CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 128: Say thank you without using words


Gong Ou looked down at her. Her face was not very good and a little pale. He didn't know what he was thinking. He compromised, "Okay, I won't deal with her and let her fend for herself."


"How many times have I told you, don't use words to say thank you to me!"

Gong Ou lowered his head and sealed her lips. There was no fierceness. This kiss could be called a rare tenderness.

He just took her soft lips and kissed her gently, kissing her little by little as if to comfort him. His slender hands touched her face and stroked her slowly.

Her skin was as delicate as satin, and he liked it.


Shi Xiaonian was not in a good mood, she kept lowering her eyes and let him kiss her.

Seeing that she was uncooperative, Gong Ou didn't have a fit. He kissed her on the mouth for a long time. He let go of her lips and hugged her tightly instead.

While driving on the highway, Shi Xiaonian raised her eyes and looked outside, and suddenly saw the scenery outside. It was an amusement park - Crazy Amusement Park.

She couldn't help but ask, "How far is it from the hospital?"

"Not far."

Feng De sat in the passenger seat and answered the call.

"Really? Can I come down for a walk?" Shi Xiaonian asked.

Gong Ou followed her gaze and looked out, his black eyes deepened, and he held her hand tightly.

Shi Xiaonian understood what he meant and smiled bitterly, "Forget it, just pretend I didn't say it."

Wherever he goes, she will go.

How could he let her leave so casually.


A low magnetic voice sounded above his head.

Shi Xiaonian was a little stunned, and was let go by Gong Ou.

Gong Ou's black eyes stared straight at her, his thin lips slightly raised, "I allow you to go down, don't wander around, I will come to you when I have done something good."

"Are you sure you promise me?"

Shi Xiaonian was surprised.

"Go down quickly." Gong Ou said, his voice a little tough, "I will regret it if I don't go down."

He couldn't stop looking at her for a while.

If he hadn't seen that she was too sensitive to family affection and was in a state of despair when she came out of the cabin, he wouldn't have agreed to her.


Shi Xiaonian said calmly, pushed the door open with her right hand and got out of the car.

Before she could get down, someone grabbed her hand from behind.

"Say thank you in words again?" Gong Ou said arrogantly.

She was pulled into his warm embrace, Gong Ou lowered his head and kissed her lips, twisting and turning, kissing her passionately, tasting the sweetness on her lips.

After a long time, Gong Ou let her go without hesitation, stared at her and said, "Get down quickly. I'll buy you some food tonight."

When she was in a bad mood, he would make her feel better.


Shi Xiaonian was not interested in the food and didn't say anything. She nodded and walked out of the car alone.

Gong Ou stared closely at her back, watched her cross the road, and waited until she reached the other side safely before saying, "Remember this section of the road and drive."

Feng De, who was sitting in the passenger seat, couldn't help but said, "Young Master is so kind to Miss Shi."

He was actually willing to let him go.

The young master changed a little more for Miss Shi.

"It's unfair to her to let her watch me do a paternity test."

Gong Ou said in a low voice.

Even though the drama between him and Tang Yi was completely ridiculous and had nothing to do with him, if Shi Xiaonian looked at this paternity test, he was afraid that she would be in a worse mood.

"Young Master is thoughtful." Feng De said with a smile.

He really hoped that Miss Shi could guide the young master well and make him a new man.

Shi Xiaonian walked to the other side of the road and reached into her pocket. She didn't even take her cell phone, it was still in the car.

never mind.

It’s okay if you don’t have a mobile phone, you can just have some quiet time.

She walked to the Crazy Amusement Park and stopped, looking at the dilapidated signboard, her face under her long hair full of sadness.

It seemed that she was happiest when playing with Mu Qianchu in the amusement park.

At that time, even though she occasionally felt jealous of her younger sister and felt sad that her adoptive parents ignored her, she was still young and didn't think so much. She was still very happy when she had fun.

As soon as she saw this amusement park, she suddenly wanted to come in.

She walked in step by step. The amusement park was empty, there was no one.

Shi Xiaonian continued to walk inside, and saw that all the facilities inside had been renovated, the colors were bright, and they were exactly the same as before.

She looked on in shock.

Shouldn't this place be converted into a cosmetics factory by Mu Qianchu? how so.

Shi Xiaonian was a little stunned. The further she walked in, the more it felt like she was stepping into a time tunnel, taking her back many years ago to that carefree youth.

She walked to a colorful slide and ran her fingers along the edge.

Shi Xiaonian sat down under the slide and leaned back. The sunlight penetrated into her eyes, and she couldn't help but close them.

She leaned quietly against the red slide.

Will people become happy if they return to a place where they were once happy

It seems that there is not.

After all, at that time, I had not experienced Mu Qianchu's amnesia, his parents' expulsion, his sister's and old classmates' scheming, and I had never met a paranoid man like Gong Ou.

Why do worries multiply when people grow up

She closed her eyes and suddenly felt dark outside.

When Shi Xiaonian opened her eyes, she saw a face with backlight. Mu Qianchu was standing in front of her in a light-colored shirt and trousers. Seeing her open her eyes, a smile appeared on her feminine face.

When he smiles, even if it's against the light, it's warmer than the sun.

"Why are you here?"

Shi Xiaonian looked at him in astonishment and sat up from the slide.

"It happens to be here." Mu Qianchu said, "I didn't expect you to discover the secret here so quickly."


Shi Xiaonian was stunned and suddenly realized, looking at the renovated amusement park facilities around her, she asked, "Isn't this going to be turned into a factory?"

Why are the amusement facilities not only preserved, but also renovated

"I lied to you." Mu Qianchu squatted down in front of her and stared at her lovingly with a pair of narrow eyes. "From the time I bought this place, it was not actually to build a factory."

"That is… "

"I want to renovate this place and make it exactly the same as it was more than ten years ago." Mu Qianchu reached out and patted her on the head, "Then I invite you as the master to come."

I see.

Shi Xiaonian looked at everything around him in astonishment. Yes, everything was exactly the same as before.

"But I didn't expect that you found out before I invited you. Now there is no surprise." Mu Qianchu shrugged and said helplessly, his eyes falling on her left arm.

Half of her arms were immobilized.

Mu Qianchu's brows frowned slightly.

"No, I'm still very surprised." Shi Xiaonian said with a smile. Sensing his gaze, she moved the fingers of her left hand, "It's okay, it's just a minor injury. Look, I can still move."

All that can move is the fingers.

Mu Qianchu looked at her and smiled. He didn't ask about her injury. He only asked, "Are you unhappy?"


Shi Xiaonian was stunned.

"In the past, when you were unhappy, other than dragging you to look for graffiti on the wall, you would chase me and ask, Qianchu, when will we go to the amusement park again." Mu Qianchu said with a smile.

About her, he was particularly impressed after he recovered his memory.


Have it

She had forgotten that this was the reason why she came to this place by accident.

It's because she is unhappy and wants to find happiness.

"Come on, get up." Mu Qianchu stood up from the grass, held her hand and pulled her up from the slide.

"do what?"

"Although this place has not been completely renovated, some facilities are ready for play. I will take you to play." Mu Qianchu pulled her away and looked at the slide, "Let's start with this."

Playing in an amusement park

Shi Xiaonian quickly refused, "No, no, this is just for children."

How can any adult still ride on a slide

"Don't worry, I asked the professionals. Adults can play it too." Mu Qianchu pushed her towards the stairs of the slide, "Go up, hurry up."

"No more..."

Shi Xiaonian still wanted to refuse.

"I couldn't see you playing with you before. This time, can you just play with me?" Mu Qianchu asked, always looking at her with doting eyes.

Having said this, Shi Xiaonian couldn't refuse anymore, so she held the stair railing with one hand and walked up.

"Watch your hands."

Mu Qianchu followed behind her, reminding her.


Shi Xiaonian walked up and slid down from the high position. When his body went down rapidly, he seemed to feel relieved all of a sudden.

The wind blowing in your face is warm but comfortable.

The past memories suddenly came back to her mind.

"Xiao Nian, I don't seem to dare to play this."

After she slid down, she suddenly heard Mu Qianchu shouting behind her.

Shi Xiaonian turned around in astonishment and saw Mu Qianchu sitting at the top, with an elegant look. His narrow eyes looked left and right, with a flash of fear in his eyes.

"No way, you don't dare to play this? Come down quickly and stop making trouble."

Shi Xiaonian laughed.

This is something a three-year-old can play.

Mu Qianchu watched for a long time, but still didn't slide down. He looked at her standing on the grass and said softly, "Xiao Nian, you'd better push me."


"Like before, when I couldn't see, you pushed me and I dared to slip."

Mu Qianchu said, his face looking particularly beautiful in the sunshine.

Shi Xiaonian was startled for a moment, and soon realized that he wanted to go back to the past and find the happiness for her.

She smiled, walked up the stairs next to her, squatted on Mu Qianchu, and said, "Then I'll push."

"Okay." Mu Qianchu closed his eyes with a smile on his lips.

"3, 2, 1——"

Shi Xiaonian counted down and pushed Mu Qianchu out hard.

Mu Qianchu slid down with his eyes closed, Shi Xiaonian looked at his back, and the two of them suddenly seemed to have returned to their youth.

After several rounds of the game, under Mu Qianchu's deliberate guidance, Shi Xiaonian was completely immersed in the dream that combined memory and reality, and had a great time playing.

"Xiao Nian, do you remember that you knitted a grass ring for me at this amusement park before, and I always wore it on my hand as a bracelet."

"Well, actually I never dared to tell you. It was only after I finished compiling that I realized that the grass had just been peed on by a dog. No wonder the grass was wet. I thought it would be better to stink alone than to stink together, so... I gave it to you."

"I said it smelled bad at first, and you said you sprayed perfume on purpose."

"Haha, I almost died laughing when I saw how convinced you were." (To be continued)