Celestial Employee

Chapter 93: Brahma Fairy


After passing through a piece of golden light, what everyone saw was exactly the same as the Brahma Wonderland described in Buddhist classics.

"Bodhisattva, you must blame me for being blind and deliberately letting me see this Brahma paradise, so you can wake me up."

The shocked Boromia was still chattering, but Zhao Lingjun and others were all looking at the scene in front of them, so no one paid attention to him for a while.

Zhao Lingjun and Wu Xiaoye looked hand in hand and saw only wisps of white clouds floating in the sky. There were no sun, moon or stars in the sky, but the entire sky was bright, with the golden color of glazed glass everywhere. .

Under a clear golden sky, an unknown mountain range stretches across.

Although this mountain range is not high, there are four distinct seasons on it. From top to bottom, from the white snow and ice hanging upside down to the bright spring breeze and flowers everywhere, you can see all the scenery of the four seasons at a glance.

The place where everyone settled was located in a valley in this mountain range, where spring and summer meet.

The exotic flowers and plants in the valley are colorful, like beautiful brocades, stretching for hundreds of miles. Everyone felt the strange fragrance assail their nostrils, and their minds were filled with clarity. After taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, they all felt comfortable, as if they had woken up from a good sleep and stretched themselves.

Among the gorgeous flowers, there are many trees that have never been seen before. Their shadows are dancing. Under the golden Buddha light, it seems that there are countless graceful beauties swaying and dancing. Among the trees, a huge tree with an area of more than ten feet twisted and twisted, standing through the clouds. The silver-white leaves as huge as the palm of a hand are intertwined in clusters and integrated into one, like ice peaks and jade pillars. There is a faint purple fluorescence coming out between the ice peak jade pillars. If you look closely, you can see that it is emitted by the small purple flowers parasitic on the white tree trunks.

"What a Brahma paradise."

Although Qing Lan could not be saved, Zhao Lingjun, Wu Xiaoye and others were filled with heavy hearts, but the rich fragrance of flowers and the magnificent scenery before them still made Zhao Lingjun and Wu Xiaoye express their heartfelt admiration.

"follow me."

After Zhao Lingjun took a deep breath, he slowly let go of his consciousness.

Substantial consciousness is like a tentacle, just reaching out. Zhao Lingjun felt the sound of gurgling water.

Sure enough, just after they rounded the giant silver tree in front of them, which looked like ice peaks and jade pillars, everyone saw mist in the distance, and a snow-like waterfall cascading down with gurgling sounds, and beside the water bank under the waterfall, Zhao Lingjun had never All kinds of beautiful butterflies that had never been seen before were fluttering. Some people who were drinking water by the water pond, and strange birds and animals that Zhao Lingjun had never seen before, all turned their heads, turned their ears, and stared blankly at Zhao Lingjun and other uninvited guests. And just when Zhao Lingjun and others were looking at these strange birds and beasts that they had never seen before with curiosity, these spiritual beasts all ran away in fright, and in an instant they all got into the dense forest and disappeared.

"Golden-eyed flame beast, one-horned black ape, snake-tailed dragon tapir..." Although these spiritual beasts fled without a trace in an instant, and Lord Zhao Ling did not recognize these strange beasts, Suzaku recognized them at a glance. Several kinds of spiritual beasts among them. These spiritual beasts are all spiritual beasts that only existed thousands of years ago. Even if they have not yet opened their spiritual consciousness, they can still produce inner elixirs, which are natural materials for refining elixirs. As early as thousands of years ago, these spiritual beasts had been mistakenly killed by monks to the point of extinction. Unexpectedly, they seemed to be everywhere in this Brahma Wonderland.

"Thousand-year-old red fruit, purple sesame fruit, water wormwood, immortal pine cone..."

As soon as Suzaku told Zhao Lingjun and others the names of the spiritual beasts he had just seen, Lin Qianxun discovered countless legendary elixirs along the way.

Lin Qianxun's ancestors were witch doctors who were proficient in medical skills. Today's doctors, no matter how well-educated they are, may not be able to recognize these legendary herbs. However, as the only descendant of the Lin family, these ubiquitous elixirs have escaped. But Lin Qianxun's eyes were clear.

"Is this the legendary thousand-year-old red fruit?"

Under Lin Qianxun's guidance, Suzaku easily found a half-person tall herb that was as gorgeous as fire, with round red leaves, and a red fruit with tiny dewdrops on the top.

"This should be the Thousand-Year Crimson Fruit that only bears once every thousand years." Lin Qianxun nodded, "This Thousand-Year Crimson Fruit is already over half a person tall and must have been growing for thousands of years."

"Well, let me take a few pills first and see how they work."

After Suzaku heard Lin Qianxun's words, he immediately felt itchy and stepped forward to pull out the thousand-year-old red fruit and stuff it into his mouth.

According to legend, as long as you eat a thousand-year-old red fruit, you can increase your cultivation level by nearly a hundred years. It is much better than the pills that Lord Zhao Ling refined with those monsters that can only increase your cultivation level by a few years. Suzaku felt that as long as he ate a few of these red fruits, he would be able to make up for the lost second level of cultivation.


Just when Zhengxue Suzaku's hand was about to touch the thousand-year-old red fruit, a sound like a silver bell suddenly fell from the air.


Even Zhao Lingjun was slightly surprised.

I saw one colorful one with glowing feathers. The flying five-tailed golden-winged phoenix suddenly fell slowly from mid-air.

"Phoenix can also talk? This..."

At this time, even Parami, who was kneeling behind Zhao Lingjun and kept nagging, stopped talking.


When the five-tailed golden-winged flying phoenix landed in front of Zhao Lingjun and others, Zhao Lingjun and others saw clearly that there was actually a beautiful woman wearing a white gauze standing on top of the five-tailed golden-winged flying phoenix, with skin as clear as white jade on her face. This beauty is only about 1.5 meters tall. She looks only a little taller than the junior high school beauty Bai Loli. However, her body is petite and graceful, her small face is exquisitely beautiful, and her proportions are exquisite every time. She looks amazing. There is breathtaking beauty. What surprised Zhao Lingjun even more was that this petite beauty actually had a pair of pointed ears like the elf girl in the movie, and she looked full of energy.

"Who are you?"

This petite and exquisite beauty had a very stern tone. If someone else spoke to Suzaku in such a tone, Suzaku would definitely pluck out the thousand-year-old red fruit. But this time Suzaku just put down his hand. Suzaku felt that the fragrance coming from this jade-like beauty when she spoke was very pleasant. And this beauty's eyebrows were tightened, and her slightly angry look was indescribably pretty.

"My name is Jiya. Who are you?"

Seeing that Suzaku put down his hand obediently and did not touch the thousand-year-old red fruit, the face of the jade-like little beauty softened greatly, and her voice became like the tinkling of spring water, more pleasant and moving.

"My name is Zhuque, he is my boss, his name is Zhao Lingjun..." Hearing such a voice, Suzaku couldn't help but tell the names of everyone around him to this beautiful woman named Jiya. "Where are you from? Why have I never seen you before?"

After hearing what Zhuque said, Jiya looked at Zhao Lingjun, Wu Xiaoye and others with curious eyes.

"Where did we come from?" Suzaku was stunned, "From outside."

"Outside?" Jiya was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't understand what Suzaku meant.

"It's outside the Brahma Sands." Seeing Jiya's thoughtful expression, Suzaku added.

"Brahma Sand?" But Jiya seemed even more confused.

"Did you grow up here?" Jiya was even more confused, but Zhao Lingjun, who was proficient in the art of looking at Qi, saw that Jiya seemed to be some kind of spirit who was accomplished in cultivation and whose cultivation level was not inferior to that of Suzaku.

"Yes." Jiya looked at Zhao Lingjun strangely, wondering why Zhao Lingjun would ask such a question.

"So that's it."

After everyone heard what Zhao Lingjun and Jiya said, they all suddenly realized. Presumably this Jiya is some kind of accomplished spirit in the Brahma Wonderland. Just like Zhao Lingjun and Wu Xiaoye before, they didn't know that there was another world in the Brahma Sands. Jiya didn't know that there was another world outside the Brahma Sands. , and there is a broader world.

"You don't know anything about the outside world?" Although he was sure, Suzaku couldn't help but ask.

"The outside world?" Jiya shook her head.

"Is such that…."

It took Suzaku a long time to explain the ins and outs of Brahma Sand and the world inside and outside Brahma Sand to Jiya.

"Then you came here to take the magical herbs in this world?"

Zhuque thought that after he had spent so much effort and explained it clearly to Jiya, Jiya would be more favorable to him. However, what surprised Zhuque was that after finding out the purpose of Zhao Lingjun and others, his expression had already softened. Jiya's face was covered with a layer of frost.

"Yeah, what?" Jiya's expression stunned Suzaku.

"I will never let you touch any plant or tree here!" Jiya replied with a frosty face.