Celestial Employee

Chapter 68: I must go there


Do you think this might cause any trouble? "Seeing the two waitresses turning around and walking out of the lobby, Sendō Akira couldn't help but want to stop them with a drink, but before Sendō Akira could speak, Ibumi Chinatsu had already turned to look at Sendō Akira, "Do you want those two The waitress agreed first, and then asked them not to ask the Chinese guy? "

"Yes." Sendou Akira knew that he could not hide this smart "princess", so he nodded and said to Ibumi Qianxia seriously, "Miss, if you do this, it will be an insult to others, it is easy to Cause unnecessary trouble."

"Really, for people from other countries, maybe." After hearing Akira Sendō's words, Ibumi Chinatsu said disapprovingly, "But that person is Chinese. Aren't Chinese people very greedy for money?"

"But Miss..." Akira Sendō looked at Chinatsu Ibumi, wanting to say that Chinese people are not all money-grubbing people like you see in books or on TV. Moreover, if this Chinese person is a vulgar money-crazy person, It is impossible for Paramita to let him live here with so many followers. However, Sendō Akira had just said a few words when Ibumi Chinatsu interrupted Sendō Akira.

"Okay, I'm tired, let's go to Building E first." Ivan Chinatsu looked at Sendō Akira and said, "You don't want me to stand here all the time."

"Okay, miss." Hearing what Ibumi Chinatsu said, Sendō Akira could only nod, because Sendō Akira knew that even if Ibumi Chinatsu changed his mind at this time, it would be too late, because by this time I am afraid the two waitresses had already arrived at B Building.

"Then let's go." Seeing Sendou Akira's helpless look, Ivan Chinatsu smiled imperceptibly and walked out of the lobby without waiting for Talise's waiter to lead the way.

Talis Hotel is divided into six buildings ABCDEF. In fact, these six buildings are separate courtyards. Ibumi Chinatsu has stayed here many times, so she is no stranger to Building E.

Of course, the proud princess does not need to bring any luggage. Before Ibumi Chinatsu arrived, Ibumi Chinatsu's luggage had already arrived at the Talis Hotel. When she heard that Ibumi Chinatsu agreed to stay in Building E first, the foreman in the lobby just said He said "E" into the miniature microphone on his collar. By the time Ibumi Chinatsu arrived at Building E, all of Ibumi Chinatsu's luggage was already in their place in Building E.

The efficiency of the staff at Talis Hotel is unparalleled, and the accommodations at Talis Hotel are beyond the imagination of most people.

Building E, which Ibumi Chinatsu disliked, is located halfway up the mountain. From any room in Building E, when you open the window and look out, you can see the pure white beach and the azure blue beach that are as shiny as glass not far away. seawater. The stairs from the hotel lobby to Building E are paved with white marble, engraved with exquisite patterns, and each piece looks like a priceless handicraft.

Huge coconut trees grow around Building E. Even without any walls, from the rest of the Talis Hotel, Building E looks like a pearl hidden in a clam shell, looming and alluring. of brilliance.

There are many hot springs in Japan, but there are no natural hot springs in Okinawa. Among the many seaside tourist resorts in Japan, Okinawa is the only one that does not attract people with hot springs. However, there are no natural hot springs in Okinawa, but it does not mean that Taili This hotel does not have a spa.

In front of the villa in Building E, there is a huge open-air hot spring swimming pool. There are several different hot spring bathing places around the swimming pool. The hot spring water here is all taken from the best hot springs in Japan and is changed every hour. once.

No one knows how Talis Hotel achieves this, and for the inside of the villa in Building E, everything on the outside seems to be nothing.

I don’t know who designed the entire interior of the villa, but every place exudes a warm and elegant atmosphere. Excellent ancient jade and shining gemstones can be seen everywhere. Even the door handles are made of silver and gold. , it is inlaid with green warm jade, making people feel warm to the touch.

Maybe heaven. It was nothing more than that, but when Ivan Chinatsu threw herself into the sofa in such a villa, she was still not satisfied.

"Building E is indeed far worse than Building B." Ivan Qianxia looked at the shining gems in many corners of the villa, "Don't the people who live here feel that they are rich people?"

"Miss." Sendō Akira has already gone upstairs to ask Talise's waiter to decorate the room according to Ibumi Chinatsu's usual preferences, so Sendō Akira is not in the living room of the villa at this time. The one sitting on the sofa diagonally opposite Ibumi Chinatsu is The young monk and the charming-looking woman. After hearing what Ivan Qianxia said, the young monk couldn't help but smile and said, "I feel that the villa in Building E is not much different from the one in Building B."

"You have been practicing in Sensoji Temple since you were a child. You live in a black wooden house covered with big red lanterns with the word "lei" written on it. You don't find it ugly. What else can you tell?" the young monk said, In exchange for a blank look from Ibumi Chinatsu.

"Uh, miss." After hearing Ivan Qianxia's words, the young monk's face turned red.

"I'm sorry, miss, can I come in?" The young monk was about to explain. He also felt that the dark wooden house he had lived in since he was a child was not good-looking. On the road outside the villa with the door open, a voice came from the road outside the villa. Very polite voice.

"Come in." When he saw the waitress who looked like Lin Chiling in the lobby, Ivan Qianxia said impatiently, "I asked you to ask, have you asked?"

"Miss, I have already asked for you..." After the waitress walked into the villa, she bowed first and then said to Ivan Qianxia.

"What did you really ask?" At this time, Sendō Akira was slowly walking down the stairs. When he heard this sentence, he was stunned.

"What did the Chinese say?" But Chinatsu Ibumi ignored Sendō Akira who was staying there and asked the waitress directly.

"He said he'd be happy to move to another building with you if you really wanted to do that."

"Well, how much does he want me to pay before he is willing to move out of that house?" After hearing this, Ibumi Chinatsu glanced at the stunned Sendō Akira with pride, and said: Yixian Daozhang is very clear, that is: Did you hear it? The Chinese are vulgar money-crazy people.

"He said her requirements are not high. Anyway, these buildings are all the same, and they are the same wherever they live, so you just need to give her a small amount of money."

The words spoken by the waitress who looked like Lin Chiling made Ibumi Chinatsu even more proud.

"He said that as long as you pay 500 million, it will be fine." But the waitress's next words made Ibumi Qianxia stunned.

"What? How much did he say?"

"Miss, he said he wanted 500 million."

"Five hundred million? Five hundred million yen?" Ibumi Chinatsu suddenly felt like being played by someone, and said angrily, "Is he crazy?"

"I'm sorry, miss, he didn't say 500 million yen, but 500 million US dollars." The waitress, still wearing a warm smile, said to Ibumi Chinatsu.

"What?" Ivan Qianxia opened her eyes angrily, "This..."

"Miss, he must be joking with you. He just said this to tell you that he is not willing to change places with you." After hearing the waitress's words, Sendō Akira said with a bitter smile.

"Just kidding, this Chinese guy is really too much. If you don't want to change, just say yes, actually..."

Akira Sendō knew that the extremely arrogant and unreasonable Ibumi Chinatsu would never give up. Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Ibumi Chinatsu roared angrily.

"Ahem..." Akira Sendō coughed first, reminding Ibumi Chinatsu to pay attention to her image, and then wanted to tell Ibumi Chinatsu that although this Chinese person's behavior seemed very rude, in fact it was us who were wrong in the beginning, so It's not too much for the Chinese to say something like that.

"No, I have to go see what kind of guy this Chinese is. It's too much. Yosuke Asakusa, Jin Yueru, you guys come with me. If any Chinese dares to be rude to me, you will Help me teach him a lesson.

But before Sendō Akira's next words came out, Ibumi Chinatsu's words shocked Sendō Akira.

"Miss..." After hearing Ibumi Chinatsu's words, the young monks and curvy women known as Asakusa Yosuke and Jin Yueru also changed their expressions and spoke out in unison.

"No, you absolutely can't go there." But before the two of them opened their mouths, Sendou Akira said categorically to Ibumi Chinatsu.

"Where should I go if I have to go?" Ivan Qianxia looked at Sendao Akira coldly, the expression on his face was as cold as an iceberg.

"In that case, I have no choice but to tell your father right away and ask him to cancel your vacation." Akira Sendō looked at Ibumi Chinatsu and said.

"You..." Ivan Qianxia looked at Sendou Akira, and after looking at it for a while, he said word by word. "Okay, you go ahead and fight. I must go over today to see what kind of guy that Chinese guy is. After you report, you can find me where the Chinese are.