing?" Zhao Lingjun was startled by Gu Xuanbei's actions.

"What are you doing?" Gu Xuanbei looked at Zhao Lingjun coldly. The wrinkles on his face slowly disappeared, his gray hair moved without any wind, and even his eyes turned pitch black. The countless tiny tornadoes swirling around him suddenly turned into countless little black dragons with teeth and claws, looking indescribably weird. "Three years ago, the Black Witch Sect was suddenly attacked and wiped out. How come you still know the Black Witch Sect's spells?"

"You also know that the Black Witch Clan has been exterminated?"

"Do you think I really don't know anything about me living here in seclusion?" Gu Xuanbei's face was filled with murderous intent. "Your Black Witch Sect's spells must have been learned after using the Soul Searching Technique."

Gu Xuanbei suddenly misunderstood and thought that Lord Zhao Ling was one of the Taoist alchemists who attacked the Black Witch Sect that day. So after finishing speaking, before Wu Xuanyun could speak, Gu Xuanbei had already taken action.

Gu Xuanbei believed that the young man standing across from him was one of the murderers of everyone in the Black Witch Clan, so his move was of course a killing move. And Gu Xuanbei had spent ten years challenging masters from various Wu Sect factions, and his combat experience was certainly not comparable to that of ordinary people. Gu Xuanbei just moved his finger, and a black shield covered with oracle bone inscriptions appeared between Gu Xuanbei and Zhao Lingjun. When the black shield appeared, dozens of tiny black dragons coiled around Gu Xuanbei. , and had already rushed towards Zhao Lingjun from all directions.

It was obvious that Gu Xuanbei was using a spell that was both offensive and defensive, and extremely powerful.

"I*." Zhao Lingjun did not expect that Gu Xuanbei would make a move all of a sudden, and although those black dragons were small. But before he reached Lord Zhao Ling, Lord Zhao Ling had already felt the terrifying power coming from those black dragons.

In his eagerness, Zhao Lingjun only had time to use Maoshan's technique of shrinking into an inch, teleporting ten meters away and dodging a combined attack from these living black dragons.

"Maoshan Shu can shrink the ground to an inch." Gu Xuanbei sneered. "You turn out to be from the Maoshan Sect."


"This is a misunderstanding..."

Zhao Lingjun and Wu Xuanyun didn't have time to defend themselves.

Gu Xuanbei had already moved his hands and activated the magic formula.

"You so-called orthodox sects think you are the authentic sect. Is it true that the Taoism of our witch sect is not as good as yours?"

In the cold shout of Gu Xuanbei, the bodies of dozens of black dragons that missed the attack suddenly grew dozens of times.

Dozens of black dragons, as thick as buckets and several meters long, immediately surrounded Zhao Lingjun. More than half of the entire library was filled with these black dragons writhing up and down, baring their teeth and claws. Zhao Lingjun looked at the black dragon rolling in front of him like a thick layer of dark clouds, and felt that everywhere in the library was filled with an aura of destruction.

After dozens of black dragons surrounded Zhao Lingjun, they all rushed towards Zhao Lingjun, as if they were scrambling to eat Zhao Lingjun.

"White Bone Netherworld Sword? Qingming Bell?"

But among the black dragons rolling all over the sky, a circle of Netherworld Bone Swords like door panels suddenly appeared, and then a green aura appeared, like an upside-down bell, protecting Zhao Lingjun's whole body.

"You actually know the magic of Huang Quan's lineage?"

Gu Xuanbei was stunned, but Gu Xuanbei's black dragon did not pause at all. The huge heads of several flying black dragons, the fastest, had suddenly hit Zhao Lingjun's Netherworld Bone Sword.

With a loud "bang" sound, fine lines visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared on the Netherworld Bone Sword, which was rotating like a shield. The mouths and noses of those black dragons were also hit with black flames, and they looked very painful.

"Sure enough, such profound Taoist power." Gu Xuanbei praised. "But my Lingyi Black Dragon Flower is not so easy to resist."

Before Gu Xuanbei finished speaking, more black dragons had already bumped into Zhao Lingjun's Netherworld Bone Sword.

In just an instant, all the Netherworld Bone Swords owned by Zhao Lingjun were reduced to pieces.

"His black witchcraft was learned from Wu Xiaoye." At this time, Wu Xuanyun finally intervened.

"What? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Gu Xuanbei was stunned for a moment.

"NND, did you give me a chance to say it?" Wu Xuanyun looked at the fragments of the White Bone Nether Sword flying in the sky and the cyan aura that became lighter and lighter under the impact of the black dragon. "You haven't put away the spell yet."

Gu Xuanbei showed an ugly smile towards Wu Xuanyun. "After I cast my Lingyi Black Dragon Flower, I cannot take it back.