Celestial Employee

Chapter 98: Wrong time


The faint morning light has already appeared in the distant eastern sky. In the darkness before dawn, a solemn and solemn scene gradually emerges.

As far as the eye can see, there are thousands of bronze chariots lined up in an endless field covered with waist-high weeds. Each chariot is pulled by four horses wearing leather armor and arranged in parallel. The strange talismans carved in relief on the body of the chariot shone with a faint blue light.

On each chariot stood three warriors covered in black leather armor and wearing bronze helmets with only their eyes and nose exposed. The one on the left holds a black long bow, the one in the middle holds a whip, and the one on the right holds a spear as heavy as snow. Around each chariot, four warriors in similar attire stood, all holding long swords and bronze shields, and daggers at their waists.

Behind the chariots stood rows of ordinary infantrymen holding spears. These infantrymen formed a neat square formation, and at a glance, one could not tell how many there were.

"Master Wenxian and the others have arrived~"

Amidst the sound of horse hooves, the soldiers suddenly separated like waves. A richly decorated cart passed through the crowd and galloped towards the forefront. The blood-red general flags on the car sounded in the cold morning wind. The entire cart is as big as half a basketball court, and its huge wooden wheels wrapped in bronze skin are twice as big as an ordinary chariot. But the carts being hauled were only two horses-like elephants wearing black leather armor, and were only about the size of ordinary war horses.

These two strange beasts seemed to have infinite strength, dragging the astonishingly heavy cart as if it were nothing, and reached the front in an instant.

The chariot stopped directly in front of all the soldiers, then turned around to face the entire army.

In the slightly cold morning breeze, all the soldiers turned their attention to the men standing on the car. In the sight of everyone, a tall middle-aged man with thick eyebrows stood out. He was covered in bright gold armor with strange patterns all over his body, with a twist-shaped golden whip hanging on his left hand and a white flag in his right hand.

"Master Wenxian!~"

In the cool morning light, before the middle-aged man could speak, a wave of shouts rang out from the entire army.

"Fellow soldiers~!" Hearing the shouts of the army, the middle-aged man raised the blood-red general's flag. In the open wilderness, the middle-aged man's voice alone surpassed the shouts of tens of thousands of people. "Now is the time to decide the fate of our great merchants. Raise your arms, line up your shields, stand up your spears, and let those cowards in the dark side know who is the warrior in the wilderness!"

"Boom!~" With an explosive cry, all the soldiers in black armor raised their spears and raised their shields. The swords in the hands of the soldiers shone dazzlingly in the morning light. At this time, the morning glow in the east was as red as blood, and like a raging flame. It reflected on the dewdrops on the tips of the grass, plating the entire wasteland crimson.

"Set off!"

The middle-aged man known as Master Wenxian waved his flag, and all the black-armored soldiers on the chariots holding long whips swung their long whips.

After a burst of horses neighing, all the chariots surged forward like a tide.

In an instant, the entire army passed by the giant car where the middle-aged man and several men in strange clothes were, and surged forward like a tide.

The momentum of the whole army is like a rainbow, and every black-armored soldier is full of enthusiasm. No matter who is the general of such an army, he will feel proud, but after seeing all the soldiers passing by their cars, holding golden whips The middle-aged man with the flag gave a long sigh.

"Chang Lu, do you think that after Immortal Master Lingbao arranges the Dao Rusun array and announces the truth to the world, those immortals who practice Taoism in other immortal mountains will come to help us?"

The middle-aged man said this to a white-robed Taoist with a long beard and a silver gourd beside him.

There seemed to be endless worries in the middle-aged man's sigh, but after hearing the middle-aged man's words, the white-robed Taoist with fluttering beard just smiled slightly. "Wen Daoke, victory or defeat is just a passing smoke, we are just It's just human affairs, there is God's will somewhere in the world, no matter how worried we are, it won't help."

"Yes, we just need to do our job well." After hearing the words of the white-robed Taoist with a fluttering beard, standing behind the middle-aged man with a golden helmet, there was an ordinary-looking man, but behind him there were a pair of... The man with gigantic iron-like wings also let out a hearty laugh, "We just need to block the army of that villain so that they can't interfere with Lingbao Immortal Master's formation. As for other things, we don't need to do anything else." We overthink it."

After a pause, the man with wings as fine as iron let out a louder laugh, "That despicable villain Li Jing, he would never have imagined that we would actually dare to take the initiative."

"Okay, let's just listen to fate."

After hearing the words of the man who looked like fine iron, the other people on the giant car burst into laughter, "Let's kill him and leave no trace behind."

Amidst the laughter of several people on the giant vehicle, the two horses-like beasts on the giant vehicle also roared in unison. The giant vehicle turned around in an instant and quickly surpassed the tide of troops.

, came to the forefront of the army...

"Master Lingbao, there is an immortal master coming... And there is more than one person, there are many people..."

Zhao Lingjun told Suzaku that he wanted to see someone, and he wanted to see Yiwen Qianxia. Although there seems to be no emotional basis for Ibumi Chinatsu, after all, they have a relationship that is even closer than the first intimate contact.

The most primitive contact. For some reason, Zhao Lingjun vaguely felt that using the Moonlight Treasure to save Qinglan this time was not as easy as Yan Beiming said. So Zhao Lingjun felt that at least he should go there

I would like to give someone an explanation, or at least make things clear. I will leave it up to Ibumi Qianxia to do whatever she wants. Zhao Lingjun felt that if Yiwen Qianxia wanted to cut off her vagina to apologize. Which is absolutely

to the impossible. As for other conditions, if Zhao Lingjun can do it, Zhao Lingjun feels that he will definitely do it.

But if Yiwen Qianxia didn't want to see him again, Zhao Lingjun would definitely be happy to pat his butt and run away as soon as possible.

However, Zhao Lingjun did not expect that Yiwen Qianxia would not ask him to cut off his vagina to apologize, nor would he ask himself to marry her, but would actually put forward a condition that Zhao Lingjun should take her with him as a sign of not understanding her.

Agree to XXOO her compensation.

Zhao Lingjun had no choice but to take Ibumi Chinatsu back to Okinawa.

Yiwen Qianxia must follow Zhao Lingjun, and it is of course impossible for Lin Qianxun, Meng Xue and others not to follow Zhao Lingjun. So in the end, Zhao Lingjun decided to take the entire Wumen number 180 to

Take a time travel.

Zhao Lingjun moved the method according to the method taught by Yan Beiming. The method of using Brahma Sand to activate the Moonlight Treasure Box is divided into two parts. The method of the second part is exactly the same, the only difference is the first one.

Part of the method, the first part of the method can determine when you can travel through time. Zhao Lingjun first combined the gestures according to the method taught by Yan Beiming. After trying it twice to make sure it was correct, Zhao Ling

Juncai moved the magic weapon.

The time Zhao Lingjun set to travel to was when he, Qinglan and others first arrived in Japan.

Zhao Lingjun felt that with his current cultivation level, if he could travel to any other time, he could easily find Yan Beiming and Meng Bugui and kill them. In this case, there won’t be so many things later, and I won’t

There will be no XXOO scenes with Ibumi Chinatsu.

After pinching the spell, the Moonlight Treasure Box was indeed activated by the Brahma Sand. Under the golden light from the Brahma sofa, the vine pattern on the moonlight treasure box slowly unfolded and turned into a silver


The moonlight treasure box in Zhao Lingjun's hand also slowly opened, and a waterfall-like silver light curtain appeared in front of everyone.

When they jumped into the silver light curtain, Zhao Lingjun and many people in the Wumen couldn't help but wonder if they would see themselves when they traveled to that time like this. Then if you look at

What would it be like to see myself

But as soon as they jumped into the silver light curtain, everyone felt their eyes blurred. The eyes are green and the fresh breath is blowing towards my face.

This doesn’t seem to be Japan! Before anyone could react, they heard an excited scream.