Celestial Employee

Chapter 76: A conspiracy within a conspiracy


"I knew I couldn't trust the workers at these shrines. When it comes to Guanjian, they won't work hard for us at all."

In the center of the top floor of Sensoji Temple, shrouded in thick black fog, stood a young Japanese woman wearing a purple kimono.

Ordinary Japanese women are generally not tall, but this young Japanese woman has a tall figure and proud breasts that exceeds most European and American women. Moreover, under the purple kimono, this Japanese woman seemed to be wearing nothing, revealing a pair of long and strong white thighs and deep cleavage, which made people want to strip her naked and take a look.

On the table in front of the Japanese woman, there was a tight-colored crystal bead, and beside her stood quietly a man wearing a black and white onmyoji robe.

In the purple crystal ball, Zhao Lingjun was quickly passing through the empty Gemini Temple and heading straight for the Cancer Temple.

"None of this matters." After hearing the words of the Japanese woman in purple kimono, the person standing with his back to the Japanese woman seemed to be looking at the black mist that filled Sensoji Temple, wearing the black and white onmyoji robes. Turning his head, "Shui Ji, all we want is the blood of the warrior and the tears of determination."

If Zhao Lingjun sees this person at this time, he will definitely be shocked, because this person's face is wearing the same mask as the face of the long-dead Maoshan Sect leader Fang Tianhua. And when this man wearing a mask and wearing a black and white onmyoji robe turned his head, an evil and strange aura emanated from this man, as if even the air around him was changing. Slightly distorted.

"Yes. Abe Seimei." But the Japanese woman known as Mizuki seemed to have been accustomed to seeing this person wearing a monster mask. After nodding, her white and slender fingers passed over the purple crystal ball. , Zhao Lingjun disappeared in the purple crystal ball, and the image of Asakusa Shosuke appeared.

"I know that all we want is the blood of warriors and the tears of determination." The Japanese woman known as Mizuki looked at the back of Asakusa Shōsuke in the crystal ball image and said to the masked man, "I'm just worried, because there are a few The strength of each person who joins the formation is extraordinary, and if they are allowed to break the formation, I am afraid it will cause us a lot of trouble."

After a pause, Shui Ji continued, "And I feel that there are some powerful auras outside the formation, and in the distance, there are some powerful auras coming towards here..."

"You don't have to worry about this. Our Abe Onmyoji's strength is better than ever." The masked man whom Sui Ji called Abe Seimei interrupted, and traces of black freezing air visible to the naked eye came out of Abe Seimei's body. Six wings formed from black frozen air were formed on Anbei Qingming's back. "What's more, Master Meng is also here. If he were not busy setting up the magic circle to resurrect the king, these people would be useless to him." They're just poor reptiles."

"But before that, Yu Gaoming's people had opened the passage to the Shura Dao and summoned a large number of monsters. They would never have done this originally. It must be the monster Yan Beiming who was behind it."

"That monster with eyes like colored glass balls?" Abe Qingming, who was wearing a mask, laughed disdainfully. In the midst of laughter, Abe Seimei stretched his hand from Mizuki's slightly open kimono, and began to caress Mizuki's towering breasts in the clothes, "That one has the most powerful magic that can kill even gods and demons. A coward who only dares to hide in the dark and do mischief despite his powerful skills? If I knew that kind of magic, I would have killed Master Meng long ago and killed everyone who opposed me. Such a coward, What can be done?"

"Well -" An ecstatic moan came from Shui Ji's gorgeous lips, "After you have the Chaos Mask, you are indeed different from before."

"You are right, the feeling after wearing the Chaos Mask is so good." After hearing Shui Ji's voice, Abe Qingming, who was wearing the mask, laughed loudly, "Only an idiot like Fang Tianhua can I will give up this wonderful feeling and choose to commit suicide."

"The fun seems to have begun." Shui Ji bit her lip, looking at the purple crystal ball, panting slightly.

"The fun has already begun." Abe Qingming laughed and lifted Mizuki's kimono from behind. Under the purple kimono, there was a patch of snow-white, which was indeed **. Anlu Qingming pressed forward hard, and roared happily from his throat, "After today, the whole world will be in our hands."

"Yes, starting from tomorrow, you will be the kings in charge of the world." Under the beast-like impact of Abe Seimei, Mizuki moaned loudly.

"You?" But if Abe Qingming could see Sui Ji's face at this time, he would find that there was no look of indulgence on Sui Ji's face, only a cold smile.

Although Qianjie had seen many monsters before, he had never seen such a powerful enemy this time.

"Behind this gate, is it an army composed of thousands of monsters, or is it a powerful practitioner working for the devil?" When Asakusa Yosuke stepped into the "Du" gate, his palms were already covered with sweat, and he could only tighten his grip. With the Five Fires and Seven Birds fan rippling with powerful mana, Yosuke Asakusa can maintain his inner calm.

"Master Nakamura, Senior Brother Gao Yuan!" But as soon as he walked into the door made of black mist, Asakusa Yosuke was completely stunned.

Around Asakusa Yosuke, red lanterns with the word "Thunder Gate" painted on them were hung everywhere. At the entrance of the antique temple, there are pots of green lantern flowers.

Sensoji Temple, what appeared in front of Yosuke Asakusa turned out to be the place where Yosuke Asakusa grew up, Sensoji Temple.

As if the formation did not exist at all, Asakusa Yosuke seemed to have walked directly through the black fog and arrived at Sensoji Temple.

There were no monsters in front of Asakusa Yosuke, only Nakamura Shunura and Takatosato standing quietly in the courtyard of Sensoji Temple, smiling at Asakusa Yosuke.

"Master Nakamura, senior brother Takato." As soon as he saw the gray-haired Nakamura Junura and the gray-haired Takato, Asakusa Yosuke was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but run towards the two people. "What happened to Sensoji Temple, where are the other senior brothers?"

In Asakusa Yosuke's mind, these two people are the people closest to Asakusa Yosuke, just like Asakusa Yosuke's father and brother. Usually when Asakusa Yosuke rushes over like this, these two people will definitely laugh and stretch out their hands, just like Asakusa Yosuke did when he was a child, pick up Asakusa Yosuke and throw him into the air.

"Yosuke, don't come here." But as soon as Asakusa Yosuke took two steps forward, the gray-haired Nakamura Shunura and the gray-haired Takatori shouted to Asakusa Yosuke.

"What's wrong, Master Nakamura, Senior Brother Gao Yuan?" Asakusa Yosuke suddenly noticed that there was a look of sadness and relief on the faces of the two people.

The white-haired Nakamura Junura saw Asakusa Yosuke stop and smiled happily, "I didn't expect to see you one last time."

"The last meeting? What do you mean?" Asakusa Yosuke was shocked and couldn't help but walk towards the two of them.

"Don't come over, Yosuke." But Nakamura Junura called out to Asakusa Yosuke again.

"What's going on? Master Nakamura." Asakusa Yosuke shouted anxiously. "The entire Sensoji Temple has been controlled by the monsters summoned by Abe Onmyoji and Luo General Shenmizuhime. All your senior brothers and junior brothers have died in the battle. Now in the entire Sensoji Temple, only the three of us are left. That’s it. What you see now is not the real Sensoji Temple, but the illusion of the Amaterasu Ten Killing Formation.”

Nakamura Junura's first words struck Asakusa Yosuke like a lightning bolt.

"What, this is impossible." After being stunned, Asakusa Yosuke couldn't help but let out a heartbreaking shout.

"Listen to what I have to say, Yosuke." Seeing Asakusa Yosuke's appearance, the white-haired Shunura Nakamura's face was filled with a sad smile, "Abe Seimei and Luoshang Jinsuihime not only killed them all, but also used Using their flesh and blood as a guide, they set up a magic circle to awaken a sleeping demon."

"Miss Ibumi is the key to activating this magic circle. They have captured Miss Ibumi." Asakusa Yosuke noticed that the faces of Nakamura Junura and Takatoori had painful expressions, as if they were suppressing some kind of pain. Like, but after a pause, Nakamura Shunpu continued, "So you have to kill us, break the circle with your friends, and then rescue Miss Ivan, so that they can't succeed in their conspiracy."

"What? Master Nakamura?" Asakusa Yosuke was stunned for a moment.

But Nakamura Shunpu continued, "Luo Jiang Shensuiji implanted the eggs and the three life stones of the resentful beast Chajini into my body. Now Chajini has begun to hatch in our bodies, and soon Soon we will become ogres who have lost their minds. Only by killing us and taking out the Three Life Stones from my body can you and your friends break this formation."

"No, there must be another way. I absolutely can't do this." Asakusa Yosuke took a few steps back and shouted like crazy.

"There is no time, Yosuke." Nakamura Junura and Takatoto glanced at each other, and looked at Asakusa Yosuke with decisive eyes, "You don't want to see us turn into ogres who have dehumanized us."

"Do it, Yosuke." The two men shouted towards Asakusa Yosuke.