CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 103: You mean I'm not normal


He is not a nosy man.

Mu Qianchu looked at her deeply.

Because her heart was swaying around Gong Ou, he was afraid. He was afraid that her heart would never be taken back.

He asked her to leave Gong Ou voluntarily.

"Because I want to help you." Mu Qianchu stood up from the bench and stared at her deeply, "Because I don't want you to stay with that man anymore."

His voice was gentle, but every word was firm and stubborn.


Shi Xiaonian looked at him in astonishment and didn't react for a while.

The light in his eyes was beyond her comprehension.

A breeze blew by, and the fragrance of flowers floated in the air. The two people stood face to face, each with their own thoughts.

Mu Qianchu stared at her, his eyes falling on a strand of hair beside her cheek, and he stretched out his hand to help her tidy it up.

Shi Xiaonian took a step back warily.

His hands were frozen in mid-air, and his heart was frozen in mid-air. He couldn't go up or come down, and he was hung there.

"You shouldn't say that."

Shi Xiaonian glanced at him, then turned around and left. Mu Qianchu grabbed her arm from behind.

She turned around in shock.

Mu Qianchu looked at her deeply, "There are some things I really don't want to say so early, but I'm afraid if I don't say them, I won't have the chance to say them in this life."

I'm afraid if I don't say it, I won't have the chance to say it in this life.

He actually said such words.

Shi Xiaonian stared at him blankly, forgetting to even break free.

"I know, you think that I am still Shi Di's husband and it is not suitable to talk to you. What if I am no longer?" Mu Qianchu asked, staring at her.


Shi Xiaonian was shocked.

"I..." Mu Qianchu was about to continue when his phone suddenly vibrated. He was still holding her arm with one hand and answered the phone with the other, "Hello?"

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qianchu didn't know what he heard, and his face suddenly darkened.

"Have you found out who is behind the scenes?" Mu Qianchu asked coldly, with a solemn expression on his face.

The mastermind

what is that.

Mu Qianchu listened quietly there. After listening for a while, he suddenly smiled and said, "I think I know who is behind the attack. Let my father-in-law handle this matter."

Father-in-law, her adoptive father

Mu Qianchu hung up the phone, and Shi Xiaonian couldn't help but ask, "What happened?"

Mu Qian glanced at her for the first time, his eyes darkened slightly, and then he said in a clear tone, "These days, Mu's stock market has been maliciously attacked, and confidential information has been leaked internally by employees. If I say, this should be the palace Do you believe Ouxia’s hand?"

He observed her expression and wanted to know how high Gong Ou's status was in her heart.


Gong Ou did something evil

Shi Xiaonian suddenly remembered what Gong Ou had said. Because of the severing of the parent-child relationship, Gong Ou was very disgusted with her Shi family. He must be trying to help her.

"Do you believe it?" Mu Qianchu asked.

"He wants to help me vent my anger." Shi Xiaonian said directly, without any intention of blaming Gong Ou, and just asked lightly, "Then can you handle it?"

Mu Qianchu didn't expect this answer from her.

He thought that at most she didn't believe what he said and only believed in Gong Ou, but he didn't expect that she would directly define Gong Ou's behavior as venting her anger.

Mu Qianchu smiled bitterly, "Is Gong Ou's image in your mind so high?"

"Can you handle it?"

Shi Xiaonian asked back.

"Yes." Mu Qianchu smiled bitterly, "Originally I was still thinking about when this scene would end, but Gong Ou stepped in and it just happened to allow me to end it early."

"What?" Shi Xiaonian looked at him confused.

"Soon, you will know." Mu Qianchu stared at her deeply, with a hint of bitterness in his voice, "Soon, it will definitely be soon."

Mu Qianchu seemed to be saying this last sentence to himself.

Shi Xiaonian couldn't get an answer from him, so she took a step back and said, "You see you have a lot to do. You really don't need to worry about me anymore. I can handle my own affairs by myself."

After saying that, Shi Xiaonian turned and left.

The moment she turned around, Mu Qianchu's voice sounded behind her, "Tang Yi is in my hands. If you have any next move, you should inform me first."


Shi Xiao thought and left without looking back.

Mu Qianchu stood there, the wind blowing the corners of his clothes gently floating, his eyes looking at Shi Xiaonian's back.

Why did he feel that everything was too late

He can change back to the Mu Qianchu he was in the past, but what about her? Is she still the past Shi Xiaonian

Different stories are unfolding in the bustling city day after day.

Shi Xiaonian was sitting in a taxi, with the window open to let in the wind. She put one hand on the window and looked at the scenery outside, watching the people or buildings along the road retreat.

The wind felt warm on her face, making her feel irritated.

The phone vibrated.

Shi Xiaonian answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Well, it's me." Gong Ou's magnetic and lazy voice sounded in her ears, with a lazy tone.

"Ok, I know."

Shi Xiaonian said calmly and in a low tone.

Hearing this, Gong Ou immediately said with dissatisfaction, "Hey, why are you so calm? Do you know that I have been waiting until now to call you, a full ten hours! I have given you freedom this time, right?"

He sounded like you should praise me enthusiastically.

As if he had done something special and not just made a phone call.

Shi Xiaonian was a little dumbfounded, "Gong Ou, this is the normal way of communication."

No one stays on the phone all the time.

"You mean I'm abnormal?"

Gong Ou's tone suddenly sank.

"How dare I." Hearing his displeasure, Shi Xiaonian quietly dropped the subject.


Does he know that he has a child with congenital heart disease living with Tang Yi outside? That is abnormal.

Gong Ou did not do more research on this topic with her, and asked her domineeringly, "Where is my gift? Have you chosen the gift? Didn't you go out early?"

It seemed that he had checked with the maid about her movements before making this call.

How much he didn't believe her, for a man to be so suspicious.


She had really forgotten that after knowing such a shocking truth today, how could she still be in the mood to choose a gift

Seeing her silence, Gong Ou became even more dissatisfied and yelled at her on the phone, "You didn't choose, did you? Why are you running out every day to choose gifts for me, meeting with wild men in secret?"

Shi Xiaonian pressed her forehead in pain, "I'm just still making a choice."

"Then hurry up and choose, go and go!" Gong Ou said, "I'm warning you, if it's a lousy gift like that, I will definitely spank you until I come back!"

"..." Shi Xiaonian was speechless, "What kind of gift do you want?"

"Special, thoughtful, and the only one in the world!"

Gong Ou said arrogantly, and suddenly there was a voice urging him over there. Gong Ou responded impatiently, and then said to her, "I'm going to a dinner, you pick out a gift first."

The voice urging him was a very beautiful female voice.

Shi Xiaonian was startled and didn't think much, "I know."

"The phone is open for me, don't hang up."


Shi Xiaonian glanced outside and saw a jewelry store. She called the driver to stop, "Driver, I'll get off the car here."

Rich people love jewelry.

If you buy a tie clip for Gong Ou, it won't be a loss of Gong Ou's face.

Shi Xiaonian got down from the car, put her mobile phone in her bag, replaced it with Bluetooth headphones and put them on her ears. As soon as she put them on, she bit her lip in pain.

Her ears are now painful and sensitive even when she wears earphones.

It hurts when touched.

Shi Xiaonian touched her ears and walked into the huge jewelry store. As soon as she entered, the salesperson led her to the counter and introduced her carefully.

"Miss, what do you want to see?" the salesperson asked.

"I want that kind of tie clip inlaid with diamonds, is there one?" Shi Xiaonian asked.

The glass cabinet is full of jewels.

"Yes, it's over here." The salesperson took out a box of tie clips, glanced at the heart-shaped diamond ring on her hand, and said with a smile, "Did Miss buy a tie clip for her husband?"


How is it possible? Miyao is not even a boyfriend to her.

Shi Xiaonian smiled and said nothing. The salesperson showed her one by one and introduced the meaning of each tie clip. She also listened carefully.

Suddenly, a somewhat familiar voice came -

"Please, I have a drawer of this kind of stuff at home. Are there any new ones?"

Listening to the arrogant and seductive voice, Shi Xiaonian stood up from the cabinet, walked to the pillar and looked ahead.

In front of a counter at right angles to her side, Xie Linlin was sitting there wearing a brand name, surrounded by several women with awl faces who had undergone plastic surgery, and a group of people were choosing jewelry.

And Xie Linlin was the center of the audience, with her chin raised higher than others.

Xie Linlin, one of Gong Ou’s women.

Shi Xiaonian stood there in a daze. She and Gong Ou had lived in Tianzhigang for a long time, and she actually forgot that he had a lover group. There were many women of different styles in the forest castle.

Xie Linlin successfully made her remember.

"That's right, do you know what our Miss Xie is worth, and you are using these diamonds to deal with her?" The women with awl faces beside Xie Linlin opened fire on the salesperson.

"Sorry, sorry, I'll bring out the best jewelry in our store."

The salesperson apologized profusely and then went to open the cabinet to get the jewelry.

"Linlin, I read the news and said that your man went to England." The women came to chat in front of the jewelry counter.

Xie Linlin sat in the center, raised her hand and looked at the ring on it, and said, "I know, Mr. Gong is always very busy, and it is normal for him to fly around."

"Really? Then Xiaoni, the Xiaoni who was next to Dong He heard that..." A prickly face hesitated to speak.

"What did you hear?"

Xie Linlin's face didn't look good.

"I heard that Mr. Gong went to England to meet his marriage partner. The Gong family has already decided on several ladies from wealthy families." The man with the awl face said, "If Mr. Gong is going to get married, then you..."

"So what?" Xie Linlin took off the ring on her hand with an angry look on her face, "You also know that it is a marriage, a woman who has to marry for profit and face. How to please Mr. Gong still depends on me."

"Yes, yes, Linlin is Mr. Gong's favorite woman, and she will never fall out of favor."

"That's natural." (To be continued)