Celestial Employee

Chapter 67: A princess who is not a princess


Any man who makes such a polite move and hears such a sound will probably be very unhappy. However, the waiter who works for Talis is not an ordinary person. When he hears such a sound in the extended Mercedes-Benz, , the man in the black suit just retracted his hand politely, then bowed with a warm smile and stepped aside.

"Why would Jackman send a waste like you to receive me? Are everyone else dead?" A girl frowned and stepped out of the stretched Mercedes-Benz. "Have you forgotten that I said last time that I don't like to sit in a car?" Wearing a longer Mercedes? Do you want to be fired?"

Ibumi Chinatsu's voice was even colder than an iceberg, but the two men in black suits did not dare to show any displeasure. They still wore warm smiles and bowed to Ibumi Chinatsu, "I'm so sorry, Miss. Originally, we had ordered your car and it would arrive before you arrived yesterday, but there was an unexpected incident, so the car you like will not arrive until tomorrow."

"I don't want to hear any explanation." Ibumi Chinatsu walked past the two people without even looking at her. "If I can't see the car I like to ride in tomorrow, you should prepare to change jobs."

Following Ibumi Chinatsu, two young men, a man and a woman, got out of the car. The man was a monk wearing light red robes with light lantern flowers, while the woman was dressed in casual clothes. Apart from her attractive curves, she had nothing to look at. Nothing special.

After the two people got out of the car, they didn't say a word. They just nodded towards Shiraishi Hitomi and others who greeted Ibumi Chinatsu, and then quickly followed Ibumi Chinatsu and walked to the Talise Hotel.

The last person to get off the bus was an old Japanese man with white hair and a yellow cloth umbrella. Hitomi Shiraishi recognized this old man at a glance as Akira Sendō, the old butler who usually took care of Ibumi Chinatsu's daily life. Because last time Sendō Akira came, he was holding a yellow cloth umbrella in his hand, as if he was afraid of getting caught in the rain.

"I'm sorry to cause you trouble." However, Sendō Akira was very kind. After getting out of the car, Sendō Akira nodded towards Shiraishi Hitomi and others and said.

When encountering Chinatsu Ibumi, who was too arrogant and rude, even though the faces of so many waiters were still full of warm smiles, they felt a little unhappy in their hearts. However, Sendou Akira's words made these waiters feel very comfortable. Shiraishi Hitomi heard the white-haired Sendo Akira say this. He immediately bowed, as if saying to this kind-faced old man, "This is what we should do. We didn't do it well. Please forgive me."

"Are you kidding me?"

But before Shiraishi Hitomi could speak, Ivan Chinatsu's angry voice came from inside again.

"Our eldest lady lost her temper again, please don't pay attention."

Although other waiters were in charge of the hall, Shiraishi Hitomi couldn't help but feel nervous when she heard Ibumi Chinatsu's angry voice. However, when Sendou Akira saw the nervous look on Shiraishi Hitomi's face, he just smiled. While walking slowly towards the lobby, he winked at Shiraishi Hitomi and others.

"If every guest was like this old man and the Chinese guy who came a few days ago, then our work might be much more interesting." Watching Akira Sendō slowly walk into the lobby, Shiraishi Hitomi couldn't help but look at the people around him people said.

"Haha. I wonder what he is doing in there now." After hearing Shiraishi Hitomi's words, he just started to reach out in front of the Mercedes-Benz, but he bumped into a young man in a black suit who couldn't help but laugh, "I This is the first time I have seen such a willful and unreasonable girl."

"Sendou Akira, you came just in time. I don't want to live here anymore. Let's live somewhere else." As soon as she saw Sendou Akira walk in, Ibumi Chinatsu, who was called a willful and unreasonable girl by the young man in a black suit, said Said to Akira Sendō.

Sendō Akira was already gray-haired, but Ibumi Chinatsu called her by name, and her voice didn't sound polite at all. However, Sendō Akira didn't seem to care at all. After hearing Ibumi Chinatsu's words, Sendō Akira just slightly With a smile, he squinted his already slightly cloudy eyes and said, "My eldest lady, what made you angry again?"

"They actually didn't let me live in Building B." After hearing what Akira Sendō said, Ivan Chinatsu said angrily, nodding at the two silent waitresses in front of her. "I don't want to stay in this place for a minute. Let's live somewhere else."

"Yes, Miss, I know how you feel." Xiandao Akira smiled slightly, "But this hotel was decided by your father for you to stay in, and I have no right to change it."

After a pause, Xiandao Akira turned to the two waitresses with a smile and said, "I'm sorry, why don't you let our lady stay in Building B? Is it because there are already guests staying there?"

"Yes, I'm really sorry, Mr. Sendo Akira." After hearing what Sendo Akira said, one of the two waitresses was taller and looked more like Lin Chiling, a popular actress in the past, and said to Sendo Akira: " Our boss's guests have already checked in there three days ago, and it is said that they will stay there for many more days before leaving."

"I understand." Seeing the two waitresses looking confused, Sendou Akira nodded, and then smiled at Ibumi Chinatsu who was about to explode next to him, "My eldest lady, if we change the itinerary privately, Your father will definitely be unhappy, and he might not allow you to go out in the future. How about we live in Building C? As far as I know, the scenery there is not much different from Building B."

"It's not much different." After hearing Sendao Akira's words, although Ibumi Qianxia's tone did not soften at all, the look on his face had softened a lot.

"How about we take a look first?" Xiandaozhang said with a smile.

"Okay." Ivan Qianxia nodded reluctantly.

"Then please two ladies, please take us to Building C to have a look." Akira Sendō said to the two beautiful waitresses with a smile.

Sendō Akira thought that after hearing his words, the two waiters would be happy to lead the way immediately. However, what surprised Sendō Akira was that after hearing his words, the two waiters looked at each other in embarrassment, and then the one who looked better The waitress like Lin Chiling said sheepishly. "Sorry sir, there are already guests staying in that house."

"What?" After hearing what the waitress said, Sendō Akira couldn't help but be stunned, "Why do your boss have so many customers this time?"

"Yes, I'm really sorry. Our boss's guest this time is a young man from China. She brought seventy or eighty followers. The boss asked them to live in Building A, Building B, Building C, and Building D. Now The only ones we have vacant here are Building E and Building F.”

"What, a Chinese?" Ibumi Chinatsu, who grew up in Japan and has never been to China, has no good impression of Chinese people because in Ibumi Chinatsu's impression, Chinese people are not very hygienic. He was rude and very greedy for money, so when he heard the waitress's words, Ibumi Qianxia's temper, which had been restrained for a long time, erupted like a volcano, "A Chinese came here with seventy or eighty followers. Could it be that he Is it to show off her wealth?”

"Miss, the Chinese who can become Mr. Paramita's friends are definitely not ordinary people." After hearing Ibumi Chinatsu's words, Sendō Akira said to Ibumi Qianxia seriously, "And he can make Mr. Paramita agree to let his entourage. The Chinese people living here are even more extraordinary. So it’s better that we don’t collide with them.”

"Okay, I won't hit them." After hearing what Akira Sendō said, Ibumi Chinatsu hesitated. After a moment, Ibumi Chinatsu said to the two waitresses: "Ask the Chinese for me, how much does he want? Only then were you willing to let me live in Building B."

"Miss." Hearing what Ibumi Qianxia said, Sendō Akira's expression changed. Sendō Akira knew that saying such words to others was a very impolite behavior and might cause big trouble.

"Then, let's take a rest in Building E and wait for the Chinese's reply." But before Sendō Akira had time to speak, Ibumi Chinatsu had already said to Sendō Akira. "Then, please make some arrangements for me first."

"Okay, miss." After hearing what Ibumi Chinatsu said, Sendō Akira said, while secretly winking at the two beautiful waitresses.

Akira Sendō knows that Chinatsu Ibumi’s temper is certainly very cunning and does not make any sense, but Chinatsu Ibumi is just talking about many things, and may not necessarily be so serious. Maybe she will wait for a while after she lives in Building E. , Ibumi Chinatsu will forget that she wants to live in Building B. And started complaining about other things.

So when Sendō Akira agreed to Ibumi Chinatsu, he winked at the two waitresses, hoping that they would agree, but not really ask.

But what Sendokaki didn't expect was that the two waitresses would get the wrong idea after seeing Sendokaki's eyes.

"Okay, we'll ask right away." By the time Sendō Akira reacted, the two waitresses had already turned around and walked out of the lobby.