Celestial Employee

Chapter 60: Text 156-160


"Hey, these guys just left without even saying that green mountains will always be there, green waters will flow, and we will meet again in the future. They are really ungraceful." Zhuque touched the pimples on his face and said to Zhao Lingjun and others.

"You're already naked, how can you show your grace?" Qing Lan glared at Suzaku, "Why don't you strip naked and show us your grace?" "

"Okay, I'll perform it for you alone, okay." Suzaku looked at Qinglan, looking like Brother Pig.

"Get out." Qing Lan kicked Suzaku away with one kick.

"It shouldn't be an illusion now." Zhao Lingjun glanced at Zhuque, Qinglan and others, smiled bitterly, and grabbed the ninth-grade white lotus relic in his hand. Zhao Lingjun was surrounded by circles and illusions, and he could hardly tell whether what appeared in front of him was real or illusory.

"Was the illusion just now very powerful?" Lin Yiren glanced at Zhao Lingjun and asked strangely. "That Yin Jingzhi seems to have a high level of cultivation, and he seems to have some kind of magic weapon that can protect his mind, but it ended up like this. What did you see?"

"It's not very powerful, it's very powerful." When Zhao Lingjun heard Lin Yiren ask this, he couldn't help but glance at Qinglan when he thought of the illusion just now. But when he turned his head, Zhao Lingjun found that Qinglan also seemed to Looking at himself with a non-smile, Zhao Lingjun's face immediately turned red and he immediately changed the subject, "I even doubt whether the mud now is real."

"Do you doubt whether I am real now?" Lin Yiren chuckled and took out the Sanyang Demon-Slaying Knife from the pile of magic weapons piled beside him. "You let me stab you. Then you will know that I am real now. It’s still fake.”

"You guy..." Zhao Lingjun was about to say, with your current behavior, I don't need to poke you to know that you are real. But Zhao Lingjun only heard half of what he said.

Because it was summer, although the sun had not risen yet, the sky in the distance was already slightly bright. Coupled with the illumination of street lights in Huajingyuan Community, the entire Huajingyuan can be said to be brightly lit.

But while Zhao Lingjun and Lin Yiren were talking. A few black clouds drifted over from outside the Huajingyuan Community.

As soon as these black clouds floated over, Zhao Lingjun and others felt that their eyes were darkened, and it seemed that even the lights in Huajingyuan Community were dimmed.

"Who is coming?" Lin Yiren couldn't help being surprised when he saw these black clouds.

"It's raining and thundering. Put your clothes away." Suzaku looked at a few black clouds and screamed strangely.

"I K." Xiao Ping couldn't help but want to pick up the pistol filled with Zhaotian Seal in his hand. Give Suzaku two shots.

But this idea just emerged in Xiao Ping's mind. I saw a piece of white fire floating in from the door of Huajingyuan Community.

And this white fire seemed to be the kind of phosphorus will-o'-the-wisp that is only found in cemeteries.

As soon as this phosphorous will-o'-the-wisp floated closer from the door, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door of the community.

"Is it another group of people who came to deliver magic weapons?" Lin Yiren and others felt nervous, but Suzaku said with a smile.

"Zhang Daqian of the White Bone Sect led all his disciples to see the Witch King."

"Black Gu Sect You Shaoyuan came to see the Witch King."

Zhu thought that the people who came this time might be the same witch-suppression alliance as before. But as soon as Suzaku finished speaking, two different voices came out. But it has already sounded in Huajingyuan Community.

A voice came from the black clouds. The voice was high-pitched and reached into the clouds, just like a community radio.

But another voice came from the phosphorus will-o'-the-wisp. The sound was sharp and eerie, like a hundred ghosts crying at night.

And as these two voices sounded, there were also sounds coming from outside the community.

"Sima Yan of the Red-headed Sect and his disciples came to see the Witch King."

"Fuhun Zonghou also came to see the Witch King."

"Zhu Zhenlie of the Night Charm Sect came to see the Witch King."


Suddenly, outside the door of Huajingyuan Community, there were sounds one after another, and it was very lively.

"They did come."

Upon hearing the voices of so many people, Zhao Lingjun, Gu Xuanbei and others couldn't help but smile knowingly.

"Boss, it's obvious that those people have been here a long time ago. Only when they saw that we defeated the Witch Suppression Alliance without any blood and made those people run away in despair did they dare to come out to meet us. If we were destroyed, maybe they I already patted my butt and failed to win. Boss, why are you still so polite to them, treating them to late-night snacks and arranging for them to stay?"

In Zhao Lingjun's living room, Suzaku swallowed hard while looking at the magic weapons piled up on the table, and said to Zhao Lingjun.

"If they were to fall apart and we were in their place, we would definitely hide and watch in the dark, wouldn't we?" Zhao Lingjun smiled and said to Suzaku.

"That's true." Suzaku rubbed his head sheepishly and smiled.

"So they are hiding just to see if I have the strength of the Witch King." Zhao Lingjun continued. "If I can't even deal with this group of people, they will probably think that I am not qualified to be the Witch King at all."

"Yes, if I were a member of the witchcraft sect and saw an arrogant guy performing a blood moon ritual and asking all the witchcraftmen in the world to come to see it, but if he succeeded in three attempts, five divided by two, I would definitely give him a thumbs up. He walks on his butt." Zhuque looked at Zhao Lingjun and smiled, "I will definitely think that this is not the Witch King, but a big fool."

"That's right." Lin Yiren nodded, looked at Zhao Lingjun and said. "But with so many people here, who are willing to come to see you? Will they really obey your orders?"

"Whether they obey our orders or not does not depend on them, but on us." Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Yiren, smiled and said.

"It's up to us?" Lin Yiren didn't understand what Zhao Lingjun meant.

"You Nether Masters, like the Wumen, have been bullied by the so-called Taoist Xuanmen for so long. If someone comes out and can make you proud, will you follow him?" Zhao Lingjun said.

Lin Yiren replied without even thinking: "If anyone is really capable and can lead us to be proud, of course I will follow him."

"So I say, the key to whether they obey orders or not depends on us." Zhao Lingjun smiled and looked at Lin Yiren and said. "So whether they obey orders depends on whether I have the strength to lead them to be proud."

"You have some strength now." Lin Yiren looked at Zhao Lingjun, "But how are you going to lead them to feel proud?"

"Haha, I will naturally say this when the time comes." Zhao Lingjun looked at Lin Yiren and said with a smile, "But now, shouldn't we first take stock of our loot this time?"

"Yes, let's count the loot first." After hearing what Zhao Lingjun said, Suzaku and others became excited.

"I K." Lin Yiren muttered depressedly when he saw Zhuque's extremely excited look. "I thought that only ascetics liked magic weapons, but it turns out that even monsters like them too."

"*, whoever doesn't like magic weapons is SB." Suzaku looked at Lin Yiren and said fiercely.

I really didn’t know anything about it, and I was shocked at the same time.

No one thought that Zhao Lingjun would be able to get so many magic weapons from the people of the Witch Suppression Alliance this time.

This time Zhao Lingjun obtained the magic weapon from the people of the Witch Suppression Alliance. Among the offensive magic weapons, there are the flying swords of Qingcheng sect to exorcise evil spirits, ward off evil spirits and white rainbow. The Blood-Coagulating Divine Grasp and Guishui Thunder Bead of the Laoshan Sect, the Cloud-piercing Arrow of the Wenxin Pavilion, the Thunderstorm Ring of the Tianlei Sect, the Seven Treasures Ruyi Ring, the Sanyang Demon-Slaying Knife of the Hengshan Sect, the Golden Light Cone of Wangwushan, and the Fire Dragon Dart of Jinxia Temple.

Among so many magic weapons, Qingcheng Sect's Flying Sword, Exorcism, Demonic Refuge, and Baihong, Laoshan Sect's Blood Coagulation Divine Grasp, Wenxin Pavilion's Cloud Piercer Arrow, and Tianlei Sect's Thunderstorm Ring are all only mid-level magic weapons. However, the Guishui Thunder Bead of the Laoshan Sect, the Seven Treasure Ruyi Ring of the Tianlei Sect, the Sanyang Demon Slaying Sword of the Hengshan Sect, and the Golden Light Cone and Jinxia Temple of Wangwushan contributed to the Fire Dragon Dart that Mei Riqing had not yet used. , but they are all high-level magic weapons. Moreover, the Guishui Thunder Bead of the Laoshan School also has the function of repelling water, making it a rare magic weapon.

The protective magic weapons include Sky Shield, Zixia Talisman, Jingyun Bell, Jinxia Ring, Xuantian Diamond Bracelet, and Weak Water Bell. Among these protective hair packages, except for the Sky Shield, Purple Cloud Talisman, and Jinxia Ring, which are intermediate-level magic weapons, the rest are all upper-level protective magic weapons.

The magic weapons integrating offense and defense include the seven-color exquisite tower and the ancient brocade tent. These two magic weapons are upper-level and top-grade magic weapons, second only to the fairy-level magic weapons. It's a pity that after the four great beasts in the Great Desolate Jin Luo Tent were taken away by Wu Xiaoye, the Great Desolate Jin Luo Tent only had a protective function.

In addition to so many things, there is also a weapon for escaping, the Heavenly Escape Mirror. Although this magic weapon only has the function of escaping, judging from its ability to make people travel thousands of miles in an instant, it is at least an upper-middle-grade weapon. A magic weapon.

So if you calculate it like this, Zhao Lingjun got a total of twenty magic weapons from the people of the Witch Suppression Alliance this time, and all of these magic weapons were intermediate-level or above.

So after counting the loot this time, Suzaku was dumbfounded and could only keep saying, "This time it got bigger." Lin Yiren also gasped and said, "It seems that the Qingcheng Sect, after returning this time, can only use the kitchen knife.

"Boss, this seven-color exquisite tower looks pretty good. Just let me play with it for two days."

After counting the trophies, while Zhao Lingjun and others were still lamenting how big it was this time, Suzaku was the first to come to his senses and snatched the seven-color exquisite tower on the table.

"I K." Lin Yiren reacted immediately and immediately grabbed the golden light cone and Jingyun Bell. "Let me play with these two magic weapons for two days."

"I'll punch your lungs out." Upon seeing Lin Yi and Suzaku taking action, Xiao Ping, Zhang Changsheng, Pang Taiju and others rushed forward as soon as they woke up from their sleep.

By the time Zhao Lingjun came to his senses, a group of people were already fighting over him.


"K, I obviously got this Seven Treasures Ruyi Ring first, why should I be on guard against it?"

"Who said that? I was obviously the one who encountered this first."

"You, you, don't let go. If you don't let go, I will stab you with the Sanyang Demon-Slaying Knife."

"I K, you threaten me, come here and see if I don't shoot your little pussy with the fire dragon dart."


Zhao Lingjun's face turned red when he saw these people snatching him, and he couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

But when Zhao Lingjun turned his head, he found Qing Lan sitting on the sofa, not moving at all.

Zhao Lingjun felt that with Qinglan's temper, she would definitely be the first to take action when something like this happened. It is estimated that if anyone had competed with her, they would have been kicked and kicked to unknown places.

"Why don't you go?" So Zhao Lingjun asked Qinglan a little strangely.

When asking Qing Lan, Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but wonder, could it be that Qing Lan doesn't even like these magic weapons

But what makes Zhao Lingjun even more strange is that Qing Lan did not answer his question, but only smiled slightly at him, and there was a shy blush on Qing Lan's face that he had never seen before.

Seeing Qing Lan's appearance, Zhao Lingjun suddenly remembered that Qing Lan had been very quiet since the big guy came back from the stone platform.

This is simply impossible in normal times. The thought of this. A thought suddenly passed through Zhao Lingjun's mind like lightning.

"You..." Zhao Lingjun hesitated for a while before making up his mind and asked Qinglan: "What talents and abilities do you, the five-tailed green dragon, have?"

"We, the five-tailed green dragon, have five innate abilities since we were born." Qinglan's face turned redder when Zhao Lingjun asked, "Actually, we are born with many advanced fire-type abilities like Suzaku. We are born with the five Tao skills."

"Those five kinds?" Zhao Lingjun asked impatiently after hearing what Qing Lan said.

"The first one is the same innate ability as ordinary dragons. It can cast clouds and rain. That means it can gather clouds and mist. Or it can cause frost, rain and snow."

After Qing Lan said something, she paused and looked at Zhao Lingjun. When she saw that Zhao Lingjun was listening to her words seriously, Qing Lan continued.

"The second innate ability of our five-tailed green dragon is the Qinglong Taiyi Shenmu Dao Technique. This kind of Taoist technique is similar to the Taiyi Shenmu Dao Technique of the ascetics, except that we are born with it and can release it instantly. I just used it when I dealt with the old Taoist priest who specialized in fire-based Taoism."

"Well, I know this. It was used when dealing with that Huo Yunzi." Zhao Lingjun nodded, "And what else?"

"The third innate ability of our Five-tailed Azure Dragon is the Azure Dragon Thunder Gang Technique. It is a Taoist technique that can release lightning and thunder."

"The fourth innate ability of our five-tailed green dragon is the Green Dragon's Gangfeng Technique. It is a Taoist technique that can release Gangfeng or storm. At the beginning, some people in the group used wind bags to blow away the clouds and mist I created. At that time, the sand wind I released was the Qinglong Gangfeng Technique."

"The fifth innate ability of our five-tailed blue dragon is..."

"What is it?" When Qing Lan talked about the fifth talent, he stopped, and Zhao Lingjun became a little anxious.

"Yes..." Qing Lan glanced at Zhao Lingjun and moved her mouth twice, but still didn't say anything.

"What on earth is it?" At this time, Zhao Lingjun already felt something was wrong.

"It's the Green Dragon Illusion Technique." Zhao Lingjun asked twice, and Qing Lan finally said with a blushing face and a voice like a mosquito chirping.

"Blue Dragon Fantasy Life Technique, what kind of Taoist technique is this?" Upon hearing this name, Zhao Lingjun felt a chill in his heart.

"It's the transformation technique and the ability to create illusions and see through illusions." Qing Lan was so anxious by Zhao Lingjun that she just said it out of her mind.

"We, the five-tailed blue dragon, in addition to the form of our true form, are born with the ability to change into five forms. We also have the ability to create certain illusions, see illusions, and see through illusions."

"Bang", as soon as Qing Lan said these words, Zhao Lingjun's head was filled with a bang, and he lost all his thoughts.

"You..." After a while, Zhao Lingjun regained his ability to think. He looked at Qinglan in disbelief and said, "As for the illusion in the Yuxu Illusion Vase just now, you..."

"Yes." Before Zhao Lingjun finished speaking, Qinglan nodded. When he nodded, Qinglan's face turned as red as an apple in autumn.

"I..." Zhao Lingjun felt his eyes go dark and almost fell to the ground.

"I'm not alive anymore. I don't have the face to see anyone." After finally standing firm, Zhao Lingjun didn't even dare to look at Qinglan. When he thought of what he had done to Qinglan in the illusion just now, Zhao Lingjun just wanted to look for her. If there is no one around, just hang yourself.

"Boss, boss."

"Jun Zhao Ling, Jun Zhao Ling"

But just when Zhao Lingjun was about to scream and run out to seek death, Zhao Lingjun heard N number of people calling him.

"What's going on again?" Zhao Lingjun looked up with great grief and anger, only to see Zhuque and other people looking at him with blood-red eyes. Moreover, they all held several magic weapons in their hands at the same time and refused to let go. Their hair was messed up and their clothes were torn, as if they had been fighting for a long time.

"Boss, let me judge. I obviously got this Heavenly Escape Mirror first, but he insisted on saying that he got it first." Suzaku looked at Lin Yiren and said to Zhao Lingjun in a depressed tone.

"Fart, I was the one who caught this Heavenly Escape Mirror first." Before Zhao Lingjun could speak, Lin Yiren rushed to Suzaku and said, "You're such a bear, you've already taken the Seven-Colored Exquisite Pagoda." , you still have the nerve to steal the Sky Escape Mirror from me."

"*, haven't you already snatched a Jingyun Bell?"

"You two shameless guys have already grabbed good things, and you are still making trouble. You are making a fuss." Zhao Lingjun still didn't interrupt. The one who could speak now was Xiao Ping.

"You still said to them, you already have a guy as awesome as Zhaotian Seal Gun, and you still want to fight me for the Sanyang Demon Slaying Knife." Before Xiao Ping finished speaking, Zhang Changshengjiu had already said to Xiao Ping.

"Your magic power is so low, and the Sanyang Demon-Slaying Sword is of no use to you. Maybe I gave it to you today, but someone else will snatch it away tomorrow."

"*, how dare you underestimate me, my magic power is low, how can you be so high? I want to duel with you, duel."

"Okay, stop arguing." Zhao Lingjun already wanted to die, but now that these people are making such a fuss, his head is as big as a fight. "Put down your magic weapons."

"Put down the magic weapon?" After hearing what Zhao Lingjun said, Suzaku and the others were stunned for a moment.

"Boss, you don't want to use so many magic weapons by yourself." Suzaku looked at Zhao Lingjun, and then at the seven-color exquisite tower in his hand. "Even if you want to use it alone, you won't be able to use so many magic weapons. Even if you hang them all over your body, you won't be able to hang so many magic weapons."

"MLGBD, did I say that one person should use so many magic weapons?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Suzaku with great depression, he really wanted to make this guy into a roast duck. "Put it all down and talk about it. I guarantee that everyone who meets you will have a share."


"Boss, I won't lie. Put it down, put it down." Lin Yiren and others were still doubtful, but Suzaku had already taken the lead to put down the Seven Color Exquisite Tower.

Seeing that Suzaku took the lead in putting down the Seven Color Exquisite Tower, Lin Yiren and others reluctantly put their magic weapons on the table.

"How to divide them." After all the magic weapons were piled back on the table, Xiao Ping looked at the magic weapons and said.

At this time, Xiao Ping no longer looked like a hot-shot detective, but like a criminal thief waiting to share his stolen goods.

"MLGBD, draw lots." Zhao Lingjun looked at Xiao Ping and others and said.

"Drawing lots?" After hearing Zhao Lingjun's words, Xiao Ping and others were stunned.

"Okay, let's draw lots. This is the fairest." But after a while, Xiao Ping and others nodded and agreed to the method proposed by Zhao Lingjun.

"Who comes first?" A few minutes later, Meng Xue placed a tin bucket filled with small notes with the names of the magic weapons in front of everyone.

"I'll come first, I'll come first." Suzaku was the first to jump out. Before anyone else could express their opinions, Suzaku had already put his hand into the tin bucket and pulled out a small piece of paper.

"*, you move really fast." Lin Yiren and others said depressedly.

"Haha." Suzaku proudly opened the small note in front of everyone.

"I*." But as soon as the note was opened, Suzaku couldn't feel proud anymore.

"Thunderstorm ring. Haha, you actually only touched a thunderstorm ring." Xiao Ping, who was standing next to Suzaku, saw with sharp eyes that what Suzaku touched was only a middle-level thunderstorm that could only add lightning damage to the attack. ring.

"*, why are you laughing? Maybe you are worse than me." Suzaku looked at Xiao Ping who was gloating about his misfortune and said depressedly.

"Is this possible?" Xiao Ping laughed and proudly put his hand into the tin bucket.

But when Xiao Ping got the small note and opened it, he rolled his eyes and almost fainted.

"Haha, I'll come too." Seeing everyone's surprised look, Meng Xue also put her hand into the tin bucket with great interest and took out a piece of paper.

"Jingyun Bell!"

"..." Lin Yiren and Pang Taiju were speechless for a moment.

"I'll do it." After being stunned for a while, Pang Taiju rushed forward. Pang Taiju felt that if he didn't touch it, all the good magic weapons would be touched by these beauties.

"Skyscraper Shield. I*." But as soon as Pang Taiju took it out, he found that what he touched was only an intermediate protective magic weapon.

Lin Yiren thought it was incredible. How could a bunch of men not be able to touch any good magic weapon, while those women could touch it. But when Lin Yiren took out a piece of paper from the iron bucket and opened it, Lin Yiren saw that his note said Blood Coagulation Divine Grasping.

"Forget it, forget it, we won't touch it anymore, you should give us points." Lin Yiren said to Zhao Lingjun extremely depressed when he saw that what he caught in his hand was the Blood Coagulation God's Claw.

"That's right, boss, it's you who gave us the points." Zhuque and others all agreed with Lin Yiren's opinion this time.

"Really, if I don't get the division right, won't you make a fuss?"

"That's what I said." Suzaku said to Zhao Lingjun in a very obscene manner, "Boss, we absolutely believe in you. You are definitely the embodiment of fairness and justice."

"Yes, yes." Pang Taiju and others also shamelessly agreed.

"Since everyone said so, let me divide it." Zhao Lingjun glanced at Suzaku and others and said. "But I've finished dividing it, so don't let anyone have any objections."

"Absolutely no objection, absolutely no objection." Suzaku rubbed his hands and said impatiently.

"Oh, boss. Your division is too unfair." "That's right, why do some people have more magic weapons and some people have less."

"Yes, you said in the beginning that everyone has a share, but now everyone has no share."

Before Zhao Lingjun divided the magic weapon, a group of people swore that they absolutely believed in Zhao Lingjun. However, after Zhao Lingjun finished dividing the magic weapon, a group of people started making noise again.

In the eyes of these people, Zhao Lingjun's distribution this time is definitely unfair, and there is a suspicion of favoring boys over girls.

This is how Zhao Lingjun got it.

Wu Xiaoye was assigned the Great Brocade Tent.

Suzaku received the Thunderstorm Ring and Guishui Thunder Bead.

Wu Xuanyun received the golden light cone.

Guxuanbei was assigned the Seven-Colored Exquisite Pagoda.

Lin Yiren was assigned Jingyun Bell and Blood Coagulation God.

Zhang Changsheng received the Fire Dragon Dart, Sky Shield, and Xuantian Diamond Bracelet.

What Xiao Ping got was the Golden Cloud Ring, the Cloud-piercing Arrow, the Purple Cloud Talisman, and the Heavenly Escape Mirror.

Pang Taiju received the Seven Treasures Ruyi Ring, while Zeng Yindang received the Three Yang Demon Slaying Knife.

But Qing Lan, Lin Qianxun, Meng Xue, and Cao Xiaoxian all didn't get any.

"What, Zhuque, do you think it's unfair?" Zhao Lingjun asked Zhuque after hearing Zhuque shouting that his share was unfair.

"Boss, you gave Lin Yiren all the Jingyun Bells, but you didn't give me any good protective magic weapon." Suzaku glanced at Lin Yiren beside him, then looked at Lin Yiren and took a lot of things, and was very happy. Xiao Ping said desperately. "And Xiao Ping has so many things."

"Haha, with your Taoist power, do you still need ordinary protective magic weapons?" Zhao Lingjun glanced at Suzaku and smiled. "Your cargo shield, ordinary Taoist magic and magic weapon attacks can't do anything to you. At most, you are afraid of some water magic weapons, and if you fight with people in the water, you will be at a disadvantage. I will use the water-proof Guishui Thunder Bead I gave it to you, isn’t it still right?”

"Boss, you are so wise." Suzaku was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately came to his senses. "I*, now I'm not afraid of going into the water."

"But why don't you give any magic weapon to Lin Qianxun and the others?" But Suzaku was still a little confused.

"Because they basically don't have powerful attack spells, so if it were you, you wouldn't let them fight with others." Zhao Lingjun smiled, "It's fine if I can protect them in normal times, anyway. They have always been by my side.”

Hearing what Zhao Lingjun said, Lin Qianxun and others blushed, but Zhao Lingjun continued. "I divided the magic weapons this time based on the principle of making the best use of them."

"For example, Qing Lan, I don't give her a magic weapon because he has a purple ribbon robe. The purple ribbon robe is a protective magic weapon for the immortal level. With this magic weapon, other protective magic weapons are unnecessary. "When Zhao Lingjun mentioned Qing Lan, he blushed again. However, everyone listened with great interest and did not notice anything unusual about Zhao Lingjun.

"Her Taoist attacks are not inferior to those of higher-level magic weapons, so I didn't give Qinglan those high-level attack magic weapons."

"The reason I didn't give Wu Xuanyun a protective magic weapon is because he also has a very strong protective magic weapon, the Bagua Star Armor. But because he has no offensive skills, I gave him a golden light cone."

"Then my Taoist attack is not strong, why did you just give me a blood coagulation god?" Lin Yiren said to Zhao Lingjun depressedly after hearing what Zhao Lingjun said. "Even Zhang Changsheng was assigned the Fire Dragon Dart."

"I will give you all the soul-fixing nails." Zhao Lingjun's words made everyone in Lin Yi quiet down. "When the time comes, if you can use the soul-fixing nails to control a few strange beasts like the ancient beasts just now, won't you go wild in the world? Are you afraid that your attack power is not enough?"

Zhao Lingjun looked at the blood-coagulating divine claw in Lin Yiren's hand and smiled, "What's more, the puppet warriors controlled by the Soul-fixing Nail are enough for you now. If someone escapes those puppet warriors at once, they will come directly to you to fight for their lives." , just give him a paw."

"Hey, I really didn't cover you when I was at Meng Sini Company." Before Lin Yiren could speak, Zhang Changsheng had already hugged his neighbor affectionately. "Give me such a bunch of good things."

"I gave you so much because you are too weak." Zhao Lingjun's words almost choked Zhang Changsheng to death. "For someone like you, who has little moral power and likes to stay in front and watch the fun, if I don't give you two more protective magic weapons, I guess it will be difficult for you not to be embarrassed."

"You...then why did you give me the fire dragon dart?" Zhang Changsheng said with shame.

"I gave you so many protective magic weapons, wouldn't it be a waste if I didn't give you a fire dragon dart to attack?"

"Then why did you give me so many magic weapons?" Xiao Ping took a lot of magic weapons, and he was also proud at first, but after hearing what Zhao Lingjun said, Xiao Ping became a little less proud. "Don't you think I'm too weak, too pushy, and just for fun?"

"A bit." Zhao Lingjun looked at Xiao Ping and smiled. "But the biggest reason is not this. The second reason is that the sniper rifle you wanted to modify last time will be modified soon."

"What, are you telling the truth?" Xiao Ping said in surprise. "From now on, I can use that sniper rifle to shoot the sky seal continuously?"

"Yes." Zhao Lingjun smiled, looked at Xiao Ping and said, "So everyone may have to call you Brother Fierce General in the future."

"I*." After hearing what Zhao Lingjun said, Suzaku and others also gasped.

In everyone's mind, there was a scene of a sneaky guy secretly lying on the top of a building, holding a modified sniper rifle, aiming at a group of people far away.

And what came out of the sneaky guy's sniper rifle was not bullets, but Zhaotian Seal that was much larger than a millstone.

But the group of people finally discovered where the attacker was hiding, and when they wanted to launch a counterattack, they found that there were only thousands of rays of light in front of them, and they couldn't see where the guy was.

And even if that group of people surrounded Xiao Ping and wanted to beat him up, Xiao Ping could still disappear for a while, because Xiao Ping still had the Sky Escape Mirror.

Zhuque and others felt that it would be unreasonable not to call him Brother Mengmeng Xiao Ping in the future.

"Too fierce.*." Pang Taiju glanced at Xiao Ping, and then couldn't help but ask Zhao Lingjun. "But although this Seven Treasures Wish-fulfilling Ring is an upper-level magic weapon, it doesn't seem to be of much use to me."

"This..." Zhao Lingjun glanced at Pang Taiju and Zeng Yindang and said sheepishly. "It seems that there is no magic weapon suitable for you this time, but..."

"But you were afraid that we would misunderstand and favor them, so you still gave each of us a high-level magic weapon, right?" Before Zhao Lingjun finished speaking, Zeng Yindang smiled and said.

"*, boss, you underestimate us too much. Our strengths are formations. We don't usually have to fight in battle, so you don't need to give us these magic weapons at all." Pang Taiju shouted while holding his hand The Seven Treasures Ruyi Ring was thrown to Zhao Lingjun, "If you have any useful magic weapons in the future, just give them to us."

"Here you go." Zeng Yindang also threw the Sanyang Demon-Slaying Knife to Zhao Linjun. "If you go out again in the future, I won't hang out with you."

"By the way, those ancient beasts were really transformed by your demon refining pot? If they weren't transformed, it would be great to pull them out and make them puppet warriors for me." Zhao Lingjungang took it embarrassingly When Pang Taiju and Zeng Yindang threw back the two magic weapons, Lin Yiren suddenly remembered the four ancient beasts that Wu Xiaoye had put into the demon refining pot.

"Yes." After hearing Lin Yiren's question, Suzaku immediately became interested. "Those four prehistoric giant beasts seem to have developed inner alchemy. If they open their spiritual consciousness, they will be powerful."

"What kind of spiritual consciousness are you using? Use it to be my puppet warrior." Lin Yiren said.

"*, demons are also born from demons. Can you have some humanity?"

"Stop arguing. Not long after I took those four ancient beasts in at night, when I looked at them, they seemed to have melted away." After hearing what Suzaku said, Lin Yiren still wanted to have a little quarrel with Suzaku. , but Wu Xiaoye said embarrassedly.

"It melted away so quickly?" Lin Yiren was extremely disappointed when he heard what Wu Xiaoye said.

"Do you think the Demon Refining Pot is a bathhouse, and you won't be able to wash off a layer of skin even if you go in for a long time?" Suzaku glared at Lin Yiren and said. "This is a demon refining pot, a demon refining pot that can refine all successfully trained monsters into elixirs."

"Yes, it can be made into elixirs." After hearing what Zhuque said, Lin Yiren's eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't help but look at Wu Xiaoye and said, "Do you think this demon refining pot can turn those four prehistoric giant beasts?" Refining a pill?"

"Let me take a look." After hearing what Lin Yiren said, Wu Xiaoye couldn't help but take the demon refining pot in his hand.

"Ah." Wu Xiaoye opened the lid of the demon refining pot, and a strange fragrance filled Lord Zhao Ling's house.

"Has the elixir really been refined?" Zhao Lingjun and others couldn't help but be stunned.

"There are really four pills." Wu Xiaoye put the demon refining pot in front of him and took a look, then said to everyone in surprise.

"Four pills?" Zhao Lingjun was stunned for a moment, but Wu Xiaoye had already put the demon refining pot into Zhao Lingjun's hand.

Zhao Lingjun put the demon refining pot in front of his eyes and saw four pills of different colors spinning in the demon refining pot.

"I*. You made the elixir so quickly?" Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but poured the four elixirs in the demon refining pot into his hand.

Zhuque and others immediately came over, only to find that the elixirs poured out of the demon refining pot were all as big as soybeans. The colors of these four pills are all different. One is red, one is black, one is white, and the other one emits a faint blue light.

Although the four elixirs are of different colors, they all exude a faint brilliance, and the white and blue elixirs among them exude a faint fragrance.

After Zhao Lingjun poured these four pills into his hands for a while, the whole room was filled with this fragrance.

"I don't know what effect these four pills have."

"Meow." Zhao Lingjun looked at the elixir in his hand and just said a word when he heard Xiaobai cry out.

In a blink of an eye, Zhao Lingjun found that Xiaobai, who had been sleeping obediently in Meng Xue's arms, now had his eyes wide open, his little nose was twitching, and he seemed to like the pill in his hand.

As soon as he saw Zhao Lingjun looking at him, Xiaobai meowed and jumped directly from Meng Xue's arms to Zhao Lingjun's side, his dark eyes looking at the pill in Zhao Lingjun's hand.

"Do you like this elixir?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Xiao Bai's appearance and couldn't help but ask Xiao Bai.

"Meow." Xiaobai nodded immediately after hearing Zhao Lingjun's words.

"But I don't know what effect this elixir has. What if it's poisonous?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Xiaobai and said.

"Haha." As soon as she heard Zhao Lingjun's words, Qinglan couldn't help laughing.

"What?" Although Zhao Lingjun was curious about why Qing Lan laughed, when he thought of what he was doing in the illusion, even Qing Lan didn't dare to look at her eyes.

"If the medicine made from the Demon Refining Pot is poisonous, then why would the previous owners of the Demon Refining Pot search for monsters and put them into the Demon Refining Pot?" Qing Lan said with a smile.

"You mean, the elixirs in these demon refining pots won't be poisonous?" Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but raised his head when he heard what Qing Lan said, looked at Qing Lan and asked.

"Of course, the elixirs refined by monsters in the Demon Refining Pot are all miraculous elixirs that conquer the world." Qing Lan looked at Zhao Lingjun with a slight blush on her face. "Although I am not an alchemist and don't know the specific functions of these elixirs, I know that these elixirs have a basic function."

"What's the purpose?" Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but ask.

"Increase Taoist power and increase cultivation." Qinglan looked at Zhao Lingjun and said.

"I*, no way." Zhao Lingjun suddenly remembered the Wuji Huandan that gave him the power of the Three Flowers Gathering.

"Increase Dao power, increase cultivation?" Suzaku and others couldn't help but gasped.

"Not bad." Qinglan nodded.

"I*, if you eat these elixirs refined from ancient beasts, how many years of cultivation will you gain?" Suzaku looked at the elixirs in Zhao Lingjun's hand, his eyes glowing with gold.

"I don't know exactly how much cultivation it can improve." Qinglan couldn't help but look at the elixir in Zhao Lingjun's hand, "But it can improve cultivation, that's for sure."

"Surely it's not poisonous?"

"Of course." Qinglan looked at Zhao Lingjun, wondering why Zhao Lingjun would ask again.

"Here, Xiaobai, eat it." But next, Qinglan knew why Zhao Lingjun had to ask whether the pills were poisonous or not. Because as soon as Zhao Lingjun heard his affirmative answer, he bent down and put the elixir in his hand to Xiao Bai's mouth.

"Holy shit, that's too extravagant. This elixir to improve one's cultivation is not fried soybeans, but you actually give it to a cat?" Bian Tianzhi obviously didn't understand the situation and didn't know Xiaobai's identity.

"Silly X." Suzaku gave Pang Taiju a roll of his eyes.

"Stupid? You should explain clearly why I was so stupid. We are familiar with each other, and I will sue you for defamation if you say nonsense." Pang Taiju looked at Suzaku, wanting Zhuque to give him an explanation.

But as soon as Pang Taiju spoke, Xiaobai meowed with joy and swallowed the four soybean-like elixirs in Zhao Lingjun's hand.

"*." As soon as he saw Xiaobai licking up the four pills at once, Suzaku swallowed his saliva, and Suzaku was too lazy to pay attention to Pang Taiju.

"You are talking."

Pang Taiju looked at Suzaku and said nothing, and wanted to pester Suzaku, but at this moment, Pang Taiju heard a sound of bones exploding.

Pang Taiju blinked and was dumbfounded.

The sound came from Xiaobai's body.

And as the sound of bones exploding sounded, Xiao Bai's small body slowly expanded like an inflating balloon.

The brilliance of the four colors of black, white, red, and blue danced around Xiao Bai's body, as if there were four snakes of four colors wrapped around Xiao Bai's body.

"Xiao Bai." Although he had already received a positive answer from Qing Lan, knowing that the pills Xiao Bai had eaten were definitely not poisonous, at this moment he saw Xiao Bai's swollen body and the twisted pain on Xiao Bai's face. With such an expression on his face, Zhao Lingjun still couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

"Meow." Xiaobai let out a sharp cry when he heard Zhao Lingjun's voice.

Following Xiao Bai's cry, Xiao Bai's body emitted an extremely strong mana fluctuation. And the four-color brilliance of black, white, red, and blue suddenly twisted and merged together quickly after Xiaobai made this cry.

After waiting for the four colors of radiance to gather together, everyone felt their eyes light up, and an extremely bright halo suddenly emanated from Xiaobai's body.


"I'll beat your lungs out."

This extremely bright halo was more dazzling than the strongest sunlight at noon. Before Pang Taiju could react, his eyes were already dazzled. And when Pang Taiju rubbed his eyes for a while, before he could see the scene in front of him clearly, Pang Taiju heard a gasp of air around him.

"What's going on? I'm shocked." Pang Taiju blinked hard.

After Pang Taiju blinked hard, he could finally see the scenery in front of him. However, when Pang Taiju just saw the scenery in front of him, he was stunned as if he was under petrification magic.

"I*, I*, I*." Pang Taiju couldn't believe his eyes even after saying "I*" three times.

Because in front of Pang Taiju, there was no trace of Xiaobai.

What appeared in front of Pang Taiju was a little girl who looked to be only fourteen or fifteen years old, wearing a white dress and looking like a junior high school student.

And this little girl's delicate face has a pair of bright and moving big eyes that seem to change colors. Combined with the small nose and slightly curled lips, she is extremely cute and beautiful.

"I'm not blinded." Pang Taiju still couldn't believe his eyes and rubbed his eyes twice more.

"Congratulations on your golden elixir." But Pang Taiju heard Qinglan and Suzaku say excitedly to the extremely cute little girl.

"Are you Xiaobai?" Zhao Lingjun, Meng Xue, Lin Qianxun and others looked at this cute little girl for a long time before saying this.

"Yes, Sister Meng Xue, Sister Qianxun." Before Meng Xue could react, this cute little girl had already thrown herself into Meng Xue's arms, "Sister, I have achieved great success in the golden elixir. Starting today, , you can transform into a human form, and you can also speak.”

"Brother Zhao Lingjun." Before Zhao Lingjun could speak, this cute little girl suddenly threw herself into Zhao Lingjun's arms.

"..." Zhao Lingjun's face suddenly turned as red as an autumn apple.

After Xiaobai transformed, although he only looked like a junior high school student, Zhao Lingjun was still a little at a loss when such a cute junior high school student suddenly threw himself into Zhao Lingjun's arms.

"Haha, it's so cute, let me hug you." Suzaku was not as restrained as Zhao Lingjun. As soon as he saw Xiaobai calling Zhao Lingjun brother and then throwing himself into Zhao Lingjun's arms, Suzaku said shamelessly.

"I don't want it." Suzaku thought that this cute little beauty would definitely agree. But what disappointed Suzaku was that as soon as Xiaobai heard what Suzaku said, he immediately shook his head.

"Why." Suzaku touched his face. Because a divine beast like him is born with a strong recovery ability, Suzaku's face has almost recovered now. Suzaku thought that he was a handsome guy no matter what, and he would definitely be no worse than Zhao Lingjun, so he couldn't figure it out.

"Because you look like those perverts in TV series now." The beautiful girl who looked like a junior high school student said to Suzaku seriously.

With a "bang", Suzaku rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Haha, that's good." Lin Yiren and others heard this and laughed so much that they almost couldn't breathe.

"Haha" After being treated like this by Suzaku, Zhao Lingjun was no longer so embarrassed.

After gently pushing away the little beauty who was a junior high school student who was hugging him like an octopus, Zhao Lingjun looked at the little beauty for a long time before asking, "Xiaobai, how did you become like this? ah."

"I don't know either. After I took those pills, I just felt countless energy waves flowing through my body. I didn't know what happened. When I woke up, I became This is what I look like." Xiaobai lowered his head and glanced at himself, and said to Zhao Lingjun in aggrieved tone, "Isn't it ugly? My brother doesn't like me anymore?"

"No, it's very beautiful." What Zhao Lingjun said was true, because now Xiaobai has become cuter than the little girls in most comics.

"Then you still like Xiaobai."

"Uh, of course." Zhao Lingjun was stunned and said.

"That's great." But as soon as Zhao Lingjun finished speaking, the beautiful junior high school student threw herself into Zhao Lingjun's arms.

"Cough, cough. Xiaobai." Zhao Lingjun pushed the beautiful junior high school student away from his arms again in embarrassment.

"What?" The beautiful junior high school student who was pushed away by Zhao Lingjun looked at Zhao Lingjun aggrievedly, "Brother, do you not like me anymore?"


"Then why don't you let me hug you?" The beautiful junior high school student looked at Zhao Lingjun aggrievedly, tears welling up in her eyes. "You used to let me hold you, and you still hold me to sleep."

"Bang." Suzaku managed to get up from the ground. As soon as he heard the words of the beautiful junior high school student, Suzaku's eyes turned white again and he fainted on the ground.

"It's so evil." Lin Yiren and others gasped and looked at Zhao Lingjun.

"I..." Zhao Lingjun wished that there was a crack in the ground so that he could slip into it.

After spending a long time, Zhao Lingjun explained clearly to the little beauty who is a junior high school student the difference between men and women. In the past, they could hug each other when they were not transformed. That was because Xiaobai was still a cat, but now that Xiaobai has achieved the golden elixir, he has After transforming into a human being, you can’t hug someone casually.

Although the little beauty who is a junior high school student still looks confused and half-understood, at least she is no longer pestering Zhao Lingjun like an octopus. After Zhao Lingjun breathed a sigh of relief, he asked Qinglan and Suzaku, who finally got up from the ground and looked at him like an animal: "Why do you transform and become adults, but she transforms , but become like a junior high school student?"

"We five-tailed green dragons all have thousands of years of life. My current age is equivalent to about twenty years of your human race, so this is what I transformed into." Qinglan looked at Zhao Lingjun and said.

"What about you?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Suzaku and said. "Aren't you the Xiaoqiang who claims to be immortal and invincible?"

"Boss, that was blown by others." Zhuque looked at Zhao Lingjun and said embarrassedly, "Our Suzaku actually has a lifespan similar to that of a five-tailed blue dragon."

"Then you can be reborn from the ashes?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Suzaku strangely and said.

"We can only be reborn from the ashes within these thousands of years of life. After our life span is exhausted, we will not be able to be reborn." Suzaku looked at Zhao Lingjun and said. "And our rebirth from the ashes is also limited. Every time we are killed, our cultivation level will drop by one level. For example, my original cultivation level is already at level eight, and I died once when I broke out of the formation last time. It becomes level seven.

As soon as he talked about this, Suzaku thought of Zhao Lingjun's violent formation break that day, and became a little depressed, so after looking at Zhao Lingjun, Suzaku continued: "Fortunately, I am at the eighth level. If I were only at the sixth level, I would have lost it last time. At the first level, I can’t even change my human form. I can only maintain my true form.”

"You mean, you Suzaku have to cultivate to the sixth level before you can transform into a human form?" Zhao Lingjun was a little embarrassed when Suzaku said this.

"Yes. Every time we die, we will lose one level. If we fall below level six, because we cannot transform into human form and our meridians are limited, many powerful spells cannot be released. So our fifth level and sixth level There is a huge difference in the strength of the first level. And if we fall to only the first level of cultivation, we will not have the ability to rise from the ashes." Suzaku looked at Zhao Lingjun and said.

"So you need at least two levels of Suzaku to have the ability to rise from the ashes." "Then what you mean is that when your lifespan is up, you will also die. And if you were cut down to only one level, you would have been killed long ago. After killing, will you also die?"

"That's it." Zhuque looked at Zhao Lingjun depressedly and said, "If we were really Xiaoqiang who would never die, wouldn't our Suzaku world be ours by now? How could we let those Taoists be so awesome?"

"So your lifespan is also thousands of years, and your current age is equivalent to our human race's twenties, so you have transformed into this." Zhao Lingjun looked at Suzaku, and then looked at it again The beautiful junior high school student said, "I understand. Although Xiaobai was only two or three years old before turning into an adult, because the lifespan of ordinary cats is less than twenty years, Xiaobai's age is equivalent to ten years of our human race." She looks like four or five years old, so she naturally transformed into this look."

"Will Xiaobai grow up soon?" After hearing what Zhao Lingjun said, Zhang Chengsheng couldn't help but ask.

"Probably not." Qing Lan looked at Zhang Changsheng and said. "Monsters after the completion of the Golden Elixir all have more valuable lives, so for us, time is like standing still."

"I*. Then hasn't she been like this for a long time?" Zhang Changsheng looked at the beautiful junior high school student and gasped.

"Perhaps you won't be able to see her grow up until you die." Suzaku laughed, and while answering Zhang Changsheng's question, he turned to look at the beautiful junior high school student. "Isn't she cute like this?"

"By the way, do you have any gifted spells?" When looking at the beautiful junior high school student, Suzaku felt the surging power fluctuations rippling around her body, and suddenly remembered this.

Because Suzaku knows that even the lowest level monsters will have some innate spells after they have cultivated to the point of golden elixir. However, Suzaku has never seen a cat monster who has cultivated to the golden elixir and reshaped its meridians, so for the junior high school The little beauty was full of interest.

"Yes, do you have any gifted spells?" Lin Yiren and others' eyes lit up when Suzaku said this.

"Talented spells?" The beautiful junior high school student looked at the group of excited people in front of her, "Do all the spells I know now count?"

"Of course it doesn't matter. You haven't learned other people's spells yet. The spells you know now are of course the innate spells." Suzaku looked at the little beauty who was a junior high school student and smiled wretchedly, thinking in his heart that this little beauty who is a junior high school student Is the beauty's gifted spell the lion's roar or the claw spell

The reason why Suzaku thinks this way is that although each monster will have innate spells after successful cultivation, due to the different races at the beginning, it is impossible for ordinary monsters to have powerful innate spells like Qinglong and Suzaku.

Just think of Wu Xuanyun's innate spell, which is just a black turtle shell's defensive spell. So Suzaku couldn't help but think that maybe the gifted spell of this beautiful junior high school girl was just a lion's roar.

When Suzaku thought of the lion's roar in the movie "Kung Fu" that he had seen not long ago, he couldn't help but think that if the gifted spell this junior high school girl knew was really just a lion's roar, when she cast this spell, Will her breasts be bulging like the fat lady in Kung Fu

"I seem to know many kinds of things." But the answer of the beautiful junior high school student surprised Suzaku.

"So many kinds?" Suzaku couldn't believe his ears, because even when he reached the sixth level of cultivation, he could only concentrate his talents on spells. "Climbing trees and the like are not considered innate spells."

So Suzaku kindly reminded the little beauty who was a junior high school student.

"Of course you can't do arithmetic when climbing a tree." The little beauty, a junior high school student, glanced at Suzaku proudly and said.

"Then what on earth do you know? Come out and show us everything." Suzaku glanced at the beautiful junior high school student and said.