CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 50: Shi Xiaonian loses his temper



Did he use the word "compensation"

When Shi Xiaonian looked at Mu Qianchu in front of him, he suddenly felt that he was a little strange.

What she wanted was never his apology or compensation.

But it doesn't matter now.

"It's all over." Shi Xiaonian said calmly, holding the drink bottle in his hand, "Then I'll take a step first, and you can recover well."

She limped forward.

"What's wrong with your feet?" Mu Qianchu noticed that she had difficulty walking, and Yingyu frowned, "You are here to see the doctor, I will go with you."

"No need, I'll just go by myself."

She wanted to have her foot treated. It hurt too much and was worse than she thought.

Mu Qianchu ran a few steps to catch up, "I know the chief physician here. He is very good at treating this kind of disease. I will accompany you..."

"No need really."

Shi Xiaonian refused again, with a decisive tone, cutting off his words abruptly.

Mu Qianchu's hand that wanted to help her suddenly froze in mid-air.

"Thank you for your kindness." Shi Xiaonian said politely and distantly, "You are Shi Di's husband, and I am Shi Di's sister. I have pestered you like that before, which is not good. Don't worry, I will go by myself. Looking for a doctor."


Mu Qianchu looked at her, his lips moved slightly, and he wanted to say something, but no words came out.


Shi Xiaonian said goodbye softly and turned to leave. Suddenly something occurred to her. She turned around and saw Mu Qianchu looking at her with complicated eyes.

She had never seen that look in his eyes before, and she was stunned for a moment.

Mu Qianchu quickly looked away, regained his composure, and looked at her with a smile, "What's wrong?"

Shi Xiaonian looked at him strangely and then said, "I remember you also graduated from University A. Do you know how to find the contact information of your university classmates? Does the school have it?"

"The school keeps information on graduates. Do you want to find someone?" Mu Qianchu asked.

"Yes, I want to find the contact information of a college classmate." Shi Xiaonian nodded and rolled her eyes, wondering if she could get the information by going to school.

Her notoriety is probably still widespread in A University.

The teachers were probably still the same group, and they probably all hated her to the core.

Mu Qianchu saw her embarrassment and said gently, "I'm going back to University A to give a speech in a few days. If you're not in a hurry, why don't you go get it for you? What's the name of your college classmate?"

Hearing this, Shi Xiaonian subconsciously wanted to refuse.

But she wasn't sure if she could get the information, and Gong Ou didn't know if he was deliberately perfunctory and didn't give her a reply... Mu Qianchu might be the fastest way.

"Would it be too much trouble for you?" Shi Xiaonian looked at Mu Qianchu, wanting to be free.

"Little things."

"Then thank you." Shi Xiaonian said, "My classmate's name is Tang Yi, Tang from Tang Dynasty, Yi from Art. I would like to know her contact information."

"Okay, I'll help you get it." Mu Qianchu nodded.

"Thanks, bye."

Shi Xiaonian lowered her head to him, turned and left.

Mu Qianchu looked at her farther and farther back, with a complicated expression on her soft face. After a while, he leaned against the wall beside her.

The walls were cold.

Mu Qianchu leaned against the wall, looking ahead with unfocused eyes, his eyes gradually dimming.

thanks, thanks…

She politely thanked him several times.

In the long corridor of the hospital, Shi Xiaonian walked in pain. Every step she took was like stepping on the tip of a knife. The pain caused sweat to break out on her forehead.


A voice that always sounded like someone being owed money sounded in the corridor, with a sullen voice.

When Xiao Nian raised his head, he saw Gong Ou standing a few meters away, looking fierce and with an unpredictable expression on his face.

Why hasn't he left the hospital yet

She was startled, and Brother Li's beaten face appeared in front of her. She reflexively looked back and saw that there was no one around where Mu Qianchu was standing just now.

"What are you looking at?"

Gong Ou walked to her side and asked angrily.


Shi Xiaonian had a bad attitude towards him.

"What kind of attitude do you have? Don't forget, in our relationship, I am the superior and you are the inferior!" Gong Ou reminded her again.

Shi Xiaonian ignored him and dragged her painful feet forward.

"My feet are swollen like pig's trotters and you're still running!" Gong Ou glared at her fiercely, took a step forward, and easily carried her on his shoulders.

"What are you doing? Put me down."

Shi Xiaonian hung upside down on him, dizzy.

Gong Ou carried her along domineeringly, attracting curious glances from others. Shi Xiaonian tilted her head in disgrace, but Gong Ou carried her on his back openly.

He carried her all the way into the doctor's office.

The doctor and two nurses stood there, looking at Gong Ou tremblingly.

Gong Ou put Shi Xiaonian on the chair and looked at the doctor loftily, "You can show it to her."

"Yes, Mr. Gong, I have prepared all the medicine just now. It's not a big deal to sprain your feet. Let me take a look." The doctor said hurriedly, squatting down in front of Shi Xiaonian and humbly looking at her feet.


When Shi Xiaonian listened, she understood that Bai Guangou had just left to find a doctor, so he would prescribe her medicine first.

The doctor turned her foot, and Shi Xiaonian was sweating in pain, "It hurts, it hurts, doctor, please be gentle."

"Hey! Can you do it?" Gong Ou shouted at the doctor on the ground with a fierce look in his eyes, "Do you believe you can disappear from the medical world today!"

"Yes, yes, my fault, my fault, please be gentle."

The doctor smiled and apologized again and again, and noticed Shi Xiaonian's feet more gently.

Shi Xiaonian sympathized with the doctor who was scolded so much that he endured the pain.

Gong Ou was even more dissatisfied. He raised his foot and wanted to kick the doctor, "Look at how hard she endured it. You are obviously a quack. Find your dean!"

The doctor was so frightened that he was sweating profusely.

"I don't feel pain." Shi Xiaonian couldn't stand it anymore and looked at Gong Ou angrily, "Can't you control your fists and feet? You hit people at every turn."

"Why don't you, a woman, know the truth?" He was doing it for her own good.

"Anyway, I don't need you to beat someone up."

Shi Xiaonian said coldly and turned away.


Gong Ou was angry again. Instead of kicking the doctor, he kicked over the two chairs beside him. His anger had nowhere to release it.

"Uh, miss, try not to touch your feet these days. Just lie down."

As the doctor spoke, he carefully observed the interaction between the two people and showed admiration for Shi Xiaonian. This girl at such a young age actually dared to quarrel with a person like Gong Ou.

It seems that I won the argument.


After bandaging, Shi Xiaonian was carried out of the hospital by Gong Ou directly and domineeringly.

On the way back to Tianzhi Harbor, Shi Xiaonian didn't say another word to Gong Ou, and looked out the window with a cold face, not even looking at him, treating him as nothing.

Seeing this, Gong Ou's chest was filled with fire and he couldn't suppress it.

After getting off the car, Shi Xiaonian opened the door and got out, and was carried by Gong Ou until he reached the door of the apartment.

As soon as they entered the apartment, Gong Ou carried her to the living room and put her on the sofa. Just as he was about to speak, Shi Xiaonian stood up with a cold face, stood on one foot, and jumped towards the study.

Is she a spring and can she still jump

Gong Ou suddenly lost his temper. He grabbed a pillow on the sofa and threw it at the vase. The crystal vase fell to the ground with a sound, and several flower branches fell to the ground in a mess.

Feng De followed from behind, silently stepped forward to pick up the vase, and cleaned up the mess.

"Is Shi Xiaonian going to rebel? Do I want to see how she behaves now?" Gong Ou shouted angrily, "Feng De, pull her out and give her a beating!"

"Master, the contract states that you cannot hit Miss Shi."

Otherwise, it will be deemed as a breach of contract.

"Then drag her out and scold her! You rebelled against her!" Gong Ou was so angry that he kicked the chair and the floor lamp, and the fire in his body had nowhere to go. "Is it possible that she is still waiting for me to admit my mistake to her?"

Just hit someone!

Feng De stood aside, and when he heard this, he couldn't help but sigh, "Master, there is something I don't know whether I should say."


Gong Ou said irritably.

"As far as I know, Miss Shi has very few interpersonal relationships and has always been relatively lonely. Her editor treats her well, so that's why Miss Shi is so angry. She is angry that she has harmed the editor's husband." Feng Depinghe said.

He was basically present during the entire process today, sitting in the passenger seat and watching.


Gong Ou fell silent after hearing this. Her interpersonal relationship was quite poor, and she usually didn't get a call from her all day long.

"And what happened to the young master today..." Feng De observed Gong Ou's face and said in a long voice, "It's a little too much."

Beating a good guy like that for no reason.

"Why are you, old man, turning towards her now?" Gong Ou said dissatisfied, "Gungun, don't get in my way here!"

"Yes. Master."

Feng De said nothing more and stepped back respectfully.

Gong Ou looked in the direction of the study, his thumb crossed his thin lips, his black eyes were deep.

Has he really gone too far today

So what if it's too much? He is Gong Ou, is it possible that he really wants to bow his head? The most he can do is... take the initiative to talk to her first.

Shi Xiaonian was sitting in the study, writing furiously, making the CEO character on the drawing paper as ferocious and ferocious as possible. He was beaten and hiding in a dark corner crying secretly.

As I continued to draw, Xiao Nian felt better.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

There was a loud banging on the door.

"Shi Xiaonian! Come out and make lunch! I didn't even eat breakfast!" Gong Ou shouted while banging on the door.

Who is to blame for not having breakfast

Who pushed her out of the car for no apparent reason, and who beat her to the hospital for no apparent reason


Shi Xiaonian thought angrily, but did not open the door, determined not to make lunch.

"Shi Xiaonian, you'd better read the contract. What's the punishment for not cooking for me?" Gong Ou said loudly.

Punishment for not cooking

Shi Xiaonian opened a drawer and took out the contract. It didn't take long to find it. Gong Ou recognized that cooking was a very important matter. On the third page, it clearly said -

If Party B does not make food for Party A, it is deemed that Party B agrees to be fucked by Party A to the point of being unable to get out of bed.

Shi Xiaonian looked at this clause speechlessly.

This is nothing.

There is no other punishment for this man that he can't think of, and he actually writes about SM.

He is really very ill! (To be continued)