Celestial Employee

Chapter 58: Text 146-150


When Wu Xiaoye stood there quietly, there was an indescribable feeling that made me feel pity for him.

Faint starlight and white street lights fell on Wu Xiaoye. She had long black hair and a pair of big flashing eyes. Wu Xiaoye, who was wearing a black robe, was cuter than the cutest little witch in many cartoons. cute.

But now Mei Riqing doesn't dare to look down on Wu Xiaoye, who somehow hides the fluctuations in his mana.

Mei Riqing now felt that everyone in the Wumen, led by the pretentious Zhao Lingjun, were all guys pretending to be pigs and eating tigers.

Now that they have even found out the Zhaotian Seal and the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan, why can't they come up with some other powerful magic weapons

So after thinking this way, Mei Riqing felt that if he didn't take some measures, he might end up like the previous guys who appeared, and he didn't know how he died. Mei Riqing is also a smart guy. After looking at the ancient brocade tent in his hand, Mei Riqing suddenly came up with an idea.

"I am Mei Riqing, the headmaster of Luofu Mountain." After Mei Riqing made up his mind, he greeted Wu Xiaoye. "Didn't ask for advice?"

"I am Wu Xiaoye of the Black Witch Clan." Wu Xiaoye looked at Mei Riqing slightly strangely, wondering what Mei Riqing wanted to do.

In fact, not only Wu Xiaoye, but also the members of the Witch Suppression Alliance in the audience did not know what kind of medicine Mei Riqing was selling in the gourd.

When everyone was confused, Mei Riqing had already raised the Great Desolate Brocade Tent in his hand and said to Wu Xiaoye, "This is our Luofu Mountain's magic weapon, the Great Desolate Brocade Tent. Please be careful later." ”

"Holy shit, is this guy reluctant to take action when he sees his opponent is a beautiful woman? He even has to remind his opponent what kind of magic weapon he is holding in his hand?" The people of the Witch Suppression Alliance standing around Yin Jingzhi listened to Mei Riqing When he said this, he couldn't help but gasp.

But after Yin Jingzhi heard what Mei Riqing said, he just smiled slightly and said in his heart, "Old fox."

"I'll be careful." After hearing Mei Riqing's words, Wu Xiaoye became even more surprised. But Mei Riqing didn't give Wu Xiaoye any room to think. As soon as Wu Xiaoye finished speaking, Mei Riqing continued to preach like a salesman: "The ancient brocade tent has a strong protective effect."

After saying this, Mei Riqing made a magic formula with both hands, and a faint brilliance shot out from the ancient brocade tent, a huge mountain with towering trees and rushing streams. Suddenly appeared in the void not far in front of Mei Riqing.

"Please don't panic." After suddenly releasing this huge mountain, Mei Riqing immediately said to Wu Xiaoye, "This ancient mountain transformed from the ancient brocade tent looks very huge, but it is not It has no offensive effect, only protective effect."

"You don't have to introduce your magic weapon so carefully." Many people in the Witch Suppression Alliance had not yet thought of inviting Mei Riqing, so many people couldn't help shouting.

"Don't be impatient." Yin Jingzhi already knew what Mei Riqing was after. After smiling, he immediately stopped these people.

At this time, Mei Riqing did not pay attention to the reaction of the audience. While Wu Xiaoye was still looking at the huge mountains and rivers, Mei Riqing had already continued talking on his own.

"But the Ancient Brocade Tent is not without attack capabilities." Mei Riqing looked at Wu Xiaoye while holding the Dharma sleeve. After changing many Dharma sleeves, there was another burst of brilliance on the Prehistoric Brocade Tent. flash.

When the brilliance flashed on the ancient brocade tent, on the huge mountain with towering trees and rushing water, thunder suddenly rolled, black clouds surged, and a gust of wind blew. In a moment, that A huge mountain and river was shrouded in black clouds.

Amidst the exclamations of everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance, four huge black shadows slowly appeared from the huge mountains and rivers shrouded in black clouds.

When the black clouds on the huge mountains and rivers dispersed, everyone suddenly discovered that four huge alien beasts were each occupying a hilltop on the huge mountains and rivers.

Perched on the top of the mountain on the far left is a huge black centipede. This black centipede is more than four feet tall and its body is as thick as several diesel barrels. The two eyes of this huge black centipede are like two huge red lanterns, constantly emitting red light, making everyone who sees it feel a little dizzy, and every time they take a breath, , the centipede's mouth and nose will spurt out black mist like black mist, and under the infection of the black mist, the flowers, plants and trees around the black centipede's body quickly wither. At a glance, you can tell that this huge black centipede is spraying The black mist that came out was extremely poisonous. The body of this black centipede actually seems to be made of fine iron. The entire shell exudes a faint metallic color, and there is a huge golden stripe on the back of the black centipede, which looks very weird.

Perched on a hilltop next to this huge black centipede was a huge eight-legged spider with a red light all over its body. The size of this spider is not inferior to that huge centipede. It would take several tanks parked together to reach the size of this huge red spider. Each leg of this huge red spider is probably It is as thick as a telephone pole, and the front end of each leg is extremely sharp, looking like a huge sickle. The body of this huge eight-legged red spider is also covered with strange flame-like patterns, making this spider look as if its whole body is wrapped in flames.

And entrenched next to this eight-legged giant red spider is a one-horned monster with a blue jade-like horn wrapped with lightning on its head. Except for the long horn on its head, this one-horned monster looks very similar to a pangolin, and its body is also covered with thick armor-like scales like a pangolin. But the size of this one-horned monster is more than a hundred times larger than that of an ordinary pangolin, and every time this one-horned monster breathes, thunder rolls on the top of the mountain, as if it can control the lightning in the sky at will.

Perched on the hilltop on the far right is the most ferocious-looking monster among the four monsters. This monster looks like the head of a dragon and the body of an ox, and is covered in thick frost. Just looking at it makes people feel bone-chilling. And this monster's body, which is more than four feet long, has a pair of huge cyan bat wings. When it unfolds, it seems as if a huge black cloud suddenly appears in the sky, and even the moonlight seems to be blocked. . As long as the monster stood still, countless frosts spread along its body. In a moment, the top of the mountain where the monster was entrenched was covered with a sheet of white frost.

"These four are all wild beasts that our seniors from Luofu Mountain conquered back then." Amid everyone's exclamations, Mei Riqing nodded proudly towards Wu Xiaoye. "They are named Millennium Golden Thread Iron-backed Centipede, Dry Sky Fire Spider, One-horned God Xiu, and Ice-armored Horned Demonic Dragon."

After a pause, Mei Riqing looked at Wu Xiaoye and said. "These four strange beasts are extremely ferocious. Even if they are powerful, it is difficult for me to control them. You have to be careful not to get hurt."

What Mei Riqing said seemed to be entirely for Wu Xiaoye's benefit, but at this moment, everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance understood.

"High, it's really as high as several floors." Many people from the Witch Suppression Alliance sighed sincerely in their hearts.

Because judging from the situation when Mei Riqing cast the Ancient Brocade Tent just now, it turned out that the Ancient Brocade Tent was indeed a top-grade magic weapon among the upper-level magic weapons, and the four strange beasts it cast looked very powerful. I am afraid that the power of this prehistoric brocade tent is even more powerful than the seven-color exquisite tower, but judging from the situation of the spell just now, it seems that it will take a lot of time to cast these four strange beasts.

In the competition, when both sides have many magic weapons, countless offensives may be launched in an instant. How can there be so much time for one person to slowly finish the magic robe and cast it? Are these four ancient beasts coming out

So if Mei Riqing had just started competing with Wu Xiaoye, Mei Riqing might not have time to release these four ancient beasts until the competition was over.

But now it's completely different. Mei Riqing actually used the opportunity of explaining the magic weapon to Wu Xiaoye to unleash all the protective functions of the Prehistoric Brocade Tent and the four great prehistoric beasts.

Therefore, all the people in the Witch Suppression Alliance felt that Mei Riqing was too clever at this time, because Mei Riqing not only did this without showing his face, but also it seemed that the people of the witch sect had no reason to accuse Mei Riqing.

While thinking this, all the people from the Witch Suppression Alliance looked at Wu Ye with gloating eyes, wanting to see what Wu Xiaoye would say.

But what surprised the people of the Witch Suppression Alliance was that Wu Xiaoye didn't seem to be aware of Mei Riqing's intentions.

Wu Xiaoye just nodded towards Mei Riqing and said, "Thank you for your kind reminder, I will pay attention to it."

"Then let's start the competition now?" Mei Riqing immediately said after hearing what Wu Xiaoye said.

"Okay, let's get started." To the great surprise of everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance, Wu Xiaoye agreed directly without saying anything.

"Okay, then I'll take action."

Mei Riqing's shamelessness had indeed reached a certain level. As soon as Wu Xiaoye finished speaking, Mei Riqing shouted loudly and moved his hands.

Judging from the protective capabilities of the Prehistoric Jinluo Tent and the attack power of the four prehistoric beasts sealed in it, the Prehistoric Jinluo Tent can indeed be ranked as an immortal-level magic weapon. However, the fatal weakness of the Prehistoric Jinluo Zhang is that it can only be ranked as an upper-level magic weapon because of the slow speed of casting the four prehistoric beasts.

But now Mei Riqing has already released the seals on all the four prehistoric beasts. Therefore, once Mei Riqing's offensive was launched, it could only be described as thunderous.

Mei Riqing's hands just slightly squeezed the magic robe, and after a wave of water-like ripples rippled on the Great Desolate Jinluo Tent, the great beasts entrenched on the four peaks of the prehistoric giant mountains transformed from the Great Desolate Jinluo Tent They all roared in unison.

The roars of the four prehistoric beasts were earth-shattering, like countless sirens blasting. The window glass of the Huajingyuan Community was all shattered by the roars of the four prehistoric beasts. Everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance felt like there was thunder in their ears. The one with low moral power was even dizzy from the shock, and fell to the ground.

With huge roars, the four great beasts all attacked Wu Xiaoye at the same time.

On the horn of the Unicorn God, light flashed, and the entire horn suddenly became crystal clear, shining like a dazzling jade, and thunder flashed in the sky, with several huge lightning bolts. Splitting down from the sky, the entire flower garden was reflected in white.

Under the glow of the huge lightning, the huge body of the iron-backed centipede, which was more than four feet long, twisted with golden threads. Its huge lantern-like red eyes emitted a red beam of light, and sprayed out from its mouth and nose. Black mist instantly filled the mountain top where it was entrenched. And in the black mist, the Millennium Golden Thread Iron-backed Centipede opened its huge mouth, and a monstrous black wave, like a flash flood, spurted out from the Millennium Golden Thread Iron-backed Centipede's mouth, and spurted condescendingly toward Wu Xiaoye. Go, an extremely fishy smell suddenly filled the entire community.

When the black liquid from the mouth of the thousand-year-old golden-threaded iron-backed centipede rolled out, the wings of the ice-armored horned demon dragon suddenly spread out, and a thick black curtain suddenly appeared in the sky. When the ice-armored horned devil dragon opened its wings, a white frost condensed quickly in the mouth of the ice-armored horned devil dragon, and instantly turned into a huge ice edge. When the ice-armored horned devil dragon roared , countless white air waves spurted out from the mouth of the ice-armored horned demon dragon, and the huge ice edge shot towards Wu Xiaoye like a cannonball.

The Qiantianhuowen Spider felt a burst of pain in its abdomen, and a wave of air rolled over the flame-like patterns all over its body. Countless spider silks as thick as human arms poured out from its abdomen, and it instantly turned into a huge spider web. Putting a hood over Wu Xiaoye's head, when the giant net fell, there was a loud roar, and it sounded extremely heavy. It is estimated that if an ordinary person was hit by a giant net of such weight, he would die. , not to mention that when this huge spider web fell in the air, a raging fire suddenly appeared on the entire spider web.

Suddenly, huge lightning, waterfall-like black liquid, huge ice edges, and monstrous fire nets all hit Wu Xiaoye's head.

The offensive of these four ancient giant beasts is really too astonishing, and the spells cast by these four ancient giant beasts are all huge and extremely powerful. Many people from the Witch Suppression Alliance who are near Shitai have expressions on their faces. He changed greatly and jumped back quickly to avoid being accidentally injured by the spells cast by these four ancient beasts.

Wu Xiaoye seemed to be caught off guard. When the offensive of the four ancient giant beasts was fully launched, huge lightning, waterfall-like black liquid, huge ice edges, and monstrous fire nets fell on Wu Xiaoye's head. But Wu Xiaoye only had time to cast a seven-color exquisite tower, which could barely block the waterfall-like black liquid spewing from the mouth of the thousand-year-old golden-threaded iron-backed centipede.

And huge lightning, ice edges and fire nets suddenly hit the top of Wu Xiaoye's head.

When the huge lightning, ice edges, and fire nets fell, many people in the Witch Suppression Alliance couldn't help but scream in surprise, and some people even closed their eyes, not daring to look at the tragedy that was about to appear in front of them, because Everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance believes that even if the legendary Daluo Jinxian is hit by such a spell, he will probably be cut off from his top three flowers and lose his first-level Taoism. Of course, Wu Xiaoye, who is now fighting on behalf of the Wumen, cannot have the cultivation level of Daluo Jinxian. Therefore, these people believe that Wu Xiaoye, who is hit by such a spell attack, will definitely be devastated and die.

But what surprised everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance was that at the moment when huge lightning, ice edges, and fire nets hit Wu Xiaoye's head, a huge wave of mana suddenly came from Wu Xiaoye's body, and along with this Huge mana fluctuations occurred, and Wu Xiaoye's whole body was suddenly enveloped in a purple brilliance.

Looking from a distance, Wu Xiaoye's whole body seemed to be suddenly coated with a layer of purple crystal.

And the huge lightning, ice edge and fire net, as soon as they came into contact with this layer of purple brilliance, disappeared without a trace in an instant like dry ice thrown into boiling water.

Almost everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance couldn't help but be shocked when they saw such a scene. Mei Riqing, who was facing Wu Xiaoye from a distance, was even more frightened and stood blankly on the spot.

"It's impossible. It's absolutely impossible for a person's cultivation to withstand such a spell attack." This was the only thought left in Mei Riqing's mind.

At this moment, another huge roar came from the ears of everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance.

When the members of the Witch Suppression Alliance looked up, they found that four huge ancient beasts had leapt up from the top of the mountain where they were entrenched, and rushed towards Wu Xiaoye like Mount Tai pressing down on top.

It turned out that although Mei Riqing stayed on the spot for a while, these four huge prehistoric beasts saw their spells fall, but Wu Xiaoye stood still and did not move at all, but they were all stimulated. His ferocity was such that he wanted to fight Wu Xiaoye in close combat.

These four ancient giant beasts, each with a body size of several feet, when they jumped from the top of the ancient giant mountain at this moment, they were really like hills smashed down on their heads. When everyone looked up, half of the starry sky was blocked by the bodies of these four giant beasts.

Most of the bodies, limbs and feet of these four ancient beasts were covered with diamond-like scales and sharp claws. When they swooped down at Wu Xiaoye, their power was even more powerful than the spell attack just now. many.

"I*, it's so inhumane for four such big monsters to bully a girl."

When the four ancient giant beasts leaped out, Zhao Lingjun, who was still sitting in the chair, seemed to be very worried and said something. But when the people from the Witch Suppression Alliance fell on Zhao Lingjun's face, they found that Zhao Lingjun was smiling and didn't even look worried at all.

As soon as Zhao Lingjun finished speaking, Wu Xiaoye's right hand suddenly had a dagger that shone like white jade.

The cold air emanating from the dagger seemed to cause the surrounding temperature to drop several degrees.

"What kind of sword is this?" The cold air emanating from this dagger made the members of the Witch Suppression Alliance tremble with fear, but they looked at the four huge black mountains that leaped down from the air. Body shape, many people still can't help but think about it. "Can such a small dagger be able to withstand four such huge ancient beasts?"

As soon as such thoughts flashed in many people's minds, Wu Xiaoye swung his sword into the sky.

Wu Xiaoye just swept out his sword, and a white ray of light flew out from the sword. When this white ray of light flew upward, even the dark night seemed to be split apart like water.

Among the four huge prehistoric beasts, the most prominent one is the centipede with a length of more than four feet and a thousand-year-old golden thread and an iron back. The white glow from Wu Xiaoye's sword hit the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede right at this moment.

This thousand-year-old golden-threaded iron-backed centipede is a natural alien species from the ancient times. The scales on its body are extremely hard and difficult to be damaged by swords. After being raised in Luofu Mountain for thousands of years, the scales on this golden-threaded iron-backed centipede, which has been successfully cultivated, are even more extraordinary. The spell attacks of ordinary mid-level magic weapons cannot damage its fur at all.

But when the white glow from Wu Xiaoye's sword struck the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede, it was like a sharp knife cutting into tofu, and it seemed that it encountered no resistance at all.

Before the people of the Witch Suppression Alliance could realize what was going on, this white ray of light had already passed through the body of the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede, cutting a huge wound. When the witch-suppressors saw this situation, they were immediately shocked. Because if it weren't for the huge size of the golden iron-backed centipede, this white ray of light would have easily cut the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede into two pieces, just like cutting tofu.

Although the wounds on the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede can be described as terrifying, no blood was shed at all, because when the white glow opened such a wound on the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede, a white frost mist , spread from the wound of the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede, and the wound of the iron-backed centipede was suddenly covered with frost.

Although no blood flowed out at all, such heavy injuries probably caused unbearable pain to the iron-backed centipede. Amidst the huge roar, the iron-backed centipede couldn't help but roll up in the air, and its huge body also swept around in the air.

When the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede was in pain and its whole body was sweeping around in the air, the dry sky fire spider and the one-horned god Xiu just happened to pounce on Wu Xiaoye from the side of the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede.

The money iron-backed centipede swept wildly, and its huge body accidentally hit the dry sky fire spider and the one-horned god Xiu that fell beside the gold-thread iron-backed centipede.

The entire body of the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede is as if it is made of fine steel, especially when the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede goes crazy under the severe pain, the power it unleashes is so great that it is simply unimaginable.

There was only a loud "bang" in the air, and the equally huge Dry Sky Fire Spider and the One-Horned God were swept away.

The scales on the Dry Sky Fire Spider were thin, and when it was swept away by the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede, its body was already covered with liquid and there were several huge wounds. It looked very miserable.

The scales on the body of the One-Horned God are very thick, but the condition of the One-Horned God is even worse than that of the Heavenly Fire Spider. Because the position where the horned god Xiu fell was just on the tail side of the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede. When the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede swept fiercely, the one-horned god Xiu was hit hard by the tail of the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede. Therefore, the force received by the one-horned god Xiu was compared with that of the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede. The Qian Tian Huo Wen Spider that the body swept away received strength and became several times larger.

So as soon as it was hit by the tail of the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede, the one-horned god Xiu flew out like a cannonball. The luck of the One-Horned God is really bad. The Heavenly Fire Spider was only knocked into the air, while the One-Horned God was swept and hit the cliff of the huge mountain behind it.

Amidst a huge scream, the huge mountain shook and the earth shook, and countless rocks were knocked out. A huge dent was created on the hard cliff by the one-horned god. The thick scales on the one-horned god were also filled with dents, and blood spurted out from its mouth and nose.

Wu Xiaoye swung his sword, and all three ancient giant beasts were seriously injured. All of this happened in a flash of lightning. Even the people from the Witch Suppressor Alliance who reacted the fastest and kept their eyes on the battle situation had only time. gasped.

But before these people from the Witch Suppression Alliance could finish breathing air, something happened again on the stone platform.

Although the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede, the dry sky fire spider and the one-horned god Xiu were all seriously injured in an instant, the ice-armored horned demon dragon was unscathed, so at this time, the ice-armored horned demon dragon was still flying towards Wu Xiaoye Pounce away.

But as luck would have it, the Dry Sky Fire Spider, which was seriously injured by the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede, was also dizzy from the severe pain on its body at this time, and then let out an unheard scream. , a burst of fire spurted out from the mouth of the dry sky fire spider with blood-red mucus flowing.

"Ah, I thought only you dragons could breathe fire. It turns out that even spiders can breathe fire."

"What? Those dragons who can only breathe fire are the lowest among the dragons. If the upper-level dragons can only breathe fire, they will make other dragons laugh to death."

When Zhao Lingjun and Qing Lan saw the Qiantian Fire Spider spitting flames from its mouth, they couldn't help but discuss it enthusiastically. But as soon as Mei Riqing saw it, the Heavenly Fire Spider spewed flames from its mouth, and almost fainted without taking a breath.

Because the Heavenly Fire Spider itself is a fire-based beast, it usually likes to eat flaming lava, so it is not surprising that it can breathe fire. However, the Qian Tian Huo Wen Spider usually spits out fire, just like an ordinary spider spinning silk, it sprays out from the abdomen. At this moment, the Qian Tian Huo Wen Spider sprays flames from its mouth, which only represents one meaning, that is, Qian Tian Huo Wen Spider The spider sprayed out all the true essence of life. The true essence of life of the alien beast is the same as that of the ascetic. It is made up of the purest Tao power. This true essence of life is usually at the most critical moment. It is used to defeat the enemy, or when fighting others desperately. At this moment, Qian Tianhuo Wenzhou sprays out all his life essence, which only means one meaning, that is, Qian Tianhuo Wenzhou has been hit hard and is unconscious. He couldn't even tell his opponent apart.

But if it were just this, Mei Riqing wouldn't faint.

Because even if all three major beasts were severely damaged, Mei Riqing would still have an ice-armored horned dragon.

But the flames spewed out by the Heavenly Fire Spider destroyed Mei Riqing's only hope.

Because the flames spewed out by the Dry Sky Fire Spider happened to be sprayed on the body of the ice-armored horned demon dragon that swooped down from the side of the Dry Sky Fire Spider.

The body of the ice-armored horned demon dragon is covered with thick ice mist, but the flames contained in the Qiantianhuowen spider's breath are so domineering. As soon as this flame sprays onto the body of the ice-armored horned demon dragon, The thick frost on the ice-armored and horned demon dragon's body shattered and exploded.

The white scales on the ice-armored horned demon dragon were roasted into pitch-black charcoal in just an instant. The two huge bat wings spread out on the body of the ice-armored horned demon dragon suddenly became as if they were burned torn sheets.

The ice-armored and horned demon dragon, which was originally cool and powerful, suddenly turned into an old hen that was roasted in the fire for a while without even plucking its hair.

"What evil have I done? You want to play with me like this."

If the Ice-armored Horned Demonic Dragon could speak, he would definitely say this without tears.

Because it was sprayed by the flames of the Heavenly Fire Spider, this was the beginning of the Ice Armored Horned Demon Dragon's nightmare.

When being sprayed by the flames, the ice-armored and horned dragon flew smoothly in the sky. But because its wings were burned off at once, the ice-armored horned dragon suddenly fell straight down like a crashed plane.

If it fell like this, it would be nothing, but when the ice-armored horned dragon fell, it happened to fall next to the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede.

The golden-threaded iron-backed centipede had already lost its head. Even if the one who fell was the Jade Emperor who was kicked from his body by the Queen Mother, the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede would probably not be polite. What's more, the one who fell down was just like A half-roasted ice-armored horned dragon that looked like an old hen.

So the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede slapped the ice-armored horned dragon again without any courtesy.

"Am I provoking someone? Everyone is bullying me?" The Ice-armored Horned Demon Dragon was half-dead by these two blows, and suddenly became dizzy and went crazy.

So when it was knocked upside down by the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede, the ice-armored horned dragon instinctively spit out a huge ice cone from its mouth and shot it at the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede.

"Arrogant", the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede had already lost its head. It could not dodge the huge ice cone shot by the ice-armored horned dragon, so it just let out a strange scream, and the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede was frozen. The armor-horned dragon stabbed him squarely.

If an ordinary alien beast was so severely injured by Wu Xiaoye's Qinghua Sword, and then treated like this by the Ice-armored Horned Demon Dragon, it would probably have been killed long ago. But this golden iron-backed centipede is really like an invincible little strongman. When the ice pick of the ice-armored and horned demon dragon hit the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede, not only did the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede not die, it actually reacted instinctively. Launched a counterattack.

The golden iron-backed centipede, which was hit hard again, rolled even more fiercely in the air, but when it screamed, the golden iron-backed centipede suddenly opened its mouth and spit out several black arrows.

The Money Iron-backed Centipede probably wanted to retaliate against Wu Xiaoye and the Ice-armored Horned Demon Dragon who attacked him. But after being hit by two heavy swords, the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede rolled in the air for a while, but it could no longer tell its direction.

The black arrows ejected from the mouth of the money iron-backed centipede did not hit Wu Xiaoye and the ice-armored horned dragon, but instead hit the one-horned god Xiu who had just climbed up from the stone pit on the huge mountain.

The black arrows spurted out from the mouth of the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede are also transformed by the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede's natal essence. Their power is more than a hundred times stronger than the waterfall-like venom attack just now. The one-horned god Xiu was shot by the black arrow of the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede. Before he could even scream, the horn on his head was already black.

Mei Riqing finally regained her breath. When she saw this scene, she really wanted to find a belt and strangle herself to death.

But Mei Riqing quickly gave up this idea, because what made Mei Riqing even more stunned was that after being shot by the black arrow of the golden-threaded iron-backed centipede, the one-horned god Xiu also went crazy, jumping and screaming wildly. After that, countless lightnings fell down, and the other three strange beasts were also hit by lightning.

As a result, the other three alien beasts became even more crazy. The four alien beasts actually fought together without distinguishing between our own and the enemy.

"No." As a result, even Zhao Lingjun and others who were sitting aside to watch the show were dumbfounded.

Wu Xiaoye, who was holding a white jade dagger and looked like a beautiful witch in a cartoon, couldn't help but be stunned.

Although Wu Xiaoye knew that the power of Qinghua Sword was extraordinary, he did not expect that his sword would cause such consequences.

"Why are you still standing there? Do you want to see which of these four beasts is the most powerful and which one will be the last?"

Mei Riqing was still beating his chest in pain, but Yin Jingzhi in the audience couldn't help shouting to Mei Riqing.

Hearing Yin Jingzhi's shout, Mei Riqing suddenly woke up and quickly pinched the Buddhist robe. When a person is in crisis, he will probably burst out with a certain potential, so it originally took a long time to finish squeezing the Buddhist robe. , Mei Riqing finished the load in a moment.

As soon as Mei Riqing finished squeezing the robe, watery ripples appeared on the ancient brocade tent in Mei Riqing's hand, and this watery ripple had just rippled on the ancient brocade tent. A dazzling brilliance emitted from the vast mountain behind the four beasts that were rolling and fighting in the air.

Under the dazzling light, the four tumbling and fighting beasts suddenly stopped.

If the prehistoric giant beast could be easily controlled, then the prehistoric Jin Luo Zhang might not be regarded as the most important treasure of Luofu Mountain.

The temperament of the ancient beast is extremely violent and extremely difficult to control. The use of the ancient brocade tent itself is a magic weapon that can forcibly control the minds of strange beasts. Mei Riqing was so anxious that he forgot to cast the spell immediately. As soon as Yin Jingzhi reminded him, Mei Riqing immediately woke up and used the ancient brocade tent to forcefully control the minds of the four wild beasts.

But the attack power of these four alien beasts is very amazing. Although they just killed each other for a short while, the bodies of the four ancient alien beasts were already in tatters. The four alien beasts looked like they were full of breath. On the verge of death, Yufeng's magic power is almost gone.

Mei Riqing's eyes turned red as soon as he saw these four strange beasts stop and beat each other so hard that even their mothers probably didn't recognize them anymore.

"Damn it, I'll fight you."

After a shout, there was a flash of light on the vast mountain, and the four giant beasts screamed in unison and flew down towards Wu Xiaoye.

At this time, the four giant beasts have been severely imitated and their magic power is almost exhausted. If these four giant beasts were beaten like this when Mei Riqing was fighting against the enemy, Mei Riqing would definitely put away the ancient brocade tent and run away with these four giant beasts, but Mei Riqing is now But there is no choice. If Mei Riqing accepts the magic weapon, he will definitely be defeated, and there is only one outcome of defeat, which is to hand over the magic weapon to the witchcraft, to the guy who is still sitting on the chair pretending to be a ghost, pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

So Mei Riqing could only fight with Wu Xiaoye.

Mei Riqing knew that the dagger in Wu Xiaoye's hand was extremely powerful. If his four giant beasts charged hard, they would definitely be dead. But now Mei Riqing still has one hope, that is, Mei Riqing feels that, Although this short sword can easily kill the giant beasts one by one, it is absolutely impossible to kill four giant beasts at once in an instant.

The big accident that happened to the four giant beasts just now was completely the result of a loss of control.

Now these four giant beasts have been forcibly captured by the ancient brocade tent, so even if these giant beasts are passed by the glow of the dagger, they will not feel pain.

Therefore, Mei Riqing was now trying to defeat Wu Xiaoye even though he had lost one or two ancient beasts.

Although the four strange beasts were almost exhausted and were beaten like pig heads, the momentum of these four giant beasts when they smashed towards Wu Xiaoye was also very shocking.

If Wu Xiaoye was hit by one of the giant beasts, he would probably turn into a meat pie.

But there was no panic expression on Wu Xiaoye's face, and what surprised everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance was that when the four ancient giant beasts smashed down at once, Wu Xiaoye did not wave the dagger, but instead The short sword that looked like white jade was put away.

"What is she doing?" The members of the Witch Suppression Alliance were dumbfounded, not knowing what Wu Xiaoye was going to do.

In the astonished eyes of the people from the Witch Suppression Alliance, Wu Xiaoye suddenly had a small, slender pot shining with silver light in his hand.

"What is this?" When they saw Wu Xiaoye taking out this small, shining silver pot, the members of the Witch Suppression Alliance couldn't help but be stunned.

"Oh no." But as soon as the pot fell into Mei Riqing's eyes, Mei Riqing screamed like she had seen a ghost.

"Why don't you want it?" When they heard Mei Riqing shouting like this, the people in the Witch Suppression Alliance were a little confused, because Mei Riqing's scream was really miserable. If you hadn't seen such a scene, just hearing the sound of the sound, you might have thought that , as if he was being raped by a group of perverts.

But when the members of the Witch Suppression Alliance were a little confused, Wu Xiaoye pulled off the lid of the slender little pot that shone with silver light, and pointed it at the four giant beasts that flew down from the air.

As soon as Wu Xiaoye pulled off the lid, a strong wave of mana suddenly appeared on the entire stone platform.

And this wave of magic power had just started to ripple, and the four giant beasts, whose minds had been forcibly controlled by the Great Desolate Brocade Tent, began to tremble involuntarily, as if they had seen the most terrifying thing.

The people in the Witch Suppression Alliance were a little dumbfounded, because it was impossible to feel afraid of a giant beast that had its mind controlled by the ancient brocade tent.

The people of the Witch Suppression Alliance didn't know that the reason why these four giant beasts were trembling was not because they had regained their consciousness, but because the beasts' bodies sensed the danger contained in the mana fluctuations. An instinctive reaction to breathing.

As Mei Riqing screamed at the top of her lungs, a dazzling brilliance suddenly rushed out from the slender pot held in Wu Xiaoye's hand, covering the four giant beasts.

The bodies of the four giant beasts shrouded in the glow suddenly began to twist violently. The bodies of the four giant beasts suddenly turned into countless tiny particles and melted into the glow.

When all the rays of light poured back into the slender pot in Wu Xiaoye's hand, Wu Xiaoye closed the lid. All the people from the Witch Suppression Alliance stared in disbelief and looked at the garden. When the sky was clear, the moon and stars were already sparse in the sky of Huajingyuan, and the four ancient beasts seemed to have never appeared before.

"Demon Refining Pot, you actually have a Demon Refining Pot." Before most of the people from the Witch Suppression Alliance could realize what was going on, Mei Riqing on the stone platform seemed to have been drained all at once. He lost all his strength and fell to the ground.

When Mei Riqing fell to the ground, tears were already streaming down her face.

"Master Patriarch, I'm sorry for you. I haven't helped Luofu Mountain find a single strange beast in my life, but I destroyed all the four ancient beasts you left behind." Mei Riqing said with snot and tears. With.

At this time, many people from the Witch Suppression Alliance had already reacted.

"What, the Demon Refining Pot, how is that possible? Isn't the Demon Refining Pot the Maoshan Sect's mountain-suppressing magic weapon? How could it be in the hands of the Wumen?" Many people were obviously as confused as Zhao Lingjun and Lin Yiren.

"What kind of bullshit demon-refining pot is that from the Maoshan Sect? It's a demon-raising pot. But I can't blame you for being ignorant, because the people in the Maoshan Sect themselves don't know the difference between the demon-raising pot and the demon-refining pot." Mei Riqing became even more sad after hearing what the people in the audience said. "But we in Luofu Mountain know very well that this damn demon refining pot can directly refine the successfully cultivated alien beasts into elixirs..."

When he said this, Mei Riqing was already crying. "Perhaps the four ancient beasts in Luofu Mountain have been turned into a pool of blood by now."

Seeing such an old Taoist crying so sadly, Zhao Lingjun and Qing Lan looked at each other, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Stop crying, let Xiao Ye let them out and see. Maybe they won't melt away so quickly." Qing Lan comforted Mei Riqing. "I've been there for many years and haven't been refined yet."

"Are you telling the truth?" As soon as Mei Riqing heard what Qing Lan said, she immediately stopped crying and looked at Wu Xiaoye pitifully with tearful eyes, but said nothing.

Seeing such a look from an old Taoist, Wu Xiaoye felt something was wrong all over, and immediately picked up the demon refining pot again.

"It seems, it seems to have been refined." When looking at Mei Riqing's expectant eyes, Wu Xiaoye unplugged the demon refining pot. But after taking a look inside, Wu Xiaoye said sheepishly.

"You lied to me, and you said that you have been here for many years and have not been transformed." Upon hearing Wu Xiaoye's words, Mei Riqing's vision went dark, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and fainted.

When the disciples of Luofu Mountain saw their master unconscious on the ground, they were all frightened and wanted to rush to the stage to rescue Mei Riqing. However, before the disciples of Luofu Mountain rushed to the stage, Mei Riqing woke up again. .

"Why did all this hard work just disappear? Is it because God wants to destroy me in Luofu Mountain?"

After waking up, Mei Riqing seemed to have aged many years.

"Hey, victory or defeat is a common matter for military officers. There is no need to talk about it so seriously." Seeing Mei Riqing's appearance, Zhao Lingjun was also a little embarrassed.

"What kind of magic weapon is that dagger you just used?" Mei Riqing did not answer Zhao Lingjun's question, but asked Wu Xiaoye.

"It's the Taiyi Tsinghua Sword." As soon as Wu Xiaoye said these words, the people in the Witch Suppression Alliance gasped again.

"Even such an immortal-level magic weapon will appear in your hands. It seems that God is really going to destroy me in Luofu Mountain." Upon hearing Wu Xiaoye's words, Mei Riqing screamed again and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Holy shit, what kind of kung fu are you practicing? As soon as you say "Heaven is going to destroy me", you spit out a mouthful of blood. It's so sharp." Seeing Mei Riqing spit out two mouthfuls of blood, Suzaku was a little dumbfounded, and endured kept asking. "We have the Taiyi Qinghua Sword. What the hell does it have to do with Tian Yao destroying you?"

"Why doesn't it matter?" Mei Riqing said sadly, "Although the Demon Refining Pot is terrifying, it can only collect demon beasts that are about to use up their mana. If you didn't have such an immortal magic weapon, even if you had Can the demon refining pot exhaust the mana of my four great beasts?"

"So that's what you meant." Seeing Mei Riqing's desperate look, Zhao Lingjun really couldn't bear it. "Forget it, that refined thing can't be changed back. So, how about this? Otherwise, I don't want your Ancient Brocade Tent. That's okay."

Zhao Lingjun felt that he really had enough, because the Ancient Brocade Tent was indeed a rare magic weapon, and it was really difficult for Zhao Lingjun to give it up.

But Zhao Lingjun didn't expect that when he said this, Mei Riqing would become even more sad.

"The four great beasts of the ancient times are gone, why should I use the ancient brocade tent?" Mei Riqing cried loudly, and threw the ancient brocade tent to Lord Zhao Ling. "Here you go, here you go."

An old Taoist priest was crying loudly, his nose bursting with tears, and his look was so funny.

But the disciples of Luofu Mountain were so ashamed when they saw their leader's appearance. After several disciples of Luofu Mountain looked at each other, they went up and rescued the crying Mei Riqing. However, these disciples of Luofu Mountain were still bachelors. When they took down Mei Riqing, these disciples of Luofu Mountain still threw all the magic weapons on Mei Riqing to Lord Zhao Ling.

Yin Jingzhi originally thought that Mei Riqing was an old fox. When Mei Riqing came on the court, Yin Jingzhi was still eager for Mei Riqing to suffer. But now when he saw Mei Riqing's miserable appearance, Yin Jingzhi couldn't help but feel pity.

But at this time, Zhao Lingjun, who was sitting on the chair, yawned and said to Yin Jingzhi: "Master Yin, is it necessary for us to continue this competition?"

Zhao Lingjun was originally prepared to use words to provoke the members of the Witch Suppression Alliance to continue the contest, but seeing Mei Riqing's appearance, Zhao Lingjun couldn't bear it. Zhao Lingjun thought it was better to just let it go. Anyway, after catching so many magic weapons, Zhao Lingjun already felt that his pretense tonight was not in vain.

Zhao Lingjun believed that since the two sides were competing at this point, Yin Jingzhi should follow the steps he gave.

"We have failed tonight. After these thirteen competitions, our Witch Suppression Alliance has admitted defeat." The first words of Yin Jingzhi, whose face was ever-changing, did not surprise Zhao Lingjun.

But when Yin Jing came down directly, Zhao Lingjun was a little surprised. Yin Jingzhi took a deep breath and said to Zhao Lingjun, "But we lost only because our magic weapon is not as good as yours. So we lost very unconvincingly."

"Very unconvinced?" After hearing Yin Jingzhi's words, Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but stayed for a moment, but Zhao Lingjun immediately looked at Yin Jingzhi with interest and said. "Then what will it take for you to be convinced?"

"We as Taoists, the most important thing is to cultivate our moral character, so what we as Taoists should compete with is not the power of the magic weapon, but our own practice." Yin Jing looked straight at Zhao Lingjun and said.

"My own practice?" Zhao Lingjun glanced at Yin Jingzhi strangely, wondering what Yin Jingzhi meant by saying this.

But before Zhao Lingjun had time to think about what kind of medicine Yin Jingzhi was selling in the gourd, Yin Jingzhi had already continued speaking directly. "So I want to compete with you alone to test my own cultivation."

"Like me competing alone, to test your own cultivation?" Zhao Lingjun smiled, looked at Yin Jing and said. "Now that we have won a great victory, why should I compete with you in my cultivation?"

"What, don't you dare?" Yin Jing stared straight at Zhao Lingjun.

"Haha." Zhao Lingjun looked at Yin Jingzhi and smiled. "You have already given up in thirteen competitions. I was just thinking, why should I compete with you again?"

"As long as you beat me in your own practice, then I will be convinced." Yin Jing looked straight at Zhao Lingjun, took a deep breath, and said specifically for fear that Zhao Lingjun would disagree. "Also, I can also add a magic weapon as a bonus."

"Adding a magic weapon as a bonus?"

"Not bad." Seeing that Zhao Lingjun seemed not very interested. Yin Jingzhi hurriedly took out a white ancient mirror from the package behind his back.

"This is the most precious Heavenly Escape Mirror of our Laoshan Sect." After raising the white ancient mirror in his hand, Yin Jingzhi immediately began to introduce the Heavenly Escape Mirror in his hand, fearing that Lord Zhao Ling was ignorant of the goods. "Although this Heavenly Escape Mirror can only be used twice a day, this Heavenly Escape Mirror can allow the user to escape thousands of miles in an instant to the location you just set up."

"Escape all at once to the place you just set?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Yin Jing and said, "That is to say. If you set the escape location to the Laoshan Sect thousands of miles away from the beginning, you will sacrifice this heavenly escape now. If you use the mirror, you will suddenly appear in the Laoshan Sect thousands of miles away?"

"Yes, that's it." Yin Jing looked straight at Zhao Lingjun and said like a salesman, "How about it, it's very sharp."

"No matter how sharp he is, he is just a magic weapon for escaping. Who would think about escaping all day long?" But Zhao Lingjun's words made Yin Jingzhi almost fall to the ground.

"In that case, I'll add another Guishui thunder bead." After looking at Zhao Lingjun like he was looking at an animal, Yin Jing made up his mind and took out a flashing blue bead from his arms. It looks like beads with water ripples on them that are constantly undulating.

"Guishui Thunder Bead?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Yin Jingzhi and did not say yes or no, but asked Yin Jingzhi with great interest. "What kind of gift package is this Guishui Thunder Bead?"

"This Guishui Thunder Bead is one of the magic weapons of Jellyfish, a master of the evil sect in the past." When he said this, Yin Jing paused. Because Yin Jingzhi suddenly realized that the Zhao Lingjun he was facing was also an evil leader. But Yin Jingzhi breathed a sigh of relief. When he said this, Zhao Lingjun didn't seem to be unhappy, so Yin Jingzhi immediately continued. "This bead not only has the function of repelling water, but can be carried freely in and out of rivers and lakes. It can also instantly release one hundred and eight Guishui divine thunder in the water."

"This magic weapon seems interesting." After hearing what Yin Jingzhi said, Zhao Lingjun was also a little tempted. Because the two magic weapons that Yin Jingzhi took out can indeed be regarded as two very useful magic weapons.

Although the Heavenly Escape Mirror sounds like a mirror used for escape, with this Heavenly Escape Mirror, the caster seems to have an extra life. Because no matter how fast the magic weapon is, it cannot make people travel thousands of miles in an instant. Although there are many magic weapons that can release thunder and lightning, this is the first time Zhao Lingjun has encountered a magic weapon that can avoid water and can be used in water.

"How are you doing? Do you want to compare?" Hearing that Zhao Lingjun's tone was a little loose, Yin Jingzhi's eyes lit up and he asked immediately.

"What kind of comparison?" Zhao Lingjun didn't say whether to compare or not, but looked at Yin Jing and smiled.

"This is the Jade Void Illusion Bottle of the Tianjing Sect. The caster can create a certain illusion, causing those who are not strong in the Taoist heart to lose their Taoist heart." As soon as he saw that there was room for negotiation, Yin Jingzhi immediately took out the Tian Jingzhi again. Jing Zong's Jade Illusion Bottle said to Lord Zhao Ling. "How about we compete, who can last longer in the illusion created by this Jade Illusion Bottle?"

"This suggestion seems good." Zhao Lingjun looked at Yin Jing and smiled, "Then who will be responsible for releasing this Jade Void Illusion Bottle?"

"I'm here." After hearing what Zhao Lingjun said, Wu Jingzi from the Tianjing Sect immediately jumped out and volunteered, "This is the magic weapon of our Tianjing Sect. I'll use it."

After finishing speaking, Wu Jingzi added, "But this Yuxu Illusion Bottle is not the prize for this competition."

"You..." Yin Jing heard what Wu Jingzi said and wanted to kick Wu Jingzi away.

But Zhao Lingjun just smiled and said, "Okay, this magic weapon is not the prize for this competition." After a pause, Zhao Lingjun turned his head again, looked at Yin Jingzhi and said, "But you got two magic weapons. It’s not necessarily a lottery, so don’t let me bet any magic weapon as a lottery.”

"I proposed this competition first. You don't need to mortgage the magic weapons of people and witches." Yin Jing looked at Zhao Lingjun and said cautiously, "But if I win, can you pay back the money we just lost?" Give us the magic weapon?"

"Hahaha." Upon hearing what Yin Jingzhi said, Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but laugh three times like the villain in many TV dramas.

"What's so funny?" When Yin Jingzhi heard Zhao Lingjun's laughter, he thought that Zhao Lingjun must be laughing at his brilliant plan, so Yin Jingzhi looked at Zhao Lingjun and said with great sadness and anger: "If you don't agree to the competition, you won't agree to the competition. , there’s no need to laugh at me.”

"Well, I smiled, just because I think your suggestion is very good, I am not mocking you." After hearing Yin Jingzhi's words, Zhao Lingjun stopped laughing, looked at Yin Jingzhi and said, "In this case, I will give it to you Give me a chance to compete with you."

"Are you telling the truth?"

"As long as you can win me over, I won't keep any of your magic weapons and give them all back to you. How about that?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Yin Jing and said with a smile.

"Okay, once you say something, it's hard to follow." Hearing what Zhao Lingjun said, Yin Jing was overjoyed, and everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance was also extremely excited. Even Mei Riqing, who was sobbing loudly, stopped suddenly and shouted to Yin Jing. "Master Yin."

"What?" Yin Jing looked at Mei Riqing, wondering why Mei Riqing called him.

"Come on." Please look at Yin Jingzhi every day and say eagerly.

Fearing that Lord Zhao Ling would regret it, Yin Jingzhi nodded to Wu Jingzi and took the lead on the stone platform.

At this time, Yin Jingzhi's image in the hearts of the people in the Witch Suppression Alliance was really great.

Because everyone in the Witch Suppression Alliance believed that since they had admitted defeat, Yin Jingzhi could compete with Zhao Lingjun without needing two magic weapons from the Laoshan Sect. In the eyes of the people in the Witch Suppression Alliance, Yin Jingzhi did this just to help everyone win back the magic weapon.

But in fact, Yin Jingzhi had other plans in mind.