Celestial Employee

Chapter 86: Kill someone with a borrowed knife


"Those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish!"

Before Zhao Lingjun could wake up from the dizziness of extreme excitement, when the destructive power burst out from under the altar, the hurricane that formed had already rushed Zhao Lingjun and Yiwen Qianxia into the air.

And amidst the extremely crazy shouts of the man in black robe, the destructive power spurting out from under the altar gathered together, as if being greatly attracted, like an invisible long dragon, flowing continuously. Influxing from the head of the man in black robe, the whole body of the man in black robe emits a faint brilliance, and even the black robe he wears swells as if it is inflated.

"how so?"

Zhao Lingjun and Yiwen Qianxia, who were in mid-air, woke up almost at the same time, and both of them exclaimed in surprise.

However, the reason why Zhao Lingjun screamed was because Zhao Lingjun saw that unparalleled power being continuously sucked into the body by the man in black robe. The reason why Yiwen Qianxia exclaimed was because she was like an octopus, tightly wrapped around Zhao Lingjun's body, and the most intimate parts of the two people were still tightly combined.


When Zhao Lingjun and Yiwen Qianxia exclaimed, the long-haired young man's body was emitting a dazzling silver brilliance. Even his eyes that were constantly changing colors and his long black hair that was not windless were all flashing in an instant. turned silver.

Zhao Lingjun and Yiwen Qianxia felt their eyes light up. There was a huge silver vortex around the black-robed man's body, like a shrunken Milky Way, spinning rapidly around the black-robed man.

Although the center of the silver vortex was the man in black robes, even though Zhao Lingjun and Yiwen Qianxia were carried up into the air by the hurricane and fell far away, they felt as if their souls were about to be sucked out of their bodies by the silver vortex. .

"I didn't expect that you have actually mastered the Seven Skills and Nine Heavens Qiongxiao Technique." The face of the man in black robe, who had already absorbed all the unparalleled power from under the altar into his body, was full of domineering, but when he saw the sudden Seeing the silver vortex appearing around his body, the man in black couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

"Brother, if you have fully absorbed the magic power of the ancestor, bloomed with the three flowers on top, and become an immortal, I will definitely not be your enemy and obey your orders, but you have not refined all the magic power yet. I won't have to fight with you." The long-haired young man's eyes were full of silver light, and the silver whirlpool was spinning crazily. The translucent clouds that were released from the black-robed man and protected him all over his body were also It was pulled away from the body of the man in black robe.

"Hundred Ghost Tiangang Formation!" The threatened man in black robe did not dare to neglect. With a wave of his hand, thirty-two pale white flags suddenly appeared and fell around the body of the man in black robe. In an instant, they all turned into a high ground with more than one person. White bones and long banners protected the man in black robes.

"Hundred Ghosts Soul-Calling Banner!"

Zhao Lingjun and Yiwen Qianxia had just fallen to the ground, and Zhao Lingsheng had just separated from Yiwen Qianxia in shame, and Zhao Lingjun suddenly froze on the spot.

Those long white bone flags as tall as a person are all made of phosphorus white bones, with bright red blood flowing like living creatures on them. It was the critical point that cost Zhao Lingjun his life. Zhao Lingjun had been trying every possible means to trace the origin of the Hundred Ghost Soul-Calling Banner.

If the man in black robe used these thirty-two hundred ghost summoning banners to deal with Zhao Lingjun, Zhao Lingjun would definitely have his soul taken away in an instant and become a walking corpse controlled by the hundred ghosts summoning banners.

Fortunately, the long-haired young man clearly knew better than Zhao Lingjun what kind of magic weapon the thirty-two-faced Hundred Ghost Soul-Calling Banner was. The man in black robe had just raised the thirty-two-faced Hundred Ghost Soul-Calling Flag, when the long-haired young man let out a loud shout and drew a mysterious spell with his fingers. The silver vortex immediately expanded several times, enveloping the thirty-two hundred ghost summoning flags.

The cold and incomparable power that erupted from the thirty-two-sided Hundred Ghost Soul Recalling Banner was also absorbed by the silver vortex.

The long-haired young man's spells simply exceeded Zhao Lingjun's imagination. Zhao Lingjun never imagined that there were people in this world who could block the thirty-two hundred ghost summoning banners using only spells.

"Junior Brother Yan, you'd better give up." But the man in black robe, whose Hundred Ghost Soul Recalling Banner was sealed by the long-haired young man's spell, seemed to be even more proud.

"You don't have time anymore, so you better stop obediently. If you stop at this time, I can still spare your life."

"Will you let me go if I stop now? If it were me, I wouldn't let anyone who threatens me exist in this world. I only regret not killing you earlier."

"As expected, you are the junior brother who has practiced with me for so many years. He really knows me very well, but what's the use of regretting it? You are too cautious and cowardly by nature, so even if you were stronger than me in the past, you still Don’t dare to attack me, people like you should have listened to me long ago..."

The man in black robe was not taken seriously by the long-haired young man's remarks and laughed even more proudly.

Hearing the proud laughter of the man in black robe, a look of determination appeared on the face of the long-haired young man. With a "pop" sound, the long-haired young man bit the tip of his tongue and spurted out a mouthful of blood mixed with silver natal essence. out.

The unparalleled power was like a tsunami, centered on the long-haired young man, sweeping across in an instant, and the entire Sensoji Temple was reduced to powder in an instant.

When he saw the long-haired young man's determined face, Zhao Lingjun had already used all his defensive magic weapons, then hugged Yiwen Qianxia and ran away through the already riddled red stone wall. For Zhao Lingjun, this was Neither of them can match themselves, and escaping is the most important thing.

But Zhao Lingjun was holding Yiwen Qianxia, and just after breaking through the red stone wall, he was held up by powerful magic. The two of them felt that their eyes were blurred, as if they were suddenly in the Milky Way, with stars dotted around them, and meteors passing quickly in front of their eyes. , just the ripples in the air caused Zhao Lingjun to feel pain like a sharp knife stabbing him.

"The Milky Way is falling from the sky! Do you actually want to die with me?"

In just an instant, the hundred ghost summoning flags surrounding the body of the man in black robe, who was also in the galaxy, were knocked down by meteors. The face of the man in black robe changed drastically. He did not expect that the long-haired young man would actually use his own true energy to activate the most terrifying spell in the Seven Skills of the Heavenly Spell, the Milky Way Fall, which could kill even gods and Buddhas. The only drawback of the most powerful spell is that once this spell is fully activated, all the stars in the galaxy will turn into meteors, and even you will not be spared.

The man in black robe only needs a few more seconds to use himself as a cauldron to completely refine the absorbed power, directly emit the three flowers on top, and become an immortal in his body. But now the man in black robe is gone. Any choice. Because the man in black robe knew that if he hesitated for just one more second, he would be beaten to death by the sky-breaking Milky Way Fall cast by the long-haired young man.

"Everything is void, disease!"

In desperation, the man in black robe had no choice but to fight for his life with the long-haired young man.

Amidst the roar of the black-robed man, with the black-robed man's feet as the center, translucent clouds spread out like a bomb explosion. Zhao Lingjun only felt that the world in front of him was distorted, and even the flight of the meteors suddenly slowed down. Come down, as slowly as fireflies in summer.



Seeing that the situation was not good, the long-haired young man spurted out another mouthful of blood that was killing his vitality, but at the same time, the man in black robe also slapped his head on the head.

As the man in black robe said the word "break", cyan energy spurted out from his mouth and nose, and the bronze mask on his face also shattered.

"Haha, junior brother." Under the broken bronze mask, a pale and ferocious face with blood flowing from all the facial features was revealed, "Your Milky Way Fall is indeed a terrifying spell. If you didn't have the Chaos Mask, , maybe I will die in your hands."

With a "boom", amidst the sharp laughter of the man in black robe, the stars in the Milky Way transformed by the long-haired young man suddenly turned into powder. The long-haired young man flew back as if he had been hit hard. Blood mist spurted out from his pores.

"From now on, no one in the world can be my opponent."

When he saw the long-haired young man flying out upside down, the man in black robe laughed even more proudly.

Although when he had just cast Chaos Nothingness, the man in black robe had exhausted all his life essence with desperate thoughts, and he did not hesitate to destroy the Chaos Mask and double the power of his spells. Originally, the man in black robe had no strength to fight anymore, but what surprised the man in black robe was that the power that the man in black robe inhaled into his body was still being transformed into the man in black robe's power. In just an instant, The man in black robe had recovered less than half of his power.

"Junior brother, let me send you to hell."

The man in black robe, who had recovered half of his strength in an instant, laughed and flew towards the long-haired young man who flew backwards, "Let me see if your heart is also colorful after practicing Qiqiao Tiantian. "

The man in black robe was in front of the long-haired young man in an instant, and at this time, the long-haired young man flew upside down to Zhao Lingjun. Just as the man in black robe stretched out his hand to kill the long-haired young man, a dazzling silver light suddenly erupted from Zhao Lingjun's body.

"what happened?"

Before the man in black robe could realize what was going on, it was like a shrunken Milky Way appeared between Zhao Lingjun and the man in black robe.