Celestial Employee

Chapter 71: Volume 2 Two Thousand Years of Shock, 6-10


"How could such a monster appear here?" Zhao Lingjun, Wu Xiaoye and others looked at the one-horned monster that the male waiter had turned into with great interest, as if they were watching some rare species in a zoo.

But Ibumi Chinatsu lost her composure and was so frightened that she fell and sat on the ground. Although Ibumi Chinatsu has seen many bizarre things over the years, this is the first time she has seen such a ferocious and terrifying monster.

"Haha, stupid little woman." Seeing Ivan Qianxia's appearance, the one-horned monster roared with laughter, "Why, do you know how to be afraid now? Don't you want to punish me for breaking in here?"

"You." The monster in front of her was beyond the scope of Ibumi Chinatsu's cognition. Ibumi Chinatsu wanted to shout for help, but she couldn't make a sound. I wanted to reach out and touch the Moon Guardian Chain on my hand, but my hands and feet were so weak that I couldn't move.

"Haha" the monster laughed, and stretched out its giant blue claws like iron anchors to grab Ivan Qianxia. Strips of saliva dripped from its open mouth, shining with a disgusting silver light.

"Hey, you barged into my place, didn't even say hello to me, and just performed a striptease in front of me. This seems a bit..." Just as Ibumi Qianxia closed her eyes in despair, waiting for the anchor-like cyan color When the giant claw fell on her body, Ivan Qianxia heard such a sound.

"Chinese, if you have a brain, don't mind your own business, otherwise I don't mind eating you as snacks." The one-horned monster looked at the Chinese in front of him strangely, although the one-horned monster knew that he could live in The people here are not ordinary people, but this is the first time the one-horned monster has seen someone who can remain calm and joke with him.

"I don't want to meddle in other people's business." Zhao Lingjun smiled and looked at the scary cyan one-horned monster in front of him. "I have nothing to do with this Japanese beauty. Even if you want to treat her as a snack, I don't mind."

"Haha." After hearing Zhao Lingjun's words, the one-horned monster laughed as proudly as a bison roared. The one-horned monster thought that Zhao Lingjun was intimidated by his appearance, but the one-horned monster never expected that Zhao Lingjun had seen countless monsters that were a hundred times more terrifying and disgusting than him.

"So as long as you show your modesty to me and then obediently wait outside, waiting for this Japanese woman to walk out of my place before you do anything, I won't argue with you." So when the one-horned monster proudly walked towards Kuai When Ibumi Chinatsu, who fainted from fright, stretched out her huge cyan claw again. Zhao Lingjun's words immediately stunned the monster.

"You ignorant Chinese." After staying for a while, the one-horned monster roared loudly. The original target of this one-horned monster was Ivan Qianxia, but Zhao Lingjun's words made this one-horned monster's self-esteem hurt. It caused great damage, so this one-horned monster ignored Ibumi Qianxia who fell to the ground, waved its giant blue claws like iron anchors, jumped over Ibumi Qianxia's head, and rushed towards Zhao Lingjun.

The sharp claws and scimitar-like bone spurs on the one-horned monster's hands made a sharp sound of breaking through the air. When the one-horned monster waved its claws and rushed towards Zhao Lingjun, the flowers, plants and trees on both sides that were affected by the strong wind from the one-horned monster's claws were broken one after another as if they were cut by an invisible sickle.

Ivan Qianxia looked pale as the trees as thick as a bowl were broken like chopsticks, and she was even more speechless.

If such claws were caught on a person's body, the person would definitely turn into pieces of meat flying in the sky. But when Zhao Lingjun saw the one-horned monster rushing toward him, he didn't seem worried at all.

"Jiu." Yi Wen Qianli only saw Zhao Lingjun, who was wearing a bath towel and sitting on a recliner, uttering one word with a smile, and a flash of blue lightning burst out from Zhao Lingjun's hand, hitting the one-horned monster at once.

"Ouch -" The blue lightning looked only as thick as an index finger, but Ivan Qianxia saw the one-horned monster that was three meters tall and rushed towards Zhao Lingjun at high speed like a heavy tank. She let out a painful howl and rushed towards Zhao Lingjun. Then he rolled and bounced out, with a wound the size of a bowl opening on his body, and blue light shone all over his body.

"You are not a monster, but a dark creature from a dark place." Before Ivan Qianxia could realize how Zhao Lingjun sent out such a bolt of lightning, Zhao Lingjun had already looked at the wound on the one-horned monster with a strange look in his eyes. The black blood that came out said, "But how can you have your own thoughts and speak our words?"

"Dark creature?" Following Zhao Lingjun's gaze, Yiwen Qianxia saw that black blood was pouring out of the cyan monster's wounds, and before the black blood even fell to the ground, it was already as if it was being watched. The missing flames turned into a plume of white smoke and disappeared into the air.

"Ouch -" Seeing this monster being repelled by Zhao Lingjun, Yiwen Qianxia's hands and feet recovered some strength and the ability to think. After Yiwen Qianxia took a deep breath, she wanted to touch the guardian of the moon on her hand. But what made Yiwen Qianxia feel heartbroken was that the one-horned monster did not answer Zhao Lingjun's question. Instead, it let out a huge roar and rushed towards him.

"Am I going to be killed like this?" When she felt the strong wind blowing against her face, the image of herself being torn into pieces by this monster appeared in Ivan Qianxia's mind.

"Have you forgotten what I told you?" But at this moment, Ibumi Chinatsu heard the Chinese man wearing a bath towel sitting on the recliner say coldly, "Although I have nothing to do with this Japanese woman , but if you want to take action, you have to wait until this Japanese woman walks out of my place."

As Zhao Lingjun's voice sounded, Yiwen Qianxia only saw several huge bone swords like door panels suddenly appearing in front of him.

In the loud noise, the one-horned monster that collided with the giant bone sword made the sound of bones exploding all over its body. It took a few steps back and fell into the flowers and grass behind it. When the monster fell to the ground, Ibumi Chinatsu I just felt the ground shaking.

"My patience has its limit. Let me ask you again, how can you say what we say, who sent you here?" In Yiwen Qianxia's shocked eyes, Zhao Lingjun said coldly and fell into the flowers and grass. The monster said, "If you don't answer my question, I will kill you without hesitation."

"Ouch -" Zhao Lingjun's voice was full of murderous intent, which made Yi Wenqianxia, who was already weak, unable to help but feel cold all over. However, the one-horned monster ignored Zhao Lingjun's warning and exuded bones that made people's scalp explode. With a crackling sound, he quickly stood up from the ground and rushed towards Ivan Chinatsu with his claws waving.

"It seems you must have thought I was joking."

Ibumi Chinatsu saw the hands of the Chinese man wearing a bath towel making a strange gesture, and then in the hands of the Chinese man wearing only a bath towel, a short knife with a red light appeared all over his body.

Then Ibumi Chinatsu saw a dazzling red light emitting from the short sword, as if several suns suddenly rose in front of her eyes at the same time. Such strong light made Ibumi Chinatsu involuntarily close her eyes.

"Chinese, you will definitely pay the price for everything you have done today." When Ivan Qianxia opened her eyes again, the short sword that could emit several dazzling lights like the sun had disappeared from Zhao Lingjun's hand. in hand. From the mouth and nose of the three-meter-tall monster, red flames as thick as magma spurted out.

Amidst the loud curses, the one-horned monster was quickly burned to ashes by the magma-like flames igniting inside its body, and disappeared into the air.

Ivan Qianxia watched in disbelief as the monster disappeared completely before her eyes. She couldn't believe that such a huge and terrifying monster could be killed so easily by Zhao Lingjun. In Chinatsu Ibumi's view, even Yosuke Asakusa, the most outstanding master among the younger generation of Sensoji Temple, would not be able to deal with such a monster that easily.

"I can't even block the Sanyang Demon-Slaying Sword. I overestimated this dark creature." But seeing such a monster disappearing in front of his eyes, the Chinese man wearing a bath towel seemed to look very regretful. "If I had known, I would have beaten him half to death, and then let Suzaku and the others interrogate him slowly."

"Haha, it seems that this monster is just a dark creature with ordinary physical skills." Ivan Qianri said with a smile when he saw the girl with indescribable charm walking out with the beautiful junior high school student, " But how can such a low-level dark creature possess the same divine consciousness as a human being?"

"It seems that this is a dark creature that was specially tamed by someone." Zhao Lingjun thought for a moment, then turned to look at Ivan Qianxia, "Hey, Japanese woman, do you know where that monster came from? Why is he looking for it? Your trouble?"

"My name is not Hey, my name is Ibumi Chinatsu." Ibumi Chinatsu was so frightened by the monster that she couldn't even speak, but when she heard Zhao Lingjun's words, Ibumi Chinatsu said angrily, "How do I know this monster?" Where did it come from?”

"Okay, Ibumi Chinatsu." Zhao Lingjun looked dumbfounded at the Japanese girl who was so frightened that she couldn't even move a few seconds ago, but now she was so fierce, "Then you can get up from the ground now, right? Do you want me to come over and hug you?"

"You..." Yiwen Qianxia wanted to say a bad word in Chinese to Zhao Lingjun, but when she thought of the Chinese young man in front of her, it was unreasonable. He had the power to kill a monster in an instant, a "black sect gangster". "Boss", Ivan Chinatsu held back her anger and quickly stood up from the ground.

"It's strange. Aren't Japanese women in legend very polite?" Zhao Lingjun deliberately did not look at Yiwen Qianxia and turned to look at Qinglan and others behind him. "Why did I kill a monster that wanted her life for her?" , but she didn’t even say thank you to me?"

Qing Lan and others knew that Zhao Lingjun was deliberately angry with this unruly and willful girl, so after hearing Zhao Lingjun's words, Qing Lan and others just smiled and said nothing.

But even so, Ibumi Chinatsu was so angry that she was shaking all over. After her face turned red and white, Ibumi Chinatsu without saying a word tapped the Moon Guardian Chain on her right hand with her index finger.

"What, do you want to call someone to kill me?" Zhao Lingjun felt the mana fluctuations rippling from the Moon Guardian Chain in Yiwen Qianxia's hand, turned his head and nodded to Qinglan with a smile.

Yiwen Qianxia also smiled and nodded when she saw Qinglan. A thick light blue mist suddenly enveloped Qinglan and others.

"Miss." When Asakusa Yosuke jumped out of the silver halo transformed from the Moon Guardian Chain, Ibumi Chinatsu could only see Zhao Lingjun outside the thick fog.

"Is this Seiryuu Tai...?" Asakusa Yosuke jumped out of the silver circle of light. He first saw Zhao Lingjun in front of him and the light blue cloud behind Zhao Lingjun. He couldn't help being surprised.

"Even without you, this monster can't hurt me." But before Asakusa Yosuke finished speaking, Ibumi Senri coldly said to Zhao Lingjun.

When saying this, Ibumi Chinatsu seemed to have forgotten that when she just saw the monster, she was so frightened that her hands and feet were weak, and she couldn't even activate the Moon Guardian Chain.

But after hearing Yiwen Qianxia's words, Zhao Lingjun just waved his hand and smiled.

In the opinion of Zhao Lingjun, who is proficient in the art of looking at energy, this young monk who jumped out of the silver halo can indeed easily defeat the monster.

"Are you going to wait until I'm dead before you come in and collect my body?" Zhao Lingjun smiled and said nothing. Ibumi Chinatsu thought that Zhao Lingjun had been frightened by the sudden appearance of Asakusa Yosuke, and Ibumi Chinatsu felt very proud. However, Chinatsu Ibumi did not show her proud expression on her face. Instead, she deliberately turned her head and looked at Asakusa Yosuke coldly, "Are you deaf? Didn't you hear the roar of the monster just now?"

Yiwen Qianxia said this deliberately to show Zhao Lingjun. Yiwen Qianxia just wanted Zhao Lingjun to see that there were powerful masters around him, and such masters still scolded him.

"I heard it, but..." Asakusa Yosuke didn't know what Ibumi Chinatsu was really thinking, so when he heard Ibumi Chinatsu's question, Asakusa Yosuke quickly explained, but after saying a few words, Asakusa Yosuke Blushing, hesitating and speechless. "Is there some monster coming outside?" At this time, Ibumi Chinatsu discovered that the monk's robe on the embarrassed Asakusa Yosuke seemed to have been roasted by the flames, and his hair was wrinkled and curled, and Asakusa Yosuke's hair was also singed in several places. , looking very embarrassed.

"No, miss..." After hearing Ibumi Chinatsu's words, Asakusa Yosuke's face turned redder.

"Then why don't you come in?" After seeing Asakusa Yosuke's appearance, Ibumi Chinatsu's expression had softened somewhat, but after hearing Asakusa Yosuke's words, Ibumi Chinatsu couldn't help but get furious.

"We want to come in, but those two people at the door just now~" After looking at Chinatsu Ibumi and Zhao Ling-kun, Yosuke Asakusa seemed to have made up his mind and said to Chinatsu Ibumi, "That one was lying at the door vomiting. This young man is a master..."

"What?" Ibumi Chinatsu was stunned for a moment, looking at Asakusa Yosuke with disbelief, "You are actually the doorkeeper..."

Ibumi Chinatsu never expected that Yosuke Asakusa, the top master among the young generation of Sensoji Temple, and Jin Yueru, the top master of the Korean Exorcist Organization, could not even deal with the two Chinese gatekeepers.

If Ibumi Qianxia knew that the young man who vomited and vomited was one of the four ancient divine beasts who had been practicing for thousands of years, and had taken the elixir refined from the fake Suzaku, he would have jumped two levels, breaking through the original level of cultivation. Suzaku's words would probably make her feel better. But at this time, when Ibumi Chinatsu thought of what she had said before, and when she saw Asakusa Yosuke's embarrassed look in front of her, Ibumi Chinatsu felt that she could not stay here for a second.

After giving Asakusa Yosuke a hard look, Chinatsu Ibumi stopped even looking at Zhao Lingjun and turned around to walk out of the courtyard. But when she was about to walk out of the courtyard, Chinatsu Ibumi suddenly remembered something and stopped. .

"What's your name?" Ivan Qianxia asked after stopping without looking back.

"Are you talking to me?"

Zhao Lingjun clearly knew that Yiwen Qianxia was talking to him, but he still said it deliberately.

"Is there anyone else I don't know here besides you?" Yiwen Qianxia was almost driven crazy by Zhao Lingjun.

"Didn't anyone tell you that when you talk to others, you have to face them?" The angrier Yiwen Qianxia became, the happier Zhao Lingjun became. "Don't Japanese people understand these basic manners?"

"Then please tell me, what is your name." Yiwen Qianxia was so angry that she was shaking all over, but she still turned around and looked at Zhao Lingjun and said each word.

"My name is Zhao Lingjun." Zhao Lingjun looked at Yiwen Qianxia and said to Yiwen Qianxia in a teasing tone, "Do you want to date me?"

"Haha, it's really interesting. This is the first time I've seen such a coquettish girl." Just as Zhao Lingjun expected, Yiwen Qianxia turned around and walked out without saying a word after hearing Zhao Lingjun's words. The courtyard.

"She's just a little girl who doesn't do weird things. Why do you need to know her the same way?" The green mist dispersed, revealing a smiling Qing Lan, Wu Xiaoye and others.

"A little girl?" Zhao Lingjun looked at Qinglan and smiled, "A little girl should know what politeness is. If you don't teach her a lesson, one day she will suffer even greater losses."

"Do you think she is born to be so coquettish?" Wu Xiaoye looked at Zhao Lingjun and smiled, "I don't think so."

"Don't you think she's just pretending to be like this?" After hearing Wu Xiaoye's words, Zhao Lingjun burst into laughter.

"Of course she's not pretending." Wu Xiaoye looked at Zhao Lingjun and smiled slightly, "However, I always feel that she is just venting her dissatisfaction like this."

"Dissatisfied? A rich lady has such a master as a bodyguard even when she goes out. What else can she be dissatisfied about?" Zhao Lingjun shook his head, "Sometimes, I really can't figure out what is going on in the heads of these rich people. of."

"Stop talking about that Japanese girl. If you keep talking, Zhao Lingjun may become interested in her." After Qinglan heard this, she couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled. "What do you think of the dark creature that just appeared?"

The first half of Qing Lan's words made Zhao Lingjun very embarrassed, but after hearing Qing Lan's next words, Zhao Lingjun looked at Qing Lan and others seriously and said, "I don't know who sent that dark creature just now. . But I think that dark creature is similar to Onmyoji’s shikigami.”

"That's right." Qing Lan, Wu Xiaoye and others also nodded with regret, "It's a pity that the dark creature is already dead, otherwise we might be able to find out from it whether the person who sent it has any relationship with Ampei Onmyoji. What’s the connection?”

"Although it has been killed by me, Ivan Qianxia has not lost a hair." Zhao Lingjun smiled slightly after hearing what Qing Lan and others said.

"You mean to find out from her who sent that monster?" Qinglan looked at Zhao Lingjun in confusion.

"Not bad." Zhao Lingjun nodded, looked at Qing Lan and smiled, "You are right, I am becoming more and more interested in this Japanese girl."

After a pause, Zhao Lingjun looked at everyone and continued, "I really want to know why such a monster would attack a rich man's daughter."

"Then what should we do now?" Wu Xiaoye looked at Zhao Lingjun and smiled slightly. Seeing Zhao Lingjun's happy look, Wu Xiaoye also felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

"All we have to do now is keep an eye on this Japanese girl." Zhao Lingjun smiled slightly, "The person who sent that monster out probably won't give up like this."

"What's wrong with you?" As soon as Sendō Akira came back from a walk on the mountain road, he saw Asakusa Yosuke and Jin Yueru had returned to the villa, and Sendō Akira was surprised to see that both Asakusa Yosuke and Jin Yueru seemed to have escaped from the fire. Just like when I returned from high school, there were traces of being baked by high temperatures everywhere on my body.


"Suck it..."

Before Asakusa Yosuke and Jin Yueru had time to answer, Sendō Akira heard the sound of things being thrown in Ibumi Chinatsu's room upstairs.

"What? Did she hit a nail?" The voice upstairs did not seem to surprise Xiandao Zhang, so when he heard such a voice, Xiandao Zhang just smiled.

But before Sendo Akira's laughter disappeared, Ibumi Chinatsu appeared on the stairs with a frosty face, "Help me check this guy named Zhao Lingjun, I want all his information."

"I'm sorry, miss, I think we don't have time to waste on this Chinese man. As soon as Ivan Qianxia's voice finished speaking, a man in black appeared at the door of the living room like a ghost.

"Gagami-kun." Asakusa Yosuke and Jin Yueru looked at this man in surprise, wearing a black samurai uniform, a bamboo hat on his head that covered his entire face, and a long black sheath sword.

"Why are you here?" There was no hint of surprise in Ibumi Chinatsu's tone, because in Ibumi Chinatsu's impression, when this guy named Yagami Genan appeared, nothing good would happen.

"I came here to take you to Mount Koya." Yagami Genan slowly took off the bamboo hat on his head, revealing a face as cold as granite with a terrifying scar on his forehead.

"Koyasan? That place full of monks and tombs?" Although she knew that this person's appearance would be nothing good, but when she heard that the purpose of his coming was to take her to Koyasan, Ibumi Chinatsu couldn't help but shout hysterically, "I'm not going to that place."

"Stop acting like a child." The whole body was black, and the body was motionless but it made people feel that explosive power was erupting from Kigagami Genan. It seemed that he did not have the good temper of Sendou Akira and others. When he heard Ibumi Chinatsu's shout, Yagami Huan'an said coldly, "Someone has cast a spell to open the passage connected to the Shura world. When my senior brother went to seal the passage, he found that countless monsters had already come to the human world, and the targets of those monsters , it’s all you.”

"What?" Although I also knew that something unusual had happened when Kigarami Genan, who usually practiced in Ura Takano, appeared here, but after hearing Kigarami Genan's words, even Sendō Akira, who had been smiling silently, was stunned. Big surprise.

"My senior brother is now chasing those monsters everywhere." Yagami Huan'an looked at Sendou Akira and Ibumi Chinatsu. "But there are thousands of monsters that escaped this time, so the best way is to take Miss Ivan to Mount Koya."

"I don't care about monsters or not? I just got here today, and I don't want to go to that place where there are only dead people and monks." After hearing what Yagami Genan said, Ibumi Chinatsu shouted excitedly, "I don't know why I grew up here. Big, why do these weird things happen to me? If any monster comes to me, that's my business. I don't want you to meddle in other people's business."

"Miss Ivan, don't you understand? If you want to die, it is indeed your business, but if you stay here, countless innocent people will die for you." Yagami Huan'an looked at her coldly. According to Ibumi Chinatsu, "Those monsters are a hundred times more ferocious than the most ferocious criminals. They can tear a person into pieces and then eat them. There are thousands of such monsters, and they are all coming here."

"What does the life and death of others have to do with me?" Ibumi Chinatsu interrupted Yagami Genan's words without mercy, "You have no right to take me to Mount Koya."

"Before I came, I had already met with your father." Yagami Huan'an took out a jade pendant from his arms. Sendou Akira and others saw at a glance that it was the token of Ibumi Chinatsu's father. "He said that this time, whether you agree or not, we can take you to Mount Koya."

"Miss, what happened this time is unusual. You should go to Mount Koya with Yagami." Akira Sendō knew that what happened this time was unusual. Seeing that Ibumi Chinatsu still didn't want to agree, she couldn't help but persuade her, "It shouldn't take a lot of time to get rid of these monsters in Mount Koya, and as far as I know, there are many beautiful scenery in Mount Koya..."

"Since I have no choice, what's the use of saying this?" Ibumi Chinatsu coldly interrupted Sendō Akira's words and looked at Yagami Genan. "Tomorrow morning, I will set off with you."

"No, the situation is urgent. I have found signs of monster activity here. We must leave now and leave here." After Ibumi Chinatsu finished speaking, she was about to turn around and go back to her room, but Yagami Genan called to stop. Ivan Chinatsu.

"Why, you can't even stay here for one night?" Ivan Qianxia turned her head, her face covered with frost, "I'm already very tired, if you want to leave now, then take me away by force. .”

"You..." Yagami Huanan's expression changed. Yagami Huanan would never take action against an ordinary little girl, but now that the situation was urgent, Yagami Huanan couldn't help but have the idea of taking action. "Forget it, let her stay here for one night." But the idea of acting just came to Yagami Huan'an's mind. Sendō Akira sighed and looked at Yagami Huan'an and said.

"But..." Although Yagami Genan showed no mercy to Ibumi Chinatsu, he seemed to respect Sendou Akira.

"I know you are worried about those monsters." Akira Sendō looked at Yagami Genan, and then at Jin Yueru and Asakusa Yosuke, "But there are so many of us here, and there should be no problem letting her stay here for one night. Bar."

"But" Kigagami Genan also wanted to say that the number of monsters coming this time was not as large as usual, but he was interrupted by Asakusa Yosuke after he said two words, "That is, Igagami-kun and Uncle Sendao's With our strength, we should have no problem dealing with some monsters. At worst, we can just wander around outside tonight, just think of it as practice."

After a pause, Asakusa Yosuke continued, "If there is really a powerful monster that we can't deal with, I guess the Chinese people living here won't stand idly by."

When he thought that the red-haired young man guarding the door while holding a trash can and vomiting, could easily block himself and Jin Yueru from outside, Asakusa Yosuke thought in a very vulgar way, what if there was something? If you can't deal with a powerful monster yourself, just lure it there and let Zhao Lingjun and others deal with it.

Such thoughts naturally appeared in Asakusa Yosuke's mind, but Genan Yagami and Akira Sendō were very surprised, "Are the Chinese living there?"

"Yes." Asakusa Yosuke's face turned red when he thought that not long ago, he and Jin Yueru were easily blocked from the door by one of Zhao Lingjun's two gatekeepers using fire spells. With his strong cultivation, even his followers are the most powerful masters I have encountered in recent years.”

"What?" After hearing Asakusa Yosuke's words, both Yagami Genan and Sendō Akira were shocked.

"The Chinese just killed a monster casually, and when I went in, I found that there was someone beside him who knew the ancient Chinese Qinglong Taiyi spell."

"This Chinese is indeed no ordinary person." After hearing Asakusa Yosuke's words, Sendō Akira couldn't help but be stunned.

"Sure enough, there are monsters that have arrived here, and their movements are faster than I thought." But Yagami Genan took a deep breath, looked at Sendō Akira and said, "I really can't understand why you want to protect such a monster everywhere. A willful and unreasonable girl.”

The reason why Yagami Genan said this was because when everyone was just talking, Ibumi Chinatsu had already walked back to her room, as if what everyone was talking about had nothing to do with her.

Sendō Akira certainly understood what Kigarami Genan meant, but when he heard Kigarami Genan say this, Sendō Akira just smiled, "Some things are not as simple as they appear on the surface. Although she seems willful and It’s unreasonable, but I know she doesn’t actually want it.”

"I don't want to know what kind of person she is." After hearing Sendō Akira's words, Yagami Genan glanced at Ibumi Chinatsu's room, "I just hope she can understand that her best choice now is Be obedient and follow us to Mount Koya."

"Haha." Sendou Akira didn't say anything, he just looked at Yagami Huan'an and smiled. "Okay, we should go out and take a look. I feel that some monsters are approaching here."

"This is really a meaningless battle." Yagami Genan shook his head helplessly as he took off the long knife he was carrying behind him.

"Why can't I live like an ordinary person? Why have these incredible things always happened to me since I was a child?"

Ibumi Chinatsu stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom and looked at herself. With her white and tender skin, slender thighs, tall breasts and stunningly beautiful face, Ibumi Chinatsu still looked breathtakingly beautiful.

But what Ibumi Chinatsu saw in the mirror was no longer the cold-faced, aloof and unapproachable princess, but an ordinary girl with tears streaming down her face and trembling shoulders.

"I can't continue living like this for a day." When the cold water fell from his head and washed away the tears on Ibumi Qianxia's face, Ibumi Qianxia said to herself, "Instead of acting like a little kid in a cage, It is better to be dead than to live like a bird.”

"If those monsters want to kill me, I will let them kill me." Ivan Qianxia slowly wiped away the water droplets on her tender skin, and the thoughts of those who were killed to save herself slowly emerged in her mind. His mother was killed by a pedestrian who suddenly went crazy, and his male classmate Mamoru Minagata, who had always had a crush on him, was bitten to death by two huge black dogs. "I'm an ominous person anyway."

"I*, why are you drawing the curtains?"

Ibumi Chinatsu didn't know that at this time, Yagami Genan, Sendō Akira, and Asakusa Yosuke had already walked out of the villa and disappeared into the boundless darkness. On the hilltop not far away, Pang Taiju held the infrared telescope depressedly, wishing he could become invisible and run into Ivan Qianxia's bathroom to take a look.

Pang Taiju used an infrared telescope to peek at Yiwen Qianxia, who was Zhao Lingjun's subordinate.

Zhao Lingjun and the Wumen people living here have also discovered that many monsters are coming here, and the targets of those monsters seem to be the unruly and domineering, but powerless Ivan Qianxia.

Zhao Lingjun is not so kind and wants to protect this Japanese girl for free, but Zhao Lingjun knows that if Ibumi Qianxia is easily killed by monsters like this, it will be difficult for him to find out from these monsters who is the instigator behind it.

And just as Zhao Lingjun imagined, Pang Taiju really liked the job of spying on Ivan Qianxia. Suzaku just looked at it for a while, then lay down on the recliner in the bushes and fell asleep, while Pang Taiju kept staring at the villa where Ivan Qianxia lived.

"What does she want to do? Is she going to have a tryst with her lover?" Peeping at beautiful women has always been Pang Taiju's hobby. Iwen Qianxia's move to close the bathroom curtains as soon as she entered the bathroom made Pang Taiju very depressed, but Pang Taiju To his surprise, not long after Ivan Chinatsu closed the curtains, Pang Taiju saw Ivan Chinatsu slowly crawling out of the bathroom window.

"Look, look." This discovery made Pang Taiju very excited, and he couldn't help but pinch Suzaku, who was lying next to him, sleeping like a dead pig.

"What a strange mana fluctuation, as if someone is using magic to fight monsters." Suzaku, who was suddenly awakened from his sleep by Pang Taiju's thigh pinch, did not first notice Ibumi Chinatsu coming out of the bathroom like a thief. It was the mana fluctuations in the distance that were first discovered.

"It's probably the bodyguards of this Japanese girl who are eradicating the approaching monsters." Pang Taiju answered Suzaku while letting Suzaku look at Ibumi Chinatsu who crawled out of the bathroom.

"Don't she know that it's dangerous outside?" Suzaku looked at Ibumi Qianxia who was sneaking down the outer wall like a thief and thought that she had seen it wrong. "Does she want to sign up for the filming of Spider-Man 4?"

"Go and call the boss to watch the fun, haha." Pang Taiju couldn't help but see Ivan Chinatsu clumsily climbing down from the outer wall of the second floor, and finally missed the step and fell to the ground. Laughed.

"I want to inform the boss. It seems that she is not going to sign up for the extra audition for Spider-Man 4, but is secretly running away with someone." Suzaku saw Ibumi Chinatsu carrying a small luggage bag on his back, and was depressed. said.

Ibumi Chinatsu thought that her hope of escaping from Talise Hotel was very slim, because Ibumi Chinatsu had secretly escaped several times before. But in the past, I could only escape a few dozen meters before being discovered by Asakusa Yosuke and others. However, Ibumi Chinatsu did not expect that her escape would be so smooth this time. Along the way, Ibumi Chinatsu only met a few security guards from the Talise Hotel, and these security guards from the Talise Hotel did not expect that this unruly princess was escaping alone. They thought Ibumi Chinatsu just wanted to go out alone, so Ibumi Chinatsu easily walked out of the Talise Hotel and came to the foot of the hillside.

"Miss, where are you going?" As soon as Ibumi Chinatsu walked onto the road not far from Talise Hotel, a taxi suddenly stopped in front of Ibumi Chinatsu. The driver was a fat man with a shiny face. .

Although this fat man looks very polite, if he saw such a fat man with even his collar shiny, Ibumi Chinatsu would definitely frown and walk away, but now Ibumi Chinatsu opened the door without hesitation. The door got in the car. "Anywhere, just take me out of here."

"Anywhere, Miss?" The fat driver looked at Ivan Qianxia with strange eyes, "You must have run away from home, right?"

"I just came out to relax. If you keep talking so much, I'd rather take someone else's car." Ivan Qianxia looked at the door of the Talise Hotel, fearing that Jin Yueru and others would chase her out. "Take me to the bar, the most crowded bar here."

"Okay, miss." The fat driver nodded, stepped on the accelerator, and the car started with a roar.

"Ordinary dark creatures will never be able to seize human flesh and acquire the knowledge of human beings at the same time. This person who is doing tricks in the dark seems to be very unusual." In the dark night sky, Zhao Lingjun, wearing clouds and sky clothes, said with curiosity He looked at the taxi carrying Ivan Qianxia passing through the dark night sky, "She is indeed a woman with big breasts and no brains. Don't you feel the devilish aura emanating from that fat man at all?"

"Is this the bar with the most people?"

Amidst the harsh sound of brakes, the high-speed taxi stopped at the entrance of a remote alley. Looking at the black oil-stained ground and the dim yellow street lights in the alley that seemed to be extinguished at any time, Ivan Qianxia asked suspiciously The driver sitting in front of him.

"Yes, this is the bar with the most people." The fat driver smiled and pointed at a dilapidated piece of dilapidated property in the dark alley. He could faintly see the illuminated sign with the word "PUB", "Miss, it's like looking at Just like people, you can't judge what kind of person they are by just looking at their appearance. Although this place is inconspicuous, it is definitely the busiest and most exciting bar you have ever seen in your life."

"Here you go, don't look for it." Ibumi Chinatsu randomly grabbed a few banknotes from her pocket and handed them to the fat driver. Although she doubted whether what the fat driver said was true, Ibumi Chinatsu didn't want to be in this car for a minute. The taxi, which smelled of fat, was stunned.

"Enjoy your night, my princess." But after Ibumi Chinatsu stepped out of the taxi as if running for her life, Ibumi Chinatsu vaguely heard the fat driver in the taxi saying to herself.

"What did you say?" Ivan Qianxia turned around and asked the taxi driver.

But the fat taxi driver didn't seem to hear it. Amidst the roar of the car's engine, the fat driver just smiled at Ivan Chinatsu, quickly turned the car around, and disappeared into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

The weird smile on the taxi driver's face and the dim lights in the alley gave Ibumi Chinatsu a chill in her heart. Ibumi Chinatsu walked to the door of the bar fearfully.

This wine shop looks to be quite old. Most of the colorful light bulbs that originally glowed at the door have been broken. Most of the colors on the exaggerated pattern on the strangely shaped wooden door have also fallen off, making the open wooden door look like an open door. A huge mouth filled with all kinds of things.

Normally Ibumi Chinatsu would never walk into a place like this, but when she heard the deafening music and laughter coming from inside, Ibumi Chinatsu walked in without even thinking as if she had found a life-saving straw.

There was no waiter guarding the door of Jiukouba, but the sudden darkness and deafening music behind the door made Ibumi Qianxia almost miss her foot and fall down the sunken stairs.

When Ibumi Chinatsu's eyes gradually adapted to the darkness here, Ibumi Chinatsu discovered that this was a huge underground hall covering an area of more than tens of thousands of square meters. In the center is a circular wooden stage. There is a band playing explosive heavy metal rock music on the stage. Countless black speakers are suspended from the ceiling above the stage, amplifying the sound infinitely.

Amidst the deafening music, several tall blonde beauties with breasts as big as volleyballs were doing a striptease around the pole.

Surrounding the stage was a circular bar with high swivel chairs. Countless people were asking for drinks while making chaotic gestures towards the almost naked blonde dancer on the stage who kept making provocative movements.

Outside the round bar was a huge dance floor. It was hard to see how many people there were, and they were all twisting and turning in the dark. Sweat, perfume and alcohol formed a strange smell, and outside the stage were disorganized and oddly shaped sofas.

Ivan Chinatsu saw young people dressed in strange clothes lying on most of the sofas. In the dim light, Ivan Chinatsu saw some people taking drugs, and others entangled with each other, having crazy sex.

Ibumi Chinatsu, who had never been to such a place, had never seen such a scene before. Ibumi Chinatsu, who was standing at the entrance of the dance floor, was shocked and at a loss.

"How are you? Are you alone?" While Ibumi Chinatsu stood at a loss, a very handsome young man wearing only a tight vest and tattoos on his arms walked up to Ibumi Chinatsu.

"I..." Before Ivan Chinatsu could answer, a soft but slightly cold body pressed tightly against Ivan Chinatsu's body.

"You are so beautiful." Waves of warm breath breathed on Ibumi Qianxia's neck and earlobes, making Ibumi Qianxia's consciousness begin to blur, and one hand hugged Ibumi Qianxia's waist tightly, and the other His hand skillfully stretched towards the most intimate part of Ivan Qianxia. "Come with us."

Ibumi Chinatsu's body trembled, and an indescribable feeling made Ivan Chinatsu lose all her strength.

To be honest, Ibumi Chinatsu doesn't like this beautiful man, but this feeling makes Ibumi Chinatsu feel that she is a real, ordinary woman.

Just when Ibumi Chinatsu was about to sink into this feeling, a slightly mocking voice rang out.

"Are you also interested in this kind of human woman? You don't want to have sex with her before letting us tear her into pieces. We don't want to eat food covered in your dirt. .”

"Haha." After hearing this, the band in the stands suddenly stopped playing, and the noisy underground bar suddenly became silent. Several blond strippers on the stage also stopped, and even the young man who was having sex on the sofa stopped. The man also lifted his body and climbed up without shame, looking at Ibumi Chinatsu and the handsome young man holding Ibumi Chinatsu and laughing.

Before Ibumi Chinatsu could react, the young man who had been gently pulling Ibumi Chinatsu around when he heard the loud ridicule suddenly seemed to be a different person, and he pushed Ibumi Chinatsu away roughly with shame and anger.

Ivan Chinatsu suddenly lost her footing and fell onto the sofa next to her. "Ah..." Before Ivan Chinatsu could stand up, a cold, slippery, wet body pressed tightly against Ivan Chinatsu from behind.

"Everyone is just joking with you, you don't need to take it so seriously." The man covered in flesh pressed close to Ivan Qianxia, chuckling, "Since you have come to the human world, do as the Romans do and have some human aesthetics. , and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

"What the hell are you?" Ibumi Chinatsu struggled hard, but the man behind him covered in flesh had extraordinary strength. With just one hand, Ivan Chinatsu was unable to move.

"What are we? Haha? Humble human beings, if you want to see what we are, just open your eyes and take a good look." Amid roaring laughter, several people in the underground dance hall Thousands of people began to make popping sounds like fried soybeans. Their bodies grew taller and larger as if they were inflated. Bone knives like razor blades began to grow on their bodies, and their skin became like iron sheets.

In just a moment, everyone in the underground bar, except for Ibumi Chinatsu, turned into various monsters over three meters tall.

The man standing behind Ibumi Chinatsu also turned into a monster over three meters tall with huge bison-like horns on his head. The monster only used one hand to hold Ibumi Chinatsu's feet off the ground. But what surprised the monster was that Ivan Chinatsu did not faint from fear when she saw the scene in front of her.

"I didn't expect you to be so courageous." The two-horned monster looked at Ivan Chinatsu with mocking eyes. "But if I told you that I would use this body to have sex with you, how would you feel?"

"Ah -" Amidst Ibumi Chinatsu's screams and the monster's laughter, which sounded like a hurricane blowing through, the monster suddenly pulled off one of Ibumi Chinatsu's sleeves, revealing a piece of jade lotus root. like arms.

"Let her go." Ivan Chinatsu's scream made the monsters even more excited. Just as the two-horned monster laughed and wanted to take further action, a white light suddenly shot from the entrance of the bar, hitting the double-horned monster's arm. .

Compared with the thick arms of the double-horned monster, that white light was as tiny as a fly, but a cloud of green smoke came out of the monster's arms. The monster made a huge roar, and the huge sound filled the ears of Ibumi Qianxia. A sharp pain.

"Who is it?" Ivan Qianxia fell from the monster's arms, and the monster squeezed his injured arm and roared at the door.

"Jin Yueru." The person at the door did not answer, but Ivan Qianxia could tell at a glance that the person standing at the door was the beautiful exorcist who usually protected her by her side.

"Go quickly." Jin Yueru jumped to Yiwen Qianxia's side and pointed the green crossbow in her hand at the two monsters standing next to Yiwen Qianxia.

The small turquoise crossbow in Jin Yueru's hand, which was covered with strange symbols and inlaid with unknown black gems, did not have any arrows. However, when Jin Yueru pulled the arrow on the crossbow towards the two monsters beside Yiwen Qianxia, When the trigger was pulled, white cyclones emanated from the black gem, and instantly condensed into short white arrows that flew out from the crossbow.

In just an instant, the heads of the two monsters closest to Ivan Qianxia were filled with white short arrows from the green crossbow in Jin Yueru's hand. The white short arrow quickly disappeared into the monster's skin, and the monster's head melted quickly as if it had been splashed with concentrated sulfuric acid, emitting green smoke.

"Where are Asakusa Yosuke and the others?" The two monsters fell beside Ibumi Chinatsu, and the dull sound of falling to the ground made the beauty of Ibumi Chinatsu eclipse the color of her face as she just stood up from the ground.

"They are fighting monsters in other places. Although I have sent them a signal, it will take a while for them to come here." Jin Yueru pulled Yiwen Qianxia behind her and said hurriedly. He said to Ivan Qianxia: "I will stop these monsters here first. After you get out, run towards the Talise Hotel..."

"Bold woman, you actually dare to kill our companions." The loud roars of several monsters interrupted Jin Yueru's words, "Do you think you can still run away?"

Amidst the huge roar, the skin on the monster's body underwent changes that were visible to the naked eye. In an instant, the monster's body seemed to be wearing a thick armor.

"Evil Armor!" Jin Yueru shot a shower of arrows at the monsters closest to him, but even though the white short arrows landed on the monsters, there was still a burst of green smoke, but The monster that rushed over was unharmed except for a few pits on its armor-like skin.

"It turns out to be a high-level monster that knows how to use magic."

"Goddess of Ice, please listen to my call and help me eradicate these monsters." This discovery made Jin Yueru's expression change, and a burst of spells composed of ancient Goryeo spit out from Jin Yueru's mouth. Accompanied by a low moan as fast as a shower, the strange symbols on the green crossbow in Jin Yueru's hand emitted a light like ice and snow, and the short white arrows shot from the crossbow also emitted a frosty color.

The monster that rushed forward and was shot by the white short arrow was instantly frozen into icicles. When it fell to the ground, it turned into broken ice flakes with a crash.

"Let's go." The "Frost Sorrow" in Jin Yueru's hand had an astonishing lethality. In a moment, dozens of monsters that rushed over turned into icicles and fell down, and then turned into ice that shattered on the ground. Block, but the mana required to cast such an arrow is also very staggering. Jin Yueru only felt that her mana was passing away quickly, and she was afraid that if she killed dozens more monsters, she would run out of mana, but in front of her, there were thousands of monsters roaring towards her. . Jin Yueru only hoped that she could resist for a while so that Yiwen Qianxia could have time to escape.

"Want to escape?" After hearing Jin Yueru's words, Yiwen Qianxia turned around and wanted to escape. But when Ivan Qianxia turned around, she found that the stairs behind her had been filled with huge monsters that looked like they were covered in black armor.

Jin Yueru wondered why Ivan Qianxia didn't escape yet. When she turned around and saw dozens of monsters blocking the stairs, she couldn't help but feel bitter.

If I were alone, I might still have hope of killing these monsters and escaping from here, but I had to protect a person who had no protection at all, and I had to fight my way out of such a dense crowd of monsters without letting him. She was hurt and it was an impossible task.

Jin Yueru turned her head and glanced at Yiwen Qianxia. Yiwen Qianxia's face was pale without a trace of blood, and her body was trembling. "Fight." Jin Yueru's appearance made it impossible for Yiwen Qianxia to abandon her and escape alone. .

"Goddess of Ice, please use holy ice and snow to clear everything in front of you." In the chanting of ancient Korean, Jin Yueru took Ivan Qianxia's hand and rushed towards the exit of the bar. The "Frostmourne" short crossbow in his hand shone with light, and three white short arrows flew out, and then changed into two, and then two into four, turning into countless arrows.

In just an instant, countless arrows covered the entire staircase like ice and snow. The monsters blocking the stairs all turned into broken ice cubes.

"It's amazing." Ivan Qianxia looked at Jin Yueru in surprise, excitement and fear intertwined, and her whole body was shaking. "If we do it a few more times, we can kill all the monsters here."

Yiwen Qianxia felt that with Jin Yueru's ability, there seemed to be no need to escape now, but what surprised Yiwen Qianxia was that after the light of the arrow on the green crossbow disappeared, Jin Yueru spat out a mouthful of blood and squirted with both legs. So weak, as if he had lost all his strength, he almost fell to his knees.

"What's wrong with you?" Yiwen Qianxia's face turned pale and she quickly supported Jin Yueru.

"Don't worry about me, just run out of here and escape." Jin Yueru pushed Yiwen Qianxia away and took a deep breath, "Such a spell is not something I can bear now. I no longer have any magic power to use. Such a spell."

"No, if you want to leave, let's go together." Yiwen Qianxia held Jin Yueru's hand firmly, and saw that Jin Yueru was almost unbearable, "If you stay here alone, you will be attacked by these monsters. Killed."

"What a great friendship, I'm a little touched. But you don't have to fight, because neither of you can leave here."

As soon as Jin Yueru heard this voice, her heart dropped to the bottom of her heart.

This sound came from the sunken stairs. When the sound disappeared, dozens more monsters rushed down from the stairs. It seemed that the outside of the bar was already crowded with such monsters.