Celestial Employee

Chapter 56: Text 136-140


"Yeah, how could the fog come up again after it broke?" Chao Yanzi looked at the fog that suddenly surged in front of his eyes and said blankly.

"Fuck, I was asking you, but you asked me instead." Yang Ming was about to be pissed off by Chao Jiezi, and while holding the Blood Coagulation God in his hand on guard, he yelled at Chao Jiezi. "Is there really a hole in your head?"

"You ask me, who am I asking?" Chao Yanzi looked at Yang Ming aggrievedly and said, "How do I know that the fog will come out after the formation is broken?"

"You..." Yang Ming couldn't help it anymore and wanted to catch Chao Jianzi.

But at this moment, Jin Wuzi from Wangwushan shouted at the entrance of Huajingyuan Community, "Four fellow Taoists inside, please don't panic, I will help you blow away this fog right away. Please be careful to avoid being plotted by the Wumen."

Jinwuzi shouted while opening the pocket of the hurricane bag. When the strong wind from the hurricane bag swept out, Jin Wuzi felt secretly happy. Jinwuzi felt that it was a great honor to be able to blow away the fog when so many people were helpless. Although Jinwuzi had already been in the spotlight just now, Jinwuzi didn't mind being in the limelight again.

As soon as he heard Jin Wuzi's cry, Yang Ming stopped trying to catch Chao Jianzi to death, while Shi Lang and Yu Ping also sacrificed their own magic weapons and concentrated on alert.

Everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance looked at Jin Wuzi's hurricane bag, thinking that it would only take a while for the fog to be blown away by the hurricane released by Jin Wuzi, which was comparable to a Category 10 wind.

But what surprised everyone was that when the opening of the hurricane bag was opened and a gust of hurricane roared out from Jin Wuzi's hurricane bag, a sudden gust of wind also came from the mist shrouding the Huajingyuan community. A whistling sound.

Before all the members of the Witch Suppression Alliance could react, an extremely violent wind and wave swept over them.

This wave of wind and waves was more fierce than the hurricane released by Jinwuzi's hurricane bag. The hurricane cast by Jin Wuzi had already been blown back by the extremely violent wind and waves before it even touched the mist.

"Everyone, be careful." Yin Jing's face changed drastically. Just as he exclaimed, among the people in the Witch Suppression Alliance standing at the gate of the community, some of the people with lower cultivation levels were already blown backwards by the strong wind. After a long while, I heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground and a scream like a pig being killed.

"What's going on?" Jin Wuzi looked at the hurricane bag in his hand in disbelief, unable to believe that this was real.

Although his cultivation was advanced, the strong wind just now did not blow Jinwuzi's hair, but Jinwuzi's hair was also blown back together, turning into a very funny hairstyle.

"Is there any powerful magic circle inside?" Yin Jingzhi, who came back to his senses, looked at Jin Wuzi's hairstyle and wanted to laugh but couldn't.

"Ah. Ah, ah. Ah."

Wu Jingzi from Tianjing Sect shook his head. Just when he was about to say that this was impossible, the fog-shrouded community heard four squawks just like before, four squawks like a duck that had suddenly been strangled by the neck.

The faces of the people from the Witch Suppression Alliance suddenly changed. Most of them couldn't help but glance at Jinwuzi who was holding the hurricane bag, but Jinwuzi was holding the hurricane bag, but he didn't know if he was going to take action.

Jinwuzi felt that if he used the hurricane bag again and another hurricane hit in the fog, he would really be embarrassed and thrown into grandma's Penghu Bay. But if he doesn't take action, so many people will look at him eagerly. After Jinwuzi hesitated for a moment, he still raised the hurricane bag in great pain.

When he raised the hurricane bag, Jin Wuzi had already decided in his heart that if the hurricane was unsuccessful again, he would immediately make up a lie and say that the hurricane bag could only be used three times a day and could not be used again today to save the money. Continue to be embarrassed.

But what surprised Jinwuzi was that as soon as Jinwuzi raised the hurricane bag, the fog shrouding the Huajingyuan community automatically dispersed.

But when the fog dissipated, all the members of the Witch Suppression Alliance froze as if they had been struck by petrification magic.

Yang Ming and the other four were also safe and sound.

It's the height of summer, and summer nights can be so hot that even the frigidest woman's pants will get wet. But Yang Ming and the other four people, except for their heads, were all covered in a thick layer of ice and snow.

From a distance, it looks like four more ice sculptures suddenly appeared in the Huajingyuan Community. The four people didn't know whether they were fainted by the sudden cold or were knocked unconscious, and there was no sound at all.

The four people still maintained a vigilant posture, but all the magic weapons in the hands of Yang Ming and others were missing.

"What should I do?" Jinwuzi stared blankly at the two Qingcheng sect disciples lying on the ground in the Huajing Garden, and the four guys who were frozen like ice sculptures. He gasped and asked Yin Jingzhi.

After hearing Jinwuzi's words, Yin Jingzhi hesitated slightly, but after a moment, Yin Jingzhi made his decision, and a ferocious and cold smile appeared on Yin Jingzhi's face.

"Strong attack, everyone, prepare to cast spells." Yin Jingzhi gave a loud order to all the people in the Witch Suppression Alliance. "The people from the Wumen are all hiding in these houses, like a turtle with a shrunken head. They take advantage of people's attention and attack in secret. We will smash the houses here to see where they can hide."

"Okay." All the people in the Witch Suppression Alliance cheered loudly. Many people clamored that they should have done this a long time ago, that they should have taken action together to blast this community to pieces, and save the people from the witch sect from pretending to be magic.

"Who said that we people from the witch sect are just shy turtles?"

Just as all the witch-suppressing alliances were cheering loudly, a long voice sounded from the high platform built with black stone boulders in Huajingyuan Community.

The high platform of black boulders was originally empty, but after a wave of mana, a group of people suddenly appeared on the high black platform.

With the appearance of this group of people, all the closed street lights in the entire community turned on, and the entire community was suddenly brightly lit.

"What a clever deception."

The sudden appearance of a large number of people on the black platform shocked everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance. None of the people from the Witch Suppression Alliance discovered how this large group of people sneaked onto the high platform.

The sudden lighting of street lights made many people in the Witch Suppression Alliance uncomfortable. It took a while before these people got used to it and could clearly see the scene on the high platform.

As soon as these people saw the scene on the high platform, they were all stunned again.

The entire high platform was surrounded by large black flags embroidered with the witchcraft logo. Under the light of the lights, it looked indescribably solemn.

In the middle of the high platform, there was a Taishi chair covered with black fur. A smiling young man, wearing a white robe like a priest in a witch sect, sat lazily in it, quietly watching the witch hunt. Everyone in the alliance.

"Who is playing tricks over there?"

Most of the people in the Witch Suppression Alliance were startled when they saw this young man appearing on the high platform without knowing it. They stopped the spells they were about to cast and the magic weapons they were about to sacrifice. But among the Wangwushan faction, Huo Yunzi, who was as fierce as fire, shouted at the young people in the stands. Huo Yunzi is the elder of Wangwushan, and he is one generation higher than Jinwuzi, the current head of Wangwushan. Huo Yunzi, who has a fiery personality, has long been very dissatisfied with Yin Jing's direct probing.

Just when Yin Jingzhi felt something was wrong, Huo Yunzi had already finished the magic spell.

"Let you taste my Fire Cloud Arrow."

Following Huo Yunzi's loud shout, countless rockets suddenly appeared in the void above Huo Yunzi's head. Huo Yunzi waved his hand, and those countless rockets condensed by flames screamed towards the high platform from all directions. Came over the young man who was lounging in the chair.

Suddenly, fire clouds and arrows as dense as a shower filled the entire sky, blocking all the exits for the young man who was lazily sitting on the Taishi's chair.

"Okay." The powerful power of the Fire Cloud Arrow made many people in the Witch Suppression Alliance couldn't help but shout "Okay."

But before the cry disappeared, a circular water curtain suddenly appeared around the young man, protecting his whole body.

All the fire cloud arrows shot at the water curtain turned into a line of white smoke and disappeared into the air with a puff.

"Taiyi True Water Cover."

A cry of exclamation sounded among the crowd in the Witch Suppression Alliance.

"Are you from Tianyi Pavilion?" Yin Jingzhi suppressed the horror in his heart and shouted to the young man on the black stone platform. "who are you?"

"The Taoism of the world is unified, and those who are covered by the Taiyi True Water of Huitian Pavilion may not necessarily be from Tianyi Pavilion." The young man sitting lazily in the Grand Master's chair smiled slightly. "I'm Lord Zhao Ling."

"Jun Zhao Ling?" Everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance was stunned because no one had ever heard of this name.

"Are you from the witch sect? Where is the witch king Gu Xuanbei?" Yin Jing asked directly after looking at the people around him in surprise.

Zhao Lingjun smiled slightly and said nothing. A black cloud fell from the sky, landed next to Zhao Lingjun, and slowly transformed into a human form.

The human form slowly changed from light to thick, and then converged into an arrogant old man.

After looking around for a week, the old man smiled proudly and said, "Gu Xuanbei is here."

"Black Cloud Dragon Soaring Technique, Witch King Gu Xuanbei?" Yin Jingzhi took a deep breath, and his voice rolled down from the clouds like thunder.

"I am Gu Xuanbei." Gu Xuanbei smiled, looked at Zhao Lingjun sitting on the Grand Master's chair and said. "It's just that I'm not the Witch King now, he is."

"What?" The eyes of the people from the Witch Suppression Alliance dropped to the floor.

"Why, doesn't it look the same?" Zhao Lingjun said to the people of the Witch Suppression Alliance with a smile. The surprised expressions on the faces of the members of the Witch Suppression Alliance did not surprise Zhao Lingjun.

"I don't care who among you is the real Witch King. Anyway, you are all evildoers of the Witch Sect." Just now, in front of so many people, Zhao Lingjun used Taiyi True Water to break his own eyes with just a few gestures. Huo Yunzi felt very humiliated by Huo Yunzi.

So while most people in the Witch Suppression Alliance were still considering who Zhao Lingjun was, Huo Yunzi had already started chanting another powerful spell.

"The two of them are pretending to be gods, so let me use the Fire Dragon Whirlwind move."

After a deep chant, a fire dragon flew out from Huo Yunzi's hand. It was originally only as thick as an arm and about one meter long, but in the blink of an eye, it had turned into a huge dragon as thick as a bucket and about ten meters long. Fire dragon. The flames flying from the fire dragon's body and the huge heat it radiated made the people in the Witch Suppression Alliance who were close to Huo Yunzi couldn't help but spread out to avoid being burned by the fire dragon.

Yin Jingzhi originally wanted to drink Zhihuo Yunzi, but when he saw the power of this spell, Yin Jingzhi shut his mouth. Yin Jingzhi also wanted to see how deep the Taoism of the mysterious guy named Zhao Lingjun and the imposing-looking Gu Xuanbei on the black stone platform really was. At this moment, Huo Yunzi is obviously the best touchstone.

After the huge fire dragon circled Huo Yunzi for a week, it bared its teeth and claws and pounced towards Zhao Lingjun and Gu Xuanbei.

While the huge fire dragon was still a long way away from the black stone platform, the temperature around the black stone platform had already risen several degrees.

The summer air was originally extremely hot, but now, the air surrounding the black stone platform seemed to be ignited by the huge fire dragon.

If they were pounced by this fire dragon, Zhao Lingjun and Gu Xuanbei would definitely be burned into two pieces of coke. However, looking at the huge fire dragon flying towards them, Zhao Lingjun and Gu Xuanbei just smiled slightly, as if they were not at all. Don't take that huge fire dragon seriously.

"Ji" Under the light of the fire, the expressions on the faces of Zhao Lingjun and Gu Xuanbei made Huo Yunzi feel very unhappy. After shouting, Huo Yunzi used all his Tao power to the extreme, huge The flames on the fire dragon's body suddenly more than doubled.

But at this moment, the people in the Witch Suppression Alliance suddenly felt a huge fluctuation of mana in the air. In the black night sky, a burst of sound suddenly came from the sky.

As soon as the members of the Witch Suppression Alliance raised their heads, they saw a batch of huge green logs suddenly falling from the black night sky, and suddenly hit the fire dragon.

The flames on the fire dragon's body seemed to be about to ignite the air. However, when those huge green original clothes hit the fire dragon, not only were they not ignited, but they also hit the fire dragon's mouth and nose. , all spouting fire.

"Qinglong Taiyi Falling Wood Technique" Huo Yunzi's expression changed, and he only had time to utter a cry of surprise. The huge fire dragon was smashed into flying fire by the falling Qinglong Taiyi wood.

"Can this be considered a fire dragon?" Amidst a burst of ridicule, two figures quickly fell from the black night sky.

When they landed next to Zhao Lingjun on the black stone platform, all the people from the Witch Suppression Alliance realized that they were two young people, a man and a woman.

The man was dressed in red, his face was covered with burn scars, and he looked extremely ugly. The woman standing next to him was wearing a green dress, but she was extremely beautiful.

When the two people stood together, all the people in the Witch Suppression Alliance inexplicably thought of a sentence from Beauty and the Beast.

The ridicule just now came from the mouth of the young man whose face was covered with scars.

"You..." Huo Yunzi was forcibly broken through the fire dragon whirlwind by Qinglong Taiyi's Falling Wood Technique. His whole body was boiling with energy and blood. As soon as he heard these words, Huo Yunzi's vision went black and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

But the young man with a face full of scars didn't seem to give up.

"You seem to like playing with fire?"

The young man with a scarred face had just landed on the stone platform and smiled at Huo Yunzi who spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"It just so happens that I also like to play with fire. Would you like to try one of my tricks?"

A white line of fire shot out from his finger, making a shrill sound of breaking through the air, and flew towards Huo Yunzi.

After landing on the stone platform, the young man with a scarred face moved his hands slightly, and a white line of fire shot out from his fingers, making a shrill sound of breaking through the air, and flew towards Huo Yunzi.

"It's just in time." Although he had just spit out a mouthful of blood, after the mouthful of blood was sprayed out, Huo Yunzi's blood and energy returned to calmness. When he saw this young man who was half angry to death taking action against him, A ferocious smile appeared on Huo Yunzi's face.

Huo Yunzi has specialized in fire Taoism all his life. In the Taoist sect, it can be said that there are few people who are better than Huo Yunzi in fire magic. Now this young man is so arrogant. He first insulted himself, and now he openly wants to fight with him. When he tested fire spells on his own, Huo Yunzi suddenly became murderous.

Huo Yunzi's hands danced rapidly, and a huge wave of mana suddenly surged in the air.

More than a dozen golden beads, like a barrage of cannons, flew out of Huo Yunzi's hand and hit the white line of fire shot towards him by the scarred young man.

In the eyes of others, these dozen golden beads seemed to be much less powerful than the fire dragon just now.

But in fact, the dozen golden beads released at this moment were already Huo Yunzi's effort to press the bottom of the box.

This spell is called "Condensing Fire into Pills, Golden Beads Continuously Shooting". Although these dozen golden beads may seem very inconspicuous, in fact, these dozen golden beads are not metal beads. , but used magic power to forcibly compress countless flames and condense them into flame beads. Among these dozen flame beads, the flame condensed in any one can be equal to the flames on the fire dragon just now.

Huo Yunzi felt that even if Qinglong Yimu was shot by his golden flame beads just now, it would ignite a huge fire. These dozen or so flame beads of my own can definitely scatter the line of fire shot from the hands of that ugly young man, and then burn the young man into a piece of coke.

But Huo Yunzi didn't know that he was facing Suzaku, one of the four divine beasts in the past. Even Zhu Rong, the God of Fire, had to give way to him. Playing with fire spells in front of Suzaku is as ridiculous as playing with a machete in front of Master Guan.

Before Huo Yunzi could react, the white line of fire in Suzaku's hand had already passed through a dozen golden flame beads.

The people of the Witch Suppression Alliance felt their eyes dazzle as the white line of fire in Suzaku's hand, already clad in more than a dozen golden flame beads, flew past Huo Yunzi's head.

"Ah", Huo Yunzi only had time to scream, and the hair on his head had already turned into a ball of flame.

By the time the people around Huo Yunzi put out the flames on Huo Yunzi's head, there was not even a hair on Huo Yunzi's head.

"Haha, you were originally a Taoist priest, so you can become a monk."

Although Huo Yunzi, who had all his hair burned off, was not injured at first, when he heard Suzaku's words, Huo Yunzi's eyes darkened, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and passed out.

"You can vomit three liters of blood in a spell competition. You can be regarded as the best person in ancient and modern times." Zhuque had obviously watched too many Stephen Chow movies. After looking around at the people in the Witch Suppression Alliance, Suzaku shouted arrogantly, "Who else?"

Zhuque's arrogance suffocated everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance, but Yin Jingzhi was not intimidated. After taking a step forward, Yin Jingzhi looked at Suzaku and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm Zhuque?" Zhuque looked at Yin Jing and smiled.

"Suzaku?" There was a gasp among the people in the Witch Suppression Alliance. The name of Suzaku, one of the four ancient mythical beasts, is too loud.

Huo Yunzi had already woken up at this time. As soon as he heard these words, Huo Yunzi fainted again.

"Are you the Suzaku who escaped from the Demon Subduing Formation in Danxia Mountain?" Yin Jingzhi took a deep breath and looked at Suzaku and asked. "Why are you hanging out with people from the witch clan?"

"He is my boss. If I don't stay with him, who will I stay with?" Zhuque smiled, looked at Yin Jing and said, "You asked me so many questions, why don't you tell me, you Who are you and what do you want to do here?"

"I am suppressing..." Yin Jingzhi was about to say, I am the leader of the Witch Suppressing Alliance. I am here to catch all the people in the witch sect, killing all the men and snatching away the women. But when he thought about the situation in front of him, The strength these people had just shown made Yin Jingzhi a little hesitant.

"We are from the Witch Suppression Alliance, and we are here to destroy the witch sect." Yin Jingzhi hesitated for a moment, but before he could say anything, a voice sounded beside Yin Jingzhi.

"Who..." Yin Jingzhi turned his head angrily, wanting to see who was talking so much, but when Yin Jingzhi turned his head, he found that the person speaking was Jin Wuzi, the head of Wangwushan.

"Leader Yin, what if we Mingren told them the truth instead of telling secrets?" Jinwuzi didn't seem to notice the anger on Yin Jingzhi's face, and shouted to the black stone platform, "Guxuanbei, today we are so These people are here to destroy your witch sect. If you surrender obediently and die, I can even reward you with your whole corpse."

"You..." Yin Jingzhi was not a fool. When he heard what Jin Wuzi said, Yin Jingzhi's heart became clear. The sects in this witch-suppression alliance, except for Wangwushan, basically came for fame and fortune, but this Wangwushan was different. Wang Wushan came here mainly to seek revenge. Originally, Yin Jingzhi looked at the strength of the Wumen Suppressors and wondered if he should take a look at the signs. But after Jinwuzi said this, it seemed that this battle was inevitable. Yin Jingzhi wanted to slap Jinwuzi to death with one palm, but At this time, Lord Zhao Ling on the high platform was already talking with a smile.

"Eradicate the Wumen?" Zhao Lingjun asked Jinwuzi with a smile, "Why should we exterminate the Wumen? Did the Wumen do anything that was harmful to nature?"

Jinwuzi originally thought that if he said this, Zhao Lingjun, Gu Xuanbei and others would rise up and attack. If seventy or eighty people on his side fought back together, no matter how high the other party's cultivation level was, they probably wouldn't be able to withstand it. But Jinwuzi didn't expect that when Zhao Lingjun heard what he said, he didn't seem angry at all, he just smiled and asked such a sentence.

Such a question made Jin Wuzi stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

"People from the witch sect specialize in using sorcery to harm people, and everyone knows it." Seeing his leader stunned, a disciple of Wangwushan yelled very arrogantly.

"Knowing how to use evil magic to harm people?" Zhao Chenjun smiled again when he heard this. "What kind of evil magic? Why didn't I know about it?"

"Your witch sect, your witch sect... Many of the spells in your witch sect are based on the bones of the dead. They are really extremely vicious."

"Using the bones of the dead as a guide is called evil?" Zhao Lingjun narrowed his eyes and looked at the Wangwushan disciple. "Then today's hospitals are transplanting other people's organs in order to save people. Why don't you say that they are also using organs from dead people? It's extremely vicious."

"..." Zhao Lingjun's words made the disciple of Wangwushan speechless for a while, but after a moment, the disciple of Wangwushan still argued forcefully: "Anyway, everyone knows that many of Wumen's spells are used to harm people. You don’t have to quibble.”

"I'm cunning?" Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but laugh when he heard these words. "Where's the evidence?"

"So many of us know this, do we still need evidence?"

"So many of us know that your mother picked you up from a brothel, do you still need evidence?" Suzaku said. This Wangwushan disciple almost rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Stop talking nonsense with them." After hearing what Suzaku said, many people in the Witch Suppression Alliance started shouting, "The witch sect and these monsters are mixed together. It must not be a good thing. Let's kill them all."

"At the end of the day, isn't it the truth that the winner is the king and the loser is the enemy? Since ancient times, whoever has a stronger fist will speak the right words. The reason why the Wumen is called evil by you is not because you, the righteous Taoist sect, have harder fists. Huh?" Hearing the clamor of so many people from the Witch Suppression Alliance, a proud smile appeared on Zhao Lingjun's face. "It's just that if you want to kill us all today, I'm afraid it won't be that simple."

As soon as Zhao Lingjun's words came out, the entire Huajingyuan community inside and outside suddenly became silent.

Because everyone can hear it. Once Zhao Lingjun says these words, it is equivalent to declaring war on seventy or eighty people.

"Leader Yin, what are you waiting for? There are so many of us, why should we be afraid of a few of them?"

While Yin Jingzhi was still hesitating, Jin Wuzi from Wangwu Mountain and Mei Riqing, the headmaster of Luofu Mountain, had already secretly said to Yin Jingzhi.

Yin Jing glanced at the many faces around him with their own ulterior motives, and suddenly felt vaguely that it was not a good thing for him to be elected as the leader of the alliance this time.

But now that the matter has come to this, Yin Jingzhi feels that he has no choice now.

There are seventy or eighty people in the Witch Suppression Alliance, and there are about ten sects. There is no reason to be intimidated by just a few people. When he thought of this, Yin Jingzhi hardened his heart and loudly issued an order to everyone in the Wumen.

"Kill them."

"Haha, let them kill." Along with Yin Jingzhi's order came Suzaku's lewd laughter.

The people of the Witch Suppression Alliance were already ready to make a move, so when they heard Yin Jingzhi's order, the speed of these people's actions could be said to be very fast.

In just an instant, countless rockets, lightning, fireballs, hail and other colorful brilliance filled the entire sky.

But what lit up the entire sky first was not the spell cast by the fastest spell caster among the seventy or eighty people, but the overwhelming fire crows.

As soon as Suzaku's laughter rang out, a group of black figures appeared on the roof behind Zhao Lingjun and others. In each of those people's hands, there was a small pot that glowed red and looked like a shrunken chamber pot.

When many members of the Witch Suppression Alliance just started chanting, those people had already taken off the lid of the pot.

As soon as the lid of the pot was opened, countless fire crows rushed out from the mouth of the pot and swept towards the people of the Witch Suppression Alliance.

Anything that reaches a certain amount will become very scary. The overwhelming fire crows now make people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

When the entire sky was filled with flying fire crows, many members of the Witch Suppression Alliance were so scared that they even forgot to cast spells.

The rockets, lightning, fireballs, hail and other magic attacks that had been launched towards Zhao Lingjun and others were hit head-on by the fire crow that filled the entire sky, and were immediately swept away without a trace.

The Fire Crow, which had washed away those spell attacks, did not stop at all and poured down towards the crowd of the Witch Suppression Alliance.

Although there are many skilled people in the Witch Suppression Alliance, many of them are just ordinary ascetics. When their spell attacks are instantly defeated, these people lose their defense capabilities.

So in just a moment, these people were hit by the fire crow, and their whole bodies were ignited with fire.

Although the flames on the fire crow are not much different from ordinary flames, even ascetics will not feel good after the clothes all over their bodies are ignited.

Countless screams suddenly filled the entire Huajingyuan Community. Many people with flaming bodies were rolling on the ground, trying to put out the flames on their bodies. The entire Huajingyuan Community seemed to have turned into a human world. Purgatory.

"How could this happen? Is the magic weapon in the hands of those people a pot of manows?" Although the fire crows flying in the sky could not hurt Yin Jingzhi at all, he saw a lot of people in the Witch Suppression Alliance rolling and wailing on the ground. , the shock in Yin Jingzhi’s heart was still unparalleled. "Why do they have so many Manadopots?"

Yin Jingzhi didn't know that after mastering the manufacturing method of the Mango Pot, the Manado Pot had become a regular magic weapon for Zhao Lingjun and others. Now, let alone Lin Yiren and others, even Lin Qianxun and Meng Xue Everyone has one hand.

"Can everyone please stop for now?"

As Zhao Lingjun's voice sounded, the woman in green standing next to Zhao Lingjun suddenly turned into a blue cloud and flew into the sky.

And in a moment, a heavy rain poured down, extinguishing the flames of the people in the Witch Suppression Alliance.

At the same time, eight white bone Nether Swords as thick as door panels appeared beside Zhao Lingjun, as well as a stream of cyan energy, blocking the spell attacks of some members of the Witch Suppression Alliance who launched a counterattack in an instant.

"White Bone Netherworld Sword, Green Underworld Bell?" Zhao Lingjun's defensive spell surprised many people in the Witch Suppression Alliance, so when Yin Jingzhi started to stop everyone, most of the people in the Witch Suppression Alliance had already Automatically stopped.

"How come you still know how to use the Nether Bone Sword?" Yin Jingzhi stopped and looked at Zhao Lingjun in disbelief.

"I told you that Taoism is unified in the world, and the spells of Wumen and Nether Masters are just a type of Taoism." Zhao Lingjun looked at Yin Jingzhi and said slowly. "It's just that you don't believe it."

"Fart, how can our Xuanmen's authentic Taoism be confused with the evil arts of Wumen and Netherworld Masters." As soon as Zhao Lingjun's words came out, many people from the Witch Suppression Alliance shouted.

"It doesn't matter whether I fart or not." Zhao Lingjun glanced at all the people from the Witch Suppression Alliance and said slowly, "But do you think you can kill us so easily today?"

As soon as Zhao Lingjun's words came out, the people of the Witch Suppression Alliance suddenly became quiet again.

Originally, the people of the Witch Suppression Alliance thought that the people of the Wumen were nothing more than meat on a knife board, but now it seems that even if the people of the Witch Suppression Alliance can kill Zhao Lingjun and others, they may be present Most of the people have to lie down.

"Do you think you can scare us like this?"

When everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance suddenly fell silent, someone snorted coldly.

"I have already learned about your Fire Crow, now you should also learn about my Golden Light Cone."

"TMD, who is so awesome?" Yin Jingzhi turned his head in frustration, only to find that it was Wangwushan's Jinwuzi who was shouting loudly.

Jinwuzi was holding a small golden awl in his hand. When Yin Jing turned his head, Jinwuzi just stabbed it out.

When the golden cone pierced out, golden light suddenly flashed on the small golden cone. After a huge fluctuation of mana, a huge golden cone suddenly appeared in the void. This golden cone suddenly appeared in the void. The shape of the body is exactly the same as the golden cone in Jinwuzi's hand, but the size of the two is different by an unknown number of times.

The small golden cone in Jinwuzi's hand was only the size of a child's fist, but the golden cone that fell from the void and stabbed Zhao Lingjun, Gu Xuanbei and others was like a small mountain peak.

If such a huge golden cone hits a person, that person will probably be hit so hard that even the scum can't be found.

Yin Jingzhi was still scolding Jinwuzi in his heart, but when he saw the power of Jinwuzi's golden light cone, Yin Jingzhi could only sigh in his heart, "I didn't expect that Wangwushan actually has such a high-level magic weapon."

Most of the people in the Witch Suppression Alliance gasped when they saw the golden light cone displayed by Jin Wuzi at this moment. Many people believe that no matter how powerful Zhao Lingjun and others on the giant platform are, they will probably be smashed to pieces by Jinwuzi's golden light cone. But what surprised these people was that when the golden cone like a mountain slammed hard at Zhao Lingjun, Gu Xuanbei and others, Zhao Lingjun, Gu Xuanbei and others did not even move at all.

"Are these people scared out of their wits?" She Daofei of the Qingcheng faction looked at the golden cone of light cast by Jinwuzi with envy, while looking at Zhao Lingjun, Gu Xuanbei and others strangely. She Daofei thought that Zhao Lingjun and others must have been frightened, otherwise even if they did not use magic to resist, they would at least use magic to hide.

But before She Daofei's thoughts disappeared from his mind, She Daofei saw a middle-aged man suddenly appear behind Zhao Lingjun.

The middle-aged man who flashed out was Wu Xuanyun.

As soon as Wu Xuanyun flashed out, a burst of blue light appeared on his body.

When the huge golden cone fell, the green light emerging from Wu Xuanyun condensed into a translucent huge tortoise shell with Bagua and Star Morning patterns on it, floating above the heads of Zhao Lingjun and others, protecting them. Covered the entire stone platform.

"Xuanwu Bagua Armor?" In Jinwuzi's exclamation, the huge golden cone suddenly hit the translucent huge tortoise shell with Bagua and star patterns on it.

In the banging air waves, Wu Xuanyun and Jinwuzi made a muffled sound together, but the huge tortoise shell of Bansu Ming floating above Zhao Lingjun and others was safe and sound, and the huge tortoise shell cast by Jinwuzi The golden cone disappeared into the void with a huge wave of mana.

"Are you Xuanwu?" After letting out a muffled groan, Jinwuzi looked at Wu Xuanyun who suddenly appeared next to Zhao Lingjun in disbelief.

Because according to legend, only Xuanwu, one of the four great beasts, has a natural protective magic circle, Xuanwu Bagua Armor.


Wu Xuanyun's face turned slightly red when he heard Jin Wuzi's question. Wu Xuanyun originally wanted to honestly say that although he was also a thousand-year-old turtle demon who had successfully cultivated, he was not born with Xuanwu. The one I just used was not the Xuanwu Bagua Armor, a protective magic circle that Xuanwu was born with, which is said to be the best in the world in terms of magic resistance. It was the magic weapon Bagua Star Morning Armor that Zhao Lingjun used his tortoise shell to make for himself.

But Wu Xuanyun only had time to say one word before Zhao Lingjun said it without blushing and out of breath. "Yes, he is Xuanwu."

"What?" Jinwuzi and others certainly didn't expect that Zhao Lingjun would lie in front of so many people without blushing and out of breath. In addition, the magic circle Wu Xuanyun just cast was indeed like the legendary Xuanwu magic circle. Xuanwu Bagua A, so Jin Wuzi, Yin Jingzhi and others immediately believed that Wu Xuanyun was Xuanwu.

There has just appeared a Suzaku who can play with Samadhi True Fire as easily as playing with candles. Now there is a legendary Xuanwu who has unparalleled protective magic circle ability. All the people in the Witch Suppression Alliance only feel that their future is bright. Darkness.

"Haha." Seeing the expressions on the faces of everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance, Zhao Lingjun seemed not satisfied. After smiling, Zhao Lingjun clapped his hands toward the sky.

"What else is there? Suzaku and Xuanwu have already come out, how can a green dragon come out?" She Daofei glanced at the dark sky with tears in his eyes, but at a glance, She Daofei wanted to slap himself. A slap in the face.

Sure enough, a huge green dragon appeared in the dark sky.

Zhao Lingjun just clapped his hands in the sky, and a huge lightning flashed in the sky, lighting up the entire sky. Under the light of lightning, a giant dragon with five tails hovered in the clouds for a while, then turned into a blue cloud and landed next to Zhao Lingjun.

"Are you actually a five-tailed blue dragon?" Yin Jingzhi looked at the girl in green clothes who was as cute as a little white flower in disbelief, and felt a chill running from the soles of her feet to the top of her head.

"What? It doesn't look like it?" Qing Lan smiled straight at Yin Jing and made a face. "How about I take off my clothes and show you my dragon scales?"

"Okay, okay." When Suzaku heard Qinglan's words, his eyes couldn't help but light up. But Yin Jingzhi and others almost rolled their eyes and fainted.

"You know now that I'm not bragging?" Zhao Lingjun looked at the horrified people in the Witch Suppression Alliance. He moved his hands, and a white lotus slowly bloomed in Zhao Lingjun's hands. A gentle but powerful wave of mana suddenly spread along the entire high platform.

"*, the boss is pretending again." Suzaku looked at Zhao Lingjun depressedly and said in his heart.

But the people from the Witch Suppression Alliance suddenly exploded.

"Tao Dharma transforms into lotus." "Three flowers gather at the top, five qi rise towards the origin..." There were gasps from everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance.

"I know you are outnumbered. Maybe if you really put your life into it, you will be the winner in the end." Amid the gasps of the witch-suppressing crowd, Lord Zhao Ling, who was holding a lotus flower, looked like a complete magic stick. "But in the end, how many people can you get?"

When the people of the Witch Suppression Alliance heard what Zhao Lingjun said, they couldn't help but look at Yin Jingzhi.

Everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance knew that Zhao Lingjun was definitely not bragging. If they really fight with their lives, maybe the 70 or 80 people can finally kill Zhao Lingjun and others, but just if these few people in front of them fight with their lives, it is estimated that a large number of people from the Witch Suppression Alliance will fall, let alone I wonder if there are any other masters hiding in the dark corners of the Wumen.

"Holy shit. How could I rush to be the leader of this SB alliance?" As soon as he saw everyone looking at him, Yin Jingzhi couldn't help but cursed in his heart that I was a super SB.

Yin Jingzhi was not a fool. Yin Jingzhi knew that if he said that he would fight with them at this time, the Witch Suppression Alliance might still kill all the people from the witch sect in the end, but Yin Jingzhi knew that he would probably not survive.

Everyone probably understands the principle of capturing the thief first. Yin Jingzhi felt that if he talked about starting a war, he would definitely be killed first.

But if he refused to take action at this time, Yin Jingzhi felt that the Laoshan Sect would never be able to raise its head again.

Yin Jingzhi felt that he was embarrassed to death, but at this moment, an idea flashed in Yin Jingzhi's mind.

"God has the virtue of good life." Yin Jingzhi's first words made the people of the Witch Suppression Alliance confused. But Yin Jingzhi ignored the reaction of everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance and continued speaking while looking at Zhao Lingjun on the giant stage. "Fellow Taoist Xiangbi, he doesn't want to commit more crimes."

"Of course." Zhao Lingjun held the white lotus and said in a very magical way. "I'm a pacifist."

"If we both go to war, there will definitely be casualties on both sides." Yin Jing looked straight at Zhao Lingjun and said. "But since ancient times, Taoism and witchcraft have been incompatible. Since we are here, we naturally can't leave like this, right?"

"Yes, what do you want?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Yin Jingzhi with great interest and asked.

"How about we each pick out a few people. How about a few separate competitions?" Yin Jingzhi looked at Zhao Lingjun sincerely. "How about we both finish the order?"

"That's it? That's a good idea." Zhao Lingjun smiled, "What about the winner, and what about the loser?"

"If we win, you Wumen people will not be allowed to use any spells from now on. How about that?"

"You won't need any magic from now on?" Zhao Lingjun smiled, looked at Yin Jing and said. "Then what if you lose?"

"If we lose, from now on all of us Taoist and Xuanmen present will admit that your Wumen is also the authentic Taoist school and will no longer cause trouble to your Wumen. How about that?"

"I*, so shameless, actually more shameless than me."

As soon as Yin Jingzhi's words came out, Jin Wuzi couldn't help but gasp.

Because these two bets are really unequal. From now on, there is no need to use any magic. Doesn't that mean that you can only be passively slaughtered? And even if so many Taoists and Xuanmen present admit that Wumen is the authentic Taoist school, other Taoists and Xuanmen who have not come will still not admit Wumen. The gate is the authentic Xuanmen sect.

Jinwuzi felt that Zhao Lingjun would not agree to such conditions unless his head was broken.

But what surprised Jinwuzi was that Zhao Lingjun actually smiled and said. "This suggestion seems interesting."

After hearing Zhao Lingjun's words, Jin Wuzi was not the only one who was shocked. Even Yin Jingzhi, who shamelessly mentioned the unequal bet, was also stunned.

Yin Jingzhi originally thought that Zhao Lingjun would reject his proposal without even thinking about it.

Because Yin Jingzhi originally said so many words just to find a way out for himself. Yin Jingzhi originally thought that when Zhao Lingjun rejected his proposal, he would take this opportunity to tell the people in the Witch Suppression Alliance, if the people of the Wumen do not accept my proposal, do you have any good ideas

In this way, Yin Jingzhi can leave this hot potato to others.

But Yin Jingzhi never expected that Zhao Lingjun would agree to his proposal right away.

"Then how many games do you think we can play?" So much so that when Zhao Lingjun asked Yin Jingzhi with a smile, Yin Jingzhi didn't even react.

"How about we fight thirteen games." Yin Jingzhi didn't react, but Jin Wuzi had already rushed to say.

"Thirteen games? I*." This time it was Yin Jingzhi who gasped. Yin Jingzhi felt that Jin Wuzi was even more shameless than himself.

But Jinwuzi seemed to think it was not enough, and added: "Those who appear in the competition cannot appear again, how about that?"

Yin Jingzhi heard what Jinwuzi said and couldn't help but glance at Jinwuzi. Yin Jingzhi felt that Jinwuzi was really shameless to a certain extent. Yin Jingzhi felt that Zhao Lingjun would definitely not agree to Jinwuzi's proposal, because this time in the Witch Suppression Alliance There were so many experts coming, it was not difficult to pick out thirteen. However, from the beginning to the present, the Wumen has only had five masters, including Gu Xuanbei, who has never taken action. Even if the Wumen wins all five games, the people of the Witch Suppression Alliance only need to take the next eight games. If they win seven games here, the Witch Suppression Alliance will be sure of victory.

But Zhao Lingjun's answer surprised Yin Jingzhi again.

"Okay, thirteen games will be thirteen games." Zhao Lingjun smiled and said while looking at all the people in the Witch Suppression Alliance. "Those who have competed in the competition cannot appear again. It sounds fair."

"Did you really agree to thirteen individual matches?" Yin Jingzhi looked at Zhao Lingjun in disbelief.

"That's right, just thirteen separate competitions. Whichever side wins more games will be the winner." Zhao Lingjun smiled slightly. "What's the bet? It's as good as what you just said. If we win, you Taoists will admit that our Wumen is also the authentic Taoist school. From now on, you can't cause us any trouble. And if we lose, we I won’t use any more spells from now on.”

"Are you telling the truth?" Zhao Lingjun's answer made the people of the Witch Suppression Alliance overjoyed.

"Of course it's true." Zhao Lingjun looked at the people from the Witch Suppression Alliance and smiled, "You should know that the people of the Witch Sect value their integrity the most. The words I say are stronger than the nails driven into the wall*."

"That wall must be a hollow wall of rotten wood." After hearing Zhao Lingjun's words, Suzaku and others thought in their hearts.

But Yin Jingzhi and others believed in Zhao Lingjun's words.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's set it to thirteen separate competitions." Yin Jingzhi now began to wonder if Zhao Lingjun was a mentally retarded child.

But Yin Jingzhi didn't know that he had fallen into Zhao Lingjun's trap step by step.

"However, this bet alone seems not exciting enough." Zhao Lingjun nodded and looked at Yin Jingzhi and said, "How about we both add some bonuses to make the competition more exciting?"

"A little bonus? What bonus?" Yin Jing was stunned.

"How about we use the magic weapon of the losing side in each match as a lottery?"

"Using the losing party's magic weapon as a bonus?" As soon as Zhao Lingjun said these words, many people in the Witch Suppression Alliance became clear-eyed.

"Why don't you bring even one magic weapon with you and think about robbing our magic weapon?" Yin Jingzhi took a deep breath and looked at Zhao Lingjun and said.

"If we can't win in thirteen games, even if we win the magic weapon in some games, what's the use?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Yin Jing and smiled, "But you can come and steal our magic weapon without bringing it. .”

"Hehe, how could it be possible?" Yin Jing smiled and looked at Zhao Lingjun, but thought in his heart, if the opponent were you, the people we sent would not bring any magic weapons.

"Then it's settled?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Yin Jing and smiled.

"Everyone present testifies." Yin Jing looked straight at Zhao Lingjun and smiled. "a man of his words."

"Okay, in that case, please select thirteen people to take the stage."

In the midst of laughter, Zhao Lingjun soared into the air with his chair and landed on the side of the huge stone platform.

In the small building behind Zhao Lingjun, a group of people also walked out one after another and walked to Zhao Lingjun's side.

The people from the Witch Suppression Alliance were stunned again.

The people of the Witch Suppression Alliance were stunned, not because the people who walked out had mana fluctuations as strong as those of Suzaku and Qinglan, but because half of the people who walked out were actually peerless beauties.

As soon as the four beauties Wu Xiaoye, Lin Qianxun, Meng Xue, and Cao Xiaoxian stepped out, the moonlight in the sky seemed to have lost its original color.

"Are these women also going to compete on stage?" The people from the Witch Suppression Alliance took a look and found that excluding these women, there were less than thirteen men from the witch sect combined.

"It would be great if this was a martial arts competition to recruit a bride." Many people from the Witch Suppression Alliance couldn't help but swallow their saliva when looking at these beauties, thinking in their hearts.

"We are all here." Zhao Lingjun looked at Yin Jingzhi and said. "Where are your people?"

"There are so many of us, why are we afraid that there will be no one?" Jin Wuzi interrupted after hearing what Zhao Lingjun said. "As long as you send people, we will naturally have people on stage to challenge."

"This guy is indeed a talent." Upon hearing Jin Wuzi's words, Yin Jingzhi couldn't help but admire in his heart.

Of course, Yin Jingzhi knew it and came out later. In such a competition, he took a huge advantage. Yin Jingzhi believes that everyone except fools should understand this truth. But Yin Jingzhi now feels that Zhao Lingjun is such a handsome man, and it is very likely that he will fall into Jinwuzi's scheme.

Just as Yin Jingzhi expected, Zhao Lingjun said casually. "In this case, our Wumen will send people to the scene first."

After laughing, Zhao Lingjun nodded to Suzaku beside him.

As soon as he saw Zhao Lingjun nodding towards him, Suzaku happily jumped to the middle of the stone platform.

After Yin Jingzhi discussed with everyone from the Witch Suppression Alliance, the first person from the Witch Suppression Alliance to participate in the competition also jumped onto the stone platform.

The first person to represent the Witch Suppression Alliance was Gao Rizhuan, a disciple of the Laoshan Sect.

After Gao Rizhuan came on the stage, he emptied all his pockets and told Zhao Lingjun and the people of the Witch Suppression Alliance that he fought purely with magic and did not usually carry any magic weapons.

The people of the Witch Suppression Alliance looked at Gao Richuan's appearance and couldn't help but want to laugh. Everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance believes that if Gao Il-chuan makes a movie, he will definitely win an Academy Award.

Because when Zhao Lingjun agreed that the people from the Wu Sect should appear first, the opinions of the 70 or 80 people in the Witch Suppression Alliance had already reached an astonishing unity.

The people of the Witch Suppression Alliance had already discussed the countermeasures in a matter of seconds.

The countermeasures of the people of the Witch Suppression Alliance were Tian Ji's horse racing and concentrated superior firepower.

Tian Ji's horse racing, of course, means that when encountering a master like Zhuque, the Witch Suppression Alliance will use cannon fodder; but when encountering a master who is not as powerful as Zhuque from the witch sect, the Witch Suppression Alliance will send powerful masters.

And by concentrating superior firepower, people in the Witch Suppression Alliance will hand over powerful magic weapons to those powerful masters. In this way, this person's strength will of course be greatly increased when he takes the field.

As Suzaku's opponent, Gao Rizhuan was of course the cannon fodder selected by everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance.

Of course, cannon fodder will not carry any magic weapons.

And Gao Rizhuan did not disappoint everyone's hopes. As soon as Gao Rizhuan stepped onto the stone platform, he used all his Tao power to perform a boundless falling tree in the Laoshan technique.

And when Suzaku casually used a move of the Samadhi True Fire Sword to defeat Gao Rizhuan's Boundless Falling Wood Technique, Gao Rizhuan simply admitted defeat.

When Gao Rizhuan pretended to be depressed and jumped off the stone platform, the people of the Witch Suppression Alliance tried their best not to laugh out loud.

"Haha, our Witch Sect is leading one to zero." When Suzaku and Zhao Lingjun laughed happily, everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance felt that this so-called new Witch King was no different from an idiot.

"Perhaps only an idiot like this can cast Blood Moon Summoning openly." When sending the second person from the Witch Suppression Alliance, Yin Jingzhi couldn't help but think in his heart.

The second person Zhao Lingjun sent was Qinglan.

As soon as he saw that Qinglan was sent by Lord Zhao Ling, Yin Jingzhi randomly selected one among the crowd.

"You, go up and compete with her."

"Me?" Both the person who was selected and Yin Jingzhi, who selected him casually, were dumbfounded.

Yin Jingzhi casually selected a disciple of the Seven Star Sect. The Seven Star Sect is the weakest among the dozen or so sects participating in this witch hunt. And the disciple of the Seven Star Sect whom Yin Jingzhi casually picked had a piece of his hair singed.

Yin Jingzhi casually clicked on a guy who couldn't even resist the fire crow in the manado pot.

"This is terrible. The people from the Wumen must have seen what countermeasures we have taken." The people from the Witch Suppression Alliance thought depressingly in their hearts, "This time we have gone too far."