Celestial Employee

Chapter 65: Text 181-185


"Haha, brother, your defensive spells are indeed the best in the world." Seeing that the combined attacks of Zhao Lingjun and others were blocked by the tortoise and snake armor of the young man in black, the young man in green not only smiled proudly, Twice. "Their spells can't break through your turtle and snake armor at all."

"Hehe." The young man in black smiled proudly, but did not speak to the young man in green, because at this time Bai Loli's second spell had already been cast.

Bai Loli's second spell was a few black arrows, but these black arrows seemed to have little power. Once blocked by the turtle and snake armor of the young man in black, the black arrows turned into A cloud of black smoke spread around the young man in black.

As soon as he saw Bai Loli's black arrows being easily blocked by the turtle and snake armor of the young man in black, the young man in green became even more relaxed.

"Haha, can you use two more powerful spells? Isn't it embarrassing to use these spells?" The young man in Tsing Yi said angrily, while raising his middle finger towards Zhao Lingjun and others.

The man in Tsing Yi felt that when he said this, the young man in black not far away in front of him made no sound at all. However, when Zhao Lingjun and others saw his middle finger, they didn't seem to be angry at all, but looked at him with a strange look. Looking at himself and the young man in black.

The young man in green clothes felt something was wrong. He couldn't help but walked to the young man in black clothes and took a look. He found that the young man in black clothes had his eyes wide open and looked straight at Zhao Lingjun and others in front of him, motionless. one time.

"What are you doing?" The young man in Tsing Yi felt a little strange, because not only did the young man in black not move, but the black energy on his face seemed to be more intense than usual, so the young man in Tsing Yi couldn't help but say He patted the young man in black on the shoulder and wanted to ask him why he looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Plop", but what surprised the young man in Tsing Yi was that he just patted the young man in black, and the young man in black fell straight down, with black blood flowing out of his mouth and nose, as if He was unconscious as if he had been poisoned.

"You, you are so despicable, you actually poisoned them." The young man in Tsing Yi suddenly jumped up, nodding at Zhao Lingjun and others in disbelief and said.

"This poisonous mist arrow is also one of my spells." After hearing what the young man in Tsing Yi said, Bai Loli looked at the young man in Tsing Yi with aggrieved eyes, "Why, everyone is working hard now, so we can't use it yet. This kind of magic?"

"—" The young man in Tsing Yi was speechless for a moment.

"Haha, Bai Loli, good job, ignore this idiot, let's beat him up together." The young man in Tsing Yi was speechless, but Suzaku was already like a villain, clenching his fists and said to the young man in Tsing Yi.

"Do you think you can defeat me like this?" After hearing Suzaku's words, the young man in Tsing Yi shouted crazily, "I am Qinglong, one of the four sacred beasts. You have no time, no time..." "

"Qinglong? Is there something wrong with this man's head?" Hearing the young man in Qingyi shout this, Suzaku looked at Qinglan not far away from him in depression. "If he is Qinglong, who are you?"

But before Qinglan could answer, the young man in Qingyi who claimed to be Qinglong had already shouted, "You don't have time. If you want to kill me, you should find a way to find me first."

After shouting, the young man who claimed to be Qinglong suddenly opened his mouth, and countless green mist spurted out from the mouth of the young man in green.

The cyan mist instantly filled the entire black and white world. The young man in Tsing Yi changed his position in the mist, feeling very proud. After changing several positions, the young man in Tsing Yi felt that Zhao Lingjun and others must be unable to do anything to him now.

"I am Qinglong, a Qinglong who can swallow clouds and spit mist. You can't kill me." So the young man in Qingyi shouted proudly.

"Are you Qinglong?" But just as the young man in Tsing Yi finished shouting these words, the young man in Tsing Yi felt a violent wind blowing between the black and white ground. The young man in Tsing Yi was blown away by this strong wind. , can't even open my eyes. In the howling wind, the young man in Tsing Yi only heard a woman's voice drifting over.

"If he is Qinglong, I will be his aunt." When the strong wind stopped, the young man in Qingyi opened his eyes and was stunned.

The young man in green only saw Zhao Lingjun and others surrounding him, and the green clouds he sprayed had been completely blown away by the strong wind.

Among Zhao Lingjun and others, the girl who looked very delicate and beautiful spoke to Suzaku.

"You..." Just when the young man in Tsing Yi was about to ask, who are you and why can you easily break through my Azure Dragon Mist, Zhao Lingjun and others had already started to move together.

"Ah—" The young man in green only had time to let out a scream before he became the target of Zhao Lingjun, Suzaku and others' spells.

"Pretend to be Suzaku in front of the real Suzaku, and pretend to be Qinglong in front of the real Qinglong. Do you think these people came out of Qingshan Mental Hospital?"

When the young man in Tsing Yi was almost turned into a roast pig and passed out by the spells of Suzaku and others, Suzaku said depressedly.

As soon as Suzaku's voice fell, the black and white world in front of him began to distort.

Zhao Lingjun and others only felt that their eyes were darkened at first. After a wave of mana, Zhao Lingjun and others' eyes lit up again.

When everyone saw everything in front of them clearly, they found that they were still standing in the Sixiangkanli Hall, and four people who looked like roasted pigs were lying on the ground of the Sixiangkanli Hall.

But Mu Daolin, who was supposed to be hiding in the last palace of Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace, stood dumbfounded on the mountain path between Sixiangkanli Palace and Taiyuan Palace, the last palace of Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace. looking at himself.

"Mu Daolin." Zhao Lingjun couldn't figure out why Mu Daolin appeared here at this time, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Zhao Lingjun was stunned for a moment, but Mu Daolin, who was standing on the mountain path, suddenly woke up and suddenly threw a piece of metal tile-shaped magic weapon from his hand.

"No, intercept him." Suzaku and others recognized the magic weapon, but Zhao Lingjun did, because that magic weapon was exactly what Zhao Lingjun saw Mu Daolin use in the Sanxing Building. It was a flying magic weapon that could transform into a metal boat. Zhao Lingjun once followed Mu Daolin in Yunxia Tianyi. He knew that Mu Daolin, a flying magic weapon, could fly at an astonishing speed. If Mu Daolin could not be intercepted before he flew away from Maoshan, perhaps Mu Daolin would be in front of everyone's eyes. He ran away. Therefore, Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but change his expression and exhaled urgently.

As soon as they saw Zhao Lingjun's expression changed, Zhuque and others knew that the matter was serious and took action hurriedly.

The movements of Zhuque and others were very fast, but Mu Daolin's running speed was much faster than that of Zhuque and others. By the time Suzaku and others took up the magic spell, Mu Daolin had already jumped on it. A metal tile-shaped flying magic weapon transformed into a spaceship. By the time the spells of Zhuque and others were overwhelming towards Zhou Dao Lin, Mu Dao Lin had already flown out a long way.

"I*, this guy's speed is too fast. Boss, what should I do?" As soon as Suzaku saw the spells cast by everyone, he didn't even touch the corner of Mu Daolin's clothes. Mu Daolin flew away after a while. When he almost couldn't even see his shadow, he couldn't help but asked Zhao Lingjun depressedly.

"Haha, bye, everyone." Before Zhao Lingjun could speak to Suzaku, Mu Daolin, who was flying in the air, shouted to Zhao Lingjun and Suzaku with great arrogance.

"I..." Hearing Mu Daolin shout this, Suzaku wanted to die. Zhuque felt that the world was really in chaos. Even the people who were running away were running away so arrogantly. It was simply unreasonable. But now Suzaku couldn't do anything against Mu Daolin.

Because Suzaku, Qinglan and others all had the ability to fly, but looking at the speed of Mu Daolin's flying boat, Suzaku knew that even if he took off his clothes and ran naked, he would not be able to catch up.

"Haha." Looking at the faces of Zhao Lingjun and others from a distance, Mu Daolin knew that Zhao Lingjun and others would definitely not be able to catch up with him.

So while he was escaping quickly in his flying boat, Mu Daolin became more and more proud as he thought about it, and couldn't help laughing loudly.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy to escape." But before Mu Daolin's laughter stopped, a black cloud suddenly appeared in front of Mu Daolin's eyes.

As soon as Mu Daolin saw the black cloud in front of him, his heart was broken, because Mu Daolin saw that the black cloud was actually made up of thousands of black flying insects.

"The leader of the Black Gu Sect."

Mu Daolin was shocked when he saw the black cloud, but Zhao Lingjun and others were beaming with joy. Zhao Lingjun didn't know why the leader of the Black Gu Sect, You Shaoyuan, happened to be there, and couldn't help but mutter to himself, "Why is he there. "

As soon as Zhao Lingjun finished speaking, several balls of linhuo that flickered on and off suddenly appeared behind Mu Daolin, transforming into an old man with gray beard and hair. It was Zhang Daqian, the leader of the White Bone Sect.

Mu Daolin's full attention was on the thousands of black insects not far in front of him, so how did he know that Zhang Daqian, the leader of the White Bone Sect, would suddenly appear behind him.

When Mu Daolin noticed the fluctuation of mana behind him and turned around, several long bone knives transformed from Zhang Daqian's hand had already stabbed Mu Daolin's body.

"Ah—" Mu Daolin let out a scream like a slaughtered pig as several long knives passed through his body.

"Holy shit, it's so cool. How could he be there?" When Suzaku saw Mu Daolin being stabbed by Zhang Daqian, he couldn't help but said after shouting "It's so cool."

"Are you okay?" As soon as Suzaku finished speaking, Wu Xiaoye's voice came from behind.

When Zhuque, Zhao Lingjun and others turned around, they found that Wu Xiaoye, Gu Xuanbei and others had already used magic to fly behind them.

"We're fine." Hearing what Wu Xiaoye said, Zhao Lingjun was a little surprised, "Why are you here? Why do they happen to be there?"

"Just now, this place was shrouded in a sudden surge of black mist. We couldn't see what was going on inside, so the masters of the Black Gu Sect and the White Bone Sect asked themselves to fly up to the sky to check. Unexpectedly, they happened to catch the one who was about to escape. Mu Daolin stopped it."

When Suzaku heard what Wu Xiaoye said, he understood everything.

It turned out that the fake Qinglong had just activated the Prince of Freedom Ming Formation. What Zhuque and the others saw was a world with only black and white, while those waiting for Wu Xiaoye outside the formation saw a black mist.

The masters of the Black Gu Sect and the White Bone Sect were anxious and wanted to fly into the sky to investigate. Unexpectedly, they intercepted the fleeing Mu Daolin.

"His luck is really bad." After Suzaku understood it, he couldn't help but glance at Mu Daolin in the sky again, but just after taking a look, Suzaku couldn't help but gasped again. "I*."

It turned out that after being stabbed by Zhang Daqian's long bone knife, Mu Daolin was now tightly wrapped by thousands of black insects from the leader of the Black Gu Sect. Looking from a distance, Mu Daolin no longer looked like a person, but like a black rice dumpling with several knives stuck in it.

Although Suzaku has lived for a thousand years, for a thousand years, Suzaku has spent most of his time sealed in the Vajra Demon Subduing Array. So Suzaku didn't eat many good things.

Among them, the fragrant meat rice dumplings are also considered the same.

"TNND." But as soon as Suzaku saw that scene, he felt that he would never be able to eat rice dumplings again.

"Brother Zhao Lingjun, that person can't run away now." At this time, Bai Loli, who saw that scene, also said with amusement.

Looking at Bai Loli's situation at this moment, no one would have thought that such a beautiful junior high school girl could actually defeat the two masters of the opponent's Zi Zi Ming Wang Formation.

"If he still runs away like this, I will eat that big stone." After hearing Bai Loli's words, Suzaku laughed dumbly, and clicked the stone not far away from the wall of the Sixiang Kanli Hall to collapse. A black stone came down and said to Bai Loli.

Because Suzaku knew that the black cloud was the black cloud Gu cast by You Shaoyuan, the leader of the Black Gu Sect. Even Suzaku himself would not be able to escape if he was pierced by Zhang Daqian's bone knife and wrapped in the black cloud Gu.

But just as Suzaku finished speaking, there was a loud "bang" in the sky.

Before Suzaku understood what was going on, he saw Mu Daolin, who looked like a black rice dumpling, suddenly exploded like a bomb. Thousands of black Gu insects that wrapped around Mu Daolin tightly and pulled Mu Daolin toward where Zhao Lingjun and others were standing were blown up and scattered all over the sky.

"What's going on? Where are his people?"

Suzaku looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief, because after Suzaku saw thousands of black Gu insects being blown away, there was no figure of Mu Daolin inside, only a scattered blood mist. And in the scattered blood mist, a white light quickly sprang out, and in a moment, it flew into the higher clouds and disappeared.

"Escape with bloody explosions."

Zhao Lingjun's expression suddenly changed.

"I*, no." Suzaku was dumbfounded.

Blood Explosion Escape is a spell that requires one to self-destruct before one's soul can escape. If the escaped soul cannot find a suitable body to be reincarnated within twelve hours, it will disappear, and even if it escapes If the soul can find a suitable body to be reincarnated, all the cultivation will be wasted, and cultivation must be started again.

Suzaku did not expect that Mu Daolin would use such a lifeless escape technique.

"Ahem - I didn't expect his soul to escape."

Seeing that Mu Daolin's soul had already flown away, the leader of the Black Gu Sect, You Shaoyuan, and the leader of the White Bone Sect, had no choice but to fall into the Sixiang Kanli Palace angrily.

Because the black cloud Gu insect that was connected to his mind was injured by Mu Daolin's spell, the leader of the Black Gu Sect, You Shaoyuan, spit out a mouthful of blood as soon as he fell to the ground. Zhang Daqian also looked very embarrassed. Not only was he covered in blood, he also had some black poisonous insects stuck to his face, which made him look very funny.

"He actually even used this kind of escape technique." Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but sigh when he saw the appearance of the two of them.

Zhao Lingjun knew that the reason why Mu Daolin appeared on the mountain road must be that Zhao Lingjun and others would die in the Zi Ziming King's formation. However, he was able to capture Mu Daolin alive but still let his soul escape. Zhao Lingjun was still a little frustrated.

"What should we do now?"

Suzaku looked at the ruins in front of him and the four half-dead monsters lying on them, and said to Zhao Lingjun.

"Wake these people up first and ask them who they are." Zhao Lingjun looked at the Taiyuan Hall not far in front of him, then at the four monsters lying on the bed, and said.

"I'll do it." Although the leader of the Black Gu Sect was a little weak after spitting out a mouthful of blood, when he heard Lord Zhao Ling say this, the leader of the Black Gu Sect, You Shaoyuan, stepped forward and released a Green flying insect.

"Intimate Gu worm." Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but nodded slightly when he saw the green Gu worm.

The Intimate Gu can allow the bewitcher and the bewitched to communicate with each other for a period of time. Now it is much easier to use to interrogate these four people than to search for magic.

As soon as Zhao Lingjun nodded, the leader of the Black Gu Sect pinched open the mouth of the fake Qinglong who had recently been beaten by Suzaku and others' final blow, like a roasted pig.

The green intimate Gu shook its wings and flew into the mouth of the fake Qinglong.

As soon as he saw the green intimate Gu fluttering its wings and flying into the fake Qinglong's mouth, Suzaku swallowed hard.

Suzaku felt that it must be a very disgusting thing for such a bug to get into his mouth, but when he thought about it, the fake Qinglong slowly woke up and turned around.

"Ah-" When he saw so many people around him, the fake Qinglong almost fainted as soon as he woke up.

"I'm telling you, if you dare to pretend to be dead, I'll cut you into ham slices." But Suzaku's words made the fake Qinglong have to work hard to open his eyes wide.

"How about it?"

After seeing Qinglong wake up, Suzaku asked You Shaoyuan, the leader of the Black Gu Sect, after performing several spells. "Who are they?"

"This..." You Shaoyuan wiped his sweat. "This doesn't seem to be an ordinary monster. My intimate Gu doesn't seem to have any effect on him."

"No, is there such a thing?" Zhao Lingjun was stunned for a moment after hearing what You Shaoyuan said. Before he could speak, Suzaku couldn't help but say. "TMD, let me do it."

"Okay." Seeing that Suzaku seemed to be very capable, You Shaoyuan had no choice but to wipe his sweat and walked aside.

"You...what are you going to do?" The fake Qinglong was frightened when he saw Suzaku walking towards him with a ferocious look on his face.

"Do you want to die or live?" Suzaku did not answer the fake Qinglong's question and directly kicked the fake Qinglong between the legs.

"Ah—" Although the fake Qinglong had been blasted into a pig's head, Suzaku's kick made the fake Qinglong scream, and the pain was so painful that he even shed tears. "I want to live, I want to live."

"Okay, let's see if you still know what's going on." Suzaku looked at the fake Qinglong above him, snorted, and put away his feet. "Then answer my questions obediently."

"Okay." The fake Qinglong covered the middle of his legs and nodded desperately. He probably wanted to call Suzaku uncle.

"Okay, who are you four? What is your relationship with the Maoshan Sect?" Suzaku nodded with satisfaction when he saw the reaction of the fake Qinglong.

"The four of us are the four guardian star kings of Maoshan Sect. Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu and Baihu."

But the first words from the fake Qinglong made Suzaku jump.

"Damn it, you are Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and Baihu, so what are we?"

A huge firebird with huge mana fluctuations appeared from behind Suzaku.

Suzaku was so angry that he even revealed his true form.

"Do you want to play with me?"

"Me. Are you...?"

As soon as he saw Suzaku showing his true self, the fake Qinglong was stunned for a moment, but after being stunned for a while, the fake Qinglong still said to Suzaku in a mosquito-humming voice, "But they said we are Qing—"

"You're Qing, the real Qinglong is here." Zhuque was so angry that he nodded at Qinglan beside him and said to Qinglong, "It seems that you won't give up until you reach the Yellow River, and you won't shed tears until you see the coffin? "


Upon hearing what Suzaku said, the fake Qinglong was so frightened that he almost peed his pants and said hurriedly. "I'm telling the truth."

"I*." Suzaku was almost mad at this guy and asked Wu Xiaoye beside him, "Lend me your demon refining pot."

Wu Xiaoye looked at Zhao Lingjun, who nodded, and Wu Xiaoye handed the demon refining pot to Suzaku.

"Have you seen it? Do you know what this magic weapon is? If you don't know, I will tell you that this is a demon refining pot, which can directly refine demons into elixirs." As soon as Suzaku took Wu Xiaoye, he raised his hand He shouted to the fake Qinglong while holding the demon refining pot.

"Is this the Demon Refining Pot?" Zhuque thought that this guy would be scared to death when he saw the Demon Refining Pot in his hand, but Suzaku didn't expect that the fake Qinglong would suddenly panic when he saw the Demon Refining Pot in his hand. Zi was full of confusion, "Why is your Demon Refining Pot different from the one we usually live in?" "I*." Upon hearing this sentence, Suzaku, Zhao Lingjun and others suddenly understood.

This guy pretending to be Qinglong, the demon refining pot he talks about is the demon raising pot of Maoshan Sect.

So these four guys must be the four monsters raised by Maoshan Sect using the monster raising pot. The reason why these four guys think that they are Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu must be that since they had spiritual consciousness, the Maoshan Sect has been telling them that they are Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, just like if Someone has told you since you were a child that you are the best master in the world. If you are the best master in the world, you may really think that you are the best master in the world.

When he thought that these four guys might not know his true identity until now, Suzaku felt a little sympathetic to these four guys.

However, when he saw the fake Qinglong in front of him and thought of how arrogant and domineering this guy was in the Zi Zi Ming King Formation, Suzaku's heart hardened again.

"It's different from where you usually live? Then do you want to go in and live there?"

"I don't want it." Although he didn't know what kind of magic weapon the demon refining pot in Suzaku's hand was, the fake Qinglong shook his head quickly when he saw the vicious expression on Suzaku's face.

"If you don't want to, just answer the question honestly." Suzaku now knew that this guy was not playing with him. "Why did Mu Daolin kill Tao Hongjing and Zhang Mingzhen?"

"have no idea."

"Where is Fang Tianhua, the leader of Maoshan Sect?"

"have no idea."

"Is there any other ambush in Tianyuan Palace?"

"have no idea."

"I*, do you know how to write the word death?"

"I really don't know what you asked about." The fake Qinglong almost cried.

"Let me ask you another question. If you dare to say you don't know again, you will be dead." Suzaku couldn't stand this fake Qinglong anymore. "Where is the so-called demon refining pot where you lived when you were practicing?"

"I-" After hearing the first half of Suzaku's words, the fake Qinglong was frightened out of his wits and trembling all over. But when he heard the second half of Suzaku's words, the fake Qinglong cried with joy. "I know this, I know this."

"I*" As soon as he saw the reaction of the fake Qinglong, Suzaku kicked the fake Qinglong in an angry and funny way. "You know why you don't tell me quickly, why are you so dawdling?"

"I said, I said." The fake Qinglong nodded desperately, stretched out his finger, pointed at Tianyuan Hall not far away and said, "The Liandong Pot is usually placed in the treasure house in Taiyuan Hall."

"Treasure Temple?" After hearing the answer from the fake Qinglong, the eyes of Suzaku, Pang Taiju and others lit up.

"Yes, that's where the demon refining pot is usually placed."

"Then if you want to use it, why don't you just go in and take it?" Zhuque looked at the fake Qinglong, "In that case, you must be very familiar with Taiyuan Temple, and you just told me that you don't know Taiyuan Temple. Is there an ambush inside? Do you want to die if you don't tell the truth?"

"What I said is all the truth." Upon hearing Suzaku's words, the fake Qinglong was about to cry again. "Mu Daolin usually brings it out for us to practice with. We have never been to Taiyuan Hall."

"I*, that hidden treasure..."

"Wait." Suzaku was about to ask the fake Qinglong what magic weapon was in the treasure hall, but was interrupted by Zhao Lingjun. "You said Mu Daolin usually brings it out for you to use?"

"Yes." "What's wrong? Boss?" Suzaku found out strangely that after hearing the fake Qinglong's affirmative answer, Zhao Lingjun suddenly seemed to be thoughtful.

"Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace was originally the place where the four elders of Maoshan Sect and the sect leader Fang Tianhua could come in." After hearing what Zhuque said, Zhao Lingjun looked at Suzaku and said, "When I first saw Mu Daolin here, I I felt something was wrong, I thought it was because of the critical situation that Mu Daolin came to the Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace to hide, but I didn’t expect that he was actually here before."

"Yes, how could he be here normally?" Suzaku turned his head and looked at Qinglong, "Are you lying to us?"

"Everything I said is true,..., I..." The fake Qinglong was frightened again.

"Looking at him, it doesn't look like he's telling lies." Zhao Lingjun looked at Suzaku and said, "Seeing as Mu Daolin is so familiar with this place, it must not be his first time here."

After a pause, Zhao Lingjun continued, "Although Fang Tianhua, the leader of the Maoshan Sect, is very protective of his shortcomings, he usually distinguishes rewards and punishments and abides by the rules and precepts. If..."

"What if?" Zhao Lingjun suddenly paused when he heard what he said. Pang Taiju, who was diligent, couldn't help but interject and asked.

"Have you met Fang Tianhua, the leader of Maoshan Sect?" However, Zhao Lingjun did not answer Pang Taiju's question and continued to ask the fake Qinglong.

"No." The fake Qinglong shook his head.

"How many years have you been cultivating since you had spiritual consciousness?" Zhao Lingjun continued to ask.

"It's been ten years."

"I*." Hearing what the fake Qinglong said, Suzaku gasped. This fake Qinglong has only cultivated for so many years and has the same terrifying strength as a thousand-year-old monster. How many monsters have these four people devoured in the monster-raising pot

Only now did Suzaku understand why, although the demon power of these people was so huge, it was so mottled and messy. It must be that these guys were in the demon pot, devouring the demon power of countless monsters, but they didn't have time. And because of its complete refining. When he thought that the monster power these guys used to show off their power was all based on the monsters killed by the Maoshan Sect, Suzaku wanted to kick this guy to death.

"You haven't seen Fang Tianhua in ten years?" But Zhao Lingjun continued to ask.

"No, we have been practicing in Sixiang Kanli Temple for the past ten years, and every time Mu Daolin comes to give us the demon refining pot." The fake Qinglong obviously hasn't cleared the demon refining pot and the demon refining pot. The difference between raising demon pots.

"Is Fang Tianhua already here?" Upon hearing this, Qing Lan and Wu Xiaoye couldn't help blurting out.

"Already hung up?" Suzaku said everything that Qing Lan and Wu Xiaoye had not said.

"I don't know. However, maybe as long as we enter the Taiyuan Hall and take a look, we will know what is going on with Fang Tianhua." Zhao Lingjun said, looking at the Taiyuan Hall not far in front of him.

"Then let's bomb the Taiyuan Palace again." After hearing what Zhao Lingjun said, Pang Taiju said excitedly.

"Hit your head." Suzaku glared at Pang Taiju, but because of Pang Taiju's performance in the Zi Zi Ming King Formation, Suzaku's attitude towards Pang Taiju was obviously much better. "What if all the magic weapons in the treasure temple are smashed?"

"That's true." After hearing the two words of magic weapon, Pang Taiju immediately nodded.

"Nine Heavens Galaxy Formation."

Because when the Wumen people just forcibly destroyed the Lingguan Palace, the Taiyuan Palace was still intact like the Sixiang Kanli Palace. Therefore, everyone in the Wumen also suspected that there was some powerful magic circle in the Jiuxiao Lingguan Palace at the end.

Therefore, under the protection of Suzaku and other experts, Pang Taiju carefully investigated the surroundings of the Taiyuan Palace. Pang Taiju took a look and found that the Taiyuan Palace was covered with the Nine Heavens Galaxy Formation.

"This Nine Heavens Galaxy Array is a famous array in Taoism. It is said that it can absorb the power of the sun, moon and stars. Once activated, those who enter will be bombarded by meteorites and meteors like a catastrophe..." After discovering Taiyuan After the Nine Heavens Galaxy Formation was laid out in the palace, Pang Taiju continued to preach to Lord Zhao Ling.

"Stop talking so much, how can we break the formation?" However, Suzaku was not so patient and listened to Pang Taiju's explanation of the formation.

"The formation eye is also in the Taiyuan Palace. It should be a fixed star pillar made of arctic cold iron. As long as that fixed star pillar is knocked down, the formation will be destroyed." After Pang Taiju was interrupted by Suzaku, Said slightly annoyed.

"Then go in and knock down the fixed star pillar. This glorious task will be left to you."

"It's better for you to go." Pang Taiju said to Suzaku, "With my magic, it's difficult to knock down the fixed star pillar."

"I'll do it." While Zhuque and Pang Taiju were talking shamelessly to each other, Lin Yiren walked up to them.

"You?" Zhuque and Pang Taiju were stunned, wondering how this usually wretched and shameless guy would take the initiative to ask to do such a dangerous thing, because if after entering, someone in the Taiyuan Palace took the opportunity to activate the Nine Heavens Galaxy Formation, It is estimated that those who entered would have narrowly escaped death.

"I*" But when they saw Lin Yiren taking out Zhao Lingjun's Witch King Ring, and a bunch of puppet warriors suddenly appeared in front of everyone, Suzaku and Pang Taiju couldn't help but say bad words.

"Go and open that door." Lin Yiren glanced at Suzaku and Pang Taiju with great pride, and gave orders to several puppet warriors with supernatural powers.

After giving all the soul-fixing nails to Lin Yiren, Zhao Lingjun also lent the Witch King Ring to Lin Yiren. Among all Lin Yiren's puppet warriors, the most powerful one is of course the one whose origins are unknown. , a blue-robed Taoist who practiced the White Bone Resurrection Technique so much that even after Zhao Lingjun turned him into a puppet warrior, he could not use magic to find out his origin.

Although this blue-robed Taoist has lost the Hundred Ghost Ghost Flag, his strength is still very terrifying. Logically speaking, it is best to use such a puppet warrior to break the formation. But Lin Yiren was a little reluctant, fearing that if he was ambushed and lost such a powerful puppet warrior, it would be a big loss. So Lin Yiren just gave orders to a few puppet warriors with special powers.

After hearing Lin Yiren's order, several puppet warriors with special powers rushed toward the gate of Taiyuan Hall.

With a "crash", in the surprised eyes of Zhuque and others, the gate of Taiyuan Palace was easily broken into pieces by a few rookie puppet warriors in the eyes of everyone.

"That's..." The moment the door of Taiyuan Palace shattered, the sharp-eyed Wumen members gasped.

A yellow-robed Taoist with a carved bronze mask on his face sat quietly on a mahogany chair facing the broken door, motionless.

As soon as he saw the yellow-robed Taoist sitting there, motionless and wearing a strange mask, Lin Yiren was startled and forgot to continue to the puppet warriors with special powers who broke down the gate of Taiyuan Hall. After giving the order, the puppet warriors stood motionless at the door of Taiyuan Hall.

On one side was the sitting motionless Taoist priest in yellow robe, and on the other side were several puppet warriors standing motionless. The atmosphere seemed even more strange. For a moment, everyone in the Wumen was almost in silence.

"The person inside is Fang Tianhua, the leader of Maoshan Sect?" Zhao Lingjun's voice broke the silence. "Is the person sitting inside already gone?" But after Zhao Lingjun shouted twice, the yellow-robed Taoist sitting inside remained motionless and silent. Many people in the Wumen couldn't help but have this idea in their minds.

Everyone in the Wumen was full of suspicion, but no one was sure and did not speak, because if the yellow-robed Taoist was not dead at all, then when he said it, the yellow-robed Taoist sneered twice, it would be too much Losing face.

"Brother Zhao Lingjun, the person inside must be dead. Look, he has been sitting for a long time and can't even move." However, Bai Luoli, a beautiful junior high school student, didn't have so many thoughts and directly He said to Zhao Lingjun in a milky voice.

"It seems a little wrong." After hearing what Bai Loli said, many people in the witch sect couldn't help but say.

"I asked my puppet warrior to move him and have a look." Lin Yiren also came to his senses at this time, turned to Zhao Lingjun and others.

"Okay, that's a good idea." Zhao Lingjun nodded.

"Go touch him and have a look." Seeing Zhao Lingjun nod, Lin Yiren issued an order to one of the several puppet warriors standing motionless at the door.

The puppet warrior is a fighting machine without thoughts. Of course, there is no word of fear in his mind. After hearing Lin Yiren's answer, the puppet warrior directly entered the Taiyuan Hall, walked up to the yellow-robed Taoist, and touched Go up.

"Holy shit, this supernatural puppet warrior must have been gay before." Suzaku saw at a glance that the puppet warrior actually touched the chest of the yellow-robed Taoist.

"I*." Lin Yiren also felt extremely embarrassed, but when he saw that the puppet warrior touched the yellow-robed Taoist, the yellow-robed Taoist still didn't react at all, Lin Yiren couldn't help but said to Zhao Lingjun : "That person seems to have..."

"You might as well ask that puppet warrior to move him out and have a look." Zhao Lingjun said calmly.

"Okay." Lin Yiren nodded and issued an order to the puppet warrior. Without any hesitation, the puppet warrior directly lifted the yellow-robed Taoist with a chair, jumped out of the Taiyuan Hall in three or two steps, and placed him in front of Lin Yiren.

"This man has been dead for a long time." The Nether Mage has been practicing in a place where corpse energy is stagnant, and has an unusually sensitive sense of corpse energy. The puppet warrior just put the yellow-robed Taoist in front of Lin Yiren, Lin Yiren People have already felt that this yellow-robed Taoist has been dead for a long time.

"Take off his mask and have a look." Zhao Lingjun didn't look surprised at all. Instead, he felt a little enlightened.

"Okay, take off his mask." Although he was sure that the yellow-robed Taoist was dead and that he was in front of Lin Yiren at the moment, Lin Yiren always felt that the yellow-robed Taoist's face was bright and green. Can's carved bronze mask is indescribably weird, so it's best not to touch it.

After hearing Lin Yiren's order, the puppet warrior certainly didn't hesitate at all. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the carved mask, trying to catch it off. However, when the puppet warrior grabbed it, the carved mask seemed to have grown on him. The yellow-robed Taoist's face remained motionless. When the puppet warrior exerted his strength again, everyone only heard a "click". The mask was not taken off, but the yellow-robed Taoist's head was taken off by the puppet warrior.

"I*." Zhuque glanced at it and saw that the fracture of the yellow-robed Taoist's neck had been weathered and cracked. It looked like he had been dead for who knows how many years and had turned into a mummy. "Stop." When the puppet warrior saw that he had taken off other people's heads, he did not take off his mask. He felt that he had not completed the task. He was still there grabbing the head with one hand and the mask with the other, trying to remove the mask from the yellow The Taoist's head was torn off. Lin Yiren really couldn't stand it anymore. He felt that if he didn't shout stop, the puppet warrior might smash the yellow-robed Taoist's head like a walnut, and then give the mask to him.

"Bring it here and take a look." Lin Yiren nodded depressedly to the puppet warrior, who obediently placed the yellow-robed Taoist's head in front of Zhao Lingjun and Lin Yiren.

"This..." Lin Yiren gasped just after taking a look at the head in the puppet warrior's hand.

It turns out that the bronze carved mask seemed to be integrated with the withered flesh and blood of the Taoist Huangpao. Just like the skin on the Taoist Huangpao's face, it became a part of the Taoist Huangpao's body. No wonder the puppet warrior did not pull it off after pulling it. He removed the mask and tore off the yellow-robed Taoist's head. As soon as he got close to the bronze mask, Lin Yiren felt the heart-stopping mana fluctuations coming from the bronze mask. Lin Yiren suddenly had the urge to try wearing this carved bronze mask on his face. impulse.

Lin Yiren didn't know why he had such an impulse, so he couldn't help but gasped.

"This person should be Fang Tianhua, the head of the Maoshan Sect." When Lin Yiren was about to ask Zhao Lingjun if he felt this way, Zhao Doujun had already lit a jade talisman on the yellow-robed Taoist's body and said. "That is the command talisman of the Maoshan Sect."

"It turns out that the leader of the Maoshan Sect, Fang Tianhua, has been dead for a long time. So, could it be that the orders issued by the Maoshan Sect were all issued by Mu Daolin in his name?" Qing Lan Bingxue was smart and immediately figured out why the fake Qinglong had never seen Fang Tianhua in so many years.

"It should be." Zhao Lingjun nodded. Although the suspicion in his heart was confirmed, Zhao Lingjun's heart became even heavier.

Who killed Fang Tianhua, and what was the bronze carved mask on his face. Zhao Lingjun felt that bigger mysteries were coming one after another.

"Let's break the formation first and then talk about it." After thinking for a moment, Zhao Lingjun didn't come up with any clues. He could only decide to go into Taiyuan Hall and take a look to see if there were any clues.

"The eye of the formation is the black iron pillar. All you need to do is knock it down. Now the Jiuxiao Galaxy Formation has not been activated. There is no magic circle protection on the iron pillar. It shouldn't be difficult to knock it down." After hearing what Zhao Lingjun said, , Pang Taiju lit a black black iron pillar in Taiyuan Hall and said to Lin Yiren.

"Okay, go and knock down that iron pillar." Lin Yiren was also full of doubts and couldn't care about anything anymore. He directly issued an order to the puppet warrior he controlled, the unknown blue-robed Taoist.

As soon as Lin Yiren finished speaking, the Taoist puppet warrior who was originally wearing a blue robe, but now just put on a black gown by Lin Yiren, started to take action.

The White Bone Resurrection Technique of the unknown blue-robed Taoist is indeed the most powerful magic that Zhao Lingjun and others have ever seen. Lin Yiren and others saw a flash of white light in the Taoist's hand. Before they could react, the white light had already cut the black black iron pillar into two pieces.

At the moment when the black black iron pillar fell to the ground in two pieces, there was a "boom" of thunder, and a white cloud shot straight into the sky.

"Okay, the Jiuxiao Galaxy Formation has been broken." Pang Taiju said happily as soon as he saw the white cloud rising straight into the sky.

"Let's go." Ever since he saw the body of the yellow-robed Taoist, Zhao Lingjun had vaguely felt that there should be no ambush in the Taiyuan Palace. Now seeing that the Jiuxiao Galaxy Formation was broken, Zhao Lingjun nodded and took the lead towards the Taiyuan Palace. Walk into the Yuan Palace.

"Hidden Treasure Temple and Shengxian Temple."

Suzaku suffered two hardships in a row, but he was very careful at this time. Following Zhao Chensheng, Suzaku was alert all the way, but this time there was no accident. After walking into the Taiyuan Hall, Suzaku could only see the entire Taiyuan Palace. The hall was empty, except for the black black iron pillar that collapsed to the ground and became two pieces. Zhuque was originally very disappointed, but when he saw the plaques hanging on the two connected inkstones at the back of Taiyuan Hall, Suzaku suddenly became excited.

"I'll go find out first." Before Zhao Lingjun and others could give their estimate, Suzaku swiped and ran to the door of the treasure temple.

Before Zhao Lingjun could react, Suzaku had already huffed and ran into the treasure monastery.

"This guy's movements are really fast." Zhao Lingjun looked at Suzaku, who was running faster than a rabbit, dumbfounded and said depressedly.

"Ah -" But as soon as Zhao Lingjun finished speaking, Zhao Lingjun heard a loud cry from the Suzaku in the treasure temple.

"What's going on?" Lin Yiren and others suddenly changed their expressions when they heard Suzaku's voice: "This guy can't be so unlucky, is he? Did he encounter some serious ambush?"

Just when Lin Yiren thought this, his eyes flashed, and Zhao Lingjun quickly jumped into the treasure trove.

"I*." Zhao Lingjun also thought that Suzaku had encountered some kind of ambush. But as soon as Zhao Lingjun jumped into the treasure house, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Suzaku was still standing in the treasure monastery, but beside him, there were several shelves made of mahogany, which were shining with splendor. "Now it's prosperous." Zhao Lingjun and Suzaku looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, then they both swallowed and said in unison.

Zhuque and Zhao Lingjun never expected that the mahogany shelves of the Maoshan Sect Treasure Temple would be filled with all kinds of flying swords with flowing brilliance. At a glance, there were at least dozens of flying swords above the middle level. Handle, just like asking about the Flying Sword Exhibition.

The psychological endurance of Zhuque and Zhao Lingjun was pretty good, but Lin Yiren who was following Zhao Lingjun was not as strong as the two of them. As soon as they walked into the treasure house, they saw so many flying swords on the mahogany shelves. , Lin Yiren fell to the ground with a thud. After a long time, Lin Yiren got up from the ground and stared at the mahogany shelf beside Zhao Lingjun and Suzaku in disbelief: "Is this the Maoshan Sect's treasure house? What should I do? Do you think this is the Hidden Sword Pavilion of Shushan Sect?"

"Plop!" Before Zhao Lingjun could speak, Pang Taiju, who came in behind Lin Yiren, also rolled his eyes and fainted on the ground. He didn't wake up for a long time. Suzaku used N methods until he wanted to do it to Pang Taiju. During the artificial respiration, Pang Taiju slowly woke up.

"It would be great if I were a swordsman." Pang Taiju looked at the mahogany shelf and said, "I didn't expect that Maoshan Sect has so many flying swords. If I were a swordsman, I would never have to worry about not having flying swords in my life. Made it."

"You are not a swordsman, you are a bitch. You can't stand seeing so many magic weapons and flying swords now. If you were a swordsman, you wouldn't be so excited that you would have a cerebral hemorrhage." After hearing what Pang Taiju said, Suzaku turned his head disdainfully and said to Lord Zhao Ling, "Boss, how come this Maoshan Sect has so many magic weapons and flying swords?"

"I don't know." Zhao Lingjun looked at the many magical flying swords on the mahogany shelf, touched his nose and shook his head.

At this time, another gasp came from the treasure discovery. It turned out that Zhang Changquan, Xiao Ping, Gu Xuanbei and others also came in.

After seeing so many flying swords, everyone speculated one after another. In the end, everyone thought that the most reasonable explanation was that the reason why Maoshan Sect has so many magic weapons and flying swords may be because Maoshan Sect is one of the oldest Taoist Taoists and the Tao of Maoshan Sect. Among the techniques, except for the Seven-Star Demon-Slaying Array, which is a Taoist technique that uses flying swords, there is no magic related to flying swords. After so many years, the Maoshan Sect will definitely get some magical flying swords by chance. And few people in Maoshan Sect use flying swords, so these flying swords have been kept here, accumulating more and more.

If the people of the Qingcheng Sect saw so many flying swords in the Maoshan Sect, they would definitely be angry to death. Unfortunately, there are no sects in the Wumen that use flying swords. The few flying swords of the Qingcheng Sect are now It's still nestled in his hand, useless. When he thought of the pitiful appearance of the Qingcheng sect, Zhao Lingjun sighed again.

After a while of sighing, Zhao Lingjun began to pay attention to other magic weapons.

However, compared to the colorful flying swords, the Maoshan Sect does not have many magic weapons in this treasure temple. So Zhao Lingjun immediately saw a slightly flat, crystal clear small pot that seemed to be made of white jade placed on the innermost mahogany shelf.

"Emon raising pot?" As soon as I saw this small pot. These three words naturally appeared in Zhao Lingjun's mind.

Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but stepped forward and took the crystal clear pot in his hand.

The small pot that seemed to be made of white jade was rippled with heart-stopping mana fluctuations. As soon as Zhao Lingjun picked up the small pot, he knew that even if it was not a demon-raising pot, it was definitely not an ordinary product.

Suzaku, who was standing not far behind Zhao Lingjun, also felt the mana fluctuations rippling on Zhao Lingjun's small pot. He was about to step forward to see what happened, but at this time, there was a burst of exclamation from outside the palace.

"What's going on?" Zhuquezi was stunned for a moment. Before he could react, Qinglan, who was standing not far from the door, turned into a blue cloud and rushed out of the treasure temple.

When Gu Xuanbei and others entered the treasure hunt, a group of Wumen people were left behind to guard Qinglong and others who were lying half-dead on the ground.

But now these Wumen people were lying on the ground, and some of them looked seriously injured, with expressions of pain on their faces.

The fake Suzaku and the others were still lying half-dead on the ground, but the fake Qinglong had gone somewhere.

Seeing this scene, anyone can already imagine that it must be the fake Qinglong who took advantage of the guarding Wumen people to accidentally attack. After injuring the guarding Wumen people, he used magic to escape. . "I*." As soon as Suzaku rushed out of the treasure monastery and saw this scene, he immediately shouted angrily.

But just as Suzaku's voice disappeared, a blue cloud fell in front of Suzaku.

With a "dong" sound, Qing Lan threw the fake Qinglong that looked like a pig's head on the ground in front of everyone, and said with a smile. "If he hadn't been seriously injured and used up too much potential when he just escaped, I might not be able to catch up with him."

"You run away again." Suzaku was already furious, but when he saw Qing Lan throwing the fake Qinglong in front of him, he calmed down.

"I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore." But the fake Qinglong became even more frightened when he saw Zhuque's expression. He lay on the ground and kowtowed, with runny nose and tears. He couldn't be more pitiful. How pitiful.

Suzaku originally felt that these guys were quite pitiful. They lived to this day without even knowing who they were. He originally wanted to stay and beg Zhao Lingjun to let these guys go. But this guy actually took advantage of the absence of Suzaku and others, injured so many people and escaped. The only sympathy he had for this guy was gone in Suzaku's heart. Moreover, this guy looked so disgusting now that Suzaku felt sick to his stomach. , I feel that the face of the monster has been lost to this guy.

"Let me ask you one last question." So after looking at Zhao Lingjun, Suzaku said coldly to the fake Qinglong.

"I said, I said, if I know, I will tell you." The fake Qinglong nodded desperately.

"Okay, is that the demon refining pot that Mu Daolin usually gives you when you practice?" Suzaku pointed at the small pot that looked like white jade in Zhao Lingjun's hand and said to Qinglong.

"Yes." As soon as Qinglong saw the small white jade pot in Zhao Lingjun's hand, a greedy look appeared in his eyes.

As soon as he saw Qinglong showing such a look, Suzaku felt even more disgusted with this fake Qinglong.

"Then how about I invite you to live in the Demon Refining Pot?" After looking at Zhao Lingjun, Suzaku said to the fake Qinglong.

"This is real?"

The demon-raising pot, which is what the counterfeit Qinglong and others think of as the demon-refining pot, not only contains abundant demon energy, but also stores the demon souls collected by the Maoshan Sect over the years. Every time they go in to practice, the fake Qinglong and others They all entered the country very quickly. Although the fake Qinglong was seriously injured and his power was exhausted, if he could get in, he might recover soon. This was precisely why the fake Qinglong looked so greedy when he saw the demon-nurturing pot in Zhao Lingjun's hand. But the fake Qinglong never thought that Suzaku would tell him to let him go in and live there. Upon hearing this, he suddenly trembled with excitement.

"Of course it's true." Suzaku looked at the fake Qinglong and said seriously. "I'm asking you for the last time, do you want to live in the Demonic Pot?"

"Yes." The fake Qinglong was afraid that if he hesitated again, Suzaku would stop him and nodded quickly.

"Okay. I'll let you live in the demon refining pot." Suzaku's answer made the fake Qinglong extremely happy.

"You, you made a mistake, it's not that pot..." But what shocked the fake Qinglong was that Suzaku did not take the small pot that looked like white jade from Zhao Lingjun's hand, but directly touched it from his arms. He took out the silver slender little pot and pointed it at himself. Before the fake Qinglong finished speaking, Suzaku had already pulled off the lid of the silver slender pot and pointed it at the fake Qinglong.

There was a flash of light, and the fake Qinglong disappeared into the small silver slender pot in Suzaku's hand.

"You said you wanted to enter the Demon Refining Pot, you can't blame me." After seeing the counterfeit Qinglong disappear in the light of the Demon Refining Pot in his hand, Suzaku slowly closed the lid of the Demon Refining Pot and fiercely Shake it, like you're shaking a bottle of Farmer's Orchard Mix.

"Boss, what should I do with the remaining three." While shaking the monster refining pot, Suzaku still looked vicious, but after shaking it, he didn't know what happened, but he looked at the half-dead monster lying there. , Zhuque's mood was a little low, and he couldn't help but turned around and asked Zhao Lingjun.

Of course, Zhuque's dejected look was not hidden from Zhao Lingjun's eyes. Suzaku had followed Zhao Lingjun for so long, and Zhao Lingjun knew his number one gold medal thug very well. Zhao Lingjun knew that although Suzaku's temper seemed to be very fiery, he was actually a kind-hearted guy. Zhao Lingjun knew that Suzaku was a little depressed now just because he killed a monster with his own hands. Because no matter what, Suzaku is also a monster.

So Zhao Lingjun just looked at Suzaku and smiled slightly, "Being kind to the enemy means harming your own people. If we had taken these guys in from the beginning, would so many people from the Wumen still be hurt?" "After a pause, Zhao Lingjun looked at Suzaku again and said. "Do you want to let these three monsters go and wait for them to take revenge later? Or do you want to refine them now?"