Celestial Employee

Chapter 96: Small scale chopper


"Junior brother Yan, you really know how to enjoy yourself. You actually live in such a nice place."

Hearing Zhao Lingjun's words, Yan Beiming's face became unspeakably ugly. He was about to call out that Zhao Lingjun was not trustworthy, but before Yan Beiming could speak, Meng Bugui's voice sounded like thunder in the distant sky. Like rolling in.

"Junior brother Yan, you are indeed a dragon and a phoenix among men. In such a situation, you actually want to use such a method to hurt me. Your Mitian Pagoda is indeed a magic that can kill even gods. But you didn't Come to think of it, I happen to have a piece of stand-in five-color sacred wood in my hand. You'd better come out and die..."

Before Meng Bugui finished speaking, a figure wrapped in countless whirlpool-like clouds had already appeared in the sky. In an instant, it had approached the villa where Zhao Lingjun and others were staying.

"What is the substitute five-color sacred tree?"

Zhuque and others beside Zhao Lingjun were looking at Meng Bugui, who was coming faster than lightning, and couldn't help but ask Yan Beiming who was on the dragon lock pillar.

"Tie the immortal rope, hit the divine whip, the two dragons leave the fire shield..."

However, Zhuque and others waited for a long time, but did not hear Yan Beiming's answer. When Zhuque and others took a look, they realized that Yan Beiming was watching what Zhao Lingjun calmly took out from the black box in the Black Lotus of the Sky. The eyes are straight.

"That's a fairy-level magic weapon. No matter how injured you are, as long as you don't die, you can transfer all your injuries to the substitute five-color sacred tree. However, this magic weapon can only be used once. After use, the five-color The sacred tree will be broken into pieces and become useless."

It wasn't until Suzaku pinched out a ball of Samadhi True Flame and passed it in front of Yan Beiming that Yan Beiming came back to his senses and answered quickly.

"I*, even if it can only be used once, that's not a big deal. Your senior brother has this stand-in Wusemu. Do you also have it? No wonder you are not in a hurry even if you are so seriously injured. Hurry up and hand over the stand-in Wusemu. .”

Hearing what Yan Beiming said, Pang Taiju and others' eyes lit up. If Yan Beiming hadn't been hit by the Mitian Pagoda, and the silver light emitting from his body also had a killing effect, Pang Taiju would have rushed forward. Went for a body search.

"Where can I find a substitute for the five-color sacred tree? I am not in a hurry because there is a magic in the Seven Skills of Heaven that can slowly pull out the Heavenly Pagoda like peeling off a cocoon and pulling out silk..."

"Junior Brother Yan!"

Yan Beiming was anxious and quickly explained. But before Yan Beiming could finish his explanation, Meng Bugui had already arrived above the villa.

Meng Bugui just waved his hand, and a colorful rainbow light flashed through, and the entire villa turned into powder and floated in the air.

"Ah~~~" When the colorful light flashed, the double dragon Lihuo shield in Zhao Lingjun's hand turned into two purple glazed five-clawed divine dragons, dancing around and protecting the entire cracked basement, but what he saw in the colorful Bieye disappeared in the rainbow light, and Paramita was so distressed that she fainted.


Meng Bugui could not help but let out an exclamation when he saw clearly the situation in the huge open underground wine cellar at a glance.

Meng Bugui used the five-color sacred tree as a substitute to heal his injuries. Although he was blocked by Yan Beiming and Zhao Lingjun was severely injured in the important stage of refining, Meng Bugui healed his injuries and refined the magic power he had absorbed. It was still very easy for the three flowers on the top to appear, and he became the Great Luo Golden Immortal. What surprised Meng Bugui even more was that the substitute five-color sacred tree seemed to not only transfer the huge pagoda on his body, but even the chaotic mana fluctuations that were generated when he emerged from the three flowers on his head, which were enough to trigger a catastrophe, were all suppressed. Absorbed by the stand-in five-color sacred tree. Therefore, after the stand-in five-color sacred tree shattered into ashes, the expected catastrophe did not even come. Mistakenly, Meng Bugui became the first person to emerge from the catastrophe without going through the catastrophe. There are three flowers on the top, and the body of the ascetic becomes an immortal.

When Zhao Lingjun's Thousand Fire Tribulation arrived, Meng Bugui happened to be refining the magic power in his body and did not feel it. But after Meng Bugui refined all the magic power and became the Great Luo Golden Immortal Queen like Zhao Lingjun, Meng Bugui quickly felt the magic power fluctuations produced by the Qijiao Mitian**. Meng Bugui didn't know that the fluctuation in mana was caused by Zhao Lingjun's trial of his newly learned Seven Skills Magic. He thought it was caused by Yan Beiming's casting of the spell. So Meng Bugui immediately rushed over happily, wanting to repair Yan Beiming, who almost killed himself.

But Meng Bugui never expected that Yan Beiming was actually half dead and hung on the dragon locking pillar.

"Haha, Junior Brother Yan, what's wrong with you? Has your boat capsized in the gutter?"

Although Meng Bugui was surprised by the power of Shuanglong Lihuo and the powerful mana fluctuations rippling from Zhao Lingjun, but when he saw clearly that standing not far from Yan Beiming was the Sanxian who turned into a golden lotus in the Asakusa Temple. Meng Bugui couldn't help but laugh loudly when he saw Zhao Lingjun, who was a novice in cultivation but a terrible magician, and landed not far away from Zhao Lingjun, Suzaku and others with peace of mind. He laughed at Yan Beiming.

"Bah~~" Yan Beiming knew that Meng Bugui would never get any advantage when facing Zhao Lingjun, so when he heard Meng Bugui's ridicule, Yan Beiming just spat on the ground bitterly. , and did not want to talk to Meng Bugui.

"Haha." But Meng Bugui misunderstood what Yan Beiming meant. Meng Bugui thought that Yan Beiming was so angry that he could not speak. After laughing proudly for a few times, Meng Bugui continued to use He said in a mocking tone, "How about it, Junior Brother Yan, do you want me to come and rescue you?"

"Save him out?" Yan Beiming still didn't have time to speak, but Suzaku had already rolled his eyes at Meng Bugui. "Do you think there are so many of us standing here just for decoration?"

After a pause, Suzaku thought of Qing Lan again, and immediately looked at Meng Bugui and said harshly: "If you hadn't secretly produced so many planes, Qing Lan would not have been killed by him. Speaking of which, you still have all this." We haven’t found you yet, but we didn’t expect you to come looking for us.”

"How dare a mere monster with low magic power speak to me in such a tone?" Meng Bugui squinted at Suzaku, with a hint of fierceness in his eyes.

"I*, MB~~~~."

Zhuque had long been dissatisfied with Meng Bugui. Now after taking two pills, Zhuque has greatly improved his cultivation. However, when he heard Meng Bugui mocking his low magic power, Suzaku became angry and couldn't help but ask for help. Be the first to do it.

"Look what this is/"

But Zhao Lingjun waved his hand to block Zhu Yu.

"Dahua Tianhe Lotus!" Like Yan Beiming, when he saw the Dahua Tianhe Lotus in Zhao Lingjun's hand, Meng Bugui was stunned as if he had been struck by lightning.

"How could you have the Great Transformation of the Black Lotus?"

"I am Ye Wudao's disciple, the third generation head of the Three Treasures Sect."

After hearing the words Zhao Lingjun slowly uttered, not only Meng Bugui, but also Yan Beiming, who was hanging on the dragon locking pillar, suddenly froze.

"If you kneel down now and think that I, the master of the Three Treasures Sect, will obey my orders from now on, I will spare your life. Otherwise, you will be killed without mercy." Zhao Lingjun's voice was as cold as an iceberg.

"Only you"?" But Meng Bugui seemed to have heard the funniest joke, and he bent down with laughter. "Just take a Dahuatian Black Lotus..."

Meng Bugui was indeed promiscuous to a certain extent. Most people would at least wait until they finished talking and laughing before making any moves. However, Meng Bugui didn't seem to have the demeanor of Daluo Jinxian at all. Meng Bugui just bent down, He secretly kneaded the magic formula with his hands.


When Zhuque and others noticed, black clouds had already erupted from Meng Bugui's body. For a moment, Zhuque and others felt as if there was a black hole in front of their eyes, and there was a strange power in the black hole, which seemed to destroy Zhuque. The souls of others were ripped out of their bodies and swallowed clean.

Meng Bugui used the Chaos Soul Seizing Technique in the Dahua Chaos Returning Origin Technique. Anyone who was too late to cast a spell to resist, or whose magic power was too far behind the caster, would be forced to have three souls extracted by this spell. Seven souls and died.


"How do you know Qiqiao Mitian**~?"

Meng Bugui thought that he could easily take down all the people in front of him with this move, but as Zhao Lingjun snorted, Meng Bugui let out a cry of surprise.

Two rays of silver light rotating like yin and yang fish shot out from Zhao Lingjun's fingertips. After being messed up in the black hole cast by Meng Bugui, the black hole cast by Meng Bugui and the two rays of silver light from Zhao Lingjun disappeared at the same time. In the void.

"Hundred Ghost Tiangang Formation"

"Yin Phosphorus Divine Fire Bead"

"Tianmang Divine Needle"

Of course, Meng Bugui recognized the spell that Zhao Lingjun used, which was Yan Beiming's Seven Skills. Moreover, Meng Bugui also saw that Zhao Lingjun's cultivation level was actually not lower than his own. In shock, Meng Bugui Take out all the magic weapons that are not your own.