CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 105: Pick up, pick up, pick up


"The one who attacked the Mu family was Gong Ou." Mu Qianchu said.


"Do you think Shi Zhong can beat Gong Ou?" Mu Qianchu raised her eyes and looked at him expressionlessly, "If things get bigger, Shi Zhong can take the blame and step down."

At that time, it was the time for him to settle old accounts, and it was also the time for him to return to his former self, Mu Qianchu.

Allen suddenly realized, "So that's it... But this way, Mu's family will be hurt a lot."

This is a complete rhythm of killing a thousand enemies and damaging yourself by eight hundred.

"How can we remove the cancer without ruthlessness?" Mu Qianchu said coldly.

"That's what Mr. Mu said."

Allen nodded, observed Mu Qianchu's expression, and couldn't help but said, "Mr. Mu, is there anything troublesome recently? Allen is willing to share your worries."

Mu Qianchu raised his eyes and asked, "What?"

"I see that you were very happy when you first recovered your memory, and you smiled at everything you did." Allen said, "But in the past two days, you don't seem to be in a very good mood."

In the past two days, Mr. Mu has obviously slacked off in his work and seems no longer as anxious as before.


Mu Qianchu's expression turned cold again.

When he first recovered his memory, he didn't know about the relationship between Shi Xiaonian and Gong Ou, and he didn't know that Shi Xiaonian would be undecided about another man.

He was no longer sure whether she would still be waiting there when he was innocent and single.

Mu Qianchu suddenly smiled bitterly, stared at the medicine box in his hand, and said in a low voice, "It's too late, I remember it too late."

It would be better if it were earlier.


Allen looked at the loneliness on his boss's brow and didn't know what to say.

The cell phone placed on the desk suddenly vibrated.

Mu Qianchu glanced casually, and this glance made him sit upright--

Mu Qianchu, I would like to trouble you to persuade Tang Yi to join this plan. As long as I can successfully leave Gong Ou, I will no longer pursue what she did.

It was a text message from Shi Xiaonian.

She finally made a decision.

She finally planned to leave Gong Ou, which meant that her heart had not yet fallen on that man.

Everything... is still too late.


Mu Qianchu suddenly laughed.

Assistant Allen stood there in shock and looked at Mu Qianchu blankly. He saw him sitting there smiling at his mobile phone. The smile on his lips was particularly deep, and his feminine face became particularly coquettish.

"End this quickly." Mu Qianchu curled his lips and held the phone with his long fingers, "I can't wait any longer."


Well, Mr. Mu seems to be in a better mood again.

Allen looked confused.

Mu Qianchu stared at the text messages on his phone for a long time, pondering each word carefully, and finally entered a text--


He would agree to whatever she said.

It's another brand new day, and it's also the day when Gong Ou returns to China.

Heaven's Harbor, Kitchen.

When Xiaonian was busy cooking, the two maids helped put the cooked dishes into the insulator.

There is a mobile phone on the counter, and the screen of the mobile phone displays the text message that Gong Ou sent before getting on the plane--

Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up! If I don't see you when I get off the plane, you're dead! If I can't eat your cooking when I get home, you'll still be dead!

A domineering and brutal man.

Gong Ou's flight is about to arrive in an hour, and she is still cooking here and hasn't stopped all morning.

As soon as Gong Ou came back, he was like an emperor returning to court.

"Ms. Shi, shouldn't you pick up the plane?" the maid reminded her.

Shi Xiaonian glanced at the time on her phone. It would take half an hour to get to the airport without traffic jams.

"Okay, I'll pick you up at the airport, and you can tidy up the kitchen again."

Shi Xiaonian took off her apron as she spoke.

"Miss Shi, do you want to put on makeup?" the maid asked.


Could it be that she really dressed up like a lover and went to see Gong Ou to please him

No, she just wants to be free now.

Mu Qianchu had already persuaded Tang Yi on her behalf to act as planned as soon as Gong Ou returned home.

Shi Xiaonian hurriedly walked out of the kitchen, took a bag and went out. Worried that it would be difficult to call a car at this time, Shi Xiaonian drove the car that Gong Ou gave her last time.

Shi Xiaonian drove the car smoothly on the road, reached out and pressed the radio to turn on the car radio.

The news is playing on the radio——

The stock market of Mushi Group fell to its lowest point this morning, and shareholders suffered heavy losses. Many people gathered outside the Mushi Group to demand an explanation. Mushi said it would immediately make a rescue, and asked shareholders to rest assured. Director Shi Zhong You will take the blame and resign.

Has Mushi's stock market hit its lowest point? Although there are risks in the stock market, it is not likely to suddenly fall to the bottom.

Adoptive father takes the blame and resigns

Shi Xiaonian opened her eyes in shock and continued driving on the road, suddenly remembering what Mu Qianchu said before.

It was Gong Ou who was attacking Mu.

Mu Qianchu knew it early on, but still couldn't cope with it? How could he let his adoptive father take the blame and resign

My adoptive father is a man who desperately wants to rise to the top. How can he be willing to do so after working so hard to get into the board of directors? Ocarina of Time will also make a big fuss.

Forget it, this is none of her business.

Shi Xiaonian shook her head and didn't think too much. Her phone suddenly vibrated. She turned on the speakerphone and continued driving, "Hello?"

"Xiao Nian, it's me." The adoptive mother Min Qiujun's voice came, with a hint of sobs in her voice, as if she was crying.

Adoptive mother.

"Mom..." As soon as Shi Xiaonian spoke, she realized that she shouldn't scream anymore, but what else could she call her if she didn't call her mom? Her lips moved and it was a little difficult to speak out, "Do you have a problem with me?"

"Xiao Nian, can you come here? I fell down the stairs of Mu's Group and couldn't stand up, but no one was passing by here." Min Qiujun choked with sobs, his voice was very helpless.


Hearing this, Shi Xiaonian hurriedly parked the car on the side of the road and picked up his mobile phone, "What about you? Did you fall seriously?"

"I don't know. The pain is so severe that I can't stand up." Min Qiujun said, feeling very hopeless.

Shi Xiaonian bit her lip, "Where's dad?"

"Don't you know something happened to the Mu family today? Everyone is in a meeting. I don't dare to disturb your father, nor Qianchu and the others." Min Qiujun said sadly, "Can you come?"


Shi Xiaonian hesitated, she didn't really want to go to the Mu Group.

Sensing her silence, Min Qiujun said sadly, "Forget it, I shouldn't bother you. I'll just wait a little longer. Someone may pass by."

"Please report 120."

"That won't work. There are ambulances leaving Mushi now, not to give more negative news to the outside world."


I couldn't stand up after falling and I was still worried about Mu's image.

Shi Xiaonian looked at the time and saw that the Mu Group was not far from here, so he should be able to catch the plane in time.

She turned around decisively and asked, "Which floor of the Mu family did you fall on? I'm coming to find you now."

"This is the fifth floor staircase." Hearing this, Min Qiujun said happily, "That's great, Xiao Nian, thank you."

"Then I'll hang up first. I'll be there soon. Don't move."

Shi Xiaonian turned around, stepped on the accelerator, and headed towards the Mu Group Building.

She parked her car in front of the Mushi Group and saw many people standing outside the group building holding banners and shouting loudly. The banners were printed with bloody characters - "Give me back my hard-earned money."

It seems that Mu's family is really in a big crisis this time.

Shi Xiaonian ran in and was stopped by the security guard.

She made a video call to Min Qiujun, and the security guard recognized her as the CEO's mother-in-law and let her go.

As soon as she walked into Mu's Building, she found that it was really chaotic inside. Everyone was walking in a hurry and there was wind in their walking.

The elevator was always full, and employees were crowded up and down, all looking nervous.

No wonder the adoptive mother took the stairs instead of the elevator.

The elevator was so occupied that it was impossible to squeeze in.

Shi Xiaonian found the stairs and ran up to the fifth floor in one breath.

On the rest platform on the 5th floor, Min Qiujun was sitting there with his hand on his calf. His graceful face was full of pain, his eyes were red, and he looked extremely helpless.


Shi Xiaonian walked towards her.

"Xiao Nian!" Seeing her, Min Qiujun looked surprised, as if seeing his savior, and quickly stretched out a hand to her.

Shi Xiaonian carefully helped her up from the ground, "Be careful. How about it? Can you stand up?"

Min Qiujun frowned deeply, "It hurts, it hurts. Slow down... Xiao Nian, they are all busy. I don't know who to call. I can only think of you."

She was a little embarrassed to say this.

Shi Xiaonian helped her stand up, her eyes darkened.

I never thought that she was busy too. I always thought of Dad and Shi Di first, but never of her.

Shi Xiaonian pursed her lips bitterly and said, "I'll take you to the hospital."

"No, wait, I want to go up and see your father and the others first." Min Qiujun said, "The board of directors wants your father to resign. How can a proud man like your father be willing to do so? I don't know what is going on at the top now."

"Since you're like this, you'd better see a doctor first."

Shi Xiaonian said.

"I'm not worried, Xiaonian, please help me up." Min Qiujun looked at her pleadingly, "Oh, Xiaonian, I'm really worried about your father."


Shi Xiaonian stood there without moving, wanting to say no.

Min Qiujun stood there looking at her, his eyes dropped, and without forcing her, he let go of her hand and walked forward alone. As soon as he took a step, his body swayed in pain and fell to the ground.

Shi Xiaonian quickly supported her.

"I'll help you up." Shi Xiaonian compromised.

When Shi Xiaonian helped her take two steps, Min Qiujun screamed in pain and shed tears.

Seeing this, Shi Xiaonian frowned, bent down, and directly carried Min Qiujun on his back, biting the strap of the handbag.

"Xiao Nian..."

Min Qiujun looked at her in astonishment.

Min Qiujun is a bit plump, and it is a bit difficult for her to carry it on her back.

"Xiao Nian, mom is so sorry for you." Min Qiujun lay on her back, feeling very guilty when he saw her struggling, "I should have been more insistent in the beginning and not let your father kick you out of the house."

Xiao Nian is a good girl who has never let them worry about anything since she was a child.

Apart from getting a demerit in college and pestering Mu Qian, he had not done anything bad in the first few years. Parents should teach, not expel.


Listening to Min Qiujun's words, Shi Xiaonian's eyes became darker and darker.

Yes, she is no longer from the Shi family. (To be continued)