CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 117: It was raining heavily in Xiaonian Park


The way she was tied up must be pure and ecstatic.

He began to picture her being tied up in his mind...


Shi Xiaonian was shocked by his explicit eyes.

In order to complete the plan smoothly, Shi Xiaonian invited everyone including Feng De, Tang Yi, mother and son to participate in the game.

If you catch all the ghosts within an hour, you win, if you don't, you lose.

In the first two games, Feng De and a bodyguard acted as ghosts.

Shi Xiaonian was forcibly tied together by Gong Ou all the way. Wherever he went, she had to hide with him.

Two hours passed unknowingly. Bob got tired from playing and took a rest in the car, watched by a bodyguard.

In the third game, Gong Ou was the ghost.

It played right into Shi Xiaonian's wish.

Gong Ou stood in the center of the park, and everyone dispersed.

Everyone is looking for a place to hide.

Shi Xiaonian glanced at Tang Yi, who nodded to her and said, "I will look for opportunities to get close to Mr. Gong."

"Okay, I'll leave the park first and wait for your news. I'll come back when it's almost done."

Shi Xiaonian talked to her while walking.

She wanted to leave the park so that Gong Ou would not be able to find her and give them enough time.

Tang Yi thought for a while and said worriedly, "But if Mr. Gong finds out, will he treat you..."

"The worst I can do is get yelled at by him again."

Shi Xiaonian was prepared. Anyway, the contract stated that he could not hit her.

She also needs Gong Ou to hate her, so that she can be one step closer to freedom.

"Okay, then let's separate and be careful." Tang Yi said, "By the way, have you found a place to leave the park? There are bodyguards at the entrance."

"I'll look for it again."

The park is surrounded by a very high wall. The wall is slippery and she cannot climb up. It is also dangerous to climb up and jump out.

"When I was hiding just now, I found a very high rockery over there." Tang Yi pointed to a place, "At that time in school, you would always climb over from the dormitory next door if you forgot your keys. You should be able to climb that rockery."

"Okay, I'll go take a look."

Shi Xiaonian nodded and parted ways with Tang Yi.

She walked deeper into the place alone. There were bodyguards guarding the entrance, so she had no choice but to take an unusual route.

This park is very large, with rockeries, green water, stone bridges, and woods. The scenery is breathtaking.

Shi Xiaonian had no intention of enjoying the scenery and walked all the way inside.

When I walked to the place pointed by Tang Yi, I saw a very high rockery.

Shi Xiaonian looked up and saw that this rockery was a barrier at the edge of the park.

There are many caves on the rockery, and it is not difficult to climb. As long as you cross half of the rockery, the outside is outside the park.

It is indeed a good place.

Shi Xiaonian moved her neck and twisted her arms. After finishing the preparations, she started climbing the rockery and worked hard to climb up.

Gong Ou always wants her to wear a skirt, and now the skirt has become her biggest obstacle to climbing the mountain.

Shi Xiaonian pulled up the long skirt, tied a knot at the top of her thighs, and then continued to climb up.

When climbing to a high place, Shi Xiaonian retreated into a small cave to rest. He glanced down. It was at least two stories high.

Suddenly, a burst of footsteps came.

Shi Xiaonian quickly retracted his whole body into the rockery cave, and heard Feng De's voice, "Master, you are so amazing, you found me so quickly."

"It's not easy to find you."

Gong Ou snorted coldly.

When Xiaonian huddled in the cave, he stretched out his hand to wipe his sweat.

This park is incredibly big. How did he find it so quickly

Gong Ou's IQ is too terrifying.

"Master, Miss Shi shouldn't be here, there are only mountains here." Feng De's voice floated over.

Shi Xiaonian nodded silently.

That is, leave quickly, leave quickly.

"What do you know?" Gong Ou said coldly, "That woman likes to crawl on things, just like a monkey."


Shi Xiaonian wondered if he should know her so well.

"My young lady was weak at that time. How could she climb such a high mountain? It was just a place to hide and not rock climbing. There is a group of rockery mountains over there, which are not high. Miss Shi might be there." Feng De was making suggestions from the side.

Then, there was silence.

Probably thinking that Feng De was right, the footsteps of the two gradually faded away.


Shi Xiaonian breathed a sigh of relief.

Feng Guanjia is a godsend.

To guard against fraud, Shi Xiaonian hid in the cave for a while and was about to go out when suddenly the light outside suddenly dimmed.

The sky, which was still bright and sunny just now, suddenly turned gloomy.

When Xiao Nian raised his head, he saw dark clouds coming over here. After a while, big raindrops fell down, and then the rain fell like a waterfall, rolling over the park crazily.

A sudden heavy rain came.

The weather was as gloomy as night.

When Xiaonian was sitting in the cave, her skirt got wet. She wanted to go out, but the rain outside was too heavy.

"what to do?"

Shi Xiaonian stretched out his hand to wipe the rain off his face. Why did it suddenly rain

I thought it was just a temporary rain that would stop soon, but it turned out that a long time passed and there was no sign of the rain stopping.

The sky was dark and extremely dark, and the pouring rain was falling crazily. The rockery cave could not provide shelter from the rain. The big raindrops mixed with a few pebbles kept hitting her, causing pain on her body.

This time I really committed suicide.

Shi Xiaonian thought in annoyance and decided to go down. Sooner or later, he would be hit to death by stones and heavy rain here.

Just as she was about to leave the cave, she heard the sound of running again, and she immediately retreated back into the cave.

I heard a bodyguard shouting through the rain, "Hurry up, hurry up! Have you all brought your raincoats? When you find Miss Shi, let her put it on. Don't let Miss Shi get caught in the rain."


"By the way, Miss Tang was really brave. She accompanied Mr. Gong to find Miss Shi, but she fell badly."

"I saw clearly just now. When the heavy rain came, Mr. Gong was almost hit by a slippery rock. It was Miss Tang who rushed over and pushed him away before he fell."

"Okay, don't say any more. Can you find someone? Miss Shi can't find her. Just wait until you are killed by Mr. Gong."

"Yes, yes, find someone, find someone."

"Miss Shi - Miss Shi - it's raining heavily, Mr. Gong asked you not to hide!"

A group of bodyguards shouted as they moved away from the rockery.

When Xiaonian was sitting in the cave, a small stone fell on her body, causing inexplicable pain.

Tang Yi is indeed a master in this area. He can find opportunities like this and still pay the price of injury.

Then how could she bother him now

What a great opportunity, maybe Gong Ou will be moved by this.

Shi Xiaonian thought about it, flicked the pebbles on her body, and climbed out of the cave resolutely. As soon as she came out of the cave, she was instantly wet, and the wetness stuck to her face, making her feel sticky and uncomfortable.

The heavy rain washed her face and blurred her vision.

Shi Xiaonian could barely see the situation in front of her clearly, and could only feel her way down the rough stone wall little by little.

In the pouring rain, the rock wall became slippery, and she slowed down even more.

She glanced down and saw that it was still about two meters above the ground.

Getting closer.

We'll be out of the park soon.


Shi Xiaonian gritted her teeth and continued to go down. Suddenly, she stepped on a stone under her feet, and her hands couldn't hold the stone wall tightly for an instant, and she slid down...


Shi Xiaonian screamed and fell heavily to the ground. His head was dazed and he passed out.

Forgot how long it was.

The cold rain wet her body hard.

When Xiaonian woke up in the cold rain, her head hurt badly. When she raised her hand, her hand also hurt badly.

She slowly sat up on the grass and looked down at her hands. She could only see that her elbows were covered in blood, which mixed with the rain and stained her skirt.

The pain in the bones and joints is outrageous.

It must be a fracture.

Shi Xiaonian gritted her teeth to hold back the pain, and tried to stand up, but her legs hurt whenever she exerted force.


After leaving Gong Ou, why is it so difficult for her to be free

Shi Xiaonian was sitting in the rain in a state of embarrassment, her long hair was as wet as a sea bath, her face was a little pale, and blood was seeping out from her arms, dripping down with the rain.

She took out her mobile phone and protected it with her body to prevent it from getting wet from the rain.

There are N missed calls on the phone, all from Feng De.

When she was about to call, she found that Tang Yi sent her a text message--

Have you left the park? Mr. Gong is with me now and things are going very well. Please don’t come out.

They're going great, so what happens to her, she's hurt.

The bodyguards wouldn't come out of the park to find him.

Gong Ou would not come to her if he was with Tang Yi, who was injured for him. She couldn't ask for help, otherwise she would have failed.

She longs for freedom, but she has to pay more for it.

Shi Xiaonian raised his head and let the cold rain wash his face.

It doesn't matter.

She was used to being alone.

Shi Xiaonian sat on the wet ground for a while, then used all her strength to slowly stand up from the ground. The pain in her legs tortured her...

She resisted the pain and stood up from the ground, letting the heavy rain wash away her, and moved forward step by step with difficulty.

"You can do it, Shi Xiaonian, you can do it."

Shi Xiaonian told herself.

She's used to saving herself, isn't she

It doesn't matter.

She can do it, no matter how painful it is.

Shi Xiaonian pressed her arm with one hand and walked forward with difficulty. Every step she took was like stepping on a knife. It hurt so much that she couldn't even cry.

"Shi Xiaonian!"

A voice fell from the sky.


Shi Xiaonian raised his head in shock. Through the heavy rain, he saw a tall figure standing there on the hillside of the rockery. It was Gong Ou.

His shirt and trousers were all soaked, and he pressed one hand against the stone wall, seeming to be looking down at her.

It rains too much.

She couldn't even see his face clearly.

Gong Ou, how could he...

Isn't he with Tang Yi? Why is he there

"I damn sure knew you would choose mountain climbing, you know how to climb!" Gong Ou stood there and yelled angrily at her, and then asked, "Are you injured?"

He roared the last sentence louder than the previous one.

"I… "

Shi Xiaonian spoke quietly, and when she lowered her head, she saw that the blood on her elbow was constantly being washed away by the rain, and her skirt was half red.

"Shit!" Gong Ou seemed to have seen it and shouted loudly, "Stand there and don't move! I'll come down to save you!"

Hearing this, Shi Xiaonian immediately raised his head and shouted, "No, the stone wall is slippery, don't come down."

She fell down and fainted. (To be continued)