CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 34: Cruise three years ago


Damn it.

Forgot about monitoring.

He looked down at the woman in front of him, and when he saw the bitterness in the curve of her lips, his chest suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Does following him make her feel so uncomfortable

"Okay, we won't show it to the security room, just live it to ourselves!"

Gong Ou put down his words arrogantly, lowered his head and kissed her lips again.

This time, Shi Xiaonian did not struggle anymore. She must always remember that there was a shameful contract between them.

Gong Ou kissed her deeper and deeper, hooked her shoulders while kissing, picked her up with both hands, and walked out of the elevator.

This time, he used the princess hug.

He carried her all the way to the newly bought house. The night was still coming, so he was not in a hurry and took his time.

Tianzhigang, a 650-square-meter duplex apartment with high-end luxury.

When the sun illuminated the east, Shi Xiaonian lay awake on the huge round bed. Every breath and every breath was filled with Gong Ou's breath.

This night, she basically didn't sleep well and kept waking up.

For a while, Gong Ou hugged her so hard that she couldn't breathe. For a while, she vaguely thought of the disappearing figure in the corridor. It couldn't be such a coincidence.

She turned her head and looked at the light reflecting on the curtains.

Its daybreak.

When Xiao Nian stood up, Gong Ou held her tightly in his arms, using her as a pillow domineeringly, with her hands and feet tied together, leaving her with no room to move freely.

She really admired the way this man slept.

Shi Xiaonian grabbed his hand, but Gong Ou didn't move at all, still hugging her.

After a while, Shi Xiaonian was so exhausted that she began to push her harder.


Being woken up, Gong Ou closed his eyes, frowned, and his handsome face was full of displeasure.

"Go to the bathroom." She made an excuse, not wanting to anger him.

"I peed so much. Several times a night."

Gong Ou then released his restraint on her and continued to sleep on the soft and comfortable bed.


Seeing him fall asleep again, Shi Xiaonian breathed a sigh of relief, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and walked out of the huge room quietly.

Pushing open the exquisite and gorgeous custom-made lattice door, when Shi Xiaonian walked out, she saw the clothes falling on the ground, scattered all the way, it was her and Gong Ou.

Last night, she was deeply kissed by Gong Ou when she entered the door, and the two of them twisted together all the way.

When she got to the bedroom, she had nothing on her.

Not thinking about the madness last night, Shi Xiaonian picked up her own clothes on the ground and put them on. When she raised her head, she saw the huge hall in front of her.

Last night, she didn't even look at the apartment carefully.

Unlike the prosperous European style of the Imperial Castle, the decoration here is modern, simple but elegant, mainly gold and white, and the crystal decorations everywhere have a feminine softness.

What a big house.

This mansion was actually under her name. When Shi Xiaonian looked around, she suddenly understood why so many women wanted to stick to Gong Ou.

With a flick of his finger, he found a huge duplex apartment in the most expensive community in Asia. How many people could resist such an economic temptation

Shi Xiaonian walked around twice before finding the door. She put on her shoes, and when she opened the door, she saw Feng De and a group of bodyguards standing outside like wooden figures.

"Good morning, Miss Shi." Feng De smiled at her.

You stay at the door early in the morning, don't you need to sleep


Shi Xiaonian lowered his head and responded lightly.

"Is Miss Shi going out?" Feng De asked.

"Oh, I have to go back and pack my things." Shi Xiaonian said.

In fact, she wanted to take advantage of Gong Ou's sleep and quickly go back to take a shower, change into clean clothes, and breathe free air.

"So that's it." Feng De turned sideways and said, "I have already returned the house that Shi Xiaonian rented before. All your things are here. Check to see if there is anything missing."


Shi Xiaonian was stunned, and when she looked outside, she saw a dozen large cardboard boxes placed in the corridor.

Okay, I moved it all to her.

The house has also been evacuated, leaving no way out for her. What else can she say

Shi Xiaonian smiled bitterly, "Move it in and I'll check it out."

The bodyguard immediately carried the cardboard boxes in and placed them one by one in the center of the hall. Shi Xiaonian knelt on the ground to check, while Feng De waited aside, "Miss Shi, how many servants do you need from me?"

"No, I'm not used to many people." Shi Xiaonian refused immediately and tucked a strand of long hair behind her ear.

"But it's a bit difficult for one person to clean such a big apartment, right?" Feng De reminded kindly.

Shi Xiaonian raised her head and looked around. Yes, this place must be ridiculously big. It would be very difficult for her to clean it alone.

"Then I'll find two hourly workers." Shi Xiaonian said.

"I can help."

"Female housekeeper." Shi Xiaonian took out his sketch and said seriously, "Although this is the apartment that Gong Ou bought with money, since I live here, I hope to be able to freely control my own space."

"Okay, Miss Shi."

Feng De had no objection and looked at Shi Xiaonian sorting it out.

The young master's eyes were very poisonous. Shi Xiaonian looked at him as a plain, innocent and good boy, but he was really a rebellious person in his heart. He liked freedom and had a great resistance to restraint.


Shi Xiaonian smiled and thought that she was only staying in this apartment temporarily. When she found evidence to prove her innocence, she would leave.

Speaking of which.

Shi Xiaonian stood up from the ground, holding the drawing and asked Feng De, "Steward Feng, I want to ask you about what happened three years ago, the so-called incident when I climbed into Gong Ou's bed."

Since she couldn't go to the hospital for examination, she had no choice but to get to the bottom of the whole thing.

"Miss Shi still wants to prove her innocence." Feng De smiled and said, "Then you can ask."

"What happened on the first day of the Lunar New Year three years ago?"

Shi Xiaonian asked.

Feng De was silent for a moment and said, "Actually, I don't know the specifics. I only know that that day, the young master attended a celebrity dinner on a super cruise ship called 'Baha'."

"Baha?" Shi Xiaonian was stunned for a moment.

"Miss Shi has any memory?"

"Yes." Shi Xiaonian nodded and hugged the drawing in his hand, "At that time, my college classmates and I went to apply for cruise ship attendants. The celebrity dinner lasted for three full days."

She was impressed by the generous daily wage of 1,000 yuan.

It was the Chinese New Year, so she hurriedly returned to her hometown and then went on a cruise.

"Miss Shi, you finally remembered." Feng De saw hope and continued quickly, "It lasted for three days. The young master was drugged on the first day. I don't know why, that night, a woman entered his room. room, and then..."

Then it’s XXOO.

Shi Xiaonian nodded and motioned for him to continue.

"The young master was so furious that he searched the people on the cruise ship and finally found out that it was you, Miss Shi." Feng De said, "At that time, the young master just punished you slightly and stopped pursuing it."

If it hadn't been found out later that she might be pregnant, the young master probably wouldn't have met her again.

"A slight punishment?" Shi Xiaonian was stunned, suddenly recalling his time in college, and there were some threads coming together.


"So when I was in college, I was penalized for some kind of promiscuous relationship between men and women. Is it your fault?" She remembered.


Feng De acquiesced.

"Is there any mistake? Rumor has spread throughout the school that I have slept with countless men, specifically looking for old men with families. Every teacher maliciously gave me failing grades, causing me to fail. Graduate with dignity!"

Thinking of this, Shi Xiaonian almost went crazy.

It was a very gloomy period in her life, surrounded by rumors. At that time, she had no idea who was harming her. It turned out to be Gong Ou!

This stinky man actually destroyed her once three years ago!

"You are the first one who dares to drug me. This punishment is considered light."

A lazy voice sounded behind her.

It's Gong Ou.

Feng De lowered his head respectfully.

Just when Shi Xiaonian was about to turn around, he was hugged by Gong Ou from behind. He was wearing a bathrobe and exuding the fragrance of men's shower gel. He lowered his head and buried it in her neck, breathing hard, which was extremely ambiguous.

If he had known that she interested him so much, he should have captured her three years ago.

Gong Ou opened his mouth and took a bite on her white and smooth neck.


When Shi Xiaonian was bitten in pain, she reflexively stretched out her hand to cover her neck. Gong Ou bit her finger again, biting gently.

What a mad dog.

Her fingers were bitten so hard that they trembled.

Gong Ou chuckled, "Your fingers are really sensitive."

It shakes when you bite it.


This big pervert, didn’t you see that the housekeeper is still here

Shi Xiaonian turned around and faced him, still holding the drawing in one hand, and said seriously, "Mr. Gong, I now understand the whole story of the incident three years ago, and I think it is necessary to explain it clearly to you."

Gong Ou stared at her with his eyes lowered, his thin lips pursed, his eyes were deep and unpredictable.

After a while, Gong Ou lazily walked to the sofa and sat down, leaning back, with a low and sexy voice, "Say."

Hearing this, Shi Xiaonian quickly put down the sketch, walked up to him and said, "Three years ago, I was indeed on the Baja cruise, but I swear, I never drugged you, let alone climbed into your bed."

Hearing this, Gong Ou sneered, "If you just want to talk nonsense, then stop it."

He believed his search results, not her words.

"What I said is true." Shi Xiaonian said anxiously, "There should be surveillance at that kind of celebrity dinner. Just check and you will know."

Gong Ou sneered again.

"Miss Shi," Feng De said standing aside, "There were many very important people at the dinner that day. Although it was a banquet, there were still many important things to discuss... Therefore, there was no surveillance that night to ensure privacy."

No monitoring.

As Xiao Nian stood there, she suddenly remembered that the applicant officer had indeed told them that they were not allowed to bring mobile phones or any electronic devices on the cruise ship to prevent secret photography and recording.

In other words, no one recorded those three days at all.

"What else can I say?"

Gong Ou looked at Shi Xiaonian, his dark eyes were deep and slightly displeased.

Is she so anxious to prove her innocence so she can leave him

"Then... Then you can't just insist that I was the one who administered the medicine. There were so many people on the cruise that night." Shi Xiaonian asked.

"Miss Shi, we only confirmed that it was you after the most rigorous search. There is no doubt about this."

Feng De said from the side. (To be continued)