Celestial Employee

Chapter 88: The God-conferring Cauldron


"Yes, if you hadn't caused trouble, the monster we summoned with great difficulty would have killed her long ago. How could that old ghost have been able to activate this magic circle?"

But it was okay if Lord Zhao Ling didn't ask. When he asked, Feng Jian Cang Yuan was not angry at all. "We worked hard to imitate Abe Onmyoji and set up a magic circle to open the passage to Shura Dao. We could not only kill Ibumi Chinatsu, but also provoke a fight between Ura Takano and Abe Onmyoji. When they were almost done fighting , let’s come out again to reap the benefits of the fishermen, and deal with Gao Ye and Meng Laogui in one fell swoop. But this ultra-high frequency of two birds with one stone was completely destroyed in your hands."

"Moreover, you fell into the old ghost's trap and activated the magic circle, putting your master in danger and almost perishing together with the old ghost Meng. If I don't cut you into pieces, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart."

Feng saw that Cang Yuan was getting more and more angry as he talked, and he directly slashed at Lord Zhao Ling with one strike.

"I*." Zhao Lingjun didn't expect that he would ask a question that made Feng Jian Aang Yuan crazy, but it was too late to regret it at this time. Zhao Ling Jun could only subconsciously push Ivan Qianxia aside, and then prepared to be feng Jian Aang Yuan Killed with one knife.

Feng Jian Cang Yuan's sword energy was no less powerful than Cang Lang Wan. Before he even got in front of him, Zhao Lingjun already felt that he was about to be cut into two pieces.

But a ray of silver light suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Lingjun, and with a bang, Feng Jian Cangyuan's sword energy disappeared invisibly.

"My Lord, why?" Feng Jian Cangyuan looked at Yan Beiming in surprise, wondering why Yan Beiming had to use a spell to block his attack.

"I forgot that there is something else on him." Yan Beiming glanced at Zhao Lingjun, "Where is the Moonlight Treasure Box?"

"Moonlight Treasure Box?" Zhao Lingjun was stunned and immediately understood that the Moonlight Treasure Box that Yan Beiming was talking about was the white jade box that Zhang Changsheng stole from Lei Yun. "I didn't bring it with me."

The Mustard Seed Technique in Maoshan Technique, like the enchantment techniques of many other sects, can create a void space out of thin air that only the caster can feel. This is why many ascetics appear to be empty, but with a wave of their hands, But he can conjure up a lot of magic weapons.

The moonlight treasure box that Yan Beiming mentioned has been placed by Zhao Lingjun in his mustard seed space. As long as Zhao Lingjun has the power to use the mustard seed technique, Zhao Lingjun can take out the moonlight treasure box at any time, but Zhao Lingjun knows that at this time To be honest, the first thing Yan Beiming did after getting the Moonlight Box was to kill himself.

"Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? Don't you carry such an important thing with you?" But what chilled Zhao Lingjun was that Yan Beiming seemed to see through Zhao Lingjun at a glance, "Don't you know Maoshan's Mustard Seed Technique? Then Just let me see what’s in your mustard space/”

As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Beiming shot out a silver light from his fingers and hit Zhao Lingjun.

What Yan Beiming cast was a spell that could destroy ordinary barriers. After the silver light rippled on Zhao Lingjun's body, Zhao Lingjun's mustard space was immediately destroyed.

With a "crash", all of Zhao Lingjun's belongings suddenly fell in front of Yan Beiming's eyes.

"Haha, didn't you say you didn't bring the Moonlight Treasure Box with you? Zhao Lingjun's face was ashen, while Yan Beiming saw the Moonlight Treasure Box among the fallen things at a glance. "It seems that your belongings are still there. Quite a few. " Yan Beiming had a sarcastic smile on his face. As if Zhao Lingjun didn't exist, he walked to the pile of things that fell not far in front of Zhao Lingjun. He was about to pick up the moonlight treasure box, but there was an item next to the moonlight treasure box. The thing made Yan Beiming stiff all over.

"This is this?" Yan Beiming picked up the thing with a shocked face and looked at Zhao Lingjun in disbelief.

"I*." Zhao Lingjun saw at a glance that the thing Yan Beiming picked up was the most precious treasure of the Three Treasures Sect, the Great Transformation Sky Black Lotus.

"This is the token of the head of the Three Treasures Sect, the Great Transformation Black Lotus. Yan Beiming, now you know who I am." Zhao Lingjun knew that he would definitely not be able to deceive this guy who seemed to be more sophisticated than himself, so he simply put his mind to it. He made a bold move and said, "When you see this sect master, why don't you kneel down and apologize?"

"Sure enough, it's Dahua Tianhei Lian, haha." After hearing Zhao Lingjun's words, Yan Beiming laughed like a convulsion, "I didn't expect you to be the descendant of that fool Ye Wudao. No wonder, what kind of ancestor, there are What kind of disciple? The patriarch is a fool, and the disciple is indeed a fool too."

"You, you can insult my personality, but you can't insult my IQ. Zhao Lingjun was probably confused by what happened in front of him. After hearing Yan Beiming's ridicule, Zhao Lingjun came here casually. One sentence.

"Doubt your IQ?" After hearing Zhao Lingjun's words, Yan Beiming looked at Zhao Lingjun as if he were an idiot. "Don't you know that our ancestor became the head of the Three Treasures Sect two thousand years ago after he defeated that fool Ye Wudao? Don't you know that from that time on, the Dahua Tianheilian was no longer ours? Is it the token of the leader of the Three Treasures Sect? Where did you go wrong? You actually thought that this was the token of our leader, and you still want me to kneel down?"

"I `````." Zhao Lingjun looked at Yan Beiming with great depression, thinking about what he said before, MLGBO, I got this Great Transformation Black Lotus from the sewer, and then I worshiped the master of the Three Treasures Sect that I had never met. Now that you are a master, how did I know that after your ancestor usurped the position of master, he no longer recognized this Great Transformation Black Lotus as the master's token

At this time, Zhao Lingjun was already aware that the ancestor Yan Beiming and the black-robed man named Meng Bugui mentioned in their mouths must be the master he had never met and who probably died two thousand years ago. What he said in the bamboo slips The senior brother who secretly refined the Hundred Ghost Soul Calling Flag.

"Let me see what else you have hidden." But as soon as Zhao Lingjun uttered a word, Yan Beiming squatted down and looked through the things Zhao Lingjun left behind.

"I didn't expect that you really have a lot of good things. Tsk tsk, what is this? Taiyi Qinghua Sword?"

"This is? Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan? But why does it feel a little weird?"

"This is?`````"

Yan Beiming casually picked up the thing that Zhao Lingjun dropped on the ground, and put the thing into his bag with admiration. Zhao Lingjun was so angry that he could do nothing, so he simply turned his head away and didn't look at it, so as not to feel distressed.

But Zhao Lingjun didn't expect that after Yan Beiming picked up Zhao Lingjun's Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan from Xibei, he made a trembling sound, as if he had seen something incredible.

"This pervert must have got the Demon Refining Pot," Zhao Lingjun turned his head in frustration, but to Zhao Lingjun's great surprise, Yan Beiming squatted blankly, as if he had been constipated for several weeks. , trembling all over, the expression on his face was extremely complicated, but Yan Beiming's eyes were looking at the small three-legged square tripod that was originally covered by the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan without blinking.

"It turns out to be that cauldron." Zhao Lingjun recognized the cauldron at a glance as the small square cauldron he took out from the Dahua Tianhei Lian.

The small square tripod covered with strange talismans looked like an ancient object, but it did not have the slightest fluctuation in mana. Zhao Lingjun had studied it for a long time but could not find anything useful, and among so many people, no one recognized it. Ding, Zhao Lingjun had always left this tripod in the Huajingyuan community. He used it as a pen holder on the bedside table in his dormitory. He just brought it out before coming to Japan. Unexpectedly, it made Yan Beiming have this expression.

"Isn't this cauldron an ordinary thing?"

"The God-Sealing Cauldron is actually the God-Sealing Cauldron that has not been used yet." That thought came to Zhao Lingjun's mind, and Yan Beiming picked up the cauldron, crying, laughing, jumping and making trouble.

"Self-conferring Cauldron? Is this guy crazy?" Zhao Lingjun and Yiwen Qianxia were stunned for a moment.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty," even Feng Jian Cangyuan couldn't help being dumbfounded at this moment.

"The God-Sealing Cauldron, I didn't expect it to be the God-Sealing Cauldron." As Feng Jian Cangyuan shouted, Yan Beiming finally calmed down slowly, but Yan Beiming still kept repeating those words. sentence.

Seeing that Yan Beiming seemed to be going crazy, Zhao Lingjun secretly winked at Yiwen Qianxia and prepared to sneak away, but Feng Jian Cangyuan blocked the way with a knife.

"What the hell is the God-Sealing Cauldron?" Zhao Lingjun, who was blocked in his path, knew that he would definitely not be able to run away. Seeing Yan Beiming still holding the cauldron and talking non-stop, Zhao Lingjun said loudly and depressedly.

"You really don't know what this is?"

But Zhao Lingjun did not expect that his words would completely silence Yan Beiming.

Yan Beiyan looked at Zhao Lingjun with a strange look in his eyes, which made Zhao Lingjun hairy.

"I don't know." So Zhao Lingqun said happily.

"Haha, you idiot." After hearing Zhao Lingjun's answer, Yan Beiming laughed like a madman again.

"I*." Zhao Lingjun was furious, "I'm an idiot, you are acting like a madman now."

"Fortunately you don't know what this is, otherwise, would we still be alive?" But to Zhao Lingjun's expectation, Yan Beiming did not become furious after hearing his words. Instead, he looked at Zhao Lingjun with a smile and said , "It's a good thing you don't know, otherwise, I still don't know if I will ever have the chance to cultivate the top three flowers and become an immortal in my physical body."