CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 29: My sister's provocation


Gong Ou said angrily.

"I… "

When Xiaonian was about to speak, the call was cut off.

She looked at the phone in her hand and was speechless. Why is this stinky man so lingering

He also apologized, it was not her who made him eat 20 buckets of ice cream.

It has nothing to do with her getting sick from eating!

Shi Xiaonian lost her sleep and hurriedly got up from the bed and prepared to go out.

She still had to go to the hospital. She had to have a check-up and get proof that she was not pregnant.

We need to clear the line with Gong Ou as soon as possible, otherwise this paranoid will definitely kill her.

When Xiaonian went out, he looked up at the city sky. Today was a bright day.

She was wearing loose and casual clothes today. When she was in the Gong Family Castle, she was forced to wear skirts and couldn't walk fast.

Today must be a brand new day.

Shi Xiaonian secretly cheered for herself, and then took the bus to the hospital. Instead of looking for Gong Ou, she registered alone, paid alone, and then entered the gynecology department alone.

There are many patients in the obstetrics and gynecology department, most of whom are women with big bellies, waiting on the chairs in the hall.

Shi Xiaonian found a corner and sat down to wait.

A palace battle drama was playing on the big TV screen in front of her, starring her younger sister, Shi Di.

There were excited discussions from Toki fans all around, discussing Toki's acting skills and the beauty of Toki.

Ocarina of Time is indeed beautiful.

Shi Xiaonian looked at the familiar face on the screen. In fact, she was not ugly. In terms of facial features, she should not be inferior to Shi Di.

It's just that she doesn't have the aura in Shi Di's eyes or the lovable personality.

If she is a grass blooming in the corner, then the flute must be a flower blooming in the full sun, bathed in the sunshine, 100% releasing its own beauty to attract passers-by.

So beautiful, so flamboyant.

Who couldn't love that

How could Mu Qianchu not like it? Before, he just couldn't see.

It's a pity that she didn't understand this before and thought that as long as she got her memory back, Mu Qianchu would still be hers. She was really stupid.

How silly.

"Miss Shi, please come with me." A voice suddenly sounded beside her.

Shi Xiaonian turned her head and saw a face that couldn't be said to be familiar or unfamiliar. She recognized him as Shi Di's manager.

Shi Di is also in the hospital

Shi Xiaonian was a little stunned, stood up and left with her agent.

The agent took her deep into the gynecological corridor, stopped in front of a door at the end, and gestured for her to go in, "Miss Shi Di is waiting for you inside. She just saw you and wants to see you."

Waiting for her at the gynecology department

Shi Xiaonian pushed the door open and walked in. In the empty office, a voluptuous and slender figure stood in front of the window with his back to her. She was wearing a Chanel dress, long curly brown hair, and a sweet and elegant perfume smelling in the air. .

It's Ocarina of Time.

"Xiao Di, why are you here? Are you sick?" Shi Xiaonian said lightly.

Their relationship as sisters has never been good or bad, just indifferent.

Yes, it's indifference.

There has been a lack of communication between them since childhood, and they are not as close as other sisters.

"I'm pregnant, it's Qianchu's."

Shi Di suddenly turned around in front of the window. Under his sunglasses was a face with exquisite makeup, holding a checklist in his hand.



Shi Xiaonian's body suddenly stiffened, without much surprise.

Shi Di and Mu Qianchu were so sweet, getting pregnant... was a matter of time.

"You look very pale." Shi Di took off his sunglasses and looked at her with his big eyes. He suddenly smiled and said sweetly, "Sister, I haven't blamed you for so many years. Now, can you let go? ?”

Her voice was soft and sweet.

Following these words, Shi Di reached out and touched his flat belly.

Mu Qianchu's baby is being gestated there.

Shi Xiaonian looked at it intently, his face pale, and after a few seconds of silence, he responded in a low voice, "Yes."

Of course you have to let go.

She had to let go of the past with Mu Qianchu, no matter how difficult it was.

She had already told Mu Qianchu, but it seemed that he hadn't told Shi Di yet.


Shi Di stood there and looked at her in surprise, very surprised.

Shi Xiaonian actually said huh? No refutation

She also prepared a bunch of words.

Shi Xiaonian knew what she was thinking. After so many years, it was not surprising that he suddenly stopped messing around.

"Now that you have a baby, you should take good care of yourself and be careful at work. If you have any... If you need help from my sister, please ask. Then I'll leave first." Shi Xiaonian said, turning around and leaving.

Step by step.

It was extremely difficult.

She walked towards the door, with the words of Shi Di repeatedly in her ears: I'm pregnant, it's Qianchu's.

What appeared in front of her eyes was the scene of Mu Qianchu holding her hand again and again when she was a teenager.

Time takes away everything and changes everything.

"Sister, I hope you will stop showing one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes." Shi Di's voice suddenly sounded behind her, "I have tolerated you for so many years, and I have endured enough. I love Qianchu, if you come to pester me again, don't Blame me for not thinking about sisterly love."

This seemed to be the first time Shi Di had said such serious words to her.

I really can't stand her enough.

Shi Xiaonian turned her head, looked at her sister, and smiled lightly, "No, I won't pester her anymore, you can rest assured to raise the baby."

After saying that, Shi Xiaonian wanted to leave, but Shi Di spoke again, "Sister, why do you have to pretend like this in front of me? I am the person who knows you best."

Her voice suddenly lost a hint of baby sound.


Shi Xiaonian stood still.

Shi Di threw his sunglasses aside and walked up to her step by step, "My parents always say that you have a sweet temper. I really don't know why you turned into a person who steals your sister's boyfriend. Only I know that you have always been innocent on the surface. He is naturally rebellious and wants to take everything by force, so it’s not like he suddenly changed his personality.”

On the surface, he is innocent, but he is naturally rebellious, and he especially wants to take over everything.

"What do you mean?"

Shi Xiaonian asked.

"My parents adopted you because they had been barren for a long time, but as soon as you arrived, I was born right after you. My parents gave me more love and care, and you tried your best to act like a good daughter, trying to win over your parents. But it’s useless, I am the biological one.” Shi Di said, “Do you think I don’t know how vicious your eyes were in the corner every time my mother hugged me when I was a child?”


Shi Xiaonian looked at her in astonishment.

When I was young, I was jealous of my parents for favoring my sister, but I didn't expect that in Shi Di's eyes, my eyes would become vicious.

People who are ignored don't even have the qualifications to be envious and envious.

"Later, when Qianchu came to our house, you took the initiative to take care of everything for him. Do you think I don't know what your purpose is?" Shi Di sneered.


"You don't care about Qianchu, you just want to possess someone. You want someone to be yours and stay with you. You don't want to be alone!" Shi Di said, "I have read your diary."

She peeked into her sister's diary and was so confident.


Shi Xiaonian stood, her body becoming stiffer.

She couldn't deny Qianchu's incident.

When you are young, who would like a silent blind man

But she was too lonely. Everyone liked Shi Di. She was so lonely that she desperately needed warmth. Mu Qianchu appeared at that time.

She went to take care of Mu Qianchu, she went to please Mu Qianchu, and turned herself into the most important person in his life. She thought that this way, she would no longer be alone.

But in the end, she was abandoned.

Just like my parents, sometimes they just put her aside.

"Maybe God knows that your scheming is not pure, so Qianchu completely forgot about you after the operation. He regained his sight, he regained his normal aesthetics, and he fell in love with me..." Shi Di continued, with pride in his words. .

The scheming is not simple.

Because her original purpose was not that pure, is this her retribution? Deserves to be forgotten.

"Have you said enough?"

Shi Xiaonian couldn't stand listening and turned to leave.

Shi Di suddenly grabbed her wrist from behind, and his long diamond nails dug deeply into her wrist.

"Sister, Mu Qianchu is mine."

Ocarina of Time emphasized.


Shi Xiaonian shook off her hand, looked at the mark on her wrist and said calmly, "You don't need to stress it again and again, it will only show that you are not confident, as if you are not sure of catching Mu Qianchu."

"you… "

Shi Di frowned, but couldn't refute.

She just hated it when Shi Xiaonian said something. She didn't say much, but when she said it, she always hit the point and was extremely hurtful.

Shi Xiaonian opened the door and left. Shi Di's manager was waiting outside.

Seeing the agent, Shi Di suddenly thought of something, and a smile appeared on his face. He walked forward gracefully and said to the agent, "Bring me an invitation."


Shi Di put the delicate gilded invitation directly into Shi Xiaonian's bag.

Shi Xiaonian watched her movements in silence.

"Mu Qianchu and I are getting married at the end of this month. As my sister, you should attend. I don't want the media to say that my family is at odds." Shi Di said with a smile, with a particularly beautiful face.


Shi Xiaonian said nothing and turned to leave.



Double happiness, how wonderful.

It's not just her who's happy.

"Sister, you are so scheming. It doesn't matter if you lose Mu Qianchu. Wouldn't it be better to find a blind man to take care of him every day?" Shi Di's voice came.

Later, Shi Xiaonian heard the manager's contemptuous ridicule, "Then we have to let him have surgery to restore his sight, otherwise his work will be in vain."


In the quiet corridor, the laughter of the two people was extremely harsh.

Shi Xiaonian gritted her teeth and walked forward step by step without looking back. Her steps were not messy at all. She did not let herself show any signs of weakness.

It doesn't matter.

She no longer needs someone to accompany her as much as she did when she was a child.

No matter how lonely and lonely this road is, she can walk it alone.

Shi Xiaonian returned to the door of the gynecology department and continued to wait alone, quietly, with dim eyes without any brilliance.

When the nurse called her, Gong Ou's call suddenly came in.

"Shi Xiaonian, do you dare not to take my words seriously? Where are you?"

Gong Ou growled displeasedly.

Having just met Shi Di, Shi Xiaonian's mind went blank at this moment. She held her phone and said without thinking, "I'm in the hospital."

We were in the same hospital, not in the same building.

"Then why don't you get over here quickly? I'll give you another 30 seconds."

Gong Ou's roar wanted to pierce her eardrums. (To be continued)