Celestial Employee

Chapter 91: The huge pagoda


"I..." If Zhao Lingjun heard Qing Lan say such words in normal times, he would definitely blush and have wild thoughts. But now when he heard Qing Lan say such words, Zhao Lingjun opened his mouth and choked up after saying only one word. Speechless.

"It's a very strange feeling." When Zhao Lingjun's tears fell on Qinglan's face, a confused look appeared in Qinglan's eyes, "Now I seem to understand why Bai Suzhen would not hesitate to fight Fahai for that stupid scholar. Go and fight for your life.”

"But if we were really in a fantasy world, you would probably still like me turning into Lin Qianxun or Wu Xiaoye..." Qinglan's voice became lower and lower, and finally became inaudible.

"Boss, leave quickly."

At this time, Zhuque also yelled like crazy. There was a bright light in front of Zhuque and Wu Xiaoye. Both of them had cast their most powerful spells and magic weapons, but what happened between the long-haired young man's hands was The spell caused the two people to fly back continuously.

Suzaku knew that it wouldn't take long before he and Wu Xiaoye could resist it, so when he saw Zhao Lingjun holding Qing Lan blankly, he couldn't help but scream wildly.

"No, I don't want you to become anyone else, Qinglan..." But before Zhuque's shout came out, Zhao Lingjun also made a heartbreaking voice. It turned out that Qinglan stopped in Zhao Lingjun's arms at this time. Take a breath.

As soon as they saw Zhao Lingjun holding Qing Lan who was motionless, Zhu Yu and Wu Xiaoye understood what had happened, and their eyes suddenly turned red. They all attacked desperately.

"Do you really don't want your life? In that case, I will help you." Yan Beiming was originally entangled by Zhu Yu and Wu Xiaoye, and he was already angry. Now he sees the two people casting spells on him as if they don't want their lives. , couldn't help but let out a burst of anger.

"Quiet!" Yan Beiming just spit out one word, and a ball of silver light like a rotating yin-yang fish exploded between Yan Beiming, Suzaku, and Wu Xiaoye.

Wu Xiaoye had already released the Brocade Tent, and Suzaku had also released his strongest protective shield. However, after the silver light exploded, all the defensive formations of the two people broke apart instantly.

Yan Beiming's ball of silver light, which was like a rotating yin and yang fish, seemed to have the power to destroy all magic formations, and also had an extremely powerful power to reverse yin and yang, but it was only affected by the exploding silver light. Wu Xiaoye and Suzaku felt a loud bang in their heads, their energy and blood flowed backwards, and their energy flowed randomly through their meridians like a river bursting its banks.

"You always yell, let me kill you first." When Zhuque and Wu Xiaoye lost the ability to fight back, Yan Beiming just took one step and appeared next to Zhuque like a ghost, pointing. Suzaku's chest.

A bit of silver light appeared on Suzaku's chest, and then spread to Suzaku's whole body in an instant. Suzaku fell down without even making a sound.


Just when Yan Beiming was about to kill Wu Xiaoye next to Suzaku, he heard Zhao Lingjun shouting.

Zhao Lingjun is not Yan Beiming's boss. If he just heard these words, Yan Beiming would definitely not be obedient. But with Zhao Lingjun's shout, Yan Beiming felt a strong fluctuation of mana.


Yan Beiming turned his head in surprise, only to find that Zhao Lingjun had put Qinglan down at some point. The strong mana fluctuations were coming from Zhao Lingjun. At this moment, Zhao Lingjun was still swallowing the fiery red pill while looking at Yan Beiming with eyes that could kill someone.

These red elixirs were obtained by Zhao Lingjun by refining the lava demon with the demon refining pot. They have the effect of quickly restoring Dao power. Zhao Lingjun has been putting them in the elixir bottle and placed them in his own mustard seed space. Just now Yan Beiming After destroying Zhao Lingjun's mustard space, the pill bottle also fell out along with the magic weapons, but it did not attract Yan Beiming's attention.

And Zhao Lingjun didn't know when he had picked up the elixir bottle and swallowed the red elixir in the elixir bottle.

"Then I'll kill you first and then talk."

Although he didn’t know what kind of elixirs Zhao Lingjun took, the murderous intention and the increasingly stronger mana fluctuations that pervaded Zhao Lingjun made Yan Beiming feel cold, so Yan Beiming did not bother to kill Wu Xiaoye. , he pinched the magic formula towards Zhao Lingjun/

"The Heavenly Pagoda!"

But as soon as Yan Beiming finished kneading the magic formula, his expression changed. In Yan Beiming's incredible eyes, a silver light group like a shrunken bank erupted from Zhao Lingjun's body, knocking Yan Beiming away.

Yan Beiming's body was covered with countless holes that glowed silver, as if he had been shot by a small-caliber submachine gun first and then had a fluorescent lamp installed in his body.

"Your Majesty." The frightened Feng Jian Cangyuan wanted to catch Yan Beiming who flew out, but as soon as he touched Yan Beiming, the silver light emitted from Yan Beiming made Feng Jian Cangyuan's The body corrodes away quickly as if it were exposed to concentrated sulfuric acid.

Feng Jian Cang Yuan let out a scream, but instead of catching Yan Beiming, he fell down together with Yan Beiming.

Man's calculation is not as good as God's calculation.

Zhao Lingjun knocked down Yan Beiming with the same spell that he used to severely injure Meng Bugui, Massive Pagoda.

During the decisive battle with Meng Bugui, Yan Beiming saw that he could not defeat Meng Bugui. When he flew upside down to Lord Zhao Ling, Yan Beiming secretly used the Mitian Seal to move the soul with seven skills, allowing Lord Zhao Ling to instantly comprehend the seven skills. The Mitian Pagoda in Qiao Mi Tian's secret made Zhao Lingjun subconsciously use the Mi Tian Pagoda, unexpectedly injuring Meng Bugui severely.

The Mitian Pagoda is the only spell that Yan Beiming taught Zhao Lingjun using the Mitian Seal and Soul Transferring Act.

The reason why Yan Beiming chose to teach this spell can be said to be because of all the tricks.

Because Mi Tian Fu Tu is the most powerful spell among the Seven Skills Mi Tian ** second only to Mi Tian Galaxy Fall. Even Da Luo Jinxian will be severely injured by this spell and cannot recover at all in a short period of time. No matter how good it is to use this kind of magic to deal with Meng Bugui, and once this kind of magic is cast, it will drain all the power from the caster's body.

In this case, Zhao Lingjun will be drained of all his power and will not be able to fight back.

But how could Yan Beiming have imagined that Lord Zhao Ling would actually use this spell to deal with him.

Even Yan Beiming himself was hit hard by such a powerful spell and was unable to fight back until he fainted.


After knocking down Yan Beiming and Feng Jian Cangyuan in one fell swoop, Zhao Lingjun didn't have any look of surprise on his face. Although he relied on the elixir to quickly recover his physical strength and performed the Heavenly Pagoda, he was drained of all his energy twice in a row. But it had exceeded the limit that Zhao Lingjun** could bear. Therefore, after shouting Qinglan's name, Zhao Lingjun, who was mentally and physically exhausted, softened and fell to the ground.

"Mr. Zhao~!"

"Jun Zhao Ling"

When he fell, Zhao Lingjun heard Asakusa Yosuke and Wu Xiaoye seem to be calling his name anxiously, but Zhao Lingjun's consciousness became more and more blurred, and finally lost all consciousness and passed out...

In a daze, Zhao Lingjun felt as if he had arrived in a place he had never been before.

It was pitch black in front of him, without any light, but Zhao Lingjun saw Qing Lan standing in front of him with a smile, waving goodbye to him.

"Qinglan, where are you going?"

Zhao Lingjun shouted anxiously, but Zhao Lingjun found that he could not make any sound.

Zhao Lingjun wanted to run forward and hug Qinglan, but Zhao Lingjun found that his whole body could not move.

Seeing Qing Lan walking farther and farther, Zhao Lingjun felt more and more anxious.


It wasn't until Qinglan disappeared from his sight that Zhao Lingjun finally shouted out. And when Zhao Lingjun called out Qinglan's name, Zhao Lingjun felt that all the darkness in front of his eyes was dissipated, and the sudden dazzling light made Zhao Lingjun's eyes My eyes stung.

"You finally woke up." When Zhao Lingjun could see things with his eyes, Zhao Lingjun realized that he was already lying on the bed in his room in the Talise Hotel. Meng Xue, Lin Qianxun, Bai Luoli and others were all sitting in front of the bed, looking at him with red eyes.

Zhao Lingjun turned his eyes and saw clear wind and clear clouds outside the window. The sun was shining brightly on the white beach. It was already noon.

"Where is Qinglan?" Although he already knew the answer, Zhao Lingjun couldn't help but ask.

"It's all my fault." Seeing Zhao Lingjun wake up, Meng Xue's tears were originally rolling in her eyes, but after hearing Zhao Lingjun's words, Meng Xue's tears fell like pearls one by one, "If I hadn't She doesn’t know any magic, how could Qing Lan insist on giving me the purple ribbon fairy clothes? If she hadn’t given me the purple ribbon fairy clothes, how could she... "

"Ugh..." Meng Xue choked and couldn't say any more. Bai Luoli also fell into Lin Qianxun's arms and cried loudly.

"Zhao Lingjun..." Lin Qianxun and Wu Xiaoye were extremely sad and wanted to comfort Zhao Lingjun, but they were speechless.

"Where is Suzaku? Is that Yan Beiming dead?" But what surprised Lin Qianxun and Wu Xiaoye was that Zhao Lingjun asked calmly after taking a deep breath.