CEO Above, Me Below

Chapter 52: Afraid of dark houses



When Shi Xiaonian opened the curtains, the dazzling sunlight shone over and fell warmly on her body. Outside the window was the unique scenery of Tianzhi Harbor.

It's a brand new day.

Shi Xiaonian stretched and was originally planning to go to the hospital to see Brother Li. Xia Yu understood that her leg was injured and took the initiative to call her to let her rest and draw well.

She skipped towards the study.

The distance from the room to the study is very long.

Since last night, she has discovered that such a large apartment is really not suitable for living alone. There is almost an echo for a person's speech here, and a person's loneliness will be magnified many times.

Shi Xiaonian looked at the empty big house without thinking about it. She sat at the desk and started drawing.

One painting lasts all day.

Time passed quickly and it was already dark before I knew it.

She didn't even eat lunch. After drawing the last frame, Shi Xiaonian touched her empty stomach, stood up and jumped out.

"Bang, bang, bang."

The sound of her jumping around echoed in the empty house, which felt particularly lonely and empty.

When Xiaonian struggled to jump forward, her vision suddenly went dark, and her surroundings suddenly darkened, and she fell into darkness. Her hand holding on to the wall was not steady, and she fell heavily to the ground.

"Ah, it hurts."

Shi Xiaonian's facial features wrinkled together in pain, and she lay on the ground. The pain in her bandaged foot became even worse.

What's going on? Tianzhigang is the best and most expensive community in Asia. Why is there still a power outage

The power should be turned on after a while.

Shi Xiaonian was in so much pain that she didn't want to move, so she lay on the ground waiting for the call.

She was most afraid of dark houses since she was a child.

When she was young, her adoptive parents went on Shi Di's three-day study tour, and she was placed at a relative's house. As a result, her relatives also went out to play and locked her in the house.

That night, there was also a power outage.

She was only 7 years old and spent the whole night in a dark house.

No matter how much she cried or fussed, the lights never came on and no one came to save her.

Later, after Mu Qianchu came to Shi's house, he would definitely accompany her when there was a power outage. He was blind and adapted to the dark, and could walk freely in the dark and take her anywhere, so she gradually became less afraid.

In fact, it is not so much that she is afraid of the dark, but that she is afraid that when darkness comes, she will be the only one left in the room.

And now, it's happening again.

Shi Xiaonian lay on the ground and waited for a while. The surroundings were still dark. In the silent environment, she could only hear the sound of her own heartbeat.

No call yet

Shi Xiaonian had no choice but to stand up from the ground, rubbed her legs, and tried to walk back to the study in the dark, where her cell phone was.

Her vision was terrible in the dark.

Along the way, she bumped into several places, feeling dizzy as she walked along the wall. Suddenly, she saw something dark not far away.


she cried out in fear.

Like a person's shadow, swaying vaguely.

Shi Xiaonian was even more scared. Damn it, Gong Ou, left her alone in such a big house. She wanted to go back to her previous hut.

She stood there shivering, not daring to move.

Suddenly, a cell phone rang, coming from the direction of the study.

Shi Xiaonian trembled with fright, and her heart almost jumped out of her chest. For a long time, the bell kept ringing, which was extremely loud and strange in the quiet and spacious house.


Shi Xiaonian took a few deep breaths before continuing to walk forward. When he approached the black shadow, when he walked in, he realized that the black shadow was just a curved piece of art hanging on a wooden frame.

It scared her to death.

Shi Xiaonian patted her chest, feeling frightened. Regardless of her injured feet, she stopped jumping around and limped into the study in the dark.

The cell phone ringtone is an exclusive ringtone she set for Gong Ou, a piece of music from hell.

She usually used it to complain in her heart that Gong Ou was a devil.

At this moment, I was panicking.

In the study, the only shining place is the mobile phone on the table.

She walked step by step. The ringing of her cell phone stopped, probably for the last time. She arrived at the desk.

The phone vibrated again, and before the ringtone rang immediately, Shi Xiaonian picked up the phone without looking at it, and said angrily, "Do you know how scary it is here? I tell you, I don't want to live here anymore! "

She's leaving.

He left anyway.

"What's wrong with Xiao Nian? What happened?" A man's nervous voice rang on her mobile phone.

Mu Qianchu's voice.

Shi Xiaonian was stunned. She put down her phone and saw the words "Mu Qianchu" displayed on the screen.

This was the first time in so many years that he took the initiative to call her.

Shi Xiaonian looked at the phone blankly until Mu Qianchu's anxious inquiry came from inside, "Xiao Nian, Xiao Nian? What happened?"

Shi Xiaonian looked blankly.

After a while, she put the phone to her ear again, and her tone became calmer, "It's okay, nothing happened."

"No, you sounded scared. Tell me, what happened?"

Mu Qianchu's concerned tone on the phone made her overwhelmed.

She was very scared.

But so what if I'm afraid.

"It's really nothing. I thought it was someone else's call. What can you do? If it's okay, I'll hang up."

Shi Xiaonian said calmly, not wanting to say any more and just hung up the phone.

Before hanging up the phone, she heard Mu Qianchu say, "I'll come find you."

Looking for her

He didn't know where she was.

Disturbed by Mu Qianchu's call, Shi Xiaonian's fearful heart suddenly cooled down. She looked at her phone intently, and Mu Qianchu's call came in again.

She turned off her phone directly.

In the six years after Mu Qianchu's surgery, she was always waiting for him to come to her, waiting for him to be as gentle as before, waiting for him to become numb little by little.

Now, the wait is finally here.

But she has become Gong Ou's woman, and he has become her brother-in-law.

There is no longer any need for such a relationship.

Shi Xiaonian stared at the turned off mobile phone, her nose felt a little sore. She put the mobile phone in her pocket and sat on the chair alone, just like she did when she was 7 years old, preparing to stay up until dawn alone.

In Tianzhigang Community—

A white Porsche drove in quickly and headed straight to Building A.

Mu Qianchu sat in the driver's seat, holding the steering wheel with both hands. When he arrived at the downstairs of Building A, a gray supercar suddenly sped forward and overtook him.

The gray supercar spun suddenly and braked suddenly in front of him.

It's a Koenigsegg.

Mu Qianchu was shocked, and quickly stepped on the brakes. Looking forward, he saw a figure getting out of the car and running towards Building A in a hurry.

Gong Ou

Why is he here

In the dark study room, Shi Xiaonian sat for a long time, until her legs were a little sore.

Suddenly, she thought of something, stood up, moved to the window, and opened the thick curtains.

I saw there were lights outside.

Sure enough, she was the only one with a power outage.

There is no need to say anything. Gong Ou must have cut off her power and water supply during the day. She didn't take it seriously at that time, but now she thinks it was all Gong Ou's doing.

He left so angrily yesterday, how could he let her go so easily.

There is light outside.

Shi Xiaonian looked at the light outside the window and decided to leave the big house. She stood up, endured the pain and limped out.

The house was too big, too empty, and she was not completely familiar with the decorations, so she had another round of bumps and bruises.

That should be the doorway over there.

Shi Xiaonian dragged her painful feet forward with difficulty. Suddenly, there was a "bang bang bang" sound of banging on the door, and the sound came in loud and empty.


what happened

In the darkness, Shi Xiaonian's face turned pale.

The memory suddenly returned to when she was 7 years old, she was alone in a dark room, and a thief came to her door.

She hid under the sofa at a relative's house and watched the two pairs of feet walking from left to right, and from right to left, while the light of the flashlight swayed back and forth.

Is he a thief again

Don't be afraid, she is not seven years old anymore, she can do it, she can do it.

Shi Xiaonian looked for a hiding place with a pale face and stumbled towards the sofa not far away.

There was only a sound of the door being kicked open.

Shi Xiaonian was so frightened that her heart stopped beating. Just as she was about to crawl under the sofa, she heard a frantic male voice, "Shi Xiaonian, you are so cruel! You dare not answer my call and you dare to turn off your phone! What's wrong with your phone?" Who are you talking to during the call? Tell me! Is there another wild man? Otherwise I will kill you today!"

Gong Ou walked in in a hurry, opened his long legs, and the fire in his chest almost exploded.

This woman is so ignorant!

He waited at home for two full days, staring at the phone eight hundred times. It would be fine if she didn't come to beg him, not even a phone call.

He turned off her phone. Feng De said that girls are afraid of the dark, so he called her, but she didn't answer. She was still talking to someone else and turned off her phone... This woman completely lit the fuse of the bomb!

Gong Ou strode in. His vision was still very good in the darkness, and he immediately locked onto the figure frozen on the edge of the sofa.

"Shi Xiaonian, you are dead today!"

Gong Ou rushed forward, grabbed her arm, and then heard a low sob.

His chest shook violently.

Shi Xiaonian's body was stiff and cold, and she was pulled over by him. After hearing his voice, she stopped getting under the sofa.

Fear, terror, and anger all came at her.

She felt like she was 7 years old again, so helpless hiding in the dark, with no one to save her or accompany her.

"You cried?"

Gong Ou stood in front of her, his voice suddenly softened and there was no irritation.

"Did you turn off the electricity? Gong Ou, are you doing this for fun? You want me to die without having to do so many tricks..." Shi Xiaonian choked, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

Her voice was shaking, betraying fear.

It turns out that as Feng De said, girls are all afraid of the dark.

Gong Ou stood in front of her, and the anger in his body suddenly leaked out. He reached out and touched her face. Her face was wet and cold. His fingers slid across her lips, and her soft lips were still trembling.

She pushed his hand away.

Gong Ou frowned displeased and said patiently, "Okay, okay, you women are just pretentious. Why are you afraid of the dark? Stop crying." (To be continued)